Of course you hope that your next boss will be much better. What if he/she is much lousier? Luck of the draw. Bad luck. You didn't examine it thoroughly enough so you had no ... moreOf course you hope that your next boss will be much better. What if he/she is much lousier? Luck of the draw. Bad luck. You didn't examine it thoroughly enough so you had no idea what you were getting into until you were there.
How will he survive without cameras and microphones and internet sites and magazines and newspapers ? Total blackout donjohn. No media no donjohn. No cameras no microphones all ral... moreHow will he survive without cameras and microphones and internet sites and magazines and newspapers ? Total blackout donjohn. No media no donjohn. No cameras no microphones all rallies will be private and no one will ever hear or see anything about you any more. Dead to us for all intents and purposes. Be careful what you wish for. If you get it you will shrivel up like a balloon whose air is let out and you will just lie there and no one will care. Can you live with what you are advocating?
What better way to "take care of" the enemy of the people, right? Incorporate the gun people who are just waiting to be deployed by donjohn to get rid of someone, anyone he says. L... moreWhat better way to "take care of" the enemy of the people, right? Incorporate the gun people who are just waiting to be deployed by donjohn to get rid of someone, anyone he says. Locked and loaded. Loaded for bear. They don't care. They trust donjohn to point them in the right direction which only he knows. It will be exciting times.
Will they wear t-shirts and baseball caps and carry banners and posters that say "the media is the enemy of the people"? Will they hold rallies and protest marches in red sta... moreWill they wear t-shirts and baseball caps and carry banners and posters that say "the media is the enemy of the people"? Will they hold rallies and protest marches in red states about it?
He is he guy who threatened to "kill every f--ing one of you" during phone calls to the Boston Globe referring to its employees. He called them, among other things, an enemy ... moreHe is he guy who threatened to "kill every f--ing one of you" during phone calls to the Boston Globe referring to its employees. He called them, among other things, an enemy of the people being a HUGE fan of donjohn obviously.
That PROVES that your devoted worshippers listen to you. They pay attention to every word you say. They take it to heart because they believe in you almost as much as you believe i... moreThat PROVES that your devoted worshippers listen to you. They pay attention to every word you say. They take it to heart because they believe in you almost as much as you believe in you. So when the slaughters accelerate and these donjohn devotees who massacre those you hate say "you are the enemy of the people" how will you celebrate?
No wonder everything continues to be so screwed up. Changing parts as the "smoot running machine" is running doesn't ever end well. Things get more screwed up not less. SHEESH.
Seems to me when you SUFFER from something you would be the last person on earth to be a PERPETRATOR of it. What is the logic behind it? You can't get back at those who targe... moreSeems to me when you SUFFER from something you would be the last person on earth to be a PERPETRATOR of it. What is the logic behind it? You can't get back at those who targeted you. Why on earth would you target those who had nothing to do with your being victimized?
OF course if you don't you don't dare admit it. All donjohn supporters must always agree with him in all things all the time forever after or he will get you and get you good and y... moreOF course if you don't you don't dare admit it. All donjohn supporters must always agree with him in all things all the time forever after or he will get you and get you good and y'all probably do. Don't you?
I'd ask "what the he** is wrong with them" but I think we know. When the fish head stinks all the fish head adoring worshippers stink too. It's what they do. If ya get my dri... moreI'd ask "what the he** is wrong with them" but I think we know. When the fish head stinks all the fish head adoring worshippers stink too. It's what they do. If ya get my drift. And I believe you do.
What are some other everyday expressions or adages that use the names of foods but do not refer to that food? To increase how interesting this can be, would you please includ... moreWhat are some other everyday expressions or adages that use the names of foods but do not refer to that food? To increase how interesting this can be, would you please include any of them that you know in other languages* too? Thanks!*Please provide the English translation of any foreign-language entries, if you would be so kind. ~
What are some other numerically-based expressions or adages, and to increase how interesting this can be, would you please include any of them that you know in other languag... more What are some other numerically-based expressions or adages, and to increase how interesting this can be, would you please include any of them that you know in other languages* too? Thanks!*Please provide the English translation of any foreign-language entries, if you would be so kind. ~
IMO, they are telling the Trumpsters - 'You better keep the House'.Jonathan Swan www.axios.com/2018-midterm-elections-republicans-preparation-investigations-180abf7b-0... moreIMO, they are telling the Trumpsters - 'You better keep the House'.Jonathan Swan www.axios.com/2018-midterm-elections-republicans-preparation-investigations-180abf7b-0de8-4670-ae8a-2e6da123c584.htmlHere’s House Republicans’ list of all the Trump scandals they’re covering up. It has churned Republican stomachs. Here are some of the probes it predicts:President Trump’s tax returnsTrump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump OrganizationTrump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir PutinThe payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy DanielsJames Comey's firingTrump's firing of U.S. attorneysTrump's proposed transgender ban for the militaryTreasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealingsWhite House staff's personal email useCabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perksDiscussion of classifie... less
Do you have investments that have appreciated since he took office? The NASDAQ composite fund in my IRA is up more than 45 percent since 1/20/17. Am I allowed to be happy about that?
Mine is the 'Archduke Leopold's gallery' I first saw it in Petworth Place UK, which is near me but which I only visited relatively recently. I just fell in love with the pict... moreMine is the 'Archduke Leopold's gallery' I first saw it in Petworth Place UK, which is near me but which I only visited relatively recently. I just fell in love with the picture.. I had someone very special to me whose favourite painting was, 'The fighting Temeraire' - he took me to the National Gallery. London to see it as he loved it so much and wanted me to share his joy regarding the painting.. I am wondering, if other people have favourites?
Yesterday Megan McCain seemed to be inconsolable. She was at one end of the family grouped together. Her mother Cindy was at the other end and seemed to be holding it together fair... moreYesterday Megan McCain seemed to be inconsolable. She was at one end of the family grouped together. Her mother Cindy was at the other end and seemed to be holding it together fairly well. What I wondered was why they weren't standing together so mom could hug her daughter and try to console her? A small thing I guess but odd nevertheless. Are they on the outs? If you were the daughter wouldn't you want to stand by your mom at such a time?
He has a RUSSIAN DISSIDENT as a pallbearer. (That's a big screw you in itself directed at you-know-hoo). He requested that both Barack Obama and George W. Bush give eulogies. Joe B... moreHe has a RUSSIAN DISSIDENT as a pallbearer. (That's a big screw you in itself directed at you-know-hoo). He requested that both Barack Obama and George W. Bush give eulogies. Joe Biden was also asked to give a eulogy which he will today. McCain said he did not want donjohn to attend his funeral. He BANNED don. Might as well have deported him to lalaland. Not being in the spotlight kills the don. What will he do to get it back again? I know. Either start a war, fire his entire staff or go out into the street and shoot someone to prove he can get away with anything. I think he is capable of any/all of those things. Which would YOU choose for him to do to get back the attention he cannot live without? WHY? less