Living in Paradise and moving to Israel? Never been to Israel and I have no experience with it and nothing against it. HOWEVER I have been to Hawaii and it ain't called PARAD... more Living in Paradise and moving to Israel? Never been to Israel and I have no experience with it and nothing against it. HOWEVER I have been to Hawaii and it ain't called PARADISE for nuthin! So has she finally lost all her marbles?
That's what PARTISAN and PARTY UNITY is all about. DESTROY THE ENEMY ANY WAY YOU CAN. Well apparently the media is not the only enemy of the people. Dems are too. So what the... moreThat's what PARTISAN and PARTY UNITY is all about. DESTROY THE ENEMY ANY WAY YOU CAN. Well apparently the media is not the only enemy of the people. Dems are too. So what the Republicans are really doing is honoring their country. Purifying and protecting it from the "sordid elements" of truth, justice, fair play and integrity and compromise. At all costs. Good job they're doing so far. How far will they go with this? As far as they need to and do what they need to protect and preserve the donjohn. SIGH. Yeah we know how noble and just the cause is. We know. less
If they didn't engage in sexually perverted actions against other priests or nuns or children they covered up the acitons of others. Every single one of them? Even the Pope(s)? App... moreIf they didn't engage in sexually perverted actions against other priests or nuns or children they covered up the acitons of others. Every single one of them? Even the Pope(s)? Apparently. More and more we learn about the depth of the evil that the church covered up. How they dare wear the vestments and parrot the words and give sermons and lecture others on behavior is beyond me. Talk about playacting and pretending and masquerading as holy. Well I expect there will be a special place somewhere in the after here where justice will be served upon each one of them. SIGH. Is there any profession that is honorable any more? Politician? HAHA. Cop? HAHA. Doctor? HAHA. Accountant? HAHA. That is not ribald laughter. That is disgust vocalized. :( less
Surprise surprise surprise! All donjohn worshippers are NOT ALIKE. Some wish he'd STOP IT vis a vis trade wars and tariffs and others back him all the way every day no matter what ... moreSurprise surprise surprise! All donjohn worshippers are NOT ALIKE. Some wish he'd STOP IT vis a vis trade wars and tariffs and others back him all the way every day no matter what he does and no matter how what he does hurts them financially. They say he knows what he is doing and he is way smart! Sigh. All donjohn worshippers are not alike. How come?
Being president is not a job for an OLD MAN or an OLD WOMAN. Sorry seniors but you know it's true. The you of today may be still be great but not AS GREAT as when you had energy an... moreBeing president is not a job for an OLD MAN or an OLD WOMAN. Sorry seniors but you know it's true. The you of today may be still be great but not AS GREAT as when you had energy and vitalit and unlimited focus! SIGH. Has America become a country of old men/women? Donjohn/Hillary/Bernie Sanders? That was the best we could do? WHY?
Right now the man who delivers our papers in on a ladder in the front yard trimming our palm tree. My Jim (82) was on the ladder trying to trim it when Alan (our paper delivery per... moreRight now the man who delivers our papers in on a ladder in the front yard trimming our palm tree. My Jim (82) was on the ladder trying to trim it when Alan (our paper delivery person) delivered his last paper. and saw him. I am terrified every time Jim gets on a ladder. Can you imagine how thankful I am right now and how good I feel about the essential goodness of people? What's your feel-good story?
How many victims are there of American Cit izen MURDERERS versus illegal immigrant murderers? Does anyone know? What a phony fake crisis! More nothing to build up into something.
Why won't he allow anyone to read them, review them, see what Kavanaugh was up to in the olden days? What does he have to hide from us about his judicial pick that he KNOWS we won'... moreWhy won't he allow anyone to read them, review them, see what Kavanaugh was up to in the olden days? What does he have to hide from us about his judicial pick that he KNOWS we won't like? Scairdy cat about everything isn't he? Including his shadow too? Sheesh. Cowardly thing to do. Not brave. Not open. Not honest. Not manly. Not Presidential.
The donjohn insulted Ted's Wife. Ted said some very unlovely things about the don. Guess HOO is flying out to stump for TED who is facing a tough re-election? YEP! The donjohn! Did... moreThe donjohn insulted Ted's Wife. Ted said some very unlovely things about the don. Guess HOO is flying out to stump for TED who is facing a tough re-election? YEP! The donjohn! Didja ever(fitb)?
The novel is described as a novel about "Hollywood and its corruptive touch. The American Dream turned into a nightmare. A seedy world of little people, some hopeful some despairin... moreThe novel is described as a novel about "Hollywood and its corruptive touch. The American Dream turned into a nightmare. A seedy world of little people, some hopeful some despairing twisted by their own desires"Washington, D.C. replaces Hollywood and is described to a T and the donjohn who shaped it to conform D.C. and the country to his twisted desire. SIGH. 1939 prophecy?
You'd all dress alike and think alike and prefer the same foods and the same books and the same music and the same cars and the same clothes and the same sports and the same ... moreYou'd all dress alike and think alike and prefer the same foods and the same books and the same music and the same cars and the same clothes and the same sports and the same teams and the same entertainment. No arguing there when everyone thinks/acts/believes everything you do. How long before you would be BORED OUT OF YOUR GOURD? Or would that be your cuppa tea. Whatcha think? Isn't having differences of opinion one of the things that exercises your brain and helps you grow? Yes dear. Yes sir. Yes friend. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. You wouldn't be able to buy a no at any price in a world where there is no difference at all. All people are the same. I dunno about you but that would be a nightmare for me! :) less
Because they bring different perspectives and different experiences to the table. You may be content with consuming the same meal/reading the same book/wearing the same clothes/thi... moreBecause they bring different perspectives and different experiences to the table. You may be content with consuming the same meal/reading the same book/wearing the same clothes/thinking the same thoughts every day every week every month every year for your entire life. I am not. I LIKE DIVERSITY! I am a huge fan of it. I think homogeneity is inadequate because it lacks more than it contributes. So we disagree totally. SO WHAT? Right? SO WHAT? Thank you for your reply.