I remember the breeder and sire/mother of my first pedigree cat.. I remember the breeders of the others, of course but not usually their pedigree. My first pedigree cat... moreI remember the breeder and sire/mother of my first pedigree cat.. I remember the breeders of the others, of course but not usually their pedigree. My first pedigree cat I *bumped into* when I went to meet a lady about a dog! We were looking for our first family dog and we went to meet the breeder.. to my surprise when we got there we were literally invaded by felines.. And I fell in love with the breed... I saw what I felt was THE most handsome feline ever, his name was Rupert! He was stunning! We got the dog... a puppy but I never forgot the cats... and eventually ended up with a kitten too.. The most awesome feline ever. I still remember his daddy's pedigree name. less
And what they said. Wholesale purges? Departures? Who has back besides his devoted bse all of whom are impotent to save him from truth. Stay tuned. More to come. The unraveling of ... moreAnd what they said. Wholesale purges? Departures? Who has back besides his devoted bse all of whom are impotent to save him from truth. Stay tuned. More to come. The unraveling of a president. Good book title?
They speak as if the 2016 election were legitimate. That the super don of john is legitimate. They ignore all the evidence contrary to this misperception and double down. That is t... moreThey speak as if the 2016 election were legitimate. That the super don of john is legitimate. They ignore all the evidence contrary to this misperception and double down. That is the only way they have to cope with reality. The super don of john has seen to that. Where we go from here is unclear. But they will get there on a magic carpet. Won't they?
More dog and pony show in D.C. by orators and rhetorician Republicans. More of the same. You can count on it. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. Oh my gawd. More... moreMore dog and pony show in D.C. by orators and rhetorician Republicans. More of the same. You can count on it. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. Oh my gawd. More of the same? :(
Is it because they think so little of themselves they think that's all they deserve? Embracing and celebrating mediocrity and funky creepy weird odd bizarre stuff is puzzling. SIGH.
It's all they got so they spend 24/7 convincing YOU that it is preferable. Yep. Incomptence and lies is way better than competence and truth! Ya know what is so shattering? Lotsa f... moreIt's all they got so they spend 24/7 convincing YOU that it is preferable. Yep. Incomptence and lies is way better than competence and truth! Ya know what is so shattering? Lotsa folks buy it and support it and defend and get angry when you question them for it. You ask why they settle for so little and they figuratively smack you upside the face. Different strokes.
Person A has 100,000 records/documents covering his/her professional history.Person B has 1,000,000 records/documents covering his/her professional history.Person A submits 99,000 ... morePerson A has 100,000 records/documents covering his/her professional history.Person B has 1,000,000 records/documents covering his/her professional history.Person A submits 99,000 documents or 99% for committee review.Person B submits 100,000 or 10% for committee review Democratic Investigators complain about the lack of documents for Person B and the GOP Committee folks say they have never received more documents for any confirmation.That may be true number wise but percentage wise it is pathetic.So do YOU buy the math they are trying to pass off on ya? You DO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between 99% and 10% don't you? I wonder why the Republicans on the Senate committee investigating Kavanaugh for SCOTUS Justice don't comprehend it. They probably all flunked math. They don't have a grasp or grip on it. SIGH. More incompetent incompetence front and center in all its glory courtesy of bad math teachers?. :( less
Insisting they be partisan and prejudge everything is against what they are supposed to be But what they are supposed to be is not what you want is it? Not what you bargained for. ... moreInsisting they be partisan and prejudge everything is against what they are supposed to be But what they are supposed to be is not what you want is it? Not what you bargained for. You want a fix that's in. Rigged. A sure thing. A slam dunk. SIGH. Of course you do. Any which way it comes you'll take it.
Because it could hurt their chances in the mid-term elections. So let me get this straight super don of john. Republicans are OFF LIMITS right? Including you of course. Right? That... moreBecause it could hurt their chances in the mid-term elections. So let me get this straight super don of john. Republicans are OFF LIMITS right? Including you of course. Right? That is what your ideal AG would do for you and all your little Republican scairdy sycophantic toadies. Sheesh.
They WANT CONSERVATIVE justices who will overturn Roe vs Wade, which is settled law. They WANT JUSTICES who will prejudge everything in conformance with the Conservative playbookis... moreThey WANT CONSERVATIVE justices who will overturn Roe vs Wade, which is settled law. They WANT JUSTICES who will prejudge everything in conformance with the Conservative playbookis. They do not want Just Justices who will honor SETTLED LAW. They want unjust justices who will overturn it. Who is kidding whom here? You don't want anything decided on its merits. You want everything decided according to your religion and your politics and you do not give a rat's a** about right or wrong. Only conforming to script and liturgy and dogma. Whatta crock! :( less
How do people decide on what to name a child or a business or a book or a song? It seems to me that might be the most critical thing to get right. If it doesn't attract people at a... moreHow do people decide on what to name a child or a business or a book or a song? It seems to me that might be the most critical thing to get right. If it doesn't attract people at all then it doesn't matter how splendid it is no one cares to find out.Of course the things folks find appealing or repulsive are different things. There is that. But doesn't it make sense to choose a name that most people would find appealing so they would be receptive to checking it out? How would you go about naming a business or a restaurant or a special dish on the menu or your latest book or song or your child? less
He OBSTRUCTED the right of President Obama to appoint a JUSTICE of the supreme court. OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE that he got away with but will always be guilty of having done. A BLACK... moreHe OBSTRUCTED the right of President Obama to appoint a JUSTICE of the supreme court. OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE that he got away with but will always be guilty of having done. A BLACK MARK on him forever after. So he and his like-minded cohorts (ilk) continue to support obstruction of justice in all forms particularly when it emanates from the donjohn whose obstruction Began even before the day he took office and continues.What is the moral of this story? There is no moral. No integrity. No justice. No fair play. There is only trumpicans doing the bidding of the leader no matter where it takes them. SIGH. CHIEF JUSTICE OBSTRUCTOR Mitch McConnell will go down in history for his defiance malfeasance irrational partisan political devious deviltry. Congrats Mitch! less
When President Obama was SUPPOSED TO APPOINT A JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Mitch McConnell obstructed him and prevented him from doing so. The cockamamie wackadoodle excuse ... moreWhen President Obama was SUPPOSED TO APPOINT A JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Mitch McConnell obstructed him and prevented him from doing so. The cockamamie wackadoodle excuse he gave was that they should wait for the results of the November election and let the people choose who should choose the Justice. Bullsh** rhetoric by obstructors of justice...literally.But they have no problemo letting an unindicted co-conspirator facing many investigations and accusations of criminal and possibly treasonous acitivity including money laundering, conspiracy, collusion, choose whomever he wishes.They opt for a crook's right to do what he wants when he wants how he wants anything and everything individually and collectively. But refuse to let a non-crook do what it is his legal right and what he is entitled to do. Does it make sense? Of course it does to the folks whose world consists only of ALTERNATIVE FACTS, a leader who is quite possibly both a crooked criminal and a traitor. With that they're good. They're fine Th... less
Isn't SCOTUS supposed to be apolitical? Aren't Justices of the Supreme Court SUPPOSED TO BE UNBIASED AND FOLLOW THE RULE OF LAW? If anything is SETTLED LAW shouldn't they defend an... moreIsn't SCOTUS supposed to be apolitical? Aren't Justices of the Supreme Court SUPPOSED TO BE UNBIASED AND FOLLOW THE RULE OF LAW? If anything is SETTLED LAW shouldn't they defend and support it, not abort it?
If you are truly an indenpdent and a loner and a populist and a nationalst why on earth would want to be part of conglomeration of 2 billion or more people? Hermits don't join orga... moreIf you are truly an indenpdent and a loner and a populist and a nationalst why on earth would want to be part of conglomeration of 2 billion or more people? Hermits don't join organizations. Loners don't seek a zillion people.Something is very wacky about it. Don'tcha think?
I wonder if a very extremely unpopular person would request that be done when he dies, his ego being what it is. Have a very very very very very large budget to pay seat sitters to... moreI wonder if a very extremely unpopular person would request that be done when he dies, his ego being what it is. Have a very very very very very large budget to pay seat sitters to fill the church seats and the cemetery ceremony seats and the memorial celebration seats and wherever else the dead person shows up to make it appear that he was mourned by many, beloved by many, and will be missed by many. They could also hire two-bit actors to give eulogies and cry. Not that anyone anywhere would ever need to do that. Right? No one YOU can think of off hand, right? less
Once lost authenticity can never be regained as the same entity it was before you betrayed it. Each time you try to reclaim it there is less of it there. It gets smaller and ... moreOnce lost authenticity can never be regained as the same entity it was before you betrayed it. Each time you try to reclaim it there is less of it there. It gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller till here is nothing left of the person you were once upon a time. What on earth could possibly be worth that? Losing yourself forever?
Some folks always have a chip-on-the-shoulder attitude and are ready and eager to fight. The dirtier the fight the better they like it. That is what drives them to survive. Take aw... moreSome folks always have a chip-on-the-shoulder attitude and are ready and eager to fight. The dirtier the fight the better they like it. That is what drives them to survive. Take away enemies and hostilities and rancor and belligerence and what is left for them but boredom? Impotence. Having no other skills but combative ones what would they do day by day by day by day by day until they died?
"The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. WE ARE MADE OF STAR STUFF".D... more"The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. WE ARE MADE OF STAR STUFF".Decades ago Carl Sagan, astronomer cosmologist astrophysicist astrobiologist did a TV show and wrote a book titled COSMOS. Are you old enough to have seen it? Have you heard of it?
Per Johnny Carson, "a New York minute is the interval between a Manhattan light turning green and the guy behind you honking." Per other sources a New York Minute consists of 58 seconds.
Tanking on purpose. Throwing a game. Taking a dive. Using illegal drugs to "win". Does every sport have cheaters? Every profession have them too. Can you point to any group of peop... moreTanking on purpose. Throwing a game. Taking a dive. Using illegal drugs to "win". Does every sport have cheaters? Every profession have them too. Can you point to any group of people and say "they are all honorable and fair and just and kind"? Anywhere at any time or only in fiction?
Other EVIL words are truth, justice, fair, honorable, caring, loyal, compromise, cooperate, serve the people. They are all BANNED because they cramp the style of you know hoo and h... moreOther EVIL words are truth, justice, fair, honorable, caring, loyal, compromise, cooperate, serve the people. They are all BANNED because they cramp the style of you know hoo and he will not tolerate anyone saying "no you can't". Such a cutie pie.
He has EXTRAVAGANT tastes and only the best will do for him. His peeps absolutely agree and they do not begrudge him a single thing. He wants it. He takes it. They cheer. I wonder ... moreHe has EXTRAVAGANT tastes and only the best will do for him. His peeps absolutely agree and they do not begrudge him a single thing. He wants it. He takes it. They cheer. I wonder if some of them were to end up in the proverbial "POOR HOUSE" because of him would they still stick by him even as they go under?
They APPEAR to be human beings but we all know how deceiving appearances are. They are all programmed to talk alike think alike act alike do alike look alike. You cannot differenti... moreThey APPEAR to be human beings but we all know how deceiving appearances are. They are all programmed to talk alike think alike act alike do alike look alike. You cannot differentiate one from the other. A vast sea of bobbleheads who talk! Is that what progress looks like? Ever see the movie "I Robot"? Remember the scene with the sea of robots? There was one bad apple there. There are many bad seeds among the D.C. robots. Some have been caught and are spilling their guts. I hope.
I had never heard of John Millman. Only Nick Kyrgios. Roger beat Nick in an earlier round and then the dark horse Millman beat Roger! For you folks who don't follow tennis you can'... moreI had never heard of John Millman. Only Nick Kyrgios. Roger beat Nick in an earlier round and then the dark horse Millman beat Roger! For you folks who don't follow tennis you can't possibly understand how big a deal that is! For Roger Federer fans it is shattering. He is 37 years old and so far has won 20 majors. His days are numbered professional tennis-wise because age works against tennis players. Each time he shows up we all wonder if that will be the last time we will have the privilege of seeing him play. One day it will be true. less
Do you use 'em often? In what context? If you don't care why bother to show up?. When you say "it depends" you should include what it depends upon otherwise you leave folks hanging... moreDo you use 'em often? In what context? If you don't care why bother to show up?. When you say "it depends" you should include what it depends upon otherwise you leave folks hanging and dangling. Just my thoughts. Yours?