Just think how much corruption the crooks can get under their belts with carte blance and unlimited power? What a superb advertisement for the joys of being president! Kavanaugh wo... moreJust think how much corruption the crooks can get under their belts with carte blance and unlimited power? What a superb advertisement for the joys of being president! Kavanaugh wouldn't be a trumpican woody?
We the people. Once again. We get shafted. Isn't that the point of power? Screwing everyone who gets in your way or questions you or tries to control you when you are totally out o... moreWe the people. Once again. We get shafted. Isn't that the point of power? Screwing everyone who gets in your way or questions you or tries to control you when you are totally out of control and destroying everything that matters? Why else seek power if not to crush them? Right?
Is there some underground school that educates cops about how to survive murdering unarmed young black men? They seem to do it regularly. Dumb luck or education?
In the middle perhaps. On a good day when the weather cooperates and the sun is shining and all is right with the world and the birds are chirping and wind is gently blowing? I gue... moreIn the middle perhaps. On a good day when the weather cooperates and the sun is shining and all is right with the world and the birds are chirping and wind is gently blowing? I guess it would be a perfect storm of positive to pull it off wouldn't it? A miracle? A happy ending? Better yet a happy beginning of better things to come?
In it you will also read the followingNo man is an island entire of itselfEvery man's death dininishes meNever send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.
President Obama more than alluded to it in his eulogy to Senator McCain. He focused part of his Eulogy on it. I was very moved by it. Though I read the novel and saw the movie year... morePresident Obama more than alluded to it in his eulogy to Senator McCain. He focused part of his Eulogy on it. I was very moved by it. Though I read the novel and saw the movie years ago I appreciated what was said yesterday. A direct quote from the Hero, Robert Jordan, in" For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hemingway."Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today " Jordan also says"The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it".Senator McCain first read the novel when he was 12. I thought that was a rather impressive read for a 12-year-old.Former President Obama also said the followingIt doesn't matter what our blood line is, what we look like, our last names, where our parents/grandparents came from or how recently they arrived What unites us is the belief that all of us are created equal and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights among which are life... less
Did you have a favorite at Aretha's gig? What about at Senator McCain's? Whose speech moved you the most? Of course Meghan's was the most emotional, understandably so but the other... moreDid you have a favorite at Aretha's gig? What about at Senator McCain's? Whose speech moved you the most? Of course Meghan's was the most emotional, understandably so but the others said some mighty fine words about the Senator. Who among them said the finest?Same with Aretha. There were some performers (Ariana Grande for one) and some speakers. Did one appearance stand out for you?
"Whither thou goest I shall go. Whither thou lodgest I shall lodge. Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God"Said by Naomi to Ruth, her beloved mother-in-law in the Bible. ... more"Whither thou goest I shall go. Whither thou lodgest I shall lodge. Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God"Said by Naomi to Ruth, her beloved mother-in-law in the Bible. We find that (most of us) inspirational and admirable.When it is implied/stated by political supporters of a crooked corrupt treasonous politician? It is reprehensible/shameful.
His people are the MINORITY. They go wither he goest. They support whatever he doth do and doth say. They will never change. But they are not the true Americans. They are the trump... moreHis people are the MINORITY. They go wither he goest. They support whatever he doth do and doth say. They will never change. But they are not the true Americans. They are the trumpicans. He doth NOT speak for us or act with our approval. Please remember that.
Some folks carry on a life-long EXTREMELY intense relationship with words. Others are barely ships in the night. A brief glance and then they move on to other things and never once... moreSome folks carry on a life-long EXTREMELY intense relationship with words. Others are barely ships in the night. A brief glance and then they move on to other things and never once look back. Why the contempt disdain no use for words by some while others celebrate them daily?
Whether one takes the religious tack or the scientific tack isn't there a reason for everything? How can anything be without a reason for its being? Whatcha think?
Incredible. Not dictionary definition 1. Dictionary definition 2. 1. So extraordinary as to seem impossible2. Not credible. Hard to believe. Impossible.
If you ARE independent and self-sufficient why would you need a constant barrage of compliments from folks telling you how great you are, how grand you, how precious and genius and... moreIf you ARE independent and self-sufficient why would you need a constant barrage of compliments from folks telling you how great you are, how grand you, how precious and genius and priceless you are? It makes no sense at all. The two extremes in one human being? Something's gotta give, right? What?
You lived with not-so-hot and managed. Then you voted for BETTER and now you are miserable and much worse off. Not everyone of course. The special few that are BETTER OFF with the ... moreYou lived with not-so-hot and managed. Then you voted for BETTER and now you are miserable and much worse off. Not everyone of course. The special few that are BETTER OFF with the despot dictator support him. Some among the supporters may be worse off but they will never admit it. Either they are hopeless optimists or liars. Either way they are the happy ones. The rest are quite depressed. How long can that go on? Is there a shelf life, used by date, throw away by date? The milk smells and very bad and there are green wobbly things in it. Some drink it and think it tastes swell as he**. Other want to throw it out because it has GONE BAD. No accounting for taste is there? less
Does anyone know if there is any BIPARTISAN legislation on deck or at bat RIGHT NOW? Or did Ryan and McConnell slam that door shut, LOCK it when they took over and threw away... moreDoes anyone know if there is any BIPARTISAN legislation on deck or at bat RIGHT NOW? Or did Ryan and McConnell slam that door shut, LOCK it when they took over and threw away the key? Shoddy shameful insulting to those bodies that used to work and are sorely in need of repair. But no one cares. Well, maybe a few do.
What are some other expressions or adages based on time periods, and just to make it interesting, would you please include any of them that you know in other languages* too?... more What are some other expressions or adages based on time periods, and just to make it interesting, would you please include any of them that you know in other languages* too? Thanks!*If you don't mind, please provide the English translation of any foreign-language entries and their meanings. ~
Hello everyone,I'm new on here my name is Ivy but I go by Peaches.I really don't know what else to say I hope I get to meet new people!Sending lots of love,- Peaches