I woke up this morning freaking out. I dreamt we had a full blown riot and shoot out at the prison I work at. I had a tommy gun and a 9mm. I just remember being engaged in several ... moreI woke up this morning freaking out. I dreamt we had a full blown riot and shoot out at the prison I work at. I had a tommy gun and a 9mm. I just remember being engaged in several shootouts with inmates.
Another thing. They both designed their funerals. They had the time and were very specific about the music played, the attendees and the speakers. The last request was honored for ... moreAnother thing. They both designed their funerals. They had the time and were very specific about the music played, the attendees and the speakers. The last request was honored for Aretha in Detroit, Michigan(my hometown is Highland Park, Michigan, a Detroit suburb) on Friday, August 31, 2018. Today is the final ceremony for and celebration of John McCain. Saturday, September 1, 2018 in Washington, D.C.. May they RIP.
There is no spinning/denying/whitewashing/refuting the GREAT SNUB snd HUMILIATION of being banned from a funeral. Everyone says so. Everyone knows so. Everyone thinks so. How does ... moreThere is no spinning/denying/whitewashing/refuting the GREAT SNUB snd HUMILIATION of being banned from a funeral. Everyone says so. Everyone knows so. Everyone thinks so. How does the he who shall not be named punish all of us for our thoughts as well as those he can see attending a place he cannot go? He will get back at them. Some way or another. One day or another. Count on it.
COME TOGETHER to honor the voters who elected them to serve we the people. Why don't they do their jobs and earn their pay and get to work FOR us not against us?
A TORTURE VICTIM, John McCain, argued ardently AGAINST IT. For which he was roundly and profoundly though unsoundly criticized by some in his own party. He never shut up and rolled... moreA TORTURE VICTIM, John McCain, argued ardently AGAINST IT. For which he was roundly and profoundly though unsoundly criticized by some in his own party. He never shut up and rolled over as all the rest of them do. America is the only country where the ignorant make the laws and the knowledgeable have to fight against them. What fools we mortals be..especially in America NOW. SIGH. I guess it's better to be a worldwide laughingstock thanks to donjohn than to be ignored, right folks? Anything to get attention no matter how ludicrous, absurd, ignoble, evil. Carry on. "We'll see what happens". less
I think intermarriage among people results in humans who are multi-dimensional and far more interesting to engage with than the one-level one-idea one-note charlies and charlenes. ... moreI think intermarriage among people results in humans who are multi-dimensional and far more interesting to engage with than the one-level one-idea one-note charlies and charlenes. Bi-racial folks are often more beautiful and more handsome than are the "pure blood pure breeds". We share cultures and traditions and foods and stories versus staying with "your own kind" and looking down on "the other kind". I dunno. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course. To each his/her own. I prefer tapestries and kaleidoscopes and forests. There is an infinite variety in nature. I'm not a fan of potted plants. What do YOU prefer and why? less
What's YOUR complaint and YOUR suggestion? I expect with 60% of the American people disapproving of he who shall not be named the suggestion box would need to be HUGELY ENORM... moreWhat's YOUR complaint and YOUR suggestion? I expect with 60% of the American people disapproving of he who shall not be named the suggestion box would need to be HUGELY ENORMOUS and the complaint department would need to have many employees. At least one employee per state. Maybe one employee per city. So thousands of new jobs would be made available for complaint takers. They would sit at their desks all day long every day taking the complaints of we the people. Maybe an entire building should become the SUGGESTION BOX because there would surely be millions and millions and millions of them. Of course we would also need another department staffed with zillions of people who read those complaints and present them to he who shall not be named. Also daily on every news station (except FOX OF COURSE) the anchors would read the list of new complaints. They might not have any time to report on the daily hijinks of he who shall not be named because there would so many complaints. How bad would THAT be for ... less
If that doesn't provide a clear-cut exposé of the full range of varieties in the lowest common denominator in human personalities, I'll bet nothing would.*I never eat... more If that doesn't provide a clear-cut exposé of the full range of varieties in the lowest common denominator in human personalities, I'll bet nothing would.*I never eat any of those samples, I don't even approach those displays. I avoid them like the plague. ~
I don’t have children. Today I watched my niece and nephew for my sister. They were out of school and she didn’t want to take off. My nephew looks like his dad, but act... moreI don’t have children. Today I watched my niece and nephew for my sister. They were out of school and she didn’t want to take off. My nephew looks like his dad, but acts just like my sister. His attitude and temper is the exact same. His sense of humor and interests are the same. My niece looks like my sister and acts like her dad. She’s always singing, dancing, or doing artsy stuff.
Torn down you can't drive it. It's in pieces. Put together you can. But why does that make it "more"? Or does that quotation men something else entirely?
No parent should ever have to experience burying his/her child. No matter the age. It is abnormal and is not the way things should be. But sometimes it's the way things are. Sadly.
Another day of celebrating the life of John McCain. Also this day in Detroit Aretha Franklin is being celebrated. The organizers did a very classy thing. 1000 tickets were set asid... moreAnother day of celebrating the life of John McCain. Also this day in Detroit Aretha Franklin is being celebrated. The organizers did a very classy thing. 1000 tickets were set aside for the public so they could attend her funeral inside the church. Folks waited in lines for hours to get in and pay their respects. SIGH. May she RIP although I think she's gonna be way too busy singing up there with the heavenly choir.
In order for life to be worth living do you need someone to hate/fear to get you through the day? Can you imagine a world without either? Whom would you be without them?