What the heck? First of all, it’s a connection, which is a noun, not an adjective. Secondly, it’s redundant: a connection IS a link, for crying out loud! If... moreWhat the heck? First of all, it’s a connection, which is a noun, not an adjective. Secondly, it’s redundant: a connection IS a link, for crying out loud! If it were correct, then what would be its opposite, an “unconnectional link”? A “non-connectional link”? A “connectional non-link”? Thirdly, why do so many people try to make themselves seem more intelligent and/or more articulate than they really are by practically raping the English language? Grrrrrrrrr. less
I've not smiled this much in DAYS! :) I've had this song on "repeat" for forever in the last hour or so:"Holiday" The Other Oneslisten to it - - NOW ;)the song is so ti... moreI've not smiled this much in DAYS! :) I've had this song on "repeat" for forever in the last hour or so:"Holiday" The Other Oneslisten to it - - NOW ;)the song is so tight and fun!the instrumentals/instrumental back-ups - - so TIGHT and exciting and fun!Great musicianship all-around to meand the video is so fun -- the travel postcards coming to lifethe group members themselves in the video - - I want to hang around with all of them, they are having a great time and they look like a blast to have as friends.
"Distant lands are not so far away,I don't know why we don't go,Take my hands I'll show the way,Pack your bags and sail away " less
Don't be cautious, don't be kindYou committed, I'm your crimePush my button anytimeYou got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger's mine
Silver dollar, golden flameDirty water, poison rainPerfect murder, take your aimI don't belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name
By the way, you've been uninvited'Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat trying to cop my mannerWatch your back when you can't watch mineCopycat trying to cop my glamourWhy so sad, bunny, you can't have mine?
Call me calloused, call me coldYou're italic, I'm in boldCall me cocky, watch your toneYou better love me, 'cause you're just a clone
By the way, you've been uninvited'Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat trying to cop my…
“About one out of every five or six marriages in the US end in divorce.”Fast-forward six or seven decades later, and the figure has soared to approximately one out of e... more“About one out of every five or six marriages in the US end in divorce.”Fast-forward six or seven decades later, and the figure has soared to approximately one out of every two marriages end in divorce. What do you think the US marriage-to-divorce ratio might be in the year 2080?~
A furiosity envelops them and drives them to a deranged state of gibberish blather and babel.They are incapable of even discussing it. The PAVLOV dog salivates at the sound of the ... moreA furiosity envelops them and drives them to a deranged state of gibberish blather and babel.They are incapable of even discussing it. The PAVLOV dog salivates at the sound of the bell anticipating food. Dumb dog doesn't know any better. It is a learned reaction. What's the excuse of those who salivate at the mention of guns? Obviously they don't know any better either. A LEARNED reaction they were taught by others who salivate 24/7 dripping the saliva over everyone and everything. Icky poo. Yuck.
Dumb don culthead is sure to be made furiouser than he is normally is by this rejection embarrassment. He will not tolerate BEING IGNORED or being PUSHED ASIDE or being THIRD BANAN... moreDumb don culthead is sure to be made furiouser than he is normally is by this rejection embarrassment. He will not tolerate BEING IGNORED or being PUSHED ASIDE or being THIRD BANANA. Watch the fireworks!See how they run.
Yep. Ya got that lowlife Devin Nunes is now part of it. He is a nothing a ciphe the low man on the totem pole which means culthead dumb don wanted everyone involved in this....even... moreYep. Ya got that lowlife Devin Nunes is now part of it. He is a nothing a ciphe the low man on the totem pole which means culthead dumb don wanted everyone involved in this....even the worthless useless Nunes. Bottom feeders and those who come out at night who fear the light. ALL OF THEM eventually ultimately will have gotten their "hands" dirty from this unnecessary MISTAKE on the part of culthead dumb don who is dumber than anyone.Full steam ahead. There are more crumb bums who will be undone by this. Creepy crawley slimy squirmy. All are welcome. SIGH. less
The idiotman put all his eggs in one basket. He is being impeached for his EXTORTION of Ukraine to get dirt on Joe Biden.Here's the delishJoe Biden is not the Dem candidate!So all ... moreThe idiotman put all his eggs in one basket. He is being impeached for his EXTORTION of Ukraine to get dirt on Joe Biden.Here's the delishJoe Biden is not the Dem candidate!So all of this gawdawful punk mug thug idiotic mess was FOR NAUGHT! ALL OF IT!His perfect END OF DAYS. Contemplate the stupid move that brought him down. I love that ending if it does happen to happen. You?
Of course culthead dumbdon wants his way in all things. That's not surprising as that is what all culthead dumb don kings demand expect insist upon.Stacked rigged? Naw. It's just c... moreOf course culthead dumbdon wants his way in all things. That's not surprising as that is what all culthead dumb don kings demand expect insist upon.Stacked rigged? Naw. It's just culthead dumbdon being culthead dumb don. That's his schtick his MO his way of controlling ALL THINGS ALL WAYS ALL THE TIME.Surely Shirley surely you don't begrudge him that do ya? The only way he will ever play is when HE RIGS THE GAME and STACKS THE DECK AND IS THE DEALER. You didn't know that? How stupid dumb are ya?
In 1948 my dad boughtt a TV, brought it home, plugged it in and VOILA! TV. Today you have to program the dam* thing. Same with phones and computers. You have to connect A to B and ... moreIn 1948 my dad boughtt a TV, brought it home, plugged it in and VOILA! TV. Today you have to program the dam* thing. Same with phones and computers. You have to connect A to B and wiggle it a bit so C can fit it. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Keep going at this rate and what happens? I dunno but it's EXASPERATING!Any of you get exasperated with the state of the art of today's technology or are you so brilliant nothing stymies you? SIGH.
Standing back you can see the entirety of a tapestry. Being very close to it you can see the various threads and the weave.Do you need to do both to fully understand what you're lo... moreStanding back you can see the entirety of a tapestry. Being very close to it you can see the various threads and the weave.Do you need to do both to fully understand what you're looking at? Individual tree up close. Entire forest from afar? Which are you most apt to do FIRST?
We "think" we're communicating but we are working on different levels with different tools. Is there any way to reconcile that or is it just something we have to live with forever?
CULT1. A particular system of religious worship especially with references to its rites and ceremonies2. An instance of great veneration of a person, ideal or thing especially as m... moreCULT1. A particular system of religious worship especially with references to its rites and ceremonies2. An instance of great veneration of a person, ideal or thing especially as manifested by a body of admirers3. The object of such devotionSo the dumb don adoring worshippers all belong to the cult. The system is whatever dumb don decreesThe admirers are the rally goers and his devoted defenders we see in glorious rapture when he is present.The dumb don cult is alive and well. I don't know if it is ebbing or flowing but they are out there in the multitudes. I wonder when he will give them the koolaid laced with poison? less
"Of or pertaining to or concerned with POLITICS". Using the word as part of the definition sucks.Anyway here's my point. Some insist POLITICS and LEGAL are separate. They will say ... more"Of or pertaining to or concerned with POLITICS". Using the word as part of the definition sucks.Anyway here's my point. Some insist POLITICS and LEGAL are separate. They will say "that is political" deeming it specious. Calling something "political" is a putdown. I think that's crap.A system of government is based on what? Rules laws regs. So politics is all about what is legal and what isn't it. Insisting they are entirely separate issues is ridikkalus in my opinion.It's a putdown used by Republicans all the time to denigrate any actions or words used by Democrats. "Oh it's just political". Really?Politics is based on rules regs law. Politics is a system of government OK where am I going wrong on this. Before you answer YOU look it up in the dictionary and see what you get out of it. less