Gadzooks his positions were wrong on more than a coupla things way back when. Folks have very long memories about things like that. Are you one of them ? Are con or pro Joe? Why?
For parents who don't give a rat's a ** if their kids get infected they can leave their kids unprotected. The parents who DO give a rat's a** and protect their children from infect... moreFor parents who don't give a rat's a ** if their kids get infected they can leave their kids unprotected. The parents who DO give a rat's a** and protect their children from infection should have no problem. So the antivax kids get Measles and some die. That is the will of their parents who have every right to do that to their children. Right? They own their kids and they raise them any way they want! Whose business is it ?So what's the big deal here? Seriously I don't get it. UNLESS of course even with the vaccination a certain percentage of kids can still get Measles. if true would it be a milder case?Some antivax parents I suppose think they are protecting their kids by preventing them from getting vaccinated. Different strokes. To do or not to do right by your children. Your decision. That right differs from parent to parent and kid to kid I expect. I am and always have been provax for my kid. That doesn't mean you have to be provax for yours. Are ya or are ya not? less
As it happens I guess the prez is gonna go address them. How many billions would it take to bail them out I wonder? Early on in the olden days it allegedly started out as an organi... moreAs it happens I guess the prez is gonna go address them. How many billions would it take to bail them out I wonder? Early on in the olden days it allegedly started out as an organization of gun owners and wasn't a political weapon used to threaten folks to stay in line. Why when or how it changed into what it is today I do not know. So how many gun loving billionaires out there wanna give a $100 million each to save it?
Would the white men of the day have defended the honor of a white woman and BELIEVED HER rather than believe the story told by an African American man about an African American wom... moreWould the white men of the day have defended the honor of a white woman and BELIEVED HER rather than believe the story told by an African American man about an African American woman? I dunno. I'm just asking.So apprently Joe Biden apologized to Anita Hill for his terrible actions during that time. She said it's too little too late. She is right. He is only doing it to "look good" as a prez candidate. I don't buy it . He is still that guy. Only older.
A revulsion of whom you are and what you are? I wonder how often that may apply to suicides? Do they hate themselves so much they believe they do not deserve to live?
There is nothing Manly about holding grudges and spending your complaining about how you are mistreated and maligned and not appreciated and not hailed for the brilliance and great... moreThere is nothing Manly about holding grudges and spending your complaining about how you are mistreated and maligned and not appreciated and not hailed for the brilliance and greatness you are. Men don't usually do that. Only certain strains of females do that. I think Don didn't choose to be what he is. Who does?
Can you imagine billybarrROYCOHN ever telling Dondonjohn NO? How about Sarah Huck? Think she would NO the prez for any reason at any time in any galaxy of any universe? Others too.... moreCan you imagine billybarrROYCOHN ever telling Dondonjohn NO? How about Sarah Huck? Think she would NO the prez for any reason at any time in any galaxy of any universe? Others too. They should all be buried together in one huge pile so they continue being with one another together forever and ever and ever. Heaven for them, right? GOOD RIDDANCE for us! :(
The billybarrROYCOHEN can't kiss the shoes of Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions who had least retained a tiny bit of integrity when he RECUSED himself and when he REFUSED to fire people ... moreThe billybarrROYCOHEN can't kiss the shoes of Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions who had least retained a tiny bit of integrity when he RECUSED himself and when he REFUSED to fire people he was ordered to fire. He said NO. That infuriated Dondonjohn.
Is that OKAY with you? Taking way too long to commit for whatever reason. Make a big entrance. Keep people on the edges of the seats till the big reveal? Isn't that awfully THEATRI... moreIs that OKAY with you? Taking way too long to commit for whatever reason. Make a big entrance. Keep people on the edges of the seats till the big reveal? Isn't that awfully THEATRICAL and DRAMATIC for an allegedly down-to-earth plain-speaking blue collar guy as he is alleged to be? I dunno.
Now he sez it was an attempt to throw him out on his corpulent a**. If true why did all those people testify under oath, some of whom will be in jail or already have served?Did the... moreNow he sez it was an attempt to throw him out on his corpulent a**. If true why did all those people testify under oath, some of whom will be in jail or already have served?Did they all lie? Did they all conspire against him too?How does he account for Hope Hicks (a gal he adored cuz she's hot) finking on him? Is she the enemy too?He has got to get his ducks in a row and DECIDE one way or the other. He can't cherry pick and attack others who testified under oath and make exceptions for hot babes he lusts after and have folks believe him. less
He will go after everyone on his voluminous ENEMIES LIST going back to when he was pimply face adolescent and a girl he asked out turned him down. Every guy who wouldn't let him pl... moreHe will go after everyone on his voluminous ENEMIES LIST going back to when he was pimply face adolescent and a girl he asked out turned him down. Every guy who wouldn't let him play with him. Everyone who said "no" to him. Everyone who ever said "I don't agree with you". He will be very busy getting billybarROYCOHN and all the judges and SCOTUS keeping up with him. The courts will be gridlocked taking care of everyone he VENDETTAS and it will be surely in the millions. He has a great memory for those who done him wrong, ELEPHANT memory.Fun ahead folks if you like courtroom dramas.You see this way there will no time to target WHITE NATIONALIST TERRORISTS who massacree nd slaughter antidons and people of color!. All of them will have n open field to do what they want. Gosh how exciting right? less
We are no longer a country based on the RULE OF LAW and haven't been since the swearing in of that great lawbreaker Dondonjohn in January 2017. All hail the king who has created a ... moreWe are no longer a country based on the RULE OF LAW and haven't been since the swearing in of that great lawbreaker Dondonjohn in January 2017. All hail the king who has created a honeypot for himself. He can go after anyone he wants and the courts will back him up. He owns billybarrROYCOHN. He owns SCOTUS too I guess unless some of the prodons there still have some honor and integrity. But there is no guarantee of that. So if everyplace we used to go to get justice is prodon then what will happen? Every day in every way Dondonjohn will instruct all his toady sycophants of exactly what he expects orders demands wants and he will be happy as a clam at high tide and ORDER THEM to obey and they will. A land with no laws at all. Kinda grim future. All ya gotta do to stay OK with him is do everything he tells you to do without question while simultaneously patting him on the back and kissing his corpulent a**. Sure they will all pretzelize themselves prostrate themselves for him. They dare not not. less
He laid his intentions out there PROUDLY. Said he had been a skinhead for years before he joined the Coast Guard where he became a Lieutenant! On his hit list were Democrats and TV... moreHe laid his intentions out there PROUDLY. Said he had been a skinhead for years before he joined the Coast Guard where he became a Lieutenant! On his hit list were Democrats and TV hosts and others known and unknown. Had he been successful he would have been a DOMESTIC TERRORIST. I don't know what billybarrROYCOHN would have done with him because he is like all WHITE NATIONALISTS a prodon. But he didn't get to execute his plan. All did was build up his storehouse of weapons, talk a lot. Is that criminal?So what should be done with him? We know his intentions. I think odds are pretty good he'll try again. In the meantime between now and then what happens to him? Put him in a Mental Institution for OBSERVATION for the rest of his life? LOCK HIM UP because of his intentions? Watch him and when he does fulfill his goals THEN capture him and deal with him? How many other wackadoodle nutjob weaponized prodons are out there with plans to do likewise or worse? You know this wackadoodle ain't the only one like that... less
Harmony Wisdom Understanding.The mysticality of the number 3. Celebrities die in threes it is said. Religious and secular.Good, Better, Best never let it rest till the good i... moreHarmony Wisdom Understanding.The mysticality of the number 3. Celebrities die in threes it is said. Religious and secular.Good, Better, Best never let it rest till the good is better and the better best.Yes, No, MaybeThe past, the now, the futureBirth, life, deathStrangers, acquaintances, friendsHate, Love, IndifferenceGood, bad, ugly
"SIRENS were dangerous creatures who lured nearby sailors with enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island."They were irresistible. If you h... more"SIRENS were dangerous creatures who lured nearby sailors with enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island."They were irresistible. If you heard them you were doomed.
Wouldja like to have more antidon condons appear on Fox so you can hear what they have to say rather than have to get it filtered distorted skewed by the prodon "journalists"? Or a... moreWouldja like to have more antidon condons appear on Fox so you can hear what they have to say rather than have to get it filtered distorted skewed by the prodon "journalists"? Or are you as furious and enraged as the Dondonjohn that anyone anti him could appear there and not only live to tell about it but score a win?
D'ya think HEADS WILL ROLL? The Dondonjohn thinks of FOX as working for him though in fact he works for them by spewing verbatim what comes out of the mouth of Sean Hannity A... moreD'ya think HEADS WILL ROLL? The Dondonjohn thinks of FOX as working for him though in fact he works for them by spewing verbatim what comes out of the mouth of Sean Hannity Ann Coulter and Dr. Laura. He is a JEALOUS and ENVIOUS that a antidon condon got a forum where he could interact with them. He wanted them to BOO and they didn't. He is so little self-esteem he can't take it so someone is gonna pay for it. That's what yo u get when you have a whinya** insipid inept impotent incoherent prez.
Everything and everyone moves to a certain beat/rhythm/tempo. Even the earth. D'y feel it? Are you one with it or work against it or you don't even know what the he** I'm talking a... moreEverything and everyone moves to a certain beat/rhythm/tempo. Even the earth. D'y feel it? Are you one with it or work against it or you don't even know what the he** I'm talking about?Those that feel the rhythm are the ones most in despair about what those who don't are doing to our planet. Ya got The Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy et al (there are dozens of them) whose members feel the beat, feel the rhythm and feel it dying out as they fear what will come next...the death rattle. Then there is everyone else. They are oblivious to the beat because they are told there is no such thing. And they believe it. Meanwhile the planet is gasping for breath and we can hear the plea for help. And the beat goes on. Some in step and some totally out of it who never were, never will be and don't give a rat's a**. SIGH. less
Ever so gently the TWITTER CEO told the whinya** prez "your lost followers are bots and spam accounts"!Another gift from Putin to the Don. Fake accounts. Robots. Spam. Preten... moreEver so gently the TWITTER CEO told the whinya** prez "your lost followers are bots and spam accounts"!Another gift from Putin to the Don. Fake accounts. Robots. Spam. Pretend. "Alternative reality" homo saps.Think the Don will thank Putin for the fake phony blowup of number of twitter followers? I dunno. Woodju?