He took it upon himself to make that decision so that his mentor honey bun Dondon was cleared of all charges? Seriously? You wouldn't kid me wouldja? He really did the NASTY? Shees... moreHe took it upon himself to make that decision so that his mentor honey bun Dondon was cleared of all charges? Seriously? You wouldn't kid me wouldja? He really did the NASTY? Sheesh. What a surprise!
Stephen is now in charge of immigration and calling all the shots. The Dondon bows down him and kowtows and listen and does what he is told to do by Stephen Miller. Stephen Millier... moreStephen is now in charge of immigration and calling all the shots. The Dondon bows down him and kowtows and listen and does what he is told to do by Stephen Miller. Stephen Millier is only 33 but wise beyond his years. He has gambled hate on becoming great and his gambled paid off! Is everybody happy?
An HONEST prez who follows the rules, is truthful and kind and respectful and WORTHY would be dropped faster than a hot potato. Y'all LOVE him exactly the way he is for what ... moreAn HONEST prez who follows the rules, is truthful and kind and respectful and WORTHY would be dropped faster than a hot potato. Y'all LOVE him exactly the way he is for what he is as it and whom he is. "Don't change a hair for me not if you care for me stay little valentine stay each day is Valentine's Day." How sweet y'all are cuddling together with one another. Carry on. As you were. No salute necessary. You're welcome.
She and her clothing designer husband along with some other parents REFUSED to enter a plea and so they all slapped with indictments and additional charges. Smart move Lori et al. ... moreShe and her clothing designer husband along with some other parents REFUSED to enter a plea and so they all slapped with indictments and additional charges. Smart move Lori et al. Dig in. Play tough. Be stubborn. That's what you usually do when you get away with murder. However this time you just screwed yourselves ROYALLY. Good job! Good show! Whatcha gonna do now that you made things much worse for yourselves? PUNT?
Im paid 18$ /hour , but without all the taxes i pay and a insurance, i only receives like 800 $ per 2 weeks; which littely translate to around 80 $ per day.And i feel its not a lot... moreIm paid 18$ /hour , but without all the taxes i pay and a insurance, i only receives like 800 $ per 2 weeks; which littely translate to around 80 $ per day.And i feel its not a lot . But i accept it nevertheless.
I just trust myself... I know others aren't always gentle persons. For example, i live with my mom, and im obliged to take a medication, even thought i know by myself i have no men... moreI just trust myself... I know others aren't always gentle persons. For example, i live with my mom, and im obliged to take a medication, even thought i know by myself i have no mental problem.But since i live with my mom , i gotta comply. Thats why i dont put my trust in others, who often fails me.
... moreIs CBD Legal? The Legal Status of CBD in 2019
Aaron CadenaFollow
Jan 22, 2018
Important Notice: Please note that this article is republished from our website CBDOrigin.com. For the latest and most current version of this article, as well as to use our “CBD Law Finder” tool, please view this article directly here: https://cbdorigin.com/is-cbd-legal/
Last year (2018) was filled with progress and accomplishments, but as 2019 is now well underway, the big question still remains amongst many individuals: Is CBD legal?
The short answer: Yes, CBD is legal, but… under very specific conditions.
While the legal status of CBD has become more defined with recent reforms, some laws are still unclear and others may still be needed. Combined with misinformation, many may have a very skewed understanding of what’s legal versus what isn’t.
If you’re unsure about the legality of CBD, read our 2019 guide to learn about the latest CBD laws and make sur... less
He is a tough guy. WHITE NATIONALIST supporter. Very tough guy. So what else requires a tough guy that Dondon will turn over to Stephen? He looks like a wimp. I wonder if he is as ... moreHe is a tough guy. WHITE NATIONALIST supporter. Very tough guy. So what else requires a tough guy that Dondon will turn over to Stephen? He looks like a wimp. I wonder if he is as physically "BRAVE" as he be verbally?
As the Attorney General for the people of the country and look out for OUR interests above allORAs the ROYCOHN for Dondon and look for his interests above all?Why?
They say it was becaue he lied to Congress when he said he did not have sex with "that woman" and that "it depends on what is is". Very threatening. Very top secret classified jeop... moreThey say it was becaue he lied to Congress when he said he did not have sex with "that woman" and that "it depends on what is is". Very threatening. Very top secret classified jeopardy for our nation. No wonder the pols then were shaking in their boots and bonded together to SAVE OUR COUNTRY!So now what the Don don is accused of is super tiny itsey bitsy teensy eensy small potatoes compared to the sex, blue dress, cigar and telling congress nothing happened. All of it. Paddidly.Treason. Traitor. Consorting with the enemy. Sabotaging your country giving the enemy classified information.Suborning election meddling by a foreign enemy by saying it never happened because Putin said it never happened and he was firm and I believe him. Innocent as a lamb. Pure as the driven snow. An excellent human being who cannot be improved upon since he is already perfect! So I don't blame y'all for being so ticked off that your boy has been constrained from presidenting as he wished but now with billybarrROYCOHN in charge it will ... less
If he is the boss here (under the thumb of Dondon of course) and can do what he wishes to do then of course he will wish to rescind it completely and COMPLETELY EXONERATE his dearl... moreIf he is the boss here (under the thumb of Dondon of course) and can do what he wishes to do then of course he will wish to rescind it completely and COMPLETELY EXONERATE his dearly beloved Don don. Isn't that why he was appointed and confirmed? To be the billybarrROY COHN and make it all go away?Now what that does to all the folks who said they were guilty as charged and provided evidence and proof and are serving or have served time in jail I have no idea. Will all their histories be wiped clean and no need for pardons since all charges will be dropped and records expunged for everyone? "We'll see what happens". Exciting times ahead. Buckle up. Wear your waterwings and flippers. When the rains come it may never stop. less
He sez he wants to investigate it so he can "get his arms around it" and understand how they went about it. OK. What the he** does that mean? He is going to retrace every step of a... moreHe sez he wants to investigate it so he can "get his arms around it" and understand how they went about it. OK. What the he** does that mean? He is going to retrace every step of all the Mueller Staff for the entire 22 months they were engaged in it? That means every piece of evidence...all documentation..every word from everyone who gave testimony and provided evidence/proof.So then he will conclude it was all done wrong and throw the report out? What is his goal? To justify support substantiate something that will take down and out his benefactor? Seriously? You really believe that? SIGH. As a very famous fame-loving lover sez repeatedly..."we'll see what happens". Right. Your bet on which horse is gonna win? less
He shot to he** all credibility long before. He screwed around and screwed around and lied so often no one cares to even listen any longer. Don't all liars finally lie so much it k... moreHe shot to he** all credibility long before. He screwed around and screwed around and lied so often no one cares to even listen any longer. Don't all liars finally lie so much it kills them? If not literally than sure figuratively?
Or is it remotely possible that William Barr will acquit himself honorably? If he does that how long will he survive the attacks of the Dondon lord and master before he is fired or quits?
If kids do wackadoodle things like that we say "he doesn't know any better". When adults do/say wackadoodle things if we say "he doesn't know any better" does that mean stunted gro... moreIf kids do wackadoodle things like that we say "he doesn't know any better". When adults do/say wackadoodle things if we say "he doesn't know any better" does that mean stunted growth? Forever sophomoric? An adult acting out like a kid is not cute. Unless you're..you know...idolized and then whatever you do/say however wackadoodle it is will always and forever be very cute. SIGH.