Wearing a mask DOES NOT PREVENT YOU FROM KILLING YOURSELF.So attacking someone whose job it is to KEEP YOU ALIVE is illogical. An excuse to murder is all it is.You want to die? Go ... moreWearing a mask DOES NOT PREVENT YOU FROM KILLING YOURSELF.So attacking someone whose job it is to KEEP YOU ALIVE is illogical. An excuse to murder is all it is.You want to die? Go ahead. I won't try to stop you. You don't value life. I do. If you kill yourself it's no skin off my nose. If you don't value life why should I care? I DON'T.So stop whining about losing your freedom by being required to wear a mask.Do you realize what a jack** you are? Just do the deed. Kill yourself and stop whining.
Is it that the "less than bright" are drawn to liars and are more easily convinced by lies than by any truth?They are predictable. Unshakable. CERTAIN.A blessing or a curse?
There is NO MIDDLE. It is EITHER OREITHER FAUX NEWS Yawn Shinnity SUCKER FARLSON speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth or they don't.Those who suckled on it from infancy ... moreThere is NO MIDDLE. It is EITHER OREITHER FAUX NEWS Yawn Shinnity SUCKER FARLSON speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth or they don't.Those who suckled on it from infancy due to their adamant parents and dine on it every day are CERTAIN they are on the side oif GOD! For Atheists who believe that too they are on the side of TRUTH.No wiggle room. No doubt. SURE CERTAIN ABSOLUTE SURE THING NO BRAINER.Then there is the "other side". Did you choose or were you BORN into it?
How do you KNOW what the intention of the speaker sayer writer is?All you "know" is what your brain is capable of comprehending. It may be accurate and it may be way off base. This... moreHow do you KNOW what the intention of the speaker sayer writer is?All you "know" is what your brain is capable of comprehending. It may be accurate and it may be way off base. This is life folks. We talk AT one another without every being CERTAIN that we UNDERSTAND COMPREHEND.Our egos are such that we honestly and truly believe that HOW we interpret something is perforce WHAT IS. BECAUSE if it weren't we wouldn't think it! Circumlocution. CIRCULAR THINKING. Typical.If there were a better way of doing it we would be doing it.Sure. less
They write off or ignore specific passages in the bible that undermine sabotage undercut what they believe in whom they believe. They are CERTAIN about everything all the time. THE... moreThey write off or ignore specific passages in the bible that undermine sabotage undercut what they believe in whom they believe. They are CERTAIN about everything all the time. THEY ARE CERTAIN they are right about everything all the time. They will lecture you and browbeat you and tell that you do not understand when in fact they are the deaf the dumb the blind.Ever it shall be thus. Ho hum. What's new? How's tricks?
When do you STOP TRYING? How long does it take you to realize that you are talking to yourself? It isn't a challenge that you can win. Fighting lost causes. An honorable thing to d... moreWhen do you STOP TRYING? How long does it take you to realize that you are talking to yourself? It isn't a challenge that you can win. Fighting lost causes. An honorable thing to do? I don't know. I don't.
If Mohammed can't go to the mountain the mountain comes to Mohammed? Something like that?Some things are IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. Having the obstinate obdurate adamant absolutely CER... moreIf Mohammed can't go to the mountain the mountain comes to Mohammed? Something like that?Some things are IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. Having the obstinate obdurate adamant absolutely CERTAIN THEY ARE RIGHT hear you at all is wishful thinking. Once a brain "dies" there is no communicating with it. But people try anyway. Why?
Why only 14? There are 24 hours in every day. He could squeeze in a whole bunch more so no one feels left out. He doesn't sleep he watches TV and tweets. Time is getting lesser and... moreWhy only 14? There are 24 hours in every day. He could squeeze in a whole bunch more so no one feels left out. He doesn't sleep he watches TV and tweets. Time is getting lesser and he is getting desperator so he cannot afford to WASTE one second sleeping. He can do that on the job if he gets re-elected just as he has done for 4 years.Three days and counting. Bet he could do 24 a day. Just get bazillions gathered together butt to butt in a huge closed building. at every possible venue..show up for 5 minutes and go on to the next stop.The damage doesn't take long to get done.Say he gets 50,000 per stop. Say thousands follow him around from stop to stop? Say some of them get very ill and die. They will still be able to vote because allegedly it takes anywhere from 2-14 days to get ill once exposed and infected. Just think of it! An entire nation felled by one disease courtesy of a dumb cluck duck. Anyone ever achieve that distinction? less
Why are people CRUEL? Why do some get off on causing extreme pain to others? Sexually frustrated they get off on it? WHAT? WHY?Who was the first to TORTURE someone and enjoy it big... moreWhy are people CRUEL? Why do some get off on causing extreme pain to others? Sexually frustrated they get off on it? WHAT? WHY?Who was the first to TORTURE someone and enjoy it bigly?How many people LUST after torturing others? MILLIONS? BILLIONS?Is adoring torture a communicable disease? Are there groups formed specifically for that? TORTURE MURDER CRUELTY?What manner of monster tortures? What manner of monster is cruel?
You mean not EVERY trial of EVERY drug is successful?You mean that the FAILURE RATE is FAR HIGHER THAN THE SUCCESS RATE?You mean because a duck demands fast tracking the result wil... moreYou mean not EVERY trial of EVERY drug is successful?You mean that the FAILURE RATE is FAR HIGHER THAN THE SUCCESS RATE?You mean because a duck demands fast tracking the result will be REAL GOOD REAL SAFE REAL EFFECTIVE becuase he insists on it?You mean you mean you mean you mean there is NO GUARANTEE FOR ETERNITY THAT ANY DRUG IS A SURE THING??"The chances that a drug makes it to market are 1 in 5000". One of the multiferious stats associated with drugs and trials and results.A crapshoot. RUSSIAN ROULETTE. less
My2Cent:The Thumper drawing I drew in the Bambi picture not look good yet-does not look like how I saw in the Bambi cartoon.Then on computer drawings, it would be much faster & eas... moreMy2Cent:The Thumper drawing I drew in the Bambi picture not look good yet-does not look like how I saw in the Bambi cartoon.Then on computer drawings, it would be much faster & easier if do multiple (different) drawings of the same subject-looking at or copy in the actual Bambi photo ‘from Google’, by what Bambi picture I will do in drawing, - but sure would not leave just as Bambi photo-(Which may be just picked-out from Google Image, & just copied in that You don’t/may not just want).”The mouse that’s connected to my LapTop is having some problem keeping in the command from the mouse button held in as I draw, drag or scroll - do you know of a way to fix this mouse button so that it/I can (perfectly/precisely) draw, drag, scroll, & also-sizing the selection with it?”Then maybe can just try have each/several of the members here each, to list many other drawing requests, usually not just by name, mostly by description-of each requests-to command these to be more drawings in the... less
What would happen if they weren't made braindead by yawn shinnity and sucker farlson and actually heard the TRUTh?What d'ya think? The duck would EXPLODE?
The dumb cluck duck obviously doesn't know that the best things often come in small packages. Bigger morer doesn't mean BETTER.The dumb cluck duck is obviously stuck on big because... moreThe dumb cluck duck obviously doesn't know that the best things often come in small packages. Bigger morer doesn't mean BETTER.The dumb cluck duck is obviously stuck on big because he is so very small in all ways. His body size is the exception. Everything else is minute microscopic invisible.
Allegedly the dumb cluck duck has intervened through his INJUSTICE thug billybarfbarr to force investigators to DROP an investigation that Erdogon the Turkey doesn't want and dumb ... moreAllegedly the dumb cluck duck has intervened through his INJUSTICE thug billybarfbarr to force investigators to DROP an investigation that Erdogon the Turkey doesn't want and dumb cluck the duck wants to please him.Selling us out for a vile despot dictator because he wants us to roll over on something for him and the dumb cluck duck will do anything to please him and has and will and does. UNLAWFUL LIAR. TRAITOR!