Not enough buses available. Did some that were break down? The duck flies off in a plane with no concern about what he left behind. His MO don'tcha know and a big part of why his a... moreNot enough buses available. Did some that were break down? The duck flies off in a plane with no concern about what he left behind. His MO don'tcha know and a big part of why his adoring worshippers adore him so. He ABUSES them and don't give a dam*! They adore him for it. Bigly. FOREVERLY. Everyone says so.
Called her "silly" for being happy and laughing! Really Peggy your handmaiden roots are showing. We thought you were better than that, being so old. But you aren't. Too bad. You co... moreCalled her "silly" for being happy and laughing! Really Peggy your handmaiden roots are showing. We thought you were better than that, being so old. But you aren't. Too bad. You could have been a contender instead of a tacky dumb cluck duck supporter. You lost alot of support from former REPUBLICANS who admired you. They no longer do you. You are just as tacky as all the others.
Put her down.Kamala Harris.Enjoy looking ridikkalus weak stupid spineless and cajones less guys. The dumb cluck does. Why shouldn't you? What ya got ta lose? EVERYONE SAYS SO. Give... morePut her down.Kamala Harris.Enjoy looking ridikkalus weak stupid spineless and cajones less guys. The dumb cluck does. Why shouldn't you? What ya got ta lose? EVERYONE SAYS SO. Give it your BEST SHOT., I DARE YOU!
He says we're rounding the corner. It's no big deal. The press is making it up.Know what we the people do back? Laugh at the imbecile. Mock him. Ridicule him. He is so out of touch... moreHe says we're rounding the corner. It's no big deal. The press is making it up.Know what we the people do back? Laugh at the imbecile. Mock him. Ridicule him. He is so out of touch with the real world. Stupid dumb is what he is.
His ego hate virus rallies are ramped up. Sometimes THREE in one day in different cities. The duck is doing his part to keep those number of new cases RISING BIGLY. Remember for hi... moreHis ego hate virus rallies are ramped up. Sometimes THREE in one day in different cities. The duck is doing his part to keep those number of new cases RISING BIGLY. Remember for him BIGGER IS BETTER.
Are yer rifles and guns cleaned shiny and loaded? Got lots of ammo to take along with you! After all a huge war is gonna take place. Gotta be prepared. Can't run out of ammo. Blood... moreAre yer rifles and guns cleaned shiny and loaded? Got lots of ammo to take along with you! After all a huge war is gonna take place. Gotta be prepared. Can't run out of ammo. Blood will run. OH WHAT FUN!
His track record. Everything with which he has ever been involved he turned into a cesspool. The TRUMP brand worldwide. Count on it. He is so good at it.
All of 'em are vile evil venal. For cryin ou loudt the ones that weren't convicted and jailed like RudyG is filed with his hand down his pants a girl he things is 15 in the same ro... moreAll of 'em are vile evil venal. For cryin ou loudt the ones that weren't convicted and jailed like RudyG is filed with his hand down his pants a girl he things is 15 in the same room with him. Tip of the iceberg. All of them.What will it take to make that city safe? YUCK. ICKY POOH. Dirty old men. Dirty young men. Dirty old women. Dirty young women. Drain the cesspool duck made for himself.
W have a date. I marked it on the calendar. Figured do it now or never. Before the mass holiday crowds flood those places.Where?Bed Bath & BeyondCostcoNo kidding. I'm excited. We u... moreW have a date. I marked it on the calendar. Figured do it now or never. Before the mass holiday crowds flood those places.Where?Bed Bath & BeyondCostcoNo kidding. I'm excited. We used to meander out and about all the time. We have been VERY GOOD and we are VERY HEALTHY by being VERY GOOD.Of course we will mask and social distance. One infraction in 7 months! Hope we don't regret it.What non-essential outing have you done or do you not want to share for fear of getting a lecture?
YadayadayadayadaNo matter what you say/do about what you say/do the "conversation" always is disconnected.Yadayadayada.But....YadayadayadaDid you consider or think about....Yadayad... moreYadayadayadayadaNo matter what you say/do about what you say/do the "conversation" always is disconnected.Yadayadayada.But....YadayadayadaDid you consider or think about....YadayadayadaAre you aware of the latest proof.....YadayadayadaWhy are you here?Yadayadayada
It’s extremely easy to vilify, degrade, badmouth or insult when it comes to discussions about presidents of the United States. How about if it went a different directio... moreIt’s extremely easy to vilify, degrade, badmouth or insult when it comes to discussions about presidents of the United States. How about if it went a different direction? Could you name the ONE US president who either by evidence or merely in your opinion was the most loved or most liked or most respected by the highest majority of US citizens? You might be surprised to learn that even those presidents most remembered fondly in hindsight actually had high percentages of detractors, to include people who hated them vehemently. Some of that negativity had to do with concrete issues and some of it had to do with the man himself. The passage of time and the information that is chosen to be put in history books or recalled by the media has a strange way of being picked and chosen by people who seem to be suffering amnesia. The reason you’re being asked to name only one of them is that there may have been good qualities and bad qualities about many of them, and this would beco... less
He knew he had no chance with Dems but that Republicans could be bought. Early on some attacked him but notice how well they flipped begged played dead rolled over? He knew they wo... moreHe knew he had no chance with Dems but that Republicans could be bought. Early on some attacked him but notice how well they flipped begged played dead rolled over? He knew they would. They always do. So much for politcal "pals".
Do or die. Sink or swim. Jump ship and swim or do with it?Isn't survival the first instinct of everyone? Whether soon or now? Bailing at the very last minute is better than dying f... moreDo or die. Sink or swim. Jump ship and swim or do with it?Isn't survival the first instinct of everyone? Whether soon or now? Bailing at the very last minute is better than dying figuratively or literally. Isn't it?
He continues frantically setting more ego hate virus rallies in town after town after town after town. His middle finger to the virus. Using the bodies of his base to make his case... moreHe continues frantically setting more ego hate virus rallies in town after town after town after town. His middle finger to the virus. Using the bodies of his base to make his case. Gotta admire his bajones. Majones. Pabonas. Cajones. If you can find them.
Men and women and combinations dressed in fatigues carrying LOADED weapons making their presence known in cities and towns to "comfort" you. How swell. White supremacists/militias.... moreMen and women and combinations dressed in fatigues carrying LOADED weapons making their presence known in cities and towns to "comfort" you. How swell. White supremacists/militias. Same thing. White domestic terrorists are the biggest terrorist threat to Americans per our FBI.My oh my.Well the dumb cluck duck did tell them to stand back and STAND BY. They took him at his word. Millions of them? Hundreds of thousands of them? Thousands of them. Hundreds? Dozens? One?They took the dumb cluck duck at his word. They are ready.Meanwhile they meander around with frowns staring people down all around towns.Another fantastic legacy of the dumb cluck duck. What else does he have in store? You do WANT MORE right?One militia 'man" said it was probably likely there could be a civil war in the aftermath of the election. That is what the dumb cluck duck is hoping for, banking on and determined to see done.What country IS THIS? Dumb cluck duckland. What country did it swallow whole? The United States of America. When did the s... less
The "little woman", handmaid to her husband. Obedient quiet servicing him in all his needs. SIGH.That's a problem don'tcha think? The dumb cluck duck is not in the present. Neither... moreThe "little woman", handmaid to her husband. Obedient quiet servicing him in all his needs. SIGH.That's a problem don'tcha think? The dumb cluck duck is not in the present. Neither are his adoring worshippers apparently. How did they go back in time and WHY are they joyful there?
Michigan's Governor Witmer is that person.What kind of wise and extreme stable geniusing goes into that?Also the crowd of course on cue responded with LOCK HER UP. LOCK HER UP. The... moreMichigan's Governor Witmer is that person.What kind of wise and extreme stable geniusing goes into that?Also the crowd of course on cue responded with LOCK HER UP. LOCK HER UP. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer obviously.Why would one LOCK up the target of kidnapping and murder? Anyone out there willing to take that on and make what the dumb cluck duck said palatable and not regurgitatable barfable vomitable? C'mon. Try.
To shorten by cutting off a part. Cut short.The dumb cluck duck TRUNCATES what Joe Biden says and then runs it as if it were TRUTHFUL COMPLETE REAL.You do know that the dumb cluck ... moreTo shorten by cutting off a part. Cut short.The dumb cluck duck TRUNCATES what Joe Biden says and then runs it as if it were TRUTHFUL COMPLETE REAL.You do know that the dumb cluck duck has to do that don't you? Truth is his enemy now, before now and always after now.That is the hallmark of a LOSER who knows he does not have the right stuff to HONESTLY and HONORABLY compete with anyone anywhere at any time.We ought to truncate him...his reign of terrof. Truncate it by votig him out of office by millions and millions of American TRUNCATERS. How's about it? less
Per a reporter about 6,000Per law enforcement and campaign sources about 10,000PER THE DUMB CLUCK DUCK 29,000Pick a number. Any number. Which one do YOU believe is truer?
GOVERNMENTThe political direction and CONTROL exercised over the members, citizens or inhabitants of communities societies and states. The form of system or RULE by which a state o... moreGOVERNMENTThe political direction and CONTROL exercised over the members, citizens or inhabitants of communities societies and states. The form of system or RULE by which a state or community is "governed".The definition of religion doesn't mention POLITICS.The definition of politics doesn't mention RELIGIONHow did they meet and sleep together and become wedded forever? It has polluted and defiled each. T'is a pity. POLITICS USES religion shamefully and RELIGION uses politics SHAMEFULLY in return.Can each ever be purified and made CLEAN and WHOLE and GOOD? less
RELIGIONISM"Excessive or exaggerated religious zeal; affected or pretended."What we have are religionists coming out of our ears and all orifices. Everywhere all the time 24/7.Reli... moreRELIGIONISM"Excessive or exaggerated religious zeal; affected or pretended."What we have are religionists coming out of our ears and all orifices. Everywhere all the time 24/7.Religionists in politics. Religionists supporting particular politicians. Religion is dead. Religionism murdered it.
Here is what I found. Not enlightening just frustratingThe Catholic Church removed 14 books from the Bible Martin Luther removed 7 books from the BibleOver all 75 books were r... moreHere is what I found. Not enlightening just frustratingThe Catholic Church removed 14 books from the Bible Martin Luther removed 7 books from the BibleOver all 75 books were removed from the original BibleWomen were mentioned by name 5.5-8% of the time. Women were not held in high esteem. They were relegated to second class.The political leanings of a bazillion American religions are listed. 7 out of 10 Mormons vote Republican. The most faithful Democrats religionwise are the AFRICAN AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH and the NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENT.How and why does POLITICS rear its UGLY head in religion?One would hope that GOD is apolitical but no. Not nearly so. Nothing is sacrosanct or revered apart from the politics of the "true believer". Bah humbug balderdash and baloney!There will never be separation of church and state. Politics is too powerful and religion is just another tool to use to sell what the politicians demand. Snakes are prevalent within. Slimy toads and other icky things are there within ... less
Homo Sapiens "showed up" 200,000 - 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity of language about 50,000 years ago. So how does that relate to anything?How about the Bible?The Bibl... moreHomo Sapiens "showed up" 200,000 - 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity of language about 50,000 years ago. So how does that relate to anything?How about the Bible?The Bible was written over a span of 1500 years by 40 authors. The OLD TESTAMENT is the original Hebrew Bible and was written at different times between 1200-165 B.C.The NEW TESTAMENT was written in the first century A.D.What does that mean? It means that homo sapiens existed long before the Bible so the Bible does not talk about them. Evil predates Satan and snakes and apples and knowledge. Homo Sapiens lived many thousands of years. What were they like? Which among them were "good" and which among them were not?The nature of homo sapiens is all over the place. Did they evolve from good to bad or was bad always there and just got braver over time?Who was the first liar? Who was the first murderer? Who was the first person to torture? Ever wonder? less
66 MILLION have voted so far in the 2020 electionIn 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular 65,853,514The dumb cluck duck 62,984,828Wonder how many will totally vote by t... more66 MILLION have voted so far in the 2020 electionIn 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular 65,853,514The dumb cluck duck 62,984,828Wonder how many will totally vote by the end of the election day with the red tides tsunaming in every polling location and the watchers watching the watchers watching?A bazillion?
Wild Guess. They don't want to go down with the ship. They want to bail OUT LOUD IN PERSON and not sneak out tail between legs scurrying away in the dark. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. ... moreWild Guess. They don't want to go down with the ship. They want to bail OUT LOUD IN PERSON and not sneak out tail between legs scurrying away in the dark. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. Or shut up and keep on truckin'. It's their funeral.