I don't know how many us citizens DIED on Thursday. But the duck cares about one thing only...him.He talks about one think only. How he is a victim. How he is being screwed. How he... moreI don't know how many us citizens DIED on Thursday. But the duck cares about one thing only...him.He talks about one think only. How he is a victim. How he is being screwed. How he is being spied on. How he is being gypped. He he he me me me.Consistency...the hobgoblin of small minds? A port in a storm. A good thing to have to fall back on?Whine lie complain attack insult threaten.Whine lie complain attack insult threatenWhine lie complain attack insult threaten
Of course getting over it and having it behind us may never occur but if it did have we changed so much there is no going back?If you were a hugger will you resume it or keep your ... moreOf course getting over it and having it behind us may never occur but if it did have we changed so much there is no going back?If you were a hugger will you resume it or keep your distance? Do you even know how much that change might be? Do you even want to go back to being that person? Being very wary of your surroundings and the people is absolutely much different now for me than it every used to be. Suspicious I am. Who is that masked man/woman I see in the market. Does he/she NEVER WEAR A MASK unless forced to do so? I will be extremely cautious because you can't trust anyone to do the right thing. Even when they are forced to do so they refuse. Millions of them. Everywhere. Russian Roulette. Dam*! :( less
*By “official paycheck”, I’m referring to reimbursement for employment in cash or other monetary instrument that you received in an official manner or offi... more
*By “official paycheck”, I’m referring to reimbursement for employment in cash or other monetary instrument that you received in an official manner or official capacity, abe that fell under the auspices of you having a Social Security Account Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, a form W-2 was filed with the Internal Revenue Service on your behalf, Income, Social Security, or Medicare tax was withheld, Income tax would have been withheld, etc.
Reason No. 9 :
The electoral college is mostly empty real estate - And sage brush doesn't vote or pay taxes:
And what it means is that 47% of the turf that both sides fight over a... moreReason No. 9 :
The electoral college is mostly empty real estate - And sage brush doesn't vote or pay taxes:
And what it means is that 47% of the turf that both sides fight over and brag about winning has no one living in it. Worse than faking an orgasm ...
VOTING. No kidding. They are now anti VOTING because the voting isn't going the way they demand so they want to SHUT IT DOWN per the clown dumb cluck duck demands. SHUT IT DOWN. ST... moreVOTING. No kidding. They are now anti VOTING because the voting isn't going the way they demand so they want to SHUT IT DOWN per the clown dumb cluck duck demands. SHUT IT DOWN. STOP THE COUNT.The evil spawn of those murdering SOB'S ARE BACK. How many will they murder to please the dumb cluck duck and his quacks. Stay tuned.
Because we have never had to deal with an insane incumbent who is enabled by toady sycophant lemmings and adoring worshippers.THEY ARE ALL TO BLAME FOR THIS TRAVESTY AND INSULT.Som... moreBecause we have never had to deal with an insane incumbent who is enabled by toady sycophant lemmings and adoring worshippers.THEY ARE ALL TO BLAME FOR THIS TRAVESTY AND INSULT.Some even now are trying to intimidate vote counters maniacally shouting STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNT.The dumb club duck is suing everyone and his brother and sister and mother and ancestors and what will come next. The more he sue the more he think he do. Inka dinka do. The more he sue the more stupid dumb we know he be.ONLY A LOSER would react this way.The duck has been a loser his entire life. Forwardly a loser he will be. Nothing more pathetic than a sore loser unless you see a sore winner which is what the dumb cluck duck has been for 4 years. Pickle fickle nickel sickle. Pick a word any word and it applies to the dumb one. The franticker he gets the ridiculouser he gets. less
Wooden shoe? What else can a dumb cluck do but sue? Flood the courts with lawsuits. Take everything to the Supremes and ORDER THEM TO TAKE THE CASE UP AND RULE FOR HIM. THEY OWE HI... moreWooden shoe? What else can a dumb cluck do but sue? Flood the courts with lawsuits. Take everything to the Supremes and ORDER THEM TO TAKE THE CASE UP AND RULE FOR HIM. THEY OWE HIM AND DAM* STRAIGHT HE EXPECTS TO COLLECT OR ELSE.Sheesh. What a whinya** baby the dumb cluck duck is. Gracious he is not? Thoughtful he ain't got. Kind is not his style. And he is wearing a very big smile. The most beautiful man in the world dies his hair red sprays his bod orange gets his hair plugs..the most beautiful man in the world.....Everyone says so! less
AS the duck goes so goes the base. The adoring worshippers who see him as their everything.They too only exist in the present moment. Have no past recollection of anything an... moreAS the duck goes so goes the base. The adoring worshippers who see him as their everything.They too only exist in the present moment. Have no past recollection of anything and no future expectation of what today will result in tomorrow.A peach of a pair pare pear.
They shout STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNTThe mob tries to break into a polling location COUNTING center. To do what?What idiots they are. Programmed to lie and they h... moreThey shout STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNTThe mob tries to break into a polling location COUNTING center. To do what?What idiots they are. Programmed to lie and they have no idea they are. They do not know the difference between TRUTH and THE BIG FAT due to their BIG FAT guy who programs them 24/7.Know who the fraud is? Guess,
HOw many rich people do you know who hate being wealthy or dislike it or are embarrassed by it or are ashamed of it?On the other hand how many are there like a dumb cluck duck who ... moreHOw many rich people do you know who hate being wealthy or dislike it or are embarrassed by it or are ashamed of it?On the other hand how many are there like a dumb cluck duck who keep bragging about how wealthy how successful how this and how that and how the other they are rich being the most important?I think it is quite naive to believe the wealthy don't adore it enjoy it celebrate it lord it over others.FLAUNT IT.Yes. Quite so. It isn't having money it's loving having money that is evil. We absolutely agree on that.I rest my case. less
Imagine if duck loses. Imagine 68 million PLUS marching on Washington, D.C. armed with loaded weapons to protect the president.Can D.C. handle 68 million people? What about toilets... moreImagine if duck loses. Imagine 68 million PLUS marching on Washington, D.C. armed with loaded weapons to protect the president.Can D.C. handle 68 million people? What about toilets? What about drinking fountains? How far would they extend? To Virginia for sure but all the way down the coast to Florida? Too much for your imaginator is it?
Just wondering if you can pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time.Can you walk and chew gum simultaneously or do you have to take one at a time because you get confused v... moreJust wondering if you can pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time.Can you walk and chew gum simultaneously or do you have to take one at a time because you get confused very easily"It happens. No one is perfect. Everyone has flaws. It cuz we take a pause to reflect. Some have paws and pas too who also serve who only sit and wait.Are you IRATE? The dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers are bigly so. The dumb cluck duck better win OR ELSE he** to pay. Any day now. So far 68 MILLION voted for a duck. All could be armed weaponized loaded for bear waiting for the dog whistle. Think upon that for a moment.They have to be old enough to vote right? Gun people give their 8 year olds kids gun as presents.68 million armed and marching in protest to ensure that the dumb cluck duck is "victorious"? less
They could be disenfranchising themselves or others who voted for the dumb cluck duck. How do they KNOW? They don't. They don't think at all about anything ever. They are simpleton... moreThey could be disenfranchising themselves or others who voted for the dumb cluck duck. How do they KNOW? They don't. They don't think at all about anything ever. They are simpleton simpleminded one-cell living things.That's it folks. That's all there is.
Who else? The dumb cluck duck is a weirdo and attracts weirdos.Scary thing? THERE ARE MILLIONS OF THEM CARRYING LOADED GUNS OUT THERE RIDING SHOTGUN ON THE FATA** dumb cluck duck. ... moreWho else? The dumb cluck duck is a weirdo and attracts weirdos.Scary thing? THERE ARE MILLIONS OF THEM CARRYING LOADED GUNS OUT THERE RIDING SHOTGUN ON THE FATA** dumb cluck duck. They got his back and his head and his knees and his feet and his a**.THREATENING. SCREAMING that the election is being stolen from the duck. LIARS.But they are all braindead and have been programmed by the congenital liar duck to believe that.NO PROOF NO EVIDENCE NO FACTS. They don't need truth. They have the LYING dumb cluck duck who programs their "thinking" device and need nothing else.ARMED with loaded weapons these crackpots might begin shooting. Know what would make it perfect? That they all be drunk as skunks on booze. Why not?. What could it hurt? Everyone says so.Buckle up. Hit the ground. Fingers crossed. PRAY.STOP THE VOTE? What? It stopped Tuesday evening at 8pm. What do they mean STOP THE VOTE? Oh. STOP THE COUNT? Disenfranchise voters? less
Integrity honesty and CERTAIN DEATHorLies dishonesty voting for a g-d DUCK for gawd's sake and we get to live! Seriously? Seriously.Some choice. Gun to head. "SCREW YOU" is what I ... moreIntegrity honesty and CERTAIN DEATHorLies dishonesty voting for a g-d DUCK for gawd's sake and we get to live! Seriously? Seriously.Some choice. Gun to head. "SCREW YOU" is what I said.. BOOM. I'M DEAD.What could it hurt? In a certain period of time. What ya got ta lose? Everyone says so.
Ever had hosts escort you to the door and say they were going to bed and would you please LEAVE? Or worse shut out the lights and go to bed leaving you in the dark?That is essentia... moreEver had hosts escort you to the door and say they were going to bed and would you please LEAVE? Or worse shut out the lights and go to bed leaving you in the dark?That is essentially what is going on now with the dumb cluck duck. Lights are dimming appreciably. Partygoers left the room. Hosts are looking at their watches, rolling their eyes, looking at you wondering why you are so dense that you don't understand you have overstayed your welcome?Duck overstayed his welcome the day he was sworn in.
What they meant was "GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE US RICH"!All the bullsh** they flung in the name of a GOD they blasphemed and mocied with every ridiculous exortation.Many went away due ... moreWhat they meant was "GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE US RICH"!All the bullsh** they flung in the name of a GOD they blasphemed and mocied with every ridiculous exortation.Many went away due to SEX scandals or other SCANDals. Devoted massive audiences they had who lived by every word they said. SHYSTERS. CON ARTISTS. SCAMMERS. Millions bought it.Today? I don't know. Are they any more like the olden days? GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH. GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY. GOD WANTS YOU TO BE HAPPY.The espoused that selfish dame AYN RAND. ME ME ME. I am the most important person. I am the chosen one. I am important. I make my own way and others have to do the same. I do not give a rat's a** about anyone.Me am king. Me ae queen. Me DESERVE to be rich and happy not you.Etcetera etcetera etcetera. The philosophy of SELFISH. The philosophy of "I've got mine and you can go to he**". Warms the heart don't it though? The dumb cluck duck mastered it. SIGH. When will he take the hint and crawl away to stay? less
Blow up the cable network?Sic his dogs on them and murder every one?HOW DARE THEY TELL A TRUTH HE HAS NOT APPROVED?HOW DATE THEY HOW DARE THEY HOW DARE THEY
Republicans decades ago HAD SPINES and MINDS and took their jobs seriously. WORKING FOR THE COUNTRY and not one man.Today the repubbacans are spineless souless heartless witless ha... moreRepublicans decades ago HAD SPINES and MINDS and took their jobs seriously. WORKING FOR THE COUNTRY and not one man.Today the repubbacans are spineless souless heartless witless hapless joyless greedy money hungry hoors.Which means the line no longer exists. Which means what exactly? GOD ONLY KNOWS. My gawd.
Sen Collins did not win 1 poll. But she solidly won re-election.All the toss-ups were supposed to go blue....big blue wave coming. That is did not happen. Sen was suppo... moreSen Collins did not win 1 poll. But she solidly won re-election.All the toss-ups were supposed to go blue....big blue wave coming. That is did not happen. Sen was supposed to go Blue...House was supposed to gain blue seats....Did not happen.
A BIG SHOUTOUT to my Jim who is 85 today. Plays golf and tennis even with a bad back. Hasn't changed a bit since the day we met 23 year ago.Happy Birthday best friendHappy Birthday... moreA BIG SHOUTOUT to my Jim who is 85 today. Plays golf and tennis even with a bad back. Hasn't changed a bit since the day we met 23 year ago.Happy Birthday best friendHappy Birthday to a very fine manApologies to those who mind. It's a free country. I just free speeched. Ever try it? You can survive.
He is VICTIM in all things. Even in winning he is victim.There is no pleasing him. He thrives dotes lust after being victim and whining and complaining and moaning and groaning and... moreHe is VICTIM in all things. Even in winning he is victim.There is no pleasing him. He thrives dotes lust after being victim and whining and complaining and moaning and groaning and kvetching to anyone who will listen to him.If he isn't whining he incites hate and fear and tells lies galone. His life.Would YOU want to be him?
Electoral College votes already RECEIVED 264Electoral College votes needed &nbs... moreElectoral College votes already RECEIVED 264Electoral College votes needed 270The incumbent opponent has 214DO THE MATHHE** hath no fury like a dumb cluck duck scorned rejected See how he reacts to that? See what he does. Hear what he says. Listen to the litany of threats. See how scurry hurry he goes along with his cabal of quacks. How many lawsuits iwll the ambulance chasing lawyers pursue? Numerous numberless deadly irrelevant just to delay delay delay delay.NONE OF ANY SUBSTANCE. ALL ONLY NUISANCE. NO STANDING when they try to ram jam it through SCOTUS.STRIKE 3 YER OUT! less
If you can investigate the investigators for investigating prior investigations why can't you investigate the investigating investigators investigating the investigators investigat... moreIf you can investigate the investigators for investigating prior investigations why can't you investigate the investigating investigators investigating the investigators investigating the investigators? What could it hurt?An endless chain of going backwards to the day mankind began. An unbroken chain of looking backwards being backwards thinking backwards thinking backwards thinking backwards thinking backwards thinking backwards thinking backwards endlessly.What fun going back. There is no forward in backwards people. Only backs. less