FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD. The dumb cluck duck insists upon it.THERE IS NONE. WAS NONE. But his peeps believe him. Thing is there are not enough of them to believe him to re-el... moreFRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD. The dumb cluck duck insists upon it.THERE IS NONE. WAS NONE. But his peeps believe him. Thing is there are not enough of them to believe him to re-elect him.The rest of us are not brainwashed braindead brainless. None of us have been LOBOTOMIZED and so you see reality once again bites him in his fat a**. He can whine and moan and groan and woe is me 24/7. No one cares. He is a LOSER. He is a LIAR. He is an incompetent malcontent useless tyrant wannabe. Pity he? SHEESH.
Why would he limit his supporters to ONE WAY HIS WAY? Why would he not want to accommodate ALL OF THEM?No do over! BAD error. Once again he shoots himself in the foot.
The three he filed.PennsylvaniaGeorgiaMichiganNo merit. Firvolous. No standing. No proof of fraud.Duck will continue on suing. He has no other option. No other avenue. He counts on... moreThe three he filed.PennsylvaniaGeorgiaMichiganNo merit. Firvolous. No standing. No proof of fraud.Duck will continue on suing. He has no other option. No other avenue. He counts on the Supremes to decide in his favor. That otter be real good.
One lawsuit was argued and won. Know which one?The duck ballot watchers whined that they were not closed enough to moniter and they wanted to ge 14 inches closer or so and the judg... moreOne lawsuit was argued and won. Know which one?The duck ballot watchers whined that they were not closed enough to moniter and they wanted to ge 14 inches closer or so and the judge ruled they could. Well that makes sense if true. You can't moniter/watch what you can't see.Otherwise elsewise sidewise any other lawsuit going forward sallying forth?
Where do they go and what do they do? The duck has been their everything for years. They don't breathe without him or "think" without him or make a move without him or say a thing ... moreWhere do they go and what do they do? The duck has been their everything for years. They don't breathe without him or "think" without him or make a move without him or say a thing without him.They can't survive without him or exist without him or want to. They are a lost people looking for another savior OR sticking with the duck to see what he will do and then back him all the way?Millions and millions and millions of FRIGHTENED ANGRY lost souls. All gun people. Uh-oh.
Because there is none. Because it didn't happen.But well you know the drill. CRY RAPE as loud and as often as you can figuratively. Enough gullibles will believe you. They NE... moreBecause there is none. Because it didn't happen.But well you know the drill. CRY RAPE as loud and as often as you can figuratively. Enough gullibles will believe you. They NEVER NEED proof.You know. The usual. Typical.
"I've already won".He doesn't get it. He can't grasp it. EVERYONE IS SICK OF HIS LIES including those who used go along with them. EVERYONE.Will he keep lying and being cut off? On... more"I've already won".He doesn't get it. He can't grasp it. EVERYONE IS SICK OF HIS LIES including those who used go along with them. EVERYONE.Will he keep lying and being cut off? One can only hope.
He sez sez he "The Democrats are STEALING the election".What he means is that the Democrats seem to be WINNING as legal votes are being counted.To cluck duck that is "stealing".Som... moreHe sez sez he "The Democrats are STEALING the election".What he means is that the Democrats seem to be WINNING as legal votes are being counted.To cluck duck that is "stealing".Some Republicans peeps say it ain't so. The dumb cluck duck keeps flappin his yap gibberishly feverishbly inarticulately incoherently.You know. The usual.
They expect to win and when they don't it is never their fault. It is the fault of those who undermine sabotage lie. Really? Imagine that? Anyway that is why they so connect with t... moreThey expect to win and when they don't it is never their fault. It is the fault of those who undermine sabotage lie. Really? Imagine that? Anyway that is why they so connect with the perfect homo saphead....the dumb cluck duck is PERFECT. Ask him. By extension all his adoring worshippers are PERFECT too. Any imperfection(s) exist always and only in "the other". Who is/are/am 'the other"? The not thems.
They are publickly CONTRACDICTING HIM, EMBARRASSING HIM, DISSING HIM, REJECTING HIM.There will be he** to pay.Who will be left to go down with ship? Only rats?
Does independence terrify thee very bigly? Being accountable responsible and autonomous is not your cuppa tea? You need your daddy to tell you what to do when to do it how long and... moreDoes independence terrify thee very bigly? Being accountable responsible and autonomous is not your cuppa tea? You need your daddy to tell you what to do when to do it how long and without that you are helpless and hopeless.Really sad if that is you.
" places where the virus is most rampant now, Trump enjoyed enormous support".Allegedly most are in rural areas in Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Wisconsin.... more" places where the virus is most rampant now, Trump enjoyed enormous support".Allegedly most are in rural areas in Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Wisconsin.You do the crime you do the timeNo escape.
It's OPPOSITE Of course. Defensive offensive apologists justifying rationalizing pretzelizing 24/7.You KNOW it is a lie when the defenders and apologists come out en masse and regi... moreIt's OPPOSITE Of course. Defensive offensive apologists justifying rationalizing pretzelizing 24/7.You KNOW it is a lie when the defenders and apologists come out en masse and regirgotate their scripted replies.A big tell.
They were SCREAMING their fool heads off STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNT.Can you see replications of them everywhere votes are being counted? How many bazillion? All a... moreThey were SCREAMING their fool heads off STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNT STOP THE COUNT.Can you see replications of them everywhere votes are being counted? How many bazillion? All armed waiting to start the murder spree?That will solve all of the dumb cluck duck's massive problems all right. Have a problem shoot it. Attack it. Slay it. Murder it. Shut it up. By any means possible. What the dumb cluck has planned promulgated propagated will come true. His fondest wish.
Does the dumb cluck duck blow his dog whistle or did he already?how many millions of his weaponzied armed angry adoring worshippers are already "AT THE READY" waiting for it waitin... moreDoes the dumb cluck duck blow his dog whistle or did he already?how many millions of his weaponzied armed angry adoring worshippers are already "AT THE READY" waiting for it waiting for it waiting for it?A plan of attack or ad lib?Are you as excited as I am about all of this? Murdering going on everywhere? Bloody streets and dead bodies? Better than any horror movie. Right?Are you a WATCHER too or a doer?
If lawyers keep having their cases rejected as being frivolous and meritless shouldn't they be sanctioned or removed from practicing law? Is there no end to the ambulance chaser sh... moreIf lawyers keep having their cases rejected as being frivolous and meritless shouldn't they be sanctioned or removed from practicing law? Is there no end to the ambulance chaser shyster lawyer who will do anything a client tells him to do including making fools of themselves?One wonders. Any standards at all in the legal profession or does anything go? Sheesh.You'd think the HONORABLE HONEST lawyers would want those who aren't removed from their ranks. Woode shoe?
Can you describe YOUR country in one word?FRIENDLYKINDHELPFULLOGICALCo-operativeDependableThoughtfulTrustworthyOf course it isn't the country it's the people who inhabit it. So wha... moreCan you describe YOUR country in one word?FRIENDLYKINDHELPFULLOGICALCo-operativeDependableThoughtfulTrustworthyOf course it isn't the country it's the people who inhabit it. So what are you and do your fellow citizens share that too?