The dumb cluck duck obviously doesn't know that the best things often come in small packages. Bigger morer doesn't mean BETTER.The dumb cluck duck is obviously stuck on big because... moreThe dumb cluck duck obviously doesn't know that the best things often come in small packages. Bigger morer doesn't mean BETTER.The dumb cluck duck is obviously stuck on big because he is so very small in all ways. His body size is the exception. Everything else is minute microscopic invisible.
Allegedly the dumb cluck duck has intervened through his INJUSTICE thug billybarfbarr to force investigators to DROP an investigation that Erdogon the Turkey doesn't want and dumb ... moreAllegedly the dumb cluck duck has intervened through his INJUSTICE thug billybarfbarr to force investigators to DROP an investigation that Erdogon the Turkey doesn't want and dumb cluck the duck wants to please him.Selling us out for a vile despot dictator because he wants us to roll over on something for him and the dumb cluck duck will do anything to please him and has and will and does. UNLAWFUL LIAR. TRAITOR!
Also known as Second Thessalonians. Also known as the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. Written between 51-52 A.D.Among what is written therein is the following...are the follow... moreAlso known as Second Thessalonians. Also known as the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. Written between 51-52 A.D.Among what is written therein is the following...are the the following."Let no one deceive you in any way for that day (the SECOND COMING OF JESUS) will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the LAWLESS ONE is revealed and destined for destruction. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of GOD declaring himself to be a GOD"Remember the dumb cluck duck said I AM THE CHOSEN ONE."The coming of the lawless one is apparent in the working of Satan who uses all power, signs, LYING wonders and every kind of wicked deception for those who are perishing because THEY REFUSED TO LOVE THE TRUTH AND SO BE SAVED."That means all the dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers who have chosen to follow him.Notice there is no mention whatsoever of an "antichrist". What is central to it is a LAWLESS ONE and LYING.If the shoe... less
With a photo of duck admiring himself looking in a mirror squeezing a zit?Think it could be a big best seller?The "shoveling sh**" I borrowed from an Answermug friend. But "squeezi... moreWith a photo of duck admiring himself looking in a mirror squeezing a zit?Think it could be a big best seller?The "shoveling sh**" I borrowed from an Answermug friend. But "squeezing my zit"? All mine.
Because 545 of the CAGED KENNELED children who were stripped from their parents have been made ORPHANS. Their parents cannot be located. Why? Because the power that bees DID NOT SE... moreBecause 545 of the CAGED KENNELED children who were stripped from their parents have been made ORPHANS. Their parents cannot be located. Why? Because the power that bees DID NOT SET UP A TRACKING SYSTEM.So the pro fetus folks care nary a whit for any bit of it. THEY ARE PRO FETUS PRO FETUS PRO FETUS and anti real live children.I doubt that they realize how loud and clear they are about that. They are not known for being self-aware. More obtuse more oblivious more blind. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer. They pride themselves on being pro life but they are really pro death supporting the death president as absolutely as they do. PRO FETUS folks bond. PRO FETUS folks stick together. PRO FETUS folks are disdainful of any other children but their own kind of ilk. The rest can go to he** or wherever. Not their concern. less
For me it was when he said "you are very low maintenance".Meaning I don't demand insist require expect order or ultimatum. I suppose since I don't like that stuff directed at me I ... moreFor me it was when he said "you are very low maintenance".Meaning I don't demand insist require expect order or ultimatum. I suppose since I don't like that stuff directed at me I don't throw it out.What about you? Are you high maintenance? What about why and how is it working for you?
Every day I see/hear the dumb cluck duck telling the same lies in the same way at the same pitch with the same hands flailing about unrestrained and uncontrolled. It is hugely come... moreEvery day I see/hear the dumb cluck duck telling the same lies in the same way at the same pitch with the same hands flailing about unrestrained and uncontrolled. It is hugely comedic. I see the jampacked crowds cheering him on laughting shouting stomping yelling at the same old script in the same old way every day every every day. Hilariously funny. Like watching an ant farm under pressed glass. Scurrying hurryging here and there and everywhere while trapped.I know that's weird but I don't think I'm alone. Evil is hugely amusing at arm's length. You read about it in books or see on TV or on a movie screen or in the theater on stage.I never saw the movie "THE SHINING" but I'm told it's among the scariest movies ever made.I see clips and I laugh. I mean fer cryin' out loud the look on Jack Nicholson's face? How can you not laugh at his portrayal of a wackadoodle crackpot? Same with the look on the face of his wife. Over the top. Funny as he**.Evil is weirdly hilarious. The characters are caricatures. Who does not... less
Are there things you know about, understand and comprehend you wish you didn't?If knowing/understanding does nothing but cause you worry or hurt what's the point of it? Especially ... moreAre there things you know about, understand and comprehend you wish you didn't?If knowing/understanding does nothing but cause you worry or hurt what's the point of it? Especially if/when there is nothing you can do about it?
The power that be is kicked out of office on his fast a**! Then maybe we will have a chance at "turning the corner'. Never gonna happen if the power that be bees fir 4 more years.
No warsNo tortures or massacres
No diseases/pandemicsNo starvationNo religions or politics
No suffering at all...Ecclesiastes 4:1 "the dead are happier than the living" ..which mea... moreNo warsNo tortures or massacres
No diseases/pandemicsNo starvationNo religions or politics
No suffering at all...Ecclesiastes 4:1 "the dead are happier than the living" ..which means people are happier when they do not exist.
I have been spending all my time at and I finally gave up. The big adventures there are programming glitches and erratic moderation. For example you get a gig if you post... moreI have been spending all my time at and I finally gave up. The big adventures there are programming glitches and erratic moderation. For example you get a gig if you post the same answer when the same question is posted again. They call that "self plagiarism". They don't tell you that, they just send a nastygram telling you to clean up your act. I put up with that disrespect for a while and then ... Well, here I am back again.
The dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers are obtusely obdurately oblivious to what is going on in the REAL world. To be that BESOTTED is beyond imagining for me.BESOTTo intoxicate o... moreThe dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers are obtusely obdurately oblivious to what is going on in the REAL world. To be that BESOTTED is beyond imagining for me.BESOTTo intoxicate or STUPIFY with drinkTo make STUPID or FOOLISHTo infatuate, obsess
Anything but THAT! They are fighting very hard to insure that all ballots ARE NOT COUNTED in timely fashion.WHY?Well they must figger the longer they keep them the more than they d... moreAnything but THAT! They are fighting very hard to insure that all ballots ARE NOT COUNTED in timely fashion.WHY?Well they must figger the longer they keep them the more than they destroy or "doctor" or "lose".Skulduggery. Clevericity?Which will win? The sinner or the sin?
Moscow mitch that son of an itch.NO MORE STIMULUS relief for we the people UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTIONSHOVE A handmaiuden injustice up our a**es BEFORE THE ELECTIONWhat other evil is ... moreMoscow mitch that son of an itch.NO MORE STIMULUS relief for we the people UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTIONSHOVE A handmaiuden injustice up our a**es BEFORE THE ELECTIONWhat other evil is the son of an itch capable of wreaking upon us? Hand in hand they go to he** together forether. The dumb cluck duck and the son of an itch.
Also allegedly Cubano Floridians by far adore the dumb cluck duck. WHY? Are they also kinky braindead souless heartless merciless mercenaries? I don't get it.
KINKYMarked by unconventional sexual preferences or behavior as FETISHISM SADOMASOCHISM or the likeSex is always underlying everything in politics. The dumb cluck duck is VERY KINK... moreKINKYMarked by unconventional sexual preferences or behavior as FETISHISM SADOMASOCHISM or the likeSex is always underlying everything in politics. The dumb cluck duck is VERY KINKY and so are his adoring worshippers who worship the ground he walks on..the air he breathes...the women he rapes assaults insults attacks...not the women but him for doing being what he is and especially for getting away with itKINKY BOOTS
RINKY DINKY KINKY STINKSThat is how they sublimate their pretense in being "religious". By being kinky. Loving kinky. Adoring kinky. Secretly indulging in kinky. Openly applauding kinky. Revering kinky. Kinky hinky stinky pinky thinky dinky finky inky linky winky? less