Take them away to a far off place so we never have to listen to their drivel gibberish garbahge they regurgitate every time they open their mouths. Sheesh. Pigs of a feather oink t... moreTake them away to a far off place so we never have to listen to their drivel gibberish garbahge they regurgitate every time they open their mouths. Sheesh. Pigs of a feather oink together. Barf together. Forever.
Allegedly the dumb cluck duck junior saidBlack Americans have to WANT to be successful!Now I ask you isn't that a most wise and brilliant bit of advice? Of course it is. Just do it.
How many of his recipients will just stop living thanks to him? He is going for broke to leave his imprint on what's left of the population. HIS LEGACY! He will never be forgotten.... moreHow many of his recipients will just stop living thanks to him? He is going for broke to leave his imprint on what's left of the population. HIS LEGACY! He will never be forgotten. ETERNAL AND EVERLASTING. IMMORTALITY! All hail the conqueror! All hail the king. All hail the. All hail. All.
In a PERFECT world the BEHEADER would become the BEHEADEE. Do unto others? Not necessarily. WHAT YOU DO TO OTHERS IS DONE TO YOU.Now if that were to occur IN EVERY CASE and we coul... moreIn a PERFECT world the BEHEADER would become the BEHEADEE. Do unto others? Not necessarily. WHAT YOU DO TO OTHERS IS DONE TO YOU.Now if that were to occur IN EVERY CASE and we could all be ASSURED there would be no exceptions would any SOB become a docile kind gentle person?
Evans City, Pennsylvania, USA -- where most of director George Romero's original 1968 "Night of the Living Dead" was filmed.
I've visited several times. Everyone with whom I i... moreEvans City, Pennsylvania, USA -- where most of director George Romero's original 1968 "Night of the Living Dead" was filmed.
I've visited several times. Everyone with whom I interacted was very friendly.Whether you've been there or not, go watch my favorite movie "Night of the Living Dead" NOW.Though it's always a great time to watch this movie, it's fun to watch during Halloween Week
My dog once attacked a pitbull that was trying to get our cat but when it comes to his food he won't let the cat near it and he will chase her a... moreMy dog once attacked a pitbull that was trying to get our cat but when it comes to his food he won't let the cat near it and he will chase her away. Cheers!
Y'all gotta double down double down double down. Didja know that the dumb cluck duck is TRACKING YOUR VOTES? TAKING NAMES TO MAKE SURE YOUTOE THE LINE? THINK NOT? HE DOES NOT TRUST... moreY'all gotta double down double down double down. Didja know that the dumb cluck duck is TRACKING YOUR VOTES? TAKING NAMES TO MAKE SURE YOUTOE THE LINE? THINK NOT? HE DOES NOT TRUST ANYONE ESPECIALLY Y'ALL. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. You're welcome.
It would be the same as the owner of a very large company giving competitors his trade secrets and cutting off all communication with loyal long-time customers.Who does that? Why do it?
There is a play titled "THE HANDMAID'S TALE" which is about SUBJUGATED WOMEN IN A PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY.Women who obey the men who control them.So it's fair to call the amy dame our ... moreThere is a play titled "THE HANDMAID'S TALE" which is about SUBJUGATED WOMEN IN A PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY.Women who obey the men who control them.So it's fair to call the amy dame our HANDMAID SCOTUS justice. She will be sworn in today and then will be the 6th extreme right-wing conservative out of 9.. She will not pass GO. She will not receive $200. She knows her place having lived it her entire adult life. A handmaid is handy to have around for MEN. For the other women? Doubtful.
Isn't FAMILY supposed to be dependable cheerleaders?Isn't FAMILY on whom one can always depend to give GLOWING LOVING testimonials? When they don't does it get your attention or do... moreIsn't FAMILY supposed to be dependable cheerleaders?Isn't FAMILY on whom one can always depend to give GLOWING LOVING testimonials? When they don't does it get your attention or do you reject it out of hand? Why would a family member LIE especially one who provides FACTS EVIDENCE PROOF? Oh. I see. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. I get it.
What is it exactly that causes ORGINALISTS to believe their interpretation of the Constitution is the correct one? Conceit arrogance and inward thinking. What else?
Around that corner lies increased cases and increased deaths. CERTAIN TRUTH.Once again the head does not SPECIFIY WHICH CORNER AND WHAT IS THERE TO GREET US.Lack of specificity.IN ... moreAround that corner lies increased cases and increased deaths. CERTAIN TRUTH.Once again the head does not SPECIFIY WHICH CORNER AND WHAT IS THERE TO GREET US.Lack of specificity.IN A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME which could be days weeks months years centuries never? All are certain periods of time....never being the MOST CERTAIN among them.
Does being unhappy cause cruelty indifference self-centered obsession? Or does being cruel, indifferent and self-olbsessed the reasons why people are unhappy? Chicken or egg? Which... moreDoes being unhappy cause cruelty indifference self-centered obsession? Or does being cruel, indifferent and self-olbsessed the reasons why people are unhappy? Chicken or egg? Which comes first?
Here's some of the things I read when I GOOGLED it.Being smart has nothing to do with being a good person.Why is it that intelligent animals tend to be more cruel?There is a connec... moreHere's some of the things I read when I GOOGLED it.Being smart has nothing to do with being a good person.Why is it that intelligent animals tend to be more cruel?There is a connection between high IQ and compassionCruelty comes with intelligence and superior cognitive abilities.Gorillas and Orangutans seem to have gentle natures and get along with with one another in general. Chimpanzees are an entirely different story. Chimps have been observed being cruel and calculated toward one another and also have developed social status.British psychologist Christopher Bolles thinks "beneath hatred and hateful behavior lies a profound emptiness. Rage anger hatred is a way of filling that emptiness. It is better to feel sadistic than to not feel at all"New York psychoanalyst Ruth Stein says "terrorists destroy others in order to undo their own profound self-hatred"Children who are treated cruelly grow up to be adults who treat others cruellyPerhaps cruelty is based on all of the above. The fact is that people in power wh... less
Isn't it hate rage fear that cripples the brain and forces it to focus on destroying rather than creating building expanding?A bunch of wiggly unstable emotions is the driver.
WHAT IF there were no mysteries we were unable to unravel?When the great library fire destroyed all the books that contained all the knowledge known up to that time it was a great ... moreWHAT IF there were no mysteries we were unable to unravel?When the great library fire destroyed all the books that contained all the knowledge known up to that time it was a great loss. We cannot know how great but one can imagine.There is much we do not understand that perhaps once upon a long time we did.Can we ever reach that point again? I don't see how. The way homo saps have devolved into emotional creatures driven by hate fear rage.
Our Canadian friend informed me about this.Putrid Putin said that there is no evidence that there was anything criminal about Joe Biden or his son Hunter and Russia WILL WORK WITH ... moreOur Canadian friend informed me about this.Putrid Putin said that there is no evidence that there was anything criminal about Joe Biden or his son Hunter and Russia WILL WORK WITH ANY AMERICAN PRESIDENT!Smackdown slapdown. Now the infamous double down duck is in the spotlight. Dare he attack insult in return or will he simperingly wimper and say/do nothing?Let's wait and see!