Why not say the sb prez is the biggest threat to our democracy we've ever faced. Isn't he?Or the sb prez is the most existential presidential confidential essential deferential res... moreWhy not say the sb prez is the biggest threat to our democracy we've ever faced. Isn't he?Or the sb prez is the most existential presidential confidential essential deferential residential threat. Something that rhymes mebbe even though it makes no sense?How does "existential" describe what the sb prez really is...a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER?
Wonder if the American Nazis (Jews will not replace us) who marched in Charlottesville that the sb prez said had good people among them asked to the fly the SWASTIKA flag? How abou... moreWonder if the American Nazis (Jews will not replace us) who marched in Charlottesville that the sb prez said had good people among them asked to the fly the SWASTIKA flag? How about the Confederate Flag? I betcha all racist flags are welcome. Just ask.So there are Muslims, immigrants, women, Democrats, all people of color. Did I forget any group that the sb prez loves to revile smack attack? All who despise him too of course. Lotsa folks he don't like no way no how no time.
ALLEGEDLY the sb prez has instructed all his staff to deny that any polls show him trailing any one especially Biden. To "quote" other polls that show him winning in every potentia... moreALLEGEDLY the sb prez has instructed all his staff to deny that any polls show him trailing any one especially Biden. To "quote" other polls that show him winning in every potential contest.. What polls? Just make them up. Pull them out of their a **es. The base will believe whatever they say and they are the only ones who count.DENY LIE 24/7! DENY LIE 24/7. DENY LIE 24/7.How much intelligence does it take to do that? Exactly. None. Which is why anyone who works for the sb prez and survives is qualified for that job! less
D'ya no know? If so Ain't that RICH? Corruption exists in every corner of the sb prez cabinet. Vile criminals all of them not the least of which is that awesome superduper homo sap... moreD'ya no know? If so Ain't that RICH? Corruption exists in every corner of the sb prez cabinet. Vile criminals all of them not the least of which is that awesome superduper homo sap the son of a mitch! You wouldn't expect anything less of a dutiful little wife wouldja?
What if everytone everyone adored and worshipped him and obeyed him and sucked up to him and brown nosed him and overwhelmed him with compliments 24/7? How would he survive that? A... moreWhat if everytone everyone adored and worshipped him and obeyed him and sucked up to him and brown nosed him and overwhelmed him with compliments 24/7? How would he survive that? About whom would he rant and rave? At whom would he rage? Who would be left to sabotage or lie about or set up or frame or corrupt? Wouldn't that be his undoing? Unconditional love 24/7 upside downside inside outside up there everywhere and down there everywhere too. Imagine a pro-sb prez world? Swell s he** ain't it?
I know there are American NAZIS. Are they Hitler worshippers who want to eradicate all Jews? Does their hatred extend to other groups too like women and people of color and Muslims... moreI know there are American NAZIS. Are they Hitler worshippers who want to eradicate all Jews? Does their hatred extend to other groups too like women and people of color and Muslims and LGBTQ and and and and? Do they wear swaztikas and heil to Hitler or have they chosen a current real-life Hitler-like surrogate and groove on him?T'is a puzzlement. A novel way to be I guess. Pander to the very worst among us. Ignore the best among us and attack vilify undermine lie. It seems to be working. Why that is I do not know. Used to be we cheered for the Good Guys. Now folks cheer when the Good Guys are slaughtered and cheer for the Slaughterers! Go figger! New day. New Age. New ways. New thinking. Progress in a world we never thought existed for Americans. SURPRISE! less
Lead by example. Talk is cheap. Walk the walk. Fill the empty suit. When oh when will the sb prez get serious and apply to himself everything he demands of others?
The more corrupt you are the more twisted you are the more crooked you become the more difficult your life the morely it is that it will not end well.Or is it the opposite? Is it t... moreThe more corrupt you are the more twisted you are the more crooked you become the more difficult your life the morely it is that it will not end well.Or is it the opposite? Is it the honest honorable people who are burdened more and fail while the corrupt crooked treasonous liars live awesome good lives?One is simple straightforward Dependable.The other is the exact and total opposite.Which appeals to you and why?
What I notice is the "I am beautiful, joyously confident in how I look" expressions on their faces. Proof that perceptions of beauty are two-faced; one way is the reflection from the culture around the woman from birth, the other is her self-perception - each working upon the other in a reciprocal feedback loop.
Doesn't it demonstrate that our fashion and beauty industries damage self-confidence more often than they enhance it? It's all about making people feel inadequate so they will buy products and plastic surgeries. And now they're working on men to start making them feel just as vulnerable. Isn't it high time we rebelled? less
When complimenting someone makes them uncomfortable or suspicious of your motives what's the point of being truthful/honest?I cannot believe the reaction I got to asking about comp... moreWhen complimenting someone makes them uncomfortable or suspicious of your motives what's the point of being truthful/honest?I cannot believe the reaction I got to asking about compliments. Exactly the opposite of what I expected. Sadly so. Well there you are. People will never be able to communicate honestly if they completely mistake intentions.Solution? Just shut the f*** up. That way no one can take what you don't say in the wrong way. Okay. Got it!
Are you stingy or generous with compliments. Are they meant sincerely or do you use them as a ruse to get what you want from people? Do you like to be complimented or ignored?
I'm wondering if anyone else feels that Elizabeth Warren needs to do something about her appearance!!!now I'm not saying she has to wear any makeup, altho' GOD KNOWS a little color... moreI'm wondering if anyone else feels that Elizabeth Warren needs to do something about her appearance!!!now I'm not saying she has to wear any makeup, altho' GOD KNOWS a little color on her face wouldn't hurtBUT.......my biggest gripe are those glasses she wears......she looks like an old schoolmarm!!!!!!!surely she could get some better looking eyeglass frames, right?they'd make a huge difference in how she's perceived, also.....your thoughts??????????
That is the way things are supposed to be are they not? Smarter more dependable predictable ALWAYS trumps dumber erratic loose cannony. Evolution usually means everything gets bett... moreThat is the way things are supposed to be are they not? Smarter more dependable predictable ALWAYS trumps dumber erratic loose cannony. Evolution usually means everything gets better. But while some evolve others devolve and slip away into antiquity history used to be and become mere footnotes..The USA used to be better than it is now. Other countries are eclipsing us rapidly in technology, brainpower climate change , leadership and survival. We done got left behind. Get over it y'all! Ya got what you voted for. Deal with it! :( less
Those who are requested/required to appear before Congress are ignoring requests/subpoenas/demands.Why? Well he** the sb prez does, the great legal rule-of-law clown fake AG does. ... moreThose who are requested/required to appear before Congress are ignoring requests/subpoenas/demands.Why? Well he** the sb prez does, the great legal rule-of-law clown fake AG does. Why shouldn't all y'all thumb yer noses at all law and all rules and all protocol? If da big cheese and his chief rat do dat why should anyone not copycat?The wild wild west is alive and well in the east and the outlaws are on steroids and cocaine and whatever the he** else they are addicted to are bigly taking advantage of it. Admirable right? Awesome good. Bigly brave. Massively masterful and monstrously magnifique!Are we a comedy/tragedy/soap opera? less
Would he finally find the peace he seeks knowing everyone everywhere adores the crap outta him? Or would he still seek more beings/entities/thingies to adore him so off to the MOON... moreWould he finally find the peace he seeks knowing everyone everywhere adores the crap outta him? Or would he still seek more beings/entities/thingies to adore him so off to the MOON and MARS and the stars beyond?