If my dog had opposable thumbs I would teach him to flick a Bic lighter whenever I sing so that I would feel like a rock star. Cheers and happy weekend!
Will there be another ghost-written book that starts off WITCH HUNT NO COLLUSION LOCK HER UP MAGA I AM A STABLE GENIUS I KNOW MORE THAN THE GENERALS I WILL HIRE ONLY THE BEST PEOPL... moreWill there be another ghost-written book that starts off WITCH HUNT NO COLLUSION LOCK HER UP MAGA I AM A STABLE GENIUS I KNOW MORE THAN THE GENERALS I WILL HIRE ONLY THE BEST PEOPLE I WILL DRAIN THE SWAMP ONLY I CAN FIX IT? Kinda grabs you like "MY NAME IS ISMAEL". Or "IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES. IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES." Can a felon in prison benefit from a book? Will a PARIAH ever sell enough books to break even for the publisher's expenses? Why read about futurely what you are living today?
If you are interested we'll start with party names, then choose nominees, then have a vote for each party.I'll start. AM Westies, AM Easties. Mississippi River is the dividin... more If you are interested we'll start with party names, then choose nominees, then have a vote for each party.I'll start. AM Westies, AM Easties. Mississippi River is the dividing line. For others not from USA, you are the Worldies or you can choose one of the others.
That makes zero sense unless they feel they deserve it. I dunno. It happens a lot with celebrities. Is it because they believe they do not deserve what they have and so they sabota... moreThat makes zero sense unless they feel they deserve it. I dunno. It happens a lot with celebrities. Is it because they believe they do not deserve what they have and so they sabotage themselves to lose it? Any ideas?
Anyone who can think logically would NOT put a billionaire in charge of a country. But well guess what folks. Y'all did that. So unless you are among the SUPER RICH and making out ... moreAnyone who can think logically would NOT put a billionaire in charge of a country. But well guess what folks. Y'all did that. So unless you are among the SUPER RICH and making out like bandits you are getting zinged screwed pummeled beaten down. You didn't think it would be like this? Ya know why? You didn't THINK period. Welcome to the results of your lack of perspicacity.
Why is it that it is the trumpicans who are reaping the wondrous results of character assassination, sabotaged photos, scandals that do not exist in the real word ONLY? Why is it t... moreWhy is it that it is the trumpicans who are reaping the wondrous results of character assassination, sabotaged photos, scandals that do not exist in the real word ONLY? Why is it that the meddling interferers meddle only to harm DEMS? Why do they WANT trumpicans in charge? They're way easier to manipulte/brainwash/ control/shape/order around? They get off on despots dictators dismemberers massacre ers. Very peculiar.Of course Senator Kamala Harris is a Woman. An African American Woman. A Californian. A very SMART questioner when pols are seated across from her and on the hot seat.All of those attributes apparently terrify those whinya** puny girly men who have to compete against them and so with great assurances from their trumpican-loving meddlers they support the meddling. They support the North Carolina cheating scandal. They support all the efforts of all the Red State gubners of reducing the number of Democrats who can vote. Because we all know if they don't cheat they can never win. SIGH. As ti... less
I dunno. He kept pushing it and pushing it and milking it and repeating and the raucous rowdy crowd went crazy nuts cheering him on. I wonder in the infinity of whenever and... more I dunno. He kept pushing it and pushing it and milking it and repeating and the raucous rowdy crowd went crazy nuts cheering him on. I wonder in the infinity of whenever and wherever if the jokester will ever realize what a dangerous thing he is and why he needs to go. Far away. And never come back.
One could extrapolate that and apply it to well say a politician who thinks he is swell because everyone who attend his rallies cheers and claps and jumps up and down. They are all... moreOne could extrapolate that and apply it to well say a politician who thinks he is swell because everyone who attend his rallies cheers and claps and jumps up and down. They are all on something don. Something bad. SIGH.
There gonna hafta go back to the inception of the breeding line of every white racist wanna be and see if any color snuck anywhere along the way. Elsewise who knows who can sneak i... moreThere gonna hafta go back to the inception of the breeding line of every white racist wanna be and see if any color snuck anywhere along the way. Elsewise who knows who can sneak in? Gotta do your homework. Gotta do you due diligence. Gotta be sure that what you see is what you get. Nyet?
He only slept in jail at night. In the morning he was picked up by a limousine and chauffered to work. Every day of his "prison" term. I think jackaa**es like Alex Acosta made thin... moreHe only slept in jail at night. In the morning he was picked up by a limousine and chauffered to work. Every day of his "prison" term. I think jackaa**es like Alex Acosta made things swell for jeff because they secretly wished they had run a teenage sex ring of 40 young girls and had his way with them too I suppose. When jeff's sexmates reached 17 or 18 they were "too old" so he let them recruit other little girls for him..sweet young things of 14 or so. This is a very big deal folks. How many deviates like jeffrey epstein are there? Obscene wealthy pigs whose tasty morsels sexually are little girls? How many Alex Acostas (current Labor Secretary for little donny doughboy) are there who facilitate and ameliorate and mitigate the punishment super jeff won't be inconvenienced too much?. Sucks doesn't it? Bigly.Has our dear leader commented on this at all? Or is he too busy admiring himself for what he is, what he thinks, what he does, what he doesn't do, what he says and what he doesn't say? That... less
Yep! You read that rite/wright/right/wryt (take your pick)! IN a CLOSED session to the Senate Intelligence Committee. IN a CLOSED session to the House Intelligence Committee. IN an... moreYep! You read that rite/wright/right/wryt (take your pick)! IN a CLOSED session to the Senate Intelligence Committee. IN a CLOSED session to the House Intelligence Committee. IN an OPEN to the public session to the House OVERSIGHT Committee! Won't that be a hot-dam* show? Gonna watch/listen or go to church and pray for little donny doughboy sole/soul/sole?
She GAGGED him but didn't jail him. Now if he writes or speaks ONE WORD about his trial he will go to jail. Why didn't she jail him this time? I wouldda. Wouldn't you?
to fight climate change everyone gets a free tesla AND strict fire arm ban but everyone gets a the boring company not-a-flamethrower to use for self defense because let's be honest... moreto fight climate change everyone gets a free tesla AND strict fire arm ban but everyone gets a the boring company not-a-flamethrower to use for self defense because let's be honest its waaaaay cooler than a gun
It does that to me."High Hopes" -- Panic at the DiscoI know I'm in the minority. The song is a big hit. But the song practically makes me hyperventilate listening to it, as if ever... moreIt does that to me."High Hopes" -- Panic at the DiscoI know I'm in the minority. The song is a big hit. But the song practically makes me hyperventilate listening to it, as if everyone involved in the song is on their last breath, 'panicking' to get through the song. The singer sounds like he's out of breath. And the music itself - - all sounds as if everyone is rushing to get through it all.
Saw the music video here for the first time and by 1:22 mark, I thought it was stupid.
That's their payoff? So if they are huge contributors they go to Paris or Rome or wherever. Makes sense. No one trains to be an Ambassdor. No degree available anywhere in Ambassado... moreThat's their payoff? So if they are huge contributors they go to Paris or Rome or wherever. Makes sense. No one trains to be an Ambassdor. No degree available anywhere in Ambassador. It's plum given out to whales. So?
Why not live in a world of those who provide succor to one another? Why do we need suckers or sucky people who prey on them? Why can't we do without the cold sores and zits among u... moreWhy not live in a world of those who provide succor to one another? Why do we need suckers or sucky people who prey on them? Why can't we do without the cold sores and zits among us and just have "nice" people? Any logical reason you can come up with WHY a world of kind nice honest people wouldn't work better than the despicable grotesque ugly degenerate one we have now? I'm listening.
By any means possible. The end justifies the means. Faint heart never won fair maid. Winning isn't everything. Winning is the only thing. Nothing ventured nothing gained. We ... moreBy any means possible. The end justifies the means. Faint heart never won fair maid. Winning isn't everything. Winning is the only thing. Nothing ventured nothing gained. We await their manning up to the task and getting on with it. Time is running out. Now or never. Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes. Give me liberty or give me death. And so on.
Would would he have to do for YOU to award one of them thar thingys to him? Why? He would thereafter foreafter after introduce himself and DEMAND he be introduced as "Nobel P... moreWould would he have to do for YOU to award one of them thar thingys to him? Why? He would thereafter foreafter after introduce himself and DEMAND he be introduced as "Nobel Peace Prize winner little donny doughboy". Egotistical much?
That is such a puny whinya** pathetic retort. Where are all the insults? The raving rants and diatribes and vilification he usually comes up with when anyone dares impugn his anyth... moreThat is such a puny whinya** pathetic retort. Where are all the insults? The raving rants and diatribes and vilification he usually comes up with when anyone dares impugn his anything? He cowers before her. Sheesh.
He will be in Viet Nam THOUSANDS of miles away watching whatever cable TV (FAUX NEWS ONLY) is available and tweeting his nervous reaction to what is going on here in the states. Hi... moreHe will be in Viet Nam THOUSANDS of miles away watching whatever cable TV (FAUX NEWS ONLY) is available and tweeting his nervous reaction to what is going on here in the states. His body will be with Kim. His mind will be with Sean Hannity who will tell him what to think as usual. How dangerous a situation do we the people face? Is it a good thing to get little donny doughboy out of the country far away or would it be a gooder thing to have him stay and face the music? All atonal of course. I dunno. Whatcha think? less
If we can make it through (survive) little donny doughboy's reign of terror, can we survive anything and anyone futurely? Is little donny doughboy a test for us to see what we do w... moreIf we can make it through (survive) little donny doughboy's reign of terror, can we survive anything and anyone futurely? Is little donny doughboy a test for us to see what we do with "it", how we handle "it" and what we do after "it" goes away? I dunno. What think thee?
Some folks get hooked on it. All the talking heads talking long loud and the same. No difference among them. The only credential they need to be a HUMONGOUSLY BORING talker. Are th... moreSome folks get hooked on it. All the talking heads talking long loud and the same. No difference among them. The only credential they need to be a HUMONGOUSLY BORING talker. Are they scripted? They need new writers if so. I just don't get it. It's like hearing your nails scratching on a chalkboard.
I sure don't know how low but we are already crawling on our bellies with the little donny doughboy gubment. How lower do you go than crawling on your belly? I don't know. I ... moreI sure don't know how low but we are already crawling on our bellies with the little donny doughboy gubment. How lower do you go than crawling on your belly? I don't know. I guess we will find out.