My step-daughter bought some sunscreen that had on the label "Vegan".It is a 'bronzing' sunscreen. The ingredient for that is iron (III) oxide...rust.It also said 'chemical free' U... moreMy step-daughter bought some sunscreen that had on the label "Vegan".It is a 'bronzing' sunscreen. The ingredient for that is iron (III) oxide...rust.It also said 'chemical free' UV ingredients. It uses zinc oxide...a chemical. It is SPF 30...that's OK.
Hit the road Jack (aka donjuan donjohn) and don't you come back no more no more no more no more hit the road jack and don't ya come back no more. Find your own place/space and stop... moreHit the road Jack (aka donjuan donjohn) and don't you come back no more no more no more no more hit the road jack and don't ya come back no more. Find your own place/space and stop destroying ours. Couldja? Wouldja? Shouldna? Why the he ** not? What could it hurt? King of your own island country. No one to say NO to you. You get your way every day in every way and all your devoted worshippers sit up at attention just the way you said you wanted them too after you saw how Kim Jung-uns subjects did. You deserve it! We the people of the United States of America cannot give you what you want. Find your own paradise somewhere else and take your people with you. We will help you pack. :) less
So don is already throwing manure around to "fertilize" his trip. Says again that Vlad insists there was no meddling in our election. Says that since they speak Russian in Crimea i... moreSo don is already throwing manure around to "fertilize" his trip. Says again that Vlad insists there was no meddling in our election. Says that since they speak Russian in Crimea it should belong to Russia, thereby condoning the Russian invasion. Will probably lift all Russian sanctions as well. What will he come back with? A few compliments about what a GREAT dealmaker he is and a pat on the back (or maybe the a**) for extra cozy intimacy. That's it! What else will he give up? "We'll see what happens". SIGH. Whatta gullible guy. So easy to fool. Just tell him how cool he is and you own him and he will roll over for you. less
"Scabies and chicken pox cases rise at the Victorville prison : rally today part of nationwide protests." I bet y'all think these children DESERVE it right? It's all due to d... more"Scabies and chicken pox cases rise at the Victorville prison : rally today part of nationwide protests." I bet y'all think these children DESERVE it right? It's all due to don juan you see and he can't possibly do anything wrong in your eyes.SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO MEWell dear LORD thanks to donjuan the children are suffering. More and more will suffer more and more. Where is he? Off golfing and stuffing his fat face with chocolate cake and two scoops of ice cream topped off by McDonald's cheeseburgers. A pox on him. CHICKENPOX! :( less
Would you really massacre your own people if donjuan asked it of you? Without any moral reservations or hesitations? Think GOD would forgive you for murdering people? THOU SHALT NO... moreWould you really massacre your own people if donjuan asked it of you? Without any moral reservations or hesitations? Think GOD would forgive you for murdering people? THOU SHALT NOT KILL. except if donjuan orders it. Is that how you roll?
For me personally it would be for them to be shot by a firing squad at dawn made up of all the people they harmed. That would be very satisfying. Bloody? You betcha but so what? Am... moreFor me personally it would be for them to be shot by a firing squad at dawn made up of all the people they harmed. That would be very satisfying. Bloody? You betcha but so what? Am I 100% serious? Yes I am. FIGURATIVELY ONLY of course. The cowards would all be begging for their lives and squealing and finking one another out. They would be on their knees groveling for mercy including the don. None of them are brave. All of them are cowards. Let's see how they'd react and then just deport all of them to their ancestors' native homelands. So what if they don't speak the language? So what if they are murdered when they get there or if allowed to live become pariahs? Who cares? less
Kennedy didn't see it coming. He bought it! He IS a moderate about some things and not STRAIGHT EXTREME RIGHT-WING CON(servative) as are the other 4. He was called the "swing" vote... moreKennedy didn't see it coming. He bought it! He IS a moderate about some things and not STRAIGHT EXTREME RIGHT-WING CON(servative) as are the other 4. He was called the "swing" vote which he apparently didn't like but he did come down on the side of the Liberals from time to time. Don will see to it that any of his appointees never do that. Don will see to it that the most extreme right-wing racist bigots ONLY will be Supremes. How will he know ? "By their records they are known". They all wil be PRO WHITE (their supreme delight) and anti- everyone else. They will all be PRO LIFE so much so that they will immediately overturn Roe vs Wade. Then they will try to take away women's right to vote. Republicans don't have much use for women intellectually you see so why should they be given a voice? less
He will keep parroting NO COLLUSION NO CONSPIRACY repeatedly. So far there are 5 GUILTY PLEAS and 20 indictments and Mueller is just getting started. So that means of course that t... moreHe will keep parroting NO COLLUSION NO CONSPIRACY repeatedly. So far there are 5 GUILTY PLEAS and 20 indictments and Mueller is just getting started. So that means of course that the five how said they were guilty ARE LIARS. And the 20 indictments handed down are all hoaxy fakes. Right? So much trouble to get rid of don juan. Makes one wonder what else we could be wasting our time on. Neverland. A fantasy place for boys who REFUSE to grow up. Stunted growth. Retarded development. Arrested development. Literally and figuratively. If the shoe fits.....right? less
Dowdy Gowdy and all the other extremely terrified Republican lapdogs are DEMANDING that the Justice Department turn over ALL THE EVIDENCE to them to peruse and undoubtedly give to ... moreDowdy Gowdy and all the other extremely terrified Republican lapdogs are DEMANDING that the Justice Department turn over ALL THE EVIDENCE to them to peruse and undoubtedly give to the Criminal being charged...don juan. This is absurd! It is irrational/unreasonable/reprehensible/horrifying. Why doesn't Justice just say "NO you can't have it. Don't be such a scairdy cat. YOU CAN"T GET ACCESS TO THAT! GO SUCK AN EGG!" What lunatic wackadoodles would even ASK for such things? Aren't these elected dingbat wackadoodles familiar with how things are SUPPOSED TO GO? Are they really that stupidly dumb and ignorantly arrogantly emptyheaded mushbrains to think anything goes just because don juan IS THE CRIMINAL?Do Y'ALL who voted for and adore don juan really think giving him all the evidence in advance of being charged is rational? I know you support anything he wants but the complete upending of our court system too? Even that isn't awful to you and will do for you because it's HIM? Seriously? less
Do we have any room in our jails, detention centers, concentration camps? June 30 there will be MASSIVE marches protesting don juan. Carrying signs, chanting slogans, showing the w... moreDo we have any room in our jails, detention centers, concentration camps? June 30 there will be MASSIVE marches protesting don juan. Carrying signs, chanting slogans, showing the world the contempt/disdain we the people have for don juan. He will have fled D.C. to one of his luxurious hideouts. He will ignore it completely or spend hours tweeting vitriolic vicious vile comments. He is a COWARD! Long live him? Or short live him? Why?
Have you ever experienced a situation where the group was jealous of the person for whatever reason?Maybe they ganged up or jumped on the bandwagon of hate in order to control that... moreHave you ever experienced a situation where the group was jealous of the person for whatever reason?Maybe they ganged up or jumped on the bandwagon of hate in order to control that person or to possibly control how others view that person?
When you hear thunder do you crave the excitement of getting out into the action.Does the thought of a possible tornado thrill you?If you could, would you chase an intense storm ju... moreWhen you hear thunder do you crave the excitement of getting out into the action.Does the thought of a possible tornado thrill you?If you could, would you chase an intense storm just to see it and feel the rush of taking on nature?
Sometimes I focus my attention on a woman and try to figure out what she wants.I think that you can have a relationship with almost anyone if you're willing to put in the effort to... moreSometimes I focus my attention on a woman and try to figure out what she wants.I think that you can have a relationship with almost anyone if you're willing to put in the effort towards pleasing them.However, I wonder if that's why some relationships fall apart.People aren't being themselves until way into it.Do you think it's a mistake to "Win" someone's love?