1 Starting with a one-letter word to begin the sentence, increase each subsequent word by one letter until you reach your limit on how many words the sentence will contain.2... more
1 Starting with a one-letter word to begin the sentence, increase each subsequent word by one letter until you reach your limit on how many words the sentence will contain.2 Any numbers in the sentence must be spelled out completely.3 Spelling counts.4 Punctuation must be correct, but it is not words, it will not be counted as part of your word sequence.5 Proper names of persons, places and things are allowed.6 Uppercase and lowercase usage must be correct.7 No abbreviations, acronyms, initials, or slang words are allowed. 8 Hyphenated words are counted separately as two words.9 You may use any language you so desire, BUT, the entire sentence must be in that language. (It is understood that many languages, especially English, contain loan words from other languages, so those are acceptable. The intentional mixing of two or more languages in the same sentence, however, is not allowed.)9 You may write as many separate sentences as you wish, just as long as each one follows these guidelines.10 The sente... less
Or alternatively you live alone and wake up not knowing where you are, who you are or why you are there. The first place you go since you no memory of any person place of thing?
...and 59% don't think he is capable of finishing a four-year term. Do you honestly think he can win in November, or are folks so blinded by Trump hatred that there's a lot of deni... more...and 59% don't think he is capable of finishing a four-year term. Do you honestly think he can win in November, or are folks so blinded by Trump hatred that there's a lot of denial and wishful thinking going on?
PROGRESSIVE LEFT SOCIALIST WELFARE STATEEXTREME RIGHT WING FASCIST RACIST DESPOT DICTATOR STATE(mysterymeat thugs weaponized to shoot down with teargas rubbert bullets and baton be... morePROGRESSIVE LEFT SOCIALIST WELFARE STATEEXTREME RIGHT WING FASCIST RACIST DESPOT DICTATOR STATE(mysterymeat thugs weaponized to shoot down with teargas rubbert bullets and baton beating whatever gets in the way of a photo op for the pumpkina** so he wave his bible upside down in front of church for EVANGELICALS)Which is way worser and why do you think so
Ignore it because it doesn't apply to the "economy"?I dunno. Doesn't compute or track or make any sense to me.So. Tell me please. WHAT IS THE ECONOMY? Of what does it consist... moreIgnore it because it doesn't apply to the "economy"?I dunno. Doesn't compute or track or make any sense to me.So. Tell me please. WHAT IS THE ECONOMY? Of what does it consist? If joblessness is not included in figuring out how strong our economy truly is then where does it JOBLESSNESS fit pray tell?
Northern California is suffering from wildfires and evacuations are imminent or in progress.Southern California is suffering from wildfires and evaluations are imminent or in progr... moreNorthern California is suffering from wildfires and evacuations are imminent or in progress.Southern California is suffering from wildfires and evaluations are imminent or in progress.Probably in middle California too. The whole state is on fire.What's going on in your state currently? Any GOOD NEWS to report?
"You will have to kill me"We know pumpkina** doesn't want to go. Well he tell us the only way to get rid of him is to kill him?I don't think so but well he will come up with someth... more"You will have to kill me"We know pumpkina** doesn't want to go. Well he tell us the only way to get rid of him is to kill him?I don't think so but well he will come up with something. This mail vote scam is dead. He is mocked ridiculed derided ignored and reversed. That avenue of CHEATING is gone. What will replace it? Remember pumpkina** is a wise and extremely stable genius. Expect nothing less than an extremely stable genius wise new scam.
The pumpkinvirus as of now has KILLED 173,000 in America and so far only 5.5 MILLION cases have been discovered.Allegedly when the jared heard that stat he was THRILLED at how low ... moreThe pumpkinvirus as of now has KILLED 173,000 in America and so far only 5.5 MILLION cases have been discovered.Allegedly when the jared heard that stat he was THRILLED at how low the numbers are. We are not done counting or dying jared. Keep your pants on. Hold the phone. Wait till ALL the results are in of cases and deaths and then spin it.
They go to college to booze it up sex it up and have fun. What else are they there for?I bet their parents are thrilled and proud to spend bazillions of dollars so their darlings c... moreThey go to college to booze it up sex it up and have fun. What else are they there for?I bet their parents are thrilled and proud to spend bazillions of dollars so their darlings can booze it up sex it up and spread the pumpkinvirus to far off lands.America. What other country would be so stupid dumb so loud and proud as that?
Some who voted for the pumpkin had to wait days longer to get meds or things like OXYGEN.The "powers that be" did not think of that. They figgered this about thatMail in voting wil... moreSome who voted for the pumpkin had to wait days longer to get meds or things like OXYGEN.The "powers that be" did not think of that. They figgered this about thatMail in voting will bring in more DEMOCRATIC votesSlow down mail to a crawl of a snail and tell folks their votes will not be counted'IN THE MEANTIME BACK AT THE RANCH REAL-WORLD CONSEQUENCE WAS HAPPENINGThe dumbsh**s who came up with this brilliant plan DID NOT THINK OF ANY OF THEIR PEEPS BEING AFFECTED.This is the level of braindead running the country...into the ground.Target blue states and Dems and anti-trump and damage them any way you canGot itHowever in that endeavor to do that some if not MANY of the pumpkina** adoring worshippers are being ADVERSELY AFFECTED.WHAT? GEEZ. NO ONE TOLD ME! Better back down tail between legs and undo the damage. Temporarily.The level of wise extremely stable genius running things. Sheesh. Keystone Cops. Martin & Lewis. Three Stooges. MARX BROTHERS. Punch & Judy puppet show.Presenting pumpkina** and his band o... less
Either the movie was named after the song, the song was named after the movie, the movie‘s theme song is the song in question, the movie has nothing to do with the song other... moreEither the movie was named after the song, the song was named after the movie, the movie‘s theme song is the song in question, the movie has nothing to do with the song other than they just share the same title, or any other circumstance.
CAVEAT: both the movie title and the song title must be exact matches word-for-word, no deviation whatsoever, no extra words, letters, numbers, no missing words, letters, numbers, no partial song titles fit into larger movie titles, no movie titles using only a part of a song title.
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Well I did not investigate her and never heard of her and I know nothing about her so this is only hearsay hey hey hey...the scuttlebutt...the skinny on the ninny or mini pumpkin a... moreWell I did not investigate her and never heard of her and I know nothing about her so this is only hearsay hey hey hey...the scuttlebutt...the skinny on the ninny or mini pumpkin as the case may be. Maybe she is the she pumpkin would want to be? Could be?She is a self-proclaimed ISLAMOPHOBE and is very big on CONSPIRACY THEORY politics.The pumpkin sent her bigly congrats and knows she is a star by far brighter any other so far in the GOP.Remember that name. LAURA LOOMER. A loony tune tinfoil wearing lapdogpuppetrobotautomaton useful idiot or a brilliant knowledgeable educated scholarly stable sensible reasonable logical accomplished truthful fair-minded woman? Whatcha think? Inka dinka do. You thinky she be hinky finky pinky winky KINKY? less
Where is pumpkin's? He is so sensitive about everything and anything 24/7 it's hard to say anything that doesn't set him off and "hurt him where it hurts most".Gut or arse?EgoPhysi... moreWhere is pumpkin's? He is so sensitive about everything and anything 24/7 it's hard to say anything that doesn't set him off and "hurt him where it hurts most".Gut or arse?EgoPhysical appearanceIntellectual acumen of lack thereofMental stability or lack thereofWhere d'ya s'pose pumpkin is most sensitive?
If one is NOT callously indifferent one cannot possibly support the doings and sayings of anyone who hurts attacks insults lies about others. Only wearing the armor of CALLOUS INDI... moreIf one is NOT callously indifferent one cannot possibly support the doings and sayings of anyone who hurts attacks insults lies about others. Only wearing the armor of CALLOUS INDIFFERENCE makes it possible.CALLOUS INDIFFERENCE. I expect that is an oxymoron. INDIFFERENCE is always callous is it not?
Was daddy dearest the boss whom you dared not cross and mummy his obedient mate who never once objected to anything he ordered done?Must have been a whole lotta fun.Is that how YOU... moreWas daddy dearest the boss whom you dared not cross and mummy his obedient mate who never once objected to anything he ordered done?Must have been a whole lotta fun.Is that how YOU run your family? Just exactly like dear old dad?
Imagine minerals with brains and the ability to communicateImagine vegetables commenting directly to the cook about how they prefer to be servedWell. Can you? Do you have any kind ... moreImagine minerals with brains and the ability to communicateImagine vegetables commenting directly to the cook about how they prefer to be servedWell. Can you? Do you have any kind of imagination at all that would give you permission to answer this question?
Ever see a pinball machine? Ever notice the crackpot wackdoodle courses the ball takes just by pulling out a level and letting it go/Loose cannon are just animated pinballs. Now you know.
Of course one can advertise himself/herself as supporting LAW AND ORDER but if he flouts/dismembers/breaks/mocks/ridicules/eliminates laws and perpetuate CHAOS such a one as that i... moreOf course one can advertise himself/herself as supporting LAW AND ORDER but if he flouts/dismembers/breaks/mocks/ridicules/eliminates laws and perpetuate CHAOS such a one as that is not believable. For those who can see think observe opine. For the head in the sand crowd? Well death comes quickly without oxygen.Some do believe the words and ignore the actions/behavior/track record.Blinders? A brain that is on hiatus or MIA?
InexplicableMysteriousUncannyTipsy TurvyNervyUnpredictableUnreliableUnstableBigger/biglier than ever and faster. Accelerating daily to its destination.A whirling dervish.
Used to be strangers rarely ever made eye contactUsed to be they'd never say 'excuse me" or "after you" or "sorry I cut you off"Now I hear an occasional "stay safe" "take care" "th... moreUsed to be strangers rarely ever made eye contactUsed to be they'd never say 'excuse me" or "after you" or "sorry I cut you off"Now I hear an occasional "stay safe" "take care" "thank you" on top of thatSo now maybe we are accepting this is our new normal. I am experiencing kinder more thoughtful more respectful more polite from others. I hope you are too. I kinda like it. Not what caused it of course. But now if we realize we are all in the SAME boat we can row together going in the same direction. Ya think? less
"NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBTS BUT MY OWN"That's me to a T.I don't want a job where no matter who does/say whatever and I know nothing about it I am still responsible and accountab... more"NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBTS BUT MY OWN"That's me to a T.I don't want a job where no matter who does/say whatever and I know nothing about it I am still responsible and accountable. That makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me. You?
I wonder if Hitler ever examined his life? What about Houdini or Babe Ruth or Will Rogers? Did they spend any time at all on self-reflection? Were they always trying to do better b... moreI wonder if Hitler ever examined his life? What about Houdini or Babe Ruth or Will Rogers? Did they spend any time at all on self-reflection? Were they always trying to do better be better fulfill their potential? Did they ever struggle because of their imperfections since no one is perfect?Is the unexamined life not worth living? Do you examine yours?
Is there any kind of overwhelming implied obligation of being a human being? Like helping others when and if you can? Or is it rather the law of the jungle. You're on your own. Sin... moreIs there any kind of overwhelming implied obligation of being a human being? Like helping others when and if you can? Or is it rather the law of the jungle. You're on your own. Sink or swim. No skin off my nose. What do you think?
List as many food-related words, expressions, phrases, adages, names of dishes, menu items, meals, snacks, etc. that include any type of number, numbers, numerical re... more
List as many food-related words, expressions, phrases, adages, names of dishes, menu items, meals, snacks, etc. that include any type of number, numbers, numerical references as you can think of.
Examples: three-bean soup, seven-course meal, three-martini lunch.
Yep. Once again thsi FIFTH investigation into it PROVES beyond doubt that Russia colluded with some pumpkina** peratives to RIG the elction in the pumkin's favor.Now he doesnt' lik... moreYep. Once again thsi FIFTH investigation into it PROVES beyond doubt that Russia colluded with some pumpkina** peratives to RIG the elction in the pumkin's favor.Now he doesnt' like to work with truth or facts.Problem is the investigation sare forced to do so and that is why the results FOR EACH INVESITGATION are the same.GUILTY AS CHARGED.Will the pumpkin force a SIXTH investigation and keep investigating until he gets the results he demands? Look at how pathetic he is. See him for what he is. Unbelievablely crackpot wackadoodlenoodle nuts!He will keep spending your money to keep investigating because truth bites and he will have no part of it. When BIPARTISAN folks investigate and come up with a conclusion he doesn't like it.He wants the investigation to work toward substantiating the "fake facts" he insists upon. He will keep trying and trying and trying while he is actively seeking to destroy the post office murder medical insurance coverage blow up our ability to vote and grind up and eat the Constitution w... less