Was daddy dearest the boss whom you dared not cross and mummy his obedient mate who never once objected to anything he ordered done?Must have been a whole lotta fun.Is that how YOU... moreWas daddy dearest the boss whom you dared not cross and mummy his obedient mate who never once objected to anything he ordered done?Must have been a whole lotta fun.Is that how YOU run your family? Just exactly like dear old dad?
Imagine minerals with brains and the ability to communicateImagine vegetables commenting directly to the cook about how they prefer to be servedWell. Can you? Do you have any kind ... moreImagine minerals with brains and the ability to communicateImagine vegetables commenting directly to the cook about how they prefer to be servedWell. Can you? Do you have any kind of imagination at all that would give you permission to answer this question?
Ever see a pinball machine? Ever notice the crackpot wackdoodle courses the ball takes just by pulling out a level and letting it go/Loose cannon are just animated pinballs. Now you know.
Of course one can advertise himself/herself as supporting LAW AND ORDER but if he flouts/dismembers/breaks/mocks/ridicules/eliminates laws and perpetuate CHAOS such a one as that i... moreOf course one can advertise himself/herself as supporting LAW AND ORDER but if he flouts/dismembers/breaks/mocks/ridicules/eliminates laws and perpetuate CHAOS such a one as that is not believable. For those who can see think observe opine. For the head in the sand crowd? Well death comes quickly without oxygen.Some do believe the words and ignore the actions/behavior/track record.Blinders? A brain that is on hiatus or MIA?
InexplicableMysteriousUncannyTipsy TurvyNervyUnpredictableUnreliableUnstableBigger/biglier than ever and faster. Accelerating daily to its destination.A whirling dervish.
Used to be strangers rarely ever made eye contactUsed to be they'd never say 'excuse me" or "after you" or "sorry I cut you off"Now I hear an occasional "stay safe" "take care" "th... moreUsed to be strangers rarely ever made eye contactUsed to be they'd never say 'excuse me" or "after you" or "sorry I cut you off"Now I hear an occasional "stay safe" "take care" "thank you" on top of thatSo now maybe we are accepting this is our new normal. I am experiencing kinder more thoughtful more respectful more polite from others. I hope you are too. I kinda like it. Not what caused it of course. But now if we realize we are all in the SAME boat we can row together going in the same direction. Ya think? less
"NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBTS BUT MY OWN"That's me to a T.I don't want a job where no matter who does/say whatever and I know nothing about it I am still responsible and accountab... more"NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBTS BUT MY OWN"That's me to a T.I don't want a job where no matter who does/say whatever and I know nothing about it I am still responsible and accountable. That makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me. You?
I wonder if Hitler ever examined his life? What about Houdini or Babe Ruth or Will Rogers? Did they spend any time at all on self-reflection? Were they always trying to do better b... moreI wonder if Hitler ever examined his life? What about Houdini or Babe Ruth or Will Rogers? Did they spend any time at all on self-reflection? Were they always trying to do better be better fulfill their potential? Did they ever struggle because of their imperfections since no one is perfect?Is the unexamined life not worth living? Do you examine yours?
Is there any kind of overwhelming implied obligation of being a human being? Like helping others when and if you can? Or is it rather the law of the jungle. You're on your own. Sin... moreIs there any kind of overwhelming implied obligation of being a human being? Like helping others when and if you can? Or is it rather the law of the jungle. You're on your own. Sink or swim. No skin off my nose. What do you think?
List as many food-related words, expressions, phrases, adages, names of dishes, menu items, meals, snacks, etc. that include any type of number, numbers, numerical re... more
List as many food-related words, expressions, phrases, adages, names of dishes, menu items, meals, snacks, etc. that include any type of number, numbers, numerical references as you can think of.
Examples: three-bean soup, seven-course meal, three-martini lunch.
Yep. Once again thsi FIFTH investigation into it PROVES beyond doubt that Russia colluded with some pumpkina** peratives to RIG the elction in the pumkin's favor.Now he doesnt' lik... moreYep. Once again thsi FIFTH investigation into it PROVES beyond doubt that Russia colluded with some pumpkina** peratives to RIG the elction in the pumkin's favor.Now he doesnt' like to work with truth or facts.Problem is the investigation sare forced to do so and that is why the results FOR EACH INVESITGATION are the same.GUILTY AS CHARGED.Will the pumpkin force a SIXTH investigation and keep investigating until he gets the results he demands? Look at how pathetic he is. See him for what he is. Unbelievablely crackpot wackadoodlenoodle nuts!He will keep spending your money to keep investigating because truth bites and he will have no part of it. When BIPARTISAN folks investigate and come up with a conclusion he doesn't like it.He wants the investigation to work toward substantiating the "fake facts" he insists upon. He will keep trying and trying and trying while he is actively seeking to destroy the post office murder medical insurance coverage blow up our ability to vote and grind up and eat the Constitution w... less
I think pumpkin has the HOTS for strong intelligent experienced talented educated women. Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters to name just a few/ He can't let... moreI think pumpkin has the HOTS for strong intelligent experienced talented educated women. Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters to name just a few/ He can't let his FACIST RACIST peeps have a clue about his being sexually attracted to them. it would completely destroy the darth vader outfit he wears...the Wizard of Oz megaphone he shouts through to bring terror to all. He is terrified that we will find out he is a small tiny puny insecure man. He can't keep one woman happy so he diddles around among many. We know what he is and he doesn't fool us. He fools only fools. That is quite clearly his base Those he fools.. less
What about those of you "of a certain age"? Are yor lives seemingly moving faster and faster and faster or slowing down to a deadly pace of mere existence?
Meanwhild 92% of the people who Rely on and LIKE the POsT OFFICE are watching him tracking hm listening to him continue to make a fool of himself. He has no clue how the audience i... moreMeanwhild 92% of the people who Rely on and LIKE the POsT OFFICE are watching him tracking hm listening to him continue to make a fool of himself. He has no clue how the audience is responding to this. He is losing the house. The drunks who used to enjoy his act have moved on. He is boring repetitious and delusional.That are finally INSULTED at his lack of regard for their perspicacity and intelligence. He is stuck in a an a old mold mould. He will die their trying to convince people of his honesty honor. It ain't workin'. less
NOw we must investigate why BAD SPORT PARANOID investigatee continues to demand more investigating investigators that need to keep investigating the investigators. And so it goes. ... moreNOw we must investigate why BAD SPORT PARANOID investigatee continues to demand more investigating investigators that need to keep investigating the investigators. And so it goes. It's only money. The result is always the same.GUILTY AS CHARGED. GUILTY AS CHARGED. GUILTY AS CHARGED.It don't mean a thing when it ain't got that zingDo wadda do wadda do wadda way
A) pandemic
B) My2 throwing out some sour cream
C) the aids
D) people thinking hamburgers are sandwiches ... moreA) pandemic
B) My2 throwing out some sour cream
C) the aids
D) people thinking hamburgers are sandwiches
F) can’t teleport to mountain cabins
E) the bees are dying at an alarming rate
G) New Wonder Woman movie hasn’t been released yet.
H) Canadians don’t get all the same movies on amazon prime as Americans so that probably means Jeff Bezos hates Canadians.
I) something else
Add to that the pumpkin's RAGING ENVY/JEALOUSY of Barack Obama and you can see why this is all too much for him to bear and is tweeting the twitter tweets of an enraged twit. It is... moreAdd to that the pumpkin's RAGING ENVY/JEALOUSY of Barack Obama and you can see why this is all too much for him to bear and is tweeting the twitter tweets of an enraged twit. It is what it is after all.
In earth's magnetic field. A portion of lower intensity that could adversely affect traveling near it...instruments could go haywire.It is already VAST and growing. It is being tra... moreIn earth's magnetic field. A portion of lower intensity that could adversely affect traveling near it...instruments could go haywire.It is already VAST and growing. It is being tracked.I know we have enough to worry about on earth but isn't it good to have a breather? Go up up and away into space and witness what's going on "out there"?
Said by a "suburban housewife" who/whom pumpkin thinks he owns and whom he says will all vote for him in gratitude because he won't allow "certain" kinds of housing to be built in ... moreSaid by a "suburban housewife" who/whom pumpkin thinks he owns and whom he says will all vote for him in gratitude because he won't allow "certain" kinds of housing to be built in their neighborhoods so they will "feel safel" and their property values won't go down. Boy is he off base off track off his meds off the rails.. They don't. He's wrong. They have no intention of voting for him. Where he gets these delusional illusions must be still going to that well...gut and arse...what else does he have?
Why is it that even though WE ALL KNOW some still support him. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM that they contunue on supporting a traitor a liar a terrified scairdy cat?Weird world. Go wit... moreWhy is it that even though WE ALL KNOW some still support him. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM that they contunue on supporting a traitor a liar a terrified scairdy cat?Weird world. Go with the loser. What could it hurt? He might "win" if the rigging is as complete in 2020 as it was in 2016.
Once a lie is told is continues to be circulated by those who believe them. They forward the lies and those reckipients forward the lies and so on and so and so on and so on.... moreOnce a lie is told is continues to be circulated by those who believe them. They forward the lies and those reckipients forward the lies and so on and so and so on and so on. An enviable way to spend you life isn't? Promulgating propagating perpetuating LIES. How many people poisoners are there? How many liars are there.Could you QUIT COLD telling lies believing lies or would you die with your lies?
That's all you/they care about.The pumpkin is a vile evil venal treasonous traitor lawbreaker constitution destroyer selfish greedy lapdogpuppet useful idiot of a former KGB office... moreThat's all you/they care about.The pumpkin is a vile evil venal treasonous traitor lawbreaker constitution destroyer selfish greedy lapdogpuppet useful idiot of a former KGB officer in Russia....Putin. The pumpkin lies down rolls over begs and plays dead for him on command.Pumpkin is being multiply sued for sex abuse by over a dozen women and paid out HUSH MONEY to shut his mistresses up which he had SEX with WHILE HIS WIFE WAS PREGNANT! Pig man is what he is. And yet? Ya love the guy. WHY?. Oh and it is that HUSH MONEY I think hat sent Michael Cohen to jail doing what pig told him to do.Tell me this.Exactly what did pumpkin actually DO to make the economy so ROBUST for you?JOE BIDEN wins every poll in every aspect EXCEPT FOR THE ECONOMYY'all think the pumpkin has a better head for business and you will be more secure and richer with the pumpkin in charge?Despite his six bankruptcies and the fact that only a foreign bank(DEUTSCHE BANK) would lend him money because the RESPECTABLE AMERICAN banks know ... less
You just can't have any republicans speaking against the pumpkin. you just can't have it. So whatcha gonna do about it?Ya got the LINCOLN PROJECT people. Ya got all the republicans... moreYou just can't have any republicans speaking against the pumpkin. you just can't have it. So whatcha gonna do about it?Ya got the LINCOLN PROJECT people. Ya got all the republicans who said they will not vote again for pumpkin who were on the screen last night. Ya got the "former" republicans who are on TV everyday attacking pumpkin 24/7. Whatcha gonna do to SHUT THEM UP? Pumpkin will never shut up. His words are golden. But to be "BETRAYED" by his own ilk his own kind? Torture and beheading is too good for them. What is your devious plan for punishment? Will it be public so we can all enjoy it or will be through pay TV so the pumpkin can make more money off it? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. less
Mystery meat weaponized camoufaged thugs ARE allowed to terrorize with teargas pepper spray rubber bullets and baton beatings. That's fine! That handy randy candy sandy bandy etcet... moreMystery meat weaponized camoufaged thugs ARE allowed to terrorize with teargas pepper spray rubber bullets and baton beatings. That's fine! That handy randy candy sandy bandy etcetera.NOW of course the facts that WHITE SUPREMACISTS did in fact OFTEN infiltrate the peaceful protests to start trouble makes no never mind no how no way no time. They are repreenting the interests of the pumpkin and they have a carte blance standing invitation from pumpkin to show whenever they want weaponized however they want and pretend to be "antifa". That please the pumpkin very bigly and thse weaponzed dog whistle white supremacits get big props big creda and big reward from the pumpkin and may great high paying jobs in his gubment gubment.There is no FAIR where fascists racists are in power. Anywhere. less
Joe Biden guests on FAUX NEWS for 2 hours with only the FAUX folks asking questions. NO EXCEPTIONS.The pumpkin guests on MSNBC for 2 hours with only the MSNBC folks asking the ques... moreJoe Biden guests on FAUX NEWS for 2 hours with only the FAUX folks asking questions. NO EXCEPTIONS.The pumpkin guests on MSNBC for 2 hours with only the MSNBC folks asking the questions. NO EXCEPTIONS.No earpieces allowed to be fed the answers and no teleprompter since all of it is ad lib in REAL TIME.No "no comment"s. Every question must be answered and no flimflam divert distract misdirect lie.At the end we take a poll of the American people to see who did best and who sucked worst.Even playing field. No softball "friendly" questions allowed.Whatcha think? If these guys can't handle that what makes you think they can run a country? GET REAL. less
It's said that Michelle Obama "sliced and diced donald trump". I dunno. Didn't get to watch it.So say she did. What happens the slices and dices until Novemer 3? Are they marinatin... moreIt's said that Michelle Obama "sliced and diced donald trump". I dunno. Didn't get to watch it.So say she did. What happens the slices and dices until Novemer 3? Are they marinating in a cold environment in some "mystery" liquid until then? Won't they rot elsewise otherwise?
When the small population United States SURGED AHEAD OF THE OTHER humongous population COUNTRIES in cases and deaths. That's when.We all know why that is. The pumpkin wasted MONTHS... moreWhen the small population United States SURGED AHEAD OF THE OTHER humongous population COUNTRIES in cases and deaths. That's when.We all know why that is. The pumpkin wasted MONTHS hoaxing and indifferenceing and currently is doing nothing as our humiliation and illnesses and deaths keep increasing day after day after day after day. HIS focus now is on beheading the US Postal service so he can "win" an election that is already being rigged in hhis favor by his bestest pals Putin et al. Putin does not want Joe Biden as prez. Neither does xi or jungo. Why? Because pumpkin is so needy for compliments and so greedy he will roll over to any any of them at any time if they pat his a** enough. Everysone says so. That I can tell yuo.Yep the pumpkin singlehandedly self-named the virus unknowingly. It happens.That will probably be what he is best known for. The scale on which he BLEW it. BLOWS it. WILL BLOW it. less
ScienceHistoryMathLiteratureArtEducationEngineeringCookingPsychologyPhilosophyArcheologyGeneticsPhysicsEthicsCarpentryGardeningAnimal husbandryGunsBiblesPoliticsLawAccountingMedica... moreScienceHistoryMathLiteratureArtEducationEngineeringCookingPsychologyPhilosophyArcheologyGeneticsPhysicsEthicsCarpentryGardeningAnimal husbandryGunsBiblesPoliticsLawAccountingMedical professionSuccessful businessingLoyaltyForgivenessMercyEmpathySelf-sacrificePainSufferingActingWritingDirectingProducingSocial servicesLibrariesMuseumsReligionImagination Inspiration Dedication Devotion Why d'ya think so? What do you know the most about?