Why can't motors be silent? Gas or electric or whatever.Engines on a jet. NOISY.Leaf Blowers are NOISYIs noise non-eliminatable?Why do dentist's drills make so much noise?Why can't... moreWhy can't motors be silent? Gas or electric or whatever.Engines on a jet. NOISY.Leaf Blowers are NOISYIs noise non-eliminatable?Why do dentist's drills make so much noise?Why can't jackhammers break concrete with breaking your eardrums?Why do you hear streetsweepers and trash trucks? SILENCE. A goal or a fantasy?
Just watch and listen to Sean to get a preview of what "pumpkina**" will be demanding insisting on. The laura and the jeannie and the other "frends of Faux". They suggest the day b... moreJust watch and listen to Sean to get a preview of what "pumpkina**" will be demanding insisting on. The laura and the jeannie and the other "frends of Faux". They suggest the day before and the next day or sooner the pumpkina** comes out with it comes up with it pushes it. Coinkydinky? Oh c'mon! Get a grip.
Wait a minit. No. Lincoln was not a RACIST. Wuzzy?Sean Hannity?Wait a minit. The sean isn't a prez exactly...he just feeds pumpkina** his lines every day.
Ever put your very own self under a microscope to determine what weaknesses or flaws there are and how you can improve on them?Or is your "why" always reserved for others because y... moreEver put your very own self under a microscope to determine what weaknesses or flaws there are and how you can improve on them?Or is your "why" always reserved for others because you never question yourself. No need. Your motives intentions reasons are always honest honorable just fair and kind. RIGHT?
What are some other slangy names bestowed on various types of vehicles? This does NOT include singularly-applies names that people give to their own vehicles, such as “Henry&... moreWhat are some other slangy names bestowed on various types of vehicles? This does NOT include singularly-applies names that people give to their own vehicles, such as “Henry” or “Betty June”.*Whippersnappers, just calm yourselves down.
And all the other FAUX AND FRIENDS give pumpkina** things to do...orders in fact that the pumpiina** readily and always enacts. Watch them and you will see what pumpkina** is gonna... moreAnd all the other FAUX AND FRIENDS give pumpkina** things to do...orders in fact that the pumpiina** readily and always enacts. Watch them and you will see what pumpkina** is gonna do.Imagine having all that power?What wouldja do with it?
The dumbsh** boytoy LeJoy said those machines will not be put back. The dumbsh** boytoy LeJoy said no overtime was cut..internal July memo says otherwiseThe dumbsh** boytoy L... moreThe dumbsh** boytoy LeJoy said those machines will not be put back. The dumbsh** boytoy LeJoy said no overtime was cut..internal July memo says otherwiseThe dumbsh** boytoy LeJoy lied under oath to Congress. Per orders from pumpkina** obviously
Always and forever compliment agree comply roll over beg play dead ON COMMAND. NO EXCEPTIONS!And realize that the pumpkina** is so besotted with vlad he puts vlad first above count... moreAlways and forever compliment agree comply roll over beg play dead ON COMMAND. NO EXCEPTIONS!And realize that the pumpkina** is so besotted with vlad he puts vlad first above country above family above other people. Only is he first in his own heart. He eventually turns on everyone. He will never quit vlad or forsake him or turn on him or abandon him or badmouth him or disagree with him. He is a devoted lapdog puppet anxiously yearning for vlad's approval. By now you'd have to be braindead to not notice or know ya know?.Can you do that? Never expect him to abandon vlad or deny him whatever he wants including parts of the United States if that's what turns vlad on. Who needs Florida? Who needs Alaska? Let vlad have them.Always compliment cooperate obey comply kiss a** 24/7 no exceptions?If you can you're set for life. A sure thing. less
Pretend you don't notice it erFAke ignorantI don't know anything about it.I hever met the manYou will have to ask my lawyerThat never happenedI believe him. He said he didn't do it... morePretend you don't notice it erFAke ignorantI don't know anything about it.I hever met the manYou will have to ask my lawyerThat never happenedI believe him. He said he didn't do it and I believe him.There are VERY FINE PEOPLE on both sidesThe QANONS LOVE THEIR COUNTRYEveryone says soThat I can tell youMake America Gag Again...done
You have a choice of course.You can go the way of the 5 time fake bonespur coward orYou stand your ground and fight for rightOr if there is a middleground you can take that path. Is there?
That is the pumpkina** MO. He done done with all his close peeps who were corrupt caught charged tried convicted. Latest one? Steve Bannon. When push comes to shove and you need a ... moreThat is the pumpkina** MO. He done done with all his close peeps who were corrupt caught charged tried convicted. Latest one? Steve Bannon. When push comes to shove and you need a friend don't count on pumpkin** to help. He'd just as soon let you drown or even help push you down. What are friends for? Ask the pumpkina**. He is such a good one.
All of 'em are pumpkina** adoring worshippers. He is their reason for being.SIGH.So if Facebook REMOVED 790 of them how many more are there out there? They multiply like roaches an... moreAll of 'em are pumpkina** adoring worshippers. He is their reason for being.SIGH.So if Facebook REMOVED 790 of them how many more are there out there? They multiply like roaches and maggots or spiders and rabbits. They do not exist and then all of sudden bazillions of these little critter skitter here and there and everywhere? I wonder if a mysterious hand is involved in all of this? Or a horn or a cleft foot?
We know the pumpkina** is not articulate or accurate is his delivery.He has made animates inanimate. Maybe he'd onto something.Maybe QANONS are not like thee and me. Maybe they are... moreWe know the pumpkina** is not articulate or accurate is his delivery.He has made animates inanimate. Maybe he'd onto something.Maybe QANONS are not like thee and me. Maybe they are from another world and were hatched?