Hasn't the dipstick done exactly the opposite?Shred everything we ever depended upon or counted on or trusted?How is it that white southern pro-diptstick comen see him so very diff... moreHasn't the dipstick done exactly the opposite?Shred everything we ever depended upon or counted on or trusted?How is it that white southern pro-diptstick comen see him so very differently from other women and men and childrens and cat and dogs and pimple and rainbows and unicorn?In what world do they reside that they have full faith in him to preserve and protect the America we all know and love?Anyone?
During the GREAT DEPRESSIONDEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT FDR created jobs for those without jobs putting them to work earning a paycheck while also helping the country.He was the template. ... moreDuring the GREAT DEPRESSIONDEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT FDR created jobs for those without jobs putting them to work earning a paycheck while also helping the country.He was the template. The dipstick had a roadmap.Still what did he do? PLAY GOLF. What a nothing.
He could be 7 miles down in the Marianas Trench or up high high in the sky on one of those astronaut thingies or from Timbuctoo or from the middle of an orgy or from a graveyard wh... moreHe could be 7 miles down in the Marianas Trench or up high high in the sky on one of those astronaut thingies or from Timbuctoo or from the middle of an orgy or from a graveyard where thousands of pumpkina** virus victims are buried. Who cares about the where? What mickeymouseompousa** says will be just exactly what the dipstick wants to hear. Beyond that what's the problem?
HATEFEAR LIESIn no particular order. Works from either end or starting in the middleFEARHATELIESLIESFEAR HATEAll great. Same path to same goal which is domination of a nation cripp... moreHATEFEAR LIESIn no particular order. Works from either end or starting in the middleFEARHATELIESLIESFEAR HATEAll great. Same path to same goal which is domination of a nation crippled and weak and terrified 24/7. Cowards. Petunias. Piglets. .
I saw a scifi movies years ago about the human somehow being trapped inside an electronic video game. It was very bizarre and spooky and kinda mindbending. I don't remember how it ... moreI saw a scifi movies years ago about the human somehow being trapped inside an electronic video game. It was very bizarre and spooky and kinda mindbending. I don't remember how it ended.So can anyone be so engrossed with a game that is all he/she thinks of 24/7? Hours and hours and hours on end trapped playing the game? Nothing else seems to be of any consequence.Can you be besotted by a game?
Well the former Mrs. Gavin Newsome, now known simply as donjohjr girlfriend Kim really was kinda sh**ty about California in her "speech". I know it was meant to suck up to the dips... moreWell the former Mrs. Gavin Newsome, now known simply as donjohjr girlfriend Kim really was kinda sh**ty about California in her "speech". I know it was meant to suck up to the dipstick but still is there any line divorced mates should NEVER CROSS in the afterward? Does anything go?I personally think there should be some kind of quiet and stifling to respect what once was. What do you think? Did you see/hear kimmie lash out and badmouth California? Was she out of line or just fine?
As the former wife of California DEMOCRATIC Governor Gavin Newsom she attacked with vicious vitriolic venom the state her former husband governs. A woman scorned dumped kicked out ... moreAs the former wife of California DEMOCRATIC Governor Gavin Newsom she attacked with vicious vitriolic venom the state her former husband governs. A woman scorned dumped kicked out bounced could have not done any better in "getting back at". The dipstick watching surely approved very bigly of her histrionic hysterical bitter shouts.I wonder though about what people who used to be married should be like after a split. Do you?
(((As soon as I can, I’m going to get rid of this yellow sofa that I bought at a garage sale. Today. I should probably plan it out very carefully. Later today.... more
(((As soon as I can, I’m going to get rid of this yellow sofa that I bought at a garage sale. Today. I should probably plan it out very carefully. Later today. There’s no real hurry, so at least by this afternoon. Late in the afternoon. Well, maybe tomorrow evening, it’s the best time. Actually, it’s kind of comfy. Definitely before the end of the week. Or next week, who knows? I’ll sleep on it just to be sure.)))~
In college and university classrooms worldwide. Uncut as is in all its glory. Video and audio intact and not mischiefed with. A sober stroll into a once upon a time that was unbeli... moreIn college and university classrooms worldwide. Uncut as is in all its glory. Video and audio intact and not mischiefed with. A sober stroll into a once upon a time that was unbelievable.Not only that. It will be used in perpetuity as fodder for comedians and comedy writers. Rich and deep and dense in content there is an endless stream of usefulness that will be tapped forever more.A template..two-edged of course. What isn't?This is what can happen to a country when taken over by a madman and his accomplicesThese are the hilarious aspects that are inevitable when madness is in controlSadly this will never be THE TWILIGHT ZONE or LIGHTS OUT or STEPHEN KING. Would that it could. Would that it were. less
Since before he descended on the escalator and declared his candidacy it is QANON who is running him in concert with Putin. So far dipstick hasn't disappointed with one. He does no... moreSince before he descended on the escalator and declared his candidacy it is QANON who is running him in concert with Putin. So far dipstick hasn't disappointed with one. He does not dare. They will eat him and spit him out if he does try.
You will be welcomed with open arms. Nikki Haley GUARANTEES your welcome. She wouldn't lie would she? Of course not.Come one come all to the land of opportunity where you are not j... moreYou will be welcomed with open arms. Nikki Haley GUARANTEES your welcome. She wouldn't lie would she? Of course not.Come one come all to the land of opportunity where you are not judged by the color of your skin but by the content of your character. Do those words sound familiar? Well Dr. King WE IS THERE. WE DONE ARRIVED. Nikki Haley says so.
The dipstick is deeply disturbingly weird. All his toady sycophant lemmings are also that or they wouldn't be his toady sycophant lemmings would they?Peculiar odd bizarre weird que... moreThe dipstick is deeply disturbingly weird. All his toady sycophant lemmings are also that or they wouldn't be his toady sycophant lemmings would they?Peculiar odd bizarre weird queer. More of the same to follow of course.If you plan to bake an ANGELFOOD cake you don't start off with bitter dark chocolate. Any cooks out there? Know what I mean?
So dipstick is like a cow with 4 stomachs. He regurgitates what is digested constantly from stomach to stomach to stomach to stomach which is why the contents never change and is s... moreSo dipstick is like a cow with 4 stomachs. He regurgitates what is digested constantly from stomach to stomach to stomach to stomach which is why the contents never change and is so thin and soupy. Now ya know his how why and be. Isn't that better?
As of May 2020 per a Gallup Poll 31% of Americans identify as Democrats &... moreAs of May 2020 per a Gallup Poll 31% of Americans identify as Democrats 25% identify as Republicans 40% identify as INDEPENDENTSWhat makes an INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT is that he/she does the thinking for the brain inside the cranium and... less
Why not sit back lick his lips as he munches on double whoppers and smile as his most hated state of California simply burns to the ground?I don't get it.
My son was a picky eater as a child. I was not. My Jim is a picky eater. I am not. I wonder if that's how it usually goes in families or is that just a coincidence?
My daughter's cat knocked my tablet off the kitchen table. It landed screen-down. Still works, but the screen protector looks like a spider has been busy on it.Cats are EVIL bastards.
The origins many of pop culture references are rooted in or around the decade in which they emerge, sometimes a few years before that decade, while others are ta... more
The origins many of pop culture references are rooted in or around the decade in which they emerge, sometimes a few years before that decade, while others are take-offs of themes from far back in history, such as “Paul Revere and the Raiders” or “Jethro Tull” or “The Dixie Chicks”.
671 mail sorting machines sorting mail at 36,000 pieces per dayOUT OF COMMISSIONPlease tell me how that is a good thing that YOU support?FYI when you multiply 671 times 36,000 it's... more671 mail sorting machines sorting mail at 36,000 pieces per dayOUT OF COMMISSIONPlease tell me how that is a good thing that YOU support?FYI when you multiply 671 times 36,000 it's a very big number.How can we afford to pull out so many arond the country and still not affect mail delivery?Please educate me. I know y'all have the answers right up your sleeve right? So share them!