For me personally it makes a lot of sense to avoid the bad doer and go toward the do gooder.I would much rather spend time with Will Rogers than Adolf Hitler. Or Physicist Richard ... moreFor me personally it makes a lot of sense to avoid the bad doer and go toward the do gooder.I would much rather spend time with Will Rogers than Adolf Hitler. Or Physicist Richard Feynman than donald trump. Or anyone who is not a dipstick supporter. Too scary. All evil and dark and dangerous and deadly.Who would be drawn to that? Or rather WHAT would be drawn to that?.
How do you KNOW you aren't being manipulated by "clever" "profound" "witty"?If something makes no sense to you but someone brilliant says it do you accept it? Why? How does that ma... moreHow do you KNOW you aren't being manipulated by "clever" "profound" "witty"?If something makes no sense to you but someone brilliant says it do you accept it? Why? How does that make any sense?
The real folks who lived on Cannery Row. I so enjoyed meeting them I wished I had been one of them.I wrote him a fan letter and told him so. He wrote back. My one treasure from a s... moreThe real folks who lived on Cannery Row. I so enjoyed meeting them I wished I had been one of them.I wrote him a fan letter and told him so. He wrote back. My one treasure from a stranger.So whose works do you so enjoy you wish you were one of the characters?
Never ever having to worry about what regular folks worry about?Imagine an entire life lived like that? Can you? Whom would you be if that were so for you? Hoity toity fancy dancy ... moreNever ever having to worry about what regular folks worry about?Imagine an entire life lived like that? Can you? Whom would you be if that were so for you? Hoity toity fancy dancy or would you still be a "regular" person?
They have people all over the place, standing at tables and trying to engage passersby in conversation. Today they were out near my house in the humidity and rain. I ignore them, b... moreThey have people all over the place, standing at tables and trying to engage passersby in conversation. Today they were out near my house in the humidity and rain. I ignore them, but are they trying to raise money? Are they employees or volunteers?
The way we seem to feel we have to review everything these days, from toilet paper to tech... it occurred to me, as things do, that perhaps we worry too much about what reviews say... moreThe way we seem to feel we have to review everything these days, from toilet paper to tech... it occurred to me, as things do, that perhaps we worry too much about what reviews say? It was a fudge cake that set this train of thinking in motion.. Last time I had this fudge cake, it was great... I'd have given it 4 out of 5. But this time, it was more like a 2 as it was messy and not well put together, misshapen too. Yet, it was the same fudge cake.... Perhaps it's just me who has these strange thoughts? less
For 12 years Britney Spears has had a conservator or legal guardian due to her multiple nervous breakdowns.I think it would do everyone much and bigly great good if the dipstick we... moreFor 12 years Britney Spears has had a conservator or legal guardian due to her multiple nervous breakdowns.I think it would do everyone much and bigly great good if the dipstick were "conservated" and "legal guardianed". For the good of the country. Whaddya say?
The photoelectric effectWhen light with energy above a certain threshold hits metal it loosens an electron that was previously bound to it and it is knocked loose.Okay. What happen... moreThe photoelectric effectWhen light with energy above a certain threshold hits metal it loosens an electron that was previously bound to it and it is knocked loose.Okay. What happens after? What's the value of knowing that? Can you save lives with it? What is purpose/value of knowing that?No I am not purposely trying to be thickheaded. I just don't see why knowing that is so important.
What there is of it is vile evil venal. Who among the toady sycophants lemming whinya** spineless adoring worshippers said a word about the dipstick CHARACTER? ANYONE?
They are always there to pat his a** and he needs a** patting 24/7.See. Easy peasy. Just pat his a** and you own a piece of him too though why in the he** you would want to is beyond me.
Whose fault is that dipstick?Who fired up the white supremacists to go "rile up" the peaceful protesters?You that's who. ALL YOU. Sheesh. What a straight line for a humorless nitwi... moreWhose fault is that dipstick?Who fired up the white supremacists to go "rile up" the peaceful protesters?You that's who. ALL YOU. Sheesh. What a straight line for a humorless nitwit. Black humor.
Biden will wipe the diptstick off the face of the earth vis a vis any history of his existence. That is what the dipstick fears along with being a civilian and thus available to be... moreBiden will wipe the diptstick off the face of the earth vis a vis any history of his existence. That is what the dipstick fears along with being a civilian and thus available to be charged tried convicted and imprisoned. What fun awaits the dipstick. How will he look in stripes? Slimming aren't tney? Black and white is his color. Suitable. Ironic. Poetic justice.
180,000 dead and more to come from a virus that the dipstick crowd says is behind us.So 1500 people or so at that closing speech. Vulnerable ducks in a shooting gallery.How many of... more180,000 dead and more to come from a virus that the dipstick crowd says is behind us.So 1500 people or so at that closing speech. Vulnerable ducks in a shooting gallery.How many of them will get the virus and pass it on to loved ones? Dying or very ill will any of them regret what they did or to their last breathe will they whisper VIVA LA DIPSTICK? VIVA LA DIPSTICK? VIVA LA DIPSTICK?There they were sitting butt to butt inhaling one another's spit and all that goes with it. To show their loyalty and devotion to him which is all that counts with them. Aeen't they adorable? less
EVerytime dipstick would speak the sound would turn off until he was no longer being audioed or videoed?Countless times every day I rush to the remote to mute him. He literal... moreEVerytime dipstick would speak the sound would turn off until he was no longer being audioed or videoed?Countless times every day I rush to the remote to mute him. He literally nauseates me.Anyway if such automatic device does not exist could any of you invent it? I think you'd make big bucks and I would be ever so grateful! Bet I'm not the only one! :) Whatcha think?
C'mon! Y'all are not really that stupid are you? Because he was WHITE of course which gives him all kinds of rights including walking down the middle of a street with a rifle or wh... moreC'mon! Y'all are not really that stupid are you? Because he was WHITE of course which gives him all kinds of rights including walking down the middle of a street with a rifle or whatever the he** it was.So much for "good" cops. Not one of them stopped him to check him out. The cops in ands cops on the ground paid no attention to him. What could possible wrong with a white kid brandishing a weapon? Nuttin ' honey. Nuttin at all. The same cops who held a man by the shirt and shot him in the BACK 7 times and paralyzed him. What did the black man? NUTTIN' HONEY. He was black. What more do you need? And so it goes. less
Inundate it with gasoline and throw matches then sit back and watch the conflagration and BLAME the state for the incineration. He do dat ting all da time. He do. He be doo doo..
The very existence of the dipstick is an abomination and violation of human decency.He stinks of it and is enveloped by it and spreads it around wherever he goes. He speaks abomina... moreThe very existence of the dipstick is an abomination and violation of human decency.He stinks of it and is enveloped by it and spreads it around wherever he goes. He speaks abomination and tweets abomination and celebrates abomination as do all the spineless whinya** ilk who are terrified of him.Hatch Act? Small potatoes.Constitution? Part of his plan. Trashing it in progress.Country? Soon it will be exactly what vlad putin wants it to be. PUTTY to be shaped formed manipulated pretzelized to suit Russia.Good job dipstick. Keep it up. Whatcha got ta lose? Everyone says so. Putin well pleased. All fascist racist WHITE supremacists adore you. Your encouragement and example is what they live for. less
The only time I inhaled was when I was 10 in the basement of my grandparents summer place. I stole a cigarette out of my uncle's pack and went down to tbe basement. I read that to ... moreThe only time I inhaled was when I was 10 in the basement of my grandparents summer place. I stole a cigarette out of my uncle's pack and went down to tbe basement. I read that to inhale you had to swallow the smoke so it would come out of your nostrils. Dumb me. I thught it looked so COOL.So I swallowed the smoke. OH MY GAWDIt burned like he** and I immediately became nauseated. It was painful and disgusting and I was miserable.I learned my lesson that day deep in the bowels of basement. I thought anyone who smoked was a crackpot and so futurely if I put a cigarette to my lips for affect I puffed.True Confessions. less
Does she imply we the people are getting what we DESERVE from her husband?Why would she say that? How are we supposed to take that?Yes we deserve honesty but so far the dipst... moreDoes she imply we the people are getting what we DESERVE from her husband?Why would she say that? How are we supposed to take that?Yes we deserve honesty but so far the dipstick has told in excess of 20,000 lies and lies every day every single time he opens his mouth.Why would she bring up honesty? She knows he lies and has lied to her. She didn't say he is honest at all but isn't that what one would infer from her words? Weird pecular queer dame.
Compares the white athelete to the black and how do they stack up.Years ago there was movie (comedy) titled "White Men Can't Jump" or something.Well black men can and I expect that... moreCompares the white athelete to the black and how do they stack up.Years ago there was movie (comedy) titled "White Men Can't Jump" or something.Well black men can and I expect that is why so many of our SUPERIOR SUPRME ATHELETES are not white.But white racists cannot possibly admire anything not white. So who are the top white stars in basketball?Gotta be true to themselves and their roots right?That why so many FASCIST RACISTS are nuts about NASCAR? Practically all white?
The heartlessJellyfishFlatwormsCorals and PolypsSea LiliesSea AnemonesStarfishSea cucumberSome have more than one heart. The Octopus has 3. The Hag fish has 4. Earthworms have 5 ye... moreThe heartlessJellyfishFlatwormsCorals and PolypsSea LiliesSea AnemonesStarfishSea cucumberSome have more than one heart. The Octopus has 3. The Hag fish has 4. Earthworms have 5 yearts.So we know animals can be "alive" having neither heart nor brain which would explain the dipstick.