1. Not by number, but by percentage, they’ll be up 50% of the daily average.
2. Thirty new posts per minute every hour into dawn the next morning.3. The server will crash due... more1. Not by number, but by percentage, they’ll be up 50% of the daily average.
2. Thirty new posts per minute every hour into dawn the next morning.3. The server will crash due to the deluge.4. It will read like a ticker tape machine.5. Every word spoken by anyone on CNN and/or Fox News will have a corresponding tirade posted about it.6. That depends on how quickly hatred can be translated into word form.7. I don’t plan to log on that night; I anticipate how bad it will be.8. Two or more of the above.
9. None of the above/Other answer:______. less
All the chicken scairdy cats are all standing in line BEHIND him.Right might take time to shine but it is ALWAYS there waiting for ITS turn.Bet the dipstick is furious frantic and ... moreAll the chicken scairdy cats are all standing in line BEHIND him.Right might take time to shine but it is ALWAYS there waiting for ITS turn.Bet the dipstick is furious frantic and is now in a fetal position wanting his mummy. Will he dis the ENTIRE NBA? They very big and very strong and very smart. All he is? VERY BIG bodywise and very small elsewise otherwise.Come to Jesus dipstick. Now or never.
All the dipstick toady sycophants and adoring worshippers are especially good at doing that.They see themselves as the true patriots and love adore admire respect protesct defend t... moreAll the dipstick toady sycophants and adoring worshippers are especially good at doing that.They see themselves as the true patriots and love adore admire respect protesct defend that monstrous of evildoers...the dipstick.None of them believes that dipstick is a traitor who is more loyal to a hostile foreign murderer (ex KGB head putin) than he is to his own intelligence community. They love all things russian as he does. They do no mind that the election is fraudulent and rigged and laden with bots and lies and schemes and scammers and conspiracy theory nuts and fruits.They embrace all of it including the fascist racism redolent in the party.FASCIST RACISTS. That is what the dipstick pandes to and they all adore the guy because they know he is as corrupt as they need him to be all the time.Good luck. Of course I don't mean that at all. BAD LUCK to all who support the demon spawn. They are defective morally spiritually intellectually emotionally and dare I say it physically as well so what do you expect from the... less
Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of GOD(nowhere does it say the rich will inherit the earth)It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for... moreBlessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of GOD(nowhere does it say the rich will inherit the earth)It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of GODLet not the wise man boast in his wisdom. Let not the mighty man boast in his might. Let not the rich man boast in his riches. (dipstick boasts about all three constantly)No one can serve two masters. You CANNOT SERVE GOD AND MONEY (dipstick and his adoring worshippers worship money above all else)GOD loves a cheerful giver (and does not love a miserly stingy cheap deadbeat who stiffs people) less
Then when you DO speak up is it of value to others or simply a way to "brush off" the questioner? The quality of HELPFUL USEFUL WORTHWHILE replies varies from nil/zip/nada to enorm... moreThen when you DO speak up is it of value to others or simply a way to "brush off" the questioner? The quality of HELPFUL USEFUL WORTHWHILE replies varies from nil/zip/nada to enormously helpful useful informative. Asking questions is a crapshoot to be sure. You never know what you're going to get.
Or they say "who cares?" Or they say "why are you asking such a question?" or they say "I don't share such things with anyone". Now how is any of that useful helpful valuable worth... moreOr they say "who cares?" Or they say "why are you asking such a question?" or they say "I don't share such things with anyone". Now how is any of that useful helpful valuable worthwhile to anyone? What is the point of any of it? How does it advance a discussion in any positive way?I DON'T GET IT. You?Now if someone says "I don't know but here is what I think" that's of value. Weird. What motivates people? I'm going to ask.
My favorite R.E.M. album (and I own them all) is "Around the Sun."In every poll, article, review I've ever read about R.E.M. albums, this album is ALWAYS named "THE Worst R.E.M. Al... moreMy favorite R.E.M. album (and I own them all) is "Around the Sun."In every poll, article, review I've ever read about R.E.M. albums, this album is ALWAYS named "THE Worst R.E.M. Album."
Why should I care? Deep down, I don't. The album remains my favorite. And I really like all of their albums.It's interesting at times for me -- sometimes being on the outside, looking in at everyone else who seem to be saying and thinking and doing what I seemingly "should" be saying and thinking and doing -- at odds with what everyone else says and thinks and does, i.e., "We can all agree that 'Around the Sun' is the WORST R.E.M. album." And then they all argue about what is the best R.E.M. album. And I "sit" there on the other side of the "room," thinking, "Uh. . . well, I guess I don't have much to add to the argument of the best album since my best is the worst." Ha!:)And, of course, yes -- I've been listening to "Around the Sun" on 'repeat' the whole time I posted this question, ha! :) less
So if or when a loved one is hospitalized you MAY NOT visit him/her? Happened to our neighbor a few weeks ago. She was allowed to come pick him up and take him home. But visit? Nop... moreSo if or when a loved one is hospitalized you MAY NOT visit him/her? Happened to our neighbor a few weeks ago. She was allowed to come pick him up and take him home. But visit? Nope. So just be prepared for that. You are now shut out and cut out of being an extra set of ears so you can hear what the doctor says. How is that a benefit to the person who is ill or the person who wants to help in the best way possible?Progress? I think not.
You keep busy you look busy and the typicals think that means you are actually DOING SOMETHING when in fact we all know by the track record you are DOING NOTHING.Looks are importan... moreYou keep busy you look busy and the typicals think that means you are actually DOING SOMETHING when in fact we all know by the track record you are DOING NOTHING.Looks are important. Appearances matter most of all. Photo ops in front of a church waving a bible makes folks think you really are GODly sap even though you ordered peaceful protesters to be TEARGASSED to clear the way for the hey hey hey hey hey!. IMAGINE THAT?
DipstickDipstickDipstickYou dare NOT put anyone or anything before the dipstick. Do so at your own peril.Now your family? You can get another family. Your GOD? Well there are many ... moreDipstickDipstickDipstickYou dare NOT put anyone or anything before the dipstick. Do so at your own peril.Now your family? You can get another family. Your GOD? Well there are many iterations and versions thereof. The one to whom the dipstick lemmings pray will stay by your side forevermore.So repeat after meDipstickDipstickDipstickNo one will ever be more mportant to support. OR ELSE!
I was ten years old on my bike riding in the neighborhood. I was about to go around a ocrner when I heard my DAD'S VOICE tell me "STOP"! I stopped shocked. I honestly do not ... moreI was ten years old on my bike riding in the neighborhood. I was about to go around a ocrner when I heard my DAD'S VOICE tell me "STOP"! I stopped shocked. I honestly do not remember if he said "Rosemarie" or not. I just KNOW it was his voice I heard. Just then a car came carreening around the corner at a very fast speed. My dad saved my life or at the very least saved me from very bad injuries.Did I ever mention it to him? No. I did not. I was freaked out enough. I didn't want him to be freaked out too. Never told my mom or my sister for that matter. Why am I telling you? I don't know you. That's why. less
Do they go out of their way to "remember" hate and empower it and sustain it? How does love ever have a chance to gain a toehold with haters? The strongest emotion passed down from... moreDo they go out of their way to "remember" hate and empower it and sustain it? How does love ever have a chance to gain a toehold with haters? The strongest emotion passed down from generation to generation? HATRED of "the other"?That is the very best of the best of the best of homo saps? Nurturing hate and vilifying love? Good job. Everyone says so.
I am not joking. We went to Kaiser. Used hand sanitizer. Got a little sticky to put on and said our temperature would be taken. I asked when and they said it already happened! "It ... moreI am not joking. We went to Kaiser. Used hand sanitizer. Got a little sticky to put on and said our temperature would be taken. I asked when and they said it already happened! "It already happened" sez I? "WHEN?" They pointed to a contraption I hadn't even noticed as we walked by.Was that developed because of the virus or have they had it for decades?
EVeryone knows or SHOULD KNOW that your lot in life is determined by your skin color. GET OVER IT.The very best targets are people of color. Their lives don't matter and no one is ... moreEVeryone knows or SHOULD KNOW that your lot in life is determined by your skin color. GET OVER IT.The very best targets are people of color. Their lives don't matter and no one is gonna pitch a hissy fit if they get permanently crippled or killed dead.When will they learn their place and shut the f up about what happens to them? No one but their own ilk gives a dam*. The WHITE powers that be only get more riled and annoyed when they utter a word. Just die quietly for GOD'S sake. Quietly. Don't make a fuss. Don't make any noise. Don't interview the wives and children and parents and siblings of those who are murdered or maimed. Who cares about them? Right? Who cares about them? Not you. You're white.NOTE to those of you who are obviously obtusely braindead and find this shocking.I AM BEING EXCEEDINGLY SARCASTIC. less
None of these so-called "peaceful" protests would be occurring i f they just would stay in "their place".The Black Lives Matter folks started all this trouble didn't they? If they ... moreNone of these so-called "peaceful" protests would be occurring i f they just would stay in "their place".The Black Lives Matter folks started all this trouble didn't they? If they "knew their place" and station in life and what they deserved to have happen to them based on what whites think is right none of this would be happening.Clearly it all falls on their shoulders for fighting and speaking up and demanding Constitutional rights.What were they thinking? Everyone know skin color rules. Always has always will.So how do we get the toothpaste back in the tube? That way we can just squeeze it whenever we wish without it pushing back.Know your place. Know your position on the ladder of life. Don't try to reach for that which is not yours to reach for.Know your place. LOOK IN THE MIRROR. WHAT COLOR ARE YOU? That will guide you in all things futurely. All you have to do is REMEMBER YOUR SKIN COLOR and act accordingly. No uppity anyones thank you for very much. The world less
She plays the role of loving wife holding hands showing up and smiling adoringly at the dipstick in public.In return for which he has agreed to pay her for prostituting herself.We ... moreShe plays the role of loving wife holding hands showing up and smiling adoringly at the dipstick in public.In return for which he has agreed to pay her for prostituting herself.We know she is in it for the money. She knows the dipstick had a lot of sex with other women who he paid off to shut up WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH HIS SON.Any normal decent respectable woman would have dumped the bas**rd and moved on. She married him for his money obviously. She will do anything be anything pretend anything for a price. We have names for people like that. less
Some children still live in KENNELS and CAGES. What heart. What compassion. What love of humankind.The Dipstick will use anyone and anything at anytime. Shameless pig.
You ain't seen nuthin' yet! There will be billions of dollars spent on ads to scare the sh** outta y'all and of course y'all will fall for it. Y'all already have. Y'all eat this cr... moreYou ain't seen nuthin' yet! There will be billions of dollars spent on ads to scare the sh** outta y'all and of course y'all will fall for it. Y'all already have. Y'all eat this crap up. Well your belly will be full of it for the next few months. Accelerated by frantic frenzy and fear it will come at you relentlessly from every direction 24/7.Billions of dollars raised to spend on ads to "win" an election that we know is rigged.The same way it was rigged in 2016. Lies and conspiracies and liars and conspirators and colluders and maker uppers and insulters and attackers and lots and lots of bots. The russian machine has never stopped cranking out its mystery sausage on behalf of the useful idiot lapdog puppet ...the one and only dipstick!Bring it on. Take your best shot. You've already destroyed a lot. More to go ho ho ho. Keep it up. Leave nothing behind. You can do it. less
I got mine get your ownNo skin off my noseWhat they get they deservedLet them go back to their countryWhite is bright and full of might and smite and fright and delight alrightPeop... moreI got mine get your ownNo skin off my noseWhat they get they deservedLet them go back to their countryWhite is bright and full of might and smite and fright and delight alrightPeople of color are not one of usMy way or the highwayCompromise is for weaklings as is cooperation. Everyone says so. You CAN judge a book by its cover color. Everyone knows that. Everyone says so. There are not good people on both sides. Only on "our" side, The rest are dreck and should all go to heck in a handbasket."I am the word the light and the way." The dipstick's belief about himself. Nothing existed before the dipstick and when he goes everything goes with him. less
Did anyone there to speak glowingly lovingly adoringly about the dipstick take any time to show sympathy for the dead Americans, their grieving families, and those who are still su... moreDid anyone there to speak glowingly lovingly adoringly about the dipstick take any time to show sympathy for the dead Americans, their grieving families, and those who are still suffering from the effects ot getting the disease? Anyone at all?Or are theh so insulated from reality living in their bubble world of dipstick reality they can't be bothered because to them it is not a reality to be considered?Cold heartless indifferent they are. The only passions they feel are HATE and FEAR which they stoke up each time they gather together. Fomenting horrors and lusting after more and more and more and more. The more braindead lemmings they can reach the happier they are. Terrified of their shadows they believe that the dipstick will save them. From what?The only threat is dipstick. They don't see that. They are lost. less
Yet in the here and now people of color embrace defend protect adore the dipstick who is clearly a FASCIST RACIST pro RACIST FASCISTS.How can that be that we see "BLACKS FOR TRUMP"... moreYet in the here and now people of color embrace defend protect adore the dipstick who is clearly a FASCIST RACIST pro RACIST FASCISTS.How can that be that we see "BLACKS FOR TRUMP" signs everywhere? How can it be that CUBAN AMERICANS proudly support him? Cuban Americans fled Cuba to get away from a despot dictator hater. They embrace the American version of that full up? I DON"T GET IT.