Have you ever been part of a test audience for a version of a movie‘s ending that was ultimately NOT selected for wide release? If so, which movie(s), and do you agree ... moreHave you ever been part of a test audience for a version of a movie‘s ending that was ultimately NOT selected for wide release? If so, which movie(s), and do you agree with the studio’s decision to go with the other ending?~
Did cowardly fivetime fake bonespur draft dodger finally go a bridge too far for even his most devoted supporters?Those who lost loved ones in the military in service to their coun... moreDid cowardly fivetime fake bonespur draft dodger finally go a bridge too far for even his most devoted supporters?Those who lost loved ones in the military in service to their country don't appreciate hearing LOSERS and SUCKERS. Really? This is what it takes to finally open their eyes to the evil SOB they've a** patting for years>Sheesh. Slow learners.
He accuses and then never comes through with PROOF or EVIDENCE or truth.He just lets it hang there knowing he doesn't need to a dam* think to y'all. Every word he says you believe ... moreHe accuses and then never comes through with PROOF or EVIDENCE or truth.He just lets it hang there knowing he doesn't need to a dam* think to y'all. Every word he says you believe so why should bother?
Dipsh**'ts was an miserable a human as dipsh** is. My dad is way better. Way way way way way. Bet your dad is too. Tell us about him. Was he in the military? Where and when did he serve?
Also an Answermug friend told me that dipstick implied dipsh**. I did not know that and I thank him for educating me about it. Gives more depth to the word. I like depth. Do you?
How can one be WISE GENIUS and not be able to understand comprehend grasp the most basic of things?Can anyone set me straight on this?The dipsh** doesn't grasp that government empl... moreHow can one be WISE GENIUS and not be able to understand comprehend grasp the most basic of things?Can anyone set me straight on this?The dipsh** doesn't grasp that government employees are supposed to be serving the country and the people not him. They are not his private entourage to such up to and a** and provide his every want. After almost 4 years he cannot get that simple truth trhough his thick blockhead. So once again what wise genius does he represent?
Plus she a womanPlus she is not a WHITE womanThe dipsh** will have a field day hating on her. So many levels for him to hate.Military vetDouble amputeeGee.
All military anyones living or dead are suckers and losers including the heroes.Dipstick does not like heroes.Dipstick has no use for the militaryDipstick likes those who make a lo... moreAll military anyones living or dead are suckers and losers including the heroes.Dipstick does not like heroes.Dipstick has no use for the militaryDipstick likes those who make a lot of moneyDipstick sezSipdick sexStipstick sezStiptick sezDipsh** sezLive your life as the dippity doo doo tells you too. MAKE MONEY and give him a lot of it. He will pat your a** and suck up to you eternally. Try it. You'll see. What could it hurt? EVERYONE SAYS SO!
March 23, 2020 another murder occurs. Suspension yesterday, September 3 of 7 officers. Suspended with pay.In others words PAID VACATION.The truth supposedly allegedly will suppsedl... moreMarch 23, 2020 another murder occurs. Suspension yesterday, September 3 of 7 officers. Suspended with pay.In others words PAID VACATION.The truth supposedly allegedly will suppsedly allegedly come out 6 months later? Because now we have a bodycams available to show what happened? SEVEN?As I said how many cop departments are hiding murders and murderers among their ranks? The blue code of silence. AGAIN?
I'm thinking of the type of film that is unusual in some significant way, arouses curiosity, has you wanting to know who made the film and why it is so different from the norm. Per... moreI'm thinking of the type of film that is unusual in some significant way, arouses curiosity, has you wanting to know who made the film and why it is so different from the norm. Perhaps a film that would seem not to appeal to Joe Average (though it might).
He doesn't like the looks of wounded vets so he wants them kept out of sight.This is the Commander in Chief.A Googolplex of irony and despicable depravity. The 5-time fake bonespur... moreHe doesn't like the looks of wounded vets so he wants them kept out of sight.This is the Commander in Chief.A Googolplex of irony and despicable depravity. The 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger has no bottom.
Don't include wounded veterans. It will make people feel uncomfortable to see amputees.Of course the dipstick is all about looks. He thinks he's a hot hunk. Doesn't see himself as ... moreDon't include wounded veterans. It will make people feel uncomfortable to see amputees.Of course the dipstick is all about looks. He thinks he's a hot hunk. Doesn't see himself as an obese orange homo sap who is OLD.Of course y'all have a good reason for dipstick wanting to EXCLUDE wounded vets right?Bring it on. Go ahead. Speak right up. This should be real good.
That he views those in the military with contempt/disdain and see them as "less than"?That guy is smart. Why did he join the military?Losers and winners. Losers don't go after mone... moreThat he views those in the military with contempt/disdain and see them as "less than"?That guy is smart. Why did he join the military?Losers and winners. Losers don't go after money. Winners go after money.That guy is smart. Why did he join the military? How would YOU answer that?
And do we ever agree that both the Democratic and the Republican Party tend to be less-than-sane, or that neither is always so beneficial to the general populace?
Pretty please? That way the CONFEDERACY will be reborn sloavery will come back women will no loner have the vote and God will be in Heaven.C'mon. What could it hurt? Try it you'll ... morePretty please? That way the CONFEDERACY will be reborn sloavery will come back women will no loner have the vote and God will be in Heaven.C'mon. What could it hurt? Try it you'll like. What ya ta lose? Everyone says so.
Why would I kid about that?The lawless dipstick nevertheless sells himself as a law and order guy and his peeps buy it by the carload.What they see and hear they ignore. Only what ... moreWhy would I kid about that?The lawless dipstick nevertheless sells himself as a law and order guy and his peeps buy it by the carload.What they see and hear they ignore. Only what the dipstick says is what they hold to be dear and the WORD OF GOD. They do. What can you do? Beats me. Some folks just love to conned scammed. Why disappoint them?
So that's how it lays these days.You harm in any way a super extreme right wing fascist racist who adores the 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger you will die.Cops are the recognized... moreSo that's how it lays these days.You harm in any way a super extreme right wing fascist racist who adores the 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger you will die.Cops are the recognized HITMEN for the draft dodger. That why he a** pats them and cozies up to them and hugs them and kisses them. His hitmen. Nice ta know that the 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger is using cops as his own hit squad just as he uses the obesely enormous barfbarr as his own personal lawyer.More to come.
It was raining and dip was supposed to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Paris in 2018. Didn't go. Told two lies. Said helicopters don't fly when it rains (LIE) and ... moreIt was raining and dip was supposed to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Paris in 2018. Didn't go. Told two lies. Said helicopters don't fly when it rains (LIE) and the Secret Service refused to drive him there(LIE).The REAL reason? He was afraid that the rain would affect his hair adversely so ego boy didn't want to have a girlyman "bad hair" day.Know what he said to staff? 'WHY SHOULD I GO TO THAT CEMETERY? IT'S FILLED WITH LOSERS".Same trip, separate conversation. He referred to more than 1800 marines who lost their lives at BELLEAU WOOD as "suckers" for getting killed.The five-time fake bonespur draft dodger chickensh** coward talks like this all the time. Someone leaked it.He has contempt for those who lose their lives in service to their country. He doesn't like heroes who get captured. He thinks they are losers and suckers.Of course he does. less
That after he drained the swamp of homo saps he'd fill with denizens of swamps whose normal environment it is. So what lives in swamps?40 species of mammals50 species of REPTILES60... moreThat after he drained the swamp of homo saps he'd fill with denizens of swamps whose normal environment it is. So what lives in swamps?40 species of mammals50 species of REPTILES60 species of amphibians34 kinds of fishSomething about a TIDAL MARSH exists in the background of D.C. Built on a riverbank or whatever not on a swamp like CHICAGO and NEW ORLEANS.But the dipstick fulfilled his promise for a change. Got rid of all the human beings there and replaced them with a vast not half-vast but vast array of REPTILES. Now YOU get it too don't you? You get it too. Accounts for all the slithery snakes that bellycrawl 24/7. Many of which are POISONOUS.Some such?RaccoonsPileated WoodpeckersPurple GallinulesEgretsHeronsAlligatorsFrogsTurtlesSNAKES less
He sucks up to them and a** pats them all the time.But he does want to label the ANTIFA as terrorists.What's sauce for his goose isn't meat for his gander.Gibberish is what that ce... moreHe sucks up to them and a** pats them all the time.But he does want to label the ANTIFA as terrorists.What's sauce for his goose isn't meat for his gander.Gibberish is what that certain someone speaks. Doesn't have a clue what he is saying but just talks talks talks talks talks talks talks. He likes unfair unjust and lies. He trhives on them. And so it goes. He also adores and celebrates and supports and defends WHITE SUPREMACIST RACISTS. Bigly. Very bigly. He is alright with all white.