How do you know how many infiltated the organization to purposely discredit it and purposely create the vioeltn confrontations so that dipsh** could order weaponized mystery meat t... moreHow do you know how many infiltated the organization to purposely discredit it and purposely create the vioeltn confrontations so that dipsh** could order weaponized mystery meat thugs to tear gas rubber bullet and baton beat the real ANTIFA members while the ringers and shills beat it the he** outta there before the guns showed up?Do YOU know for sure?You surely (don't call me shirley) know that this sort of thing is right up the dipsh**'s alley right? Fighting dirty is his metier cuppa tea raison d'etre and privilege honor. He gets off on it.So it is 50% 25% 10%? Who knows? The dipsh** do. less
So that the inhabitants are not contaminated by truth. Can't have that anywhere within the walls lest the gullible vulnerable fall ill due to it. THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.... moreSo that the inhabitants are not contaminated by truth. Can't have that anywhere within the walls lest the gullible vulnerable fall ill due to it. THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.Come one come all to STUPIDVILLE. Once inside you will be taken care of your entire life. You will have no worries since you will never ever never have to think or decide. Just obey every day in every way and you'll be okay.What does it cost? If you have to ask you can't afford it.
When asked again he said he'd have to know what the law was in any particular community.Now do you know that voting twice ANYWHERE at ANYTIME for ANY REASON is AGAINST THE LAW EVER... moreWhen asked again he said he'd have to know what the law was in any particular community.Now do you know that voting twice ANYWHERE at ANYTIME for ANY REASON is AGAINST THE LAW EVERYWHERE THERE IS A WHERE?Apparently the barfbarr is unaware of that because he refused to admit to commit that voting twice is what lawbreakers do.Stupid dumb. Stupid dumb. Stupid dumb. Reflects his master bigly don't he? Stupid dumb.
Clearly the barfbarr mimics dipsh** and pulls this stuff out of his a**. What felony was he committing and in which hand did he hold what weapon that threatened the sh**head cop wh... moreClearly the barfbarr mimics dipsh** and pulls this stuff out of his a**. What felony was he committing and in which hand did he hold what weapon that threatened the sh**head cop who shot him 7 times in the back WHILE HOLDING HIM BY THE SHIRT?The guy must be a gifted bodybendertwisterpretzelizer to have been doing what barfbarr said DURING THE TIME he was held by the shirt and shot IN THE BACK 7 times. A contortionist beyond belief.That's what the barfbarr said. Do YOU believe him?
Will they all rush out to gets shots that the dipsh** ordered to be released in time for the election? To show their belief in him their trust their devotion? Will that MAKE SURE a... moreWill they all rush out to gets shots that the dipsh** ordered to be released in time for the election? To show their belief in him their trust their devotion? Will that MAKE SURE all their childre get shot up as well because the dipsh** would to anything to hurt them right?Fun ahead for those of us who observe oddities peculiarlties queerness and bizarre behavior.Some will die. So what. Everyone dies. SH** happens. It is what it is. Everyone says so. In a certain period of time.
Time pastTime presentTime futureThe dipsh** will see each face of each person who died fighting to protect this country. UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. It will take "a certain period of ti... moreTime pastTime presentTime futureThe dipsh** will see each face of each person who died fighting to protect this country. UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. It will take "a certain period of time". "Everyone says so." "It is what it is".He will call each one of them LOSER SUCKER to their faces.What they will do/say in return is up to them.A nightmare of wakedness the dipsh** loser sucker will never escape. He earned it he deserves he will get what he deserves. You don't begrudge him to get that which he begot to get do you?The ones who linger longest are the ones who were DISFIGURED or AMPUTEES. He loves to look at them so he will have a chance to do so in SLOW MOTION. Nothing will be hidden from his sight. He deserves to see for himself what happens to soldiers when they fight the wars they fight. Not just dead bodies on slabs or pieces thereof. Not just numbers. less
Putrid putin working from Russia with hundreds of underlings misinforming to benefit the dipsh** loser sucker. Domestic terrorist on the dole from the dipsh** given free reign to t... morePutrid putin working from Russia with hundreds of underlings misinforming to benefit the dipsh** loser sucker. Domestic terrorist on the dole from the dipsh** given free reign to terrorize with his blessings. Daily attacks daily lies daily sabotage daily treason daily traitoring. How do we remain unaffected by the dreck by the crap by the bullsh** by the dipsh** organization.
I have not yet figured out a purpose reason for bobbleheads. Mike pounce is one. Of what value is he? They add nothing they do nothing they contribute nothing. They take up space a... moreI have not yet figured out a purpose reason for bobbleheads. Mike pounce is one. Of what value is he? They add nothing they do nothing they contribute nothing. They take up space and air but other than that how does their presence matter at all to anyone at any time for any reason?You are not a bobblehead correct? You are not a lemming who agrees with everything the dipstick loser sucker says or does. You speak up and out against the madness the dipstick loser sucker promelgates propagates instigates. You MATTER! less
Who would hire any of them to do anything legit honorable honest? They are templated by their time with the dipsh** loser sucker and only know how to lie cheat steal sabotage insul... moreWho would hire any of them to do anything legit honorable honest? They are templated by their time with the dipsh** loser sucker and only know how to lie cheat steal sabotage insult attack deny fabricate.There is big money in that. A new "enterprise" will be borne and form the cornerstone of our futures.The pompousea** and the barbarr will duke it out to see who is on top. Both fancy themselves top babanas material. Both are obese rotund fat and out of shape. They both lie and cheat so that should be no problem.Which is the "smarter". The barbarr or the pompousa**? Mckeymouse pounce is no match for them. For one thing he isn't obese. They outweigh him bigly and just sit on him and kill him. less
Who be dat I? Dat ting what say only me can save thee and thine?A monsterboy monstertoy bogeyboy? OY!BOGEYMAN"An IMAGINARY evil character of supernatural powers especially a MYTHIC... moreWho be dat I? Dat ting what say only me can save thee and thine?A monsterboy monstertoy bogeyboy? OY!BOGEYMAN"An IMAGINARY evil character of supernatural powers especially a MYTHICAL hobgoblin supposed to carry off naughty children".Are you a naughty children? Are you askeered of the BOGEYMAN? WILL HE EAT YOU OR GRIND YOU UP AND FEED YOU TO HIS RELATIVES?BE ASKEERED OF THE BOGEYMAN. If you don't do what I TELL YOU TO DO the bogeyman will devour you. Isn't the dipsh** loser sucker the most fearsome BOGEYMAN ever? Can a BOGEYMAN save/protect you from the BOGEYMAN? How do you know? Just because he says so? less
So all the African American parents having "THE TALK" with their sons about staying alive when cops are around can knock it off! Cease and desist. There is no there there according... moreSo all the African American parents having "THE TALK" with their sons about staying alive when cops are around can knock it off! Cease and desist. There is no there there according to the barfbarr. There. Doesn't that relieve your mind of worry?
Sunset viewed from the beach at WaikikiA double or triple rainbowWhat takes your breath away? We're excluding humans. i know some of you are wont to say "my children" or "my grandc... moreSunset viewed from the beach at WaikikiA double or triple rainbowWhat takes your breath away? We're excluding humans. i know some of you are wont to say "my children" or "my grandchildren" or "my mate". Don't.
Since dipstick loser sucker admires adores lusts after putrid putin he is modeling himself after that vicious vile murderer.So if the dipstick loser sucker gets "re=elected" he wil... moreSince dipstick loser sucker admires adores lusts after putrid putin he is modeling himself after that vicious vile murderer.So if the dipstick loser sucker gets "re=elected" he will become a mini putrid putin and murder those who criticize him. Who is going to stop him?
Despite differences and fears and hatreds and prejudices we are all here.From the earliest beginning of recorded time here we are today. What started out as a BIG BANG or GOD in HI... moreDespite differences and fears and hatreds and prejudices we are all here.From the earliest beginning of recorded time here we are today. What started out as a BIG BANG or GOD in HIS infinite wisdom. Here we are today. A very complex annoying quixotic unreliable species capable of great goodness and great badness. Doesn't that seem most remarkable to you? How not?
If so CONDOLENCES and I hope your air conditioning doesn't go "on the fritz". That is my one top thought today. Please and thank you to "the powers that be" in the electric company... moreIf so CONDOLENCES and I hope your air conditioning doesn't go "on the fritz". That is my one top thought today. Please and thank you to "the powers that be" in the electric company. No power outages. No "rollling blackouts". Please and thank you.
Gina Belafonte, Harry's daughter, has a petition before Congress to make a Citizen's Arrest of the president FOR INCITING VIOLENCE.If no one is above the law INCLUDING THE PRESIDEN... moreGina Belafonte, Harry's daughter, has a petition before Congress to make a Citizen's Arrest of the president FOR INCITING VIOLENCE.If no one is above the law INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT then what outcome would you like to see coming from this activity? Why?