Those who volunteered to serve in the military or were drafted when that was how things were done.Now such people are labeled losers and suckers and dismissed as not being smart en... moreThose who volunteered to serve in the military or were drafted when that was how things were done.Now such people are labeled losers and suckers and dismissed as not being smart enough to stay out of the military.So something changed. Flipped. Switched. Admiring those who were "smart" enough to get out of serving their country in the military and insulting those who weren't as smart. This is where we (the "head" he and his cabal et al) are today. Setting standards of behavior that disgust dismay.
He committed the ILLEGAL act of faking contributions to the dipstick from a variety of people who never contributed a dime. They were just his BEARD. He reimbursed them. He clever ... moreHe committed the ILLEGAL act of faking contributions to the dipstick from a variety of people who never contributed a dime. They were just his BEARD. He reimbursed them. He clever brilliant genius way to get around the limitation an individual can make to a political candidate. Ever so smart the dumba** left dtracks. Why does dkpstick know so many dumba** people? Is he drawn to them or are they drawn to him>If you are a dumba** he will hire you. Good to know that even a dumba** can make a heckuva good living in the world isn't it? less
These dipstick toady sycophants spineless whinya** republicans led by that son of an itch moscow mitch are out to protect their own and SCREW YOU.With the blessing of the dipstick ... moreThese dipstick toady sycophants spineless whinya** republicans led by that son of an itch moscow mitch are out to protect their own and SCREW YOU.With the blessing of the dipstick no doubt.Why isn't he fighting to get more to those who need it?LIABILITY PROTECTION?SERIOUSLY? What ignoramus stupid dumb dipsh&& demanded that? The dipstick?I dunno folks. Your bugment gubment at work. The dipstick tells you he is fighting for YOU but in fact he doesn't give a rat's a** about you. But you still think he do? Good golly good grief gadzooks and oy my. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY? less
Or could all of them have had the exact same experiences with him independent of one another?Who is more logically and likely THE LIAR here? The dipstick or all his former best fri... moreOr could all of them have had the exact same experiences with him independent of one another?Who is more logically and likely THE LIAR here? The dipstick or all his former best friends pals buddies? Why d'ya think so exactly precisely? Do you know?
He is rolling in dough.Oh oh oh. Woe woe woe.The dipsticks say they have two or three times as money now as they did in 2016. But if they need MORE he will pay it out of his own po... moreHe is rolling in dough.Oh oh oh. Woe woe woe.The dipsticks say they have two or three times as money now as they did in 2016. But if they need MORE he will pay it out of his own pocket. Yeah yeah yeah. Where did you hear that before? Did he ever? NEVER!
The butt wants to control everything.He wants to control sportsHe want to control politicsHe wants to control AmericaHe wants to control scienceHe wants to control medicineHe want ... moreThe butt wants to control everything.He wants to control sportsHe want to control politicsHe wants to control AmericaHe wants to control scienceHe wants to control medicineHe want to control businessHe wants to control every city and every state and call all the shots for everyone all the timeHe wants to control mail deliveryHe wants to control. the electionHe wants to control mail-in ballotingHe want to control masking and social distancing and mocks those who do both repeatedlyA buttinsky he is a buttinsky he will always be. DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO OR ELSE I WILL SEND IN THE MILITIA TO ANNIHILATE ALL OF YOU.How long before he actually do do that big a doo doo? less
Nothing like arrogance combined with ignorance and stupid dumb to cause someone to say something so really very very obtuse.No dipstick. The NORMAL FDA testing for drugs can take u... moreNothing like arrogance combined with ignorance and stupid dumb to cause someone to say something so really very very obtuse.No dipstick. The NORMAL FDA testing for drugs can take up to TEN YEARS.The SUCCESS RATE Is about 1 out of 3 make it to market.At any stage it can FAIL and you have to start all over.Could an excellent effective vaccine be ready for market before election day? Only by a miracle from GOD that would guarantee futurely that no one would be harmed by taking it. You cannot know what effects a drug will have on the human body if you don't TEST for it. TESTING takes years. Stupid dumbs.The dipstick peeps won't take it. They don't believe the virus is real. Just politics all mixed up in science none of which matters to them at all.2/3 won't take the vaccine when it first comes out.First is not best.Debugging takes time.Blue smoke and mirrors. That's all this is. Blue smoke and mirrors and prestidigitation. Now you see it not you don't. Right this way. See an elephant disappear before your very eyes!... less
The dipstick the cabal and the et al don't give a rat's a** about what they represent. Their devotion emotion stops at the surface. They wear the hat but attack America. They salut... moreThe dipstick the cabal and the et al don't give a rat's a** about what they represent. Their devotion emotion stops at the surface. They wear the hat but attack America. They salute the flag and sing the anthem but DESPISE the country and what it stands for.They do not trick us into believing their devotion to SYMBOLS matters.
If they REFUSE to social distance and REFUSE to wear a mask and REFUSE to shelter at home and go out to large parties where there is sex and booze and rock and roll and lots of nak... moreIf they REFUSE to social distance and REFUSE to wear a mask and REFUSE to shelter at home and go out to large parties where there is sex and booze and rock and roll and lots of naked bodies why on earth would they bother to get a vaccine?It makes no sense for the frenzied frantic "FAST TRACK" fakery when whatever they come up with to sate the craving of the dipstick won't maim harm kill people?Crackpot wackadoodlenoodle focus on a bogus fake magic bullet that will guarantee him a win. Something he can brag about.What good is it if no one takes it who would vote for him. less
I am a white woman and have never felt I was being unfairly treated because of that. Well once but my whiteness had zero to do with it.When I got divorced I told Sears I wanted my ... moreI am a white woman and have never felt I was being unfairly treated because of that. Well once but my whiteness had zero to do with it.When I got divorced I told Sears I wanted my credit in my name, that I was divorced. They gave me some cock and bull story that I could not have a credit on my own. I told them I would have my lawyer sue their a**es if they did that. That I EARNED more than my husband did so I could no reason why my marital status woulld be important to anyone. I got a letter and a phone call apologying and a credit card in my own name with a higer balance allowed. So much for standing up for yourself.But that's the only. Now I cannot know if my experiences would be different if I were a black woman or a black man. I can only go what I hear those who are tell us what they experience. Just because someone is kind to me does not guarantee that someone will be kind to evernyone and maybe skin color will matter. I can never know that. Whatever. less
So the dipstick is now turning on his dearest and nearest and clearest toady sycophants who never say no to him. Why is that? Because dipstick said the wrong things to the wrong pe... moreSo the dipstick is now turning on his dearest and nearest and clearest toady sycophants who never say no to him. Why is that? Because dipstick said the wrong things to the wrong peope about the military?How does he hang that on desperate Esper? Be warned. He will turn on you too on a dime at any time.
Sometimes I think "what a good idea". Sometimes I think "That sucks. No way will I do/say THAT". Then I think well "WHY SHOULD I?" But "what's in it for me"? Well my answer would b... moreSometimes I think "what a good idea". Sometimes I think "That sucks. No way will I do/say THAT". Then I think well "WHY SHOULD I?" But "what's in it for me"? Well my answer would be "will it make me happy or make me unhappy" which I guess is kinda sorta like "what's in it for me". What process do you go through before you do or not do?Is money always your cuppa tea. More is always better?
Declare war many countries and send troops there(North Korea Iran Russia China Japan Switzerland Nepal and every single DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY state! Shoot to kill. Point a gun at som... moreDeclare war many countries and send troops there(North Korea Iran Russia China Japan Switzerland Nepal and every single DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY state! Shoot to kill. Point a gun at someone and do the dirty deed.Send mystery meat thugs to polling locations to physically blow them up and to Registrars of Voters offices all over the nation to blow them up then visit all post offices and blow them up.Declare a RACE WAR 24 hours before the election and send the weaponized crackpot wackadoodlenoodles from all groups who support you (RACIST FASCISTS BIGOTS NAZIS MILITIA EVANGELICALS ETCETERA) to go out and start murdering!Millions of them all at once using anything they want including firethrowers and bazookas and cannons and rifles and AK everythings. No limit to magazine size. Go for it!Blow up all scientific labs and institutions. THEY ARE DANGEROUS.Blow up all TV and RADIO stations save one...although FOX has turned against dipstick recently quite BIGLYBlow up the power grid for the entire countrySet landmines everywhe... less
He will "look into it". If it happened he will be "very angry".It is the RUSSIAN nerve agent NOVICHUK that was the poison used. The putrid putin has had it used before on other dis... moreHe will "look into it". If it happened he will be "very angry".It is the RUSSIAN nerve agent NOVICHUK that was the poison used. The putrid putin has had it used before on other dissidents who become disfigured and die.There is NO DOUBT it is a Putin-ordered "hit" but the dipstick is wont to protect putrid putin at all costs no matter what. The dipstick has not yet said a word about the Russian bounties paid to Afghans to MURDER American soldiers. If he doesn't talk about it then it never happened and doesn't exist. SIGH.ATTEMPTED MURDER per Angela Merkel...Germany's leader.Which means it will be attempted repeatedly until it is effected. Putrid putin never gives up until he gets what he wants. Strong tough big man. That's so why the dipstick adores him. less
That is apparently ILLEGAL.Oh he has investments in mail companies that are COMPETITORS of the post office.So he has a money vested interest in crippling it. Follow the money honey... moreThat is apparently ILLEGAL.Oh he has investments in mail companies that are COMPETITORS of the post office.So he has a money vested interest in crippling it. Follow the money honey.The main talent ability character trait among those dipstick surrounds himself with is that they all are money-hungry hoors who will do and have done anything necessary to enrich themselves. The dipstick admires that bigly.
They deny "it" ever happening and say it is all lies and then turn around and say something to CORROBORATE IT as if that settled it.I love the military and am the biggest supporter... moreThey deny "it" ever happening and say it is all lies and then turn around and say something to CORROBORATE IT as if that settled it.I love the military and am the biggest supporter and have done more for the military than any president in the history of the world. I am its biggest fan. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them.The Pentagon is filled with people who put our soldiers in harm's way to make money because they are WAR PROFITEERS.See what I mean? He denies a charge and then makes it again without ever being aware of what he is doing. I'm sure there must some clinical psychology psychiatry that covers that.Every day in every way the big he shoots himself in the foot. Is he doing it purposely? Why would he? less
Said he loves the military. Said none of what was reported (and backed up by FOX NEWS fer goodness sakes) was true. It is all lies all designed to harm him.Then he attacks the Pent... moreSaid he loves the military. Said none of what was reported (and backed up by FOX NEWS fer goodness sakes) was true. It is all lies all designed to harm him.Then he attacks the Pentagon (military right) and sez they put our troops in harms way because they are war profiteers. In other words they sacrifice the lives of our servicepeople so they can make money.How does that help his cause which is to show how much he loves the military?
When the hole you're in get deeper faster STOP DIGGING.When what you say gets you into a whole lotta trouble SHUT UP.It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
See how he operates?He dnies dissing the military and says he is its biggest fan.He attacks Pentagon officials by saying they fight wars because they are war profiteers.Does that t... moreSee how he operates?He dnies dissing the military and says he is its biggest fan.He attacks Pentagon officials by saying they fight wars because they are war profiteers.Does that track for you? Is what dipstick said true? Do you adore the military troops but have contempt for the leaders?
Every day we read how he screwed up again how he lied again how he insulted again how he attacked again. SAMEOLDSAMEOLDSAMEOLDSAMEOLD applied to different things/people but still s... moreEvery day we read how he screwed up again how he lied again how he insulted again how he attacked again. SAMEOLDSAMEOLDSAMEOLDSAMEOLD applied to different things/people but still sameoldsameoldsameolsameold. BORING. PREDICTABLE.So lets up the game and only report what dipstick does/says that is TRUTHFUL HONORABLE and BENEFITS ALL THE PEOPLE not just his base?Let's MAN BITS DOG the dipstick. There will be a lot of silence where there used to be sameoldsameoldsameold.Only his toady sycophants and adoring worshippers will be talking and defending and lying and explaining and lying and insulting and lying and attacking and lying. A lot of yakety yakety yak don't talk back.What could it hurt? Everyone says so. less
Everyone has opinions and preferences. More than and less than and better than and worse than. JUDGMENT in the form of opinions likes dislikes.OBJECTIVE JUDGMENTWHAT?OBJECTIVE JUDG... moreEveryone has opinions and preferences. More than and less than and better than and worse than. JUDGMENT in the form of opinions likes dislikes.OBJECTIVE JUDGMENTWHAT?OBJECTIVE JUDGMENTHow?One thing is more true for you than the other. How do you remove your opinion/preference from any decision to do anything?
If you are living inside an experiment and are nothing more than a subject spread on a slide being viewed under a microscope would you know?There was movie with Jim Carrey where hi... moreIf you are living inside an experiment and are nothing more than a subject spread on a slide being viewed under a microscope would you know?There was movie with Jim Carrey where his entire life was a TV show and he didn't know. Didn't have a clue till much later that his life was scripted manipulated and everyone inside it was an actor.That would be bad enough. But to be something on a slide under a micrscope and think you've lived a life? That would be much worse wouldn't it?What if everything you ever experienced was scripted and you were monitored to see how you would react?What if every "thought" you ever had was implanted there? less
What if we guess wrong? What if we never know?What is the value of a purposeless life? At the end of it what happens if we finally figure out what our purpose was and never achieve... moreWhat if we guess wrong? What if we never know?What is the value of a purposeless life? At the end of it what happens if we finally figure out what our purpose was and never achieved it? I dunno. Do you?
I wonder how much GOD enjoys seeing a political person waving a bible in front of a church wordlessly for a photo op or hearing a politician say his opponent hates HIM? How would Y... moreI wonder how much GOD enjoys seeing a political person waving a bible in front of a church wordlessly for a photo op or hearing a politician say his opponent hates HIM? How would YOU like it?