Illusion is FAKE not real. Lies abound surround and you drown in them.Delusion sounds like nutty as fruitcake..nuts crackpot wackadoodlenoodle insane.The dipstick inhabits all of t... moreIllusion is FAKE not real. Lies abound surround and you drown in them.Delusion sounds like nutty as fruitcake..nuts crackpot wackadoodlenoodle insane.The dipstick inhabits all of them simultaneously. As a wise extremely stable genius he has to.
A new book all about her written by her FORMER best friend says she is very much aligned with her husband when it comes to policies and politics. She is a BIRTHER. She doesn't mind... moreA new book all about her written by her FORMER best friend says she is very much aligned with her husband when it comes to policies and politics. She is a BIRTHER. She doesn't mind at all the kids torn from their parents arms some of whom are still locked up in kennels and cages. She is joined at the hip with her husband politically per her FORMER best friend. In other words Melania is a dipstick too. Who knew? Mr and mrs dipstick.
The dipstick crashes parties where he is unwanted.More and more he is wanted less and less but he doesn't care. He goes where he goes when he wants. They call the wind Mariah. They... moreThe dipstick crashes parties where he is unwanted.More and more he is wanted less and less but he doesn't care. He goes where he goes when he wants. They call the wind Mariah. They call the dipstick a what?
Of course HATE is what motivates. HATE demonizes. Deranged hate is obsessed with it.Of course the degree of same is different.With Hitler hate 6 million jews were "exterminated ter... moreOf course HATE is what motivates. HATE demonizes. Deranged hate is obsessed with it.Of course the degree of same is different.With Hitler hate 6 million jews were "exterminated terminated".With Racists (all white?) an unknown number of African Americans were lynched murdered bullet ridden targetsWith Dipstick we don't know yet what he rage and hate will do deathwise. Not yet. We will.Of course the degree is what separates them. Degree of carnage degree of death degree of extermination degree of cruelty.
Why not REQUIRE it to get the rights and privileges of being an American Citizen?I don't get it. Too lazya** to vote but not too lazya** to get a hunting license a driver's license... moreWhy not REQUIRE it to get the rights and privileges of being an American Citizen?I don't get it. Too lazya** to vote but not too lazya** to get a hunting license a driver's license a marriage license a license to carry a gun. Or a permit to build add-ons to your existing home. You have to submit blueprints and have them approved before you can change a thing. How many of you moan and groan and whine and kvetch about that? Yet you don't vote..WHY?
Is there anything he would not do? Any line he would not cross? Any lie he would not tell?For instance.Taking an anti fascist group and demonizing it by sending in RINGERS and SHIL... moreIs there anything he would not do? Any line he would not cross? Any lie he would not tell?For instance.Taking an anti fascist group and demonizing it by sending in RINGERS and SHILLS to commit violent acts so that he can then attack the group?Do you really think he would not do that?Do you really think he would not encourage his white supremacist crackpot wackadoodlenoodle weaponized lapdogs to infiltrate and exacerbate and create evil where none existed?You really think he is ABOVE doing that? You really do? Honest injun? less
He is specifically NOT WANTED in Wisconin but of course he WANTS to go and so that is all there is to it.He always shoves his way in where he is NOT WANTED. He loves being where pe... moreHe is specifically NOT WANTED in Wisconin but of course he WANTS to go and so that is all there is to it.He always shoves his way in where he is NOT WANTED. He loves being where people can't stand the sight of him. He adores being surround by those who despise him. Let's face it the guy is wired weird.
Which death do you prefer? Death by junk food or death by junk beliefs?Addicted to everything that is harmful to you. Obsessed with it. Drowning in it. Consumed by it. Enough to go... moreWhich death do you prefer? Death by junk food or death by junk beliefs?Addicted to everything that is harmful to you. Obsessed with it. Drowning in it. Consumed by it. Enough to go out and murder because of it and be praised for it and adored because of it. How many fans does that 17 year old murderer have now? We know the dipstick is one of them..What a loverly legacy dipstick will leave behind.
There are those who think he is guilty and those who think he is not. The people who think he is guilty are complaining that Trump refuses to comment on it. My guess would be they ... moreThere are those who think he is guilty and those who think he is not. The people who think he is guilty are complaining that Trump refuses to comment on it. My guess would be they expect Trump to agree with them. My opinion is the president has no obligation to comment on legal cases that have not been resolved.
It sounds sketchy, but it's not. O_o My son's teacher verbally assigns the class things but won't record his lessons or provide written instructions and isn't available for qu... moreIt sounds sketchy, but it's not. O_o My son's teacher verbally assigns the class things but won't record his lessons or provide written instructions and isn't available for questions after he's assigned something. I want to record my son's screen so I can listen to the recorded instructions and help him when he doesn't understand something and would like the ability to watch what's happening on his screen live from time to time to make sure he's following along with the class and engaged. I tried Team Viewer this morning but it's not really working. I don't want to control the screen and my son gets too many popups from the program while it's running. less
He will be lougning in his jammies 24/7 and eating the McDonald's cheeseburgers of which he is so fond and watch all the different channels as he does now. Nothing about his life w... moreHe will be lougning in his jammies 24/7 and eating the McDonald's cheeseburgers of which he is so fond and watch all the different channels as he does now. Nothing about his life will change except that he will never be allowed to communicate with anyone on the outside. No tweeting so phones or internet no nuttin'. Cut off from civilization communicationally but he watch and listen all he wants. He just will have no one to order around or yell at or blame. That will be how he ends his life. Not so bad is it? Oh. and there will be a 9 hole golfcourse in an enclosed space where no one else can see him. Twice a day whether he wants to or not he will be forced to play 9 holes. Rain or shine. 9 holes a day. No golf resort for him. Everything he will need will be in that enclosure and enormouse bedroom. Who could ask for anything more? less
All he ever cared about was his own a**. Now he is terrified that he won't have one. He will LOSE and the minute Joe Biden is sworn in the subpoenas will be handed to him and the l... moreAll he ever cared about was his own a**. Now he is terrified that he won't have one. He will LOSE and the minute Joe Biden is sworn in the subpoenas will be handed to him and the lawsuits will be filed and the crimes and misdemeanors will be piling up. How many lawsuits will there be? Dozens or hundreds. We don't know.THAT IS WHAT IS TERRIFYING HIM.PRISON
Governor Newsome will be sending out to every California voter mail-in ballots.So much for the dipstick attemtp to SUBVERT our right to vote. If he wins it will be due to a RIGGED ... moreGovernor Newsome will be sending out to every California voter mail-in ballots.So much for the dipstick attemtp to SUBVERT our right to vote. If he wins it will be due to a RIGGED system and rampant CHEATING by his toady sycophant and adoring worshippers.There is NO WAY the dip can win a LEGITIMATE ELECTION and he KNOWS it.He will do all out to overcheat recheat doublecheat and cheatcheat. Already working on it. You a helper for him? What part of the cheating will you be responsible for?
He is corrupt and commits criminal acts every day. He lies and denies and sabotages and fakes everything all the time.So you see the less "info" coming from him the less he will ge... moreHe is corrupt and commits criminal acts every day. He lies and denies and sabotages and fakes everything all the time.So you see the less "info" coming from him the less he will get NAILED for his multitudinous multifarious LIES.Soon nothing will be allowed to get out that is not voiced by the dipstick. More hours for him to shine in the spotlight and take over all air waves. That is his goal. Will you be helping him achieve it? What are you willing to do personally to insure that he be installed once again in a RIGGED election? Are you already conspiring and colluding with hostile foreigners and have been since 2016? Have you no decency? Oh right of course you don't. You support the dipstick. less
You’re the casting director; which roles do you assign to which of your actors and actresses?
... more
You’re the casting director; which roles do you assign to which of your actors and actresses?
Are you against those who are against FASCISM but say you are also against FASCISM? For instance?Now just think about it. You are against something you support? You are against Fas... moreAre you against those who are against FASCISM but say you are also against FASCISM? For instance?Now just think about it. You are against something you support? You are against Fascism but you are also and equally against those who are anti Fascism? Run that by me again please. Or not.
How does that make any sense at all? If dipstick is impotent to do anything now WHILE HE HAS THE POWER what would any SANE LOGICAL person believe re-electing him will change ANYTHI... moreHow does that make any sense at all? If dipstick is impotent to do anything now WHILE HE HAS THE POWER what would any SANE LOGICAL person believe re-electing him will change ANYTHING?Seriously folks get a grip. THINK. THINK. THINK.If he could do anything he would be doing it NOW wouldn't he? Sheesh.
The proudly defiant FASCISTS who pride themselves on being anti those who are antiFASCISTS are FASCISTS.They don't seem to grasp that. They are all short a few cards in the deck an... moreThe proudly defiant FASCISTS who pride themselves on being anti those who are antiFASCISTS are FASCISTS.They don't seem to grasp that. They are all short a few cards in the deck and among the dullest knives in the drawer with more than a few screws loose. Not one brain among them collectively. NOT ONE!So keep on railing against the ANTIFA. Go ahead. Keep it up. The more you do the more you ADMIT and CONFESS YOU ARE A FASCIST. Sheesh. Dumb as mud.
Since the dip and his cabal have moved on there will never be any need to address it. No matter how much higher the numbers go and the folks get sick and more will die the dip and ... moreSince the dip and his cabal have moved on there will never be any need to address it. No matter how much higher the numbers go and the folks get sick and more will die the dip and his cabal MOVED ON.Have you?
AS dipstick is the chief chicken-in-chief does the military have to follow the dipstick orders or can the military stay independent of the maniacal goals of maniacal dipstick compl... moreAS dipstick is the chief chicken-in-chief does the military have to follow the dipstick orders or can the military stay independent of the maniacal goals of maniacal dipstick completely irrevocable absolutely and definitely?
How can any sane patriotic American respect a five time fake bonespur draft dodger and do anything he says?He is a coward a wimp a wuss and a spineless whinya** malcont... moreHow can any sane patriotic American respect a five time fake bonespur draft dodger and do anything he says?He is a coward a wimp a wuss and a spineless whinya** malcontent hateful hating vicious evildoer. Not worthy of respect.And yet plans to play with his toy soldiers and dispatch them to polling places to enforce the dipstick orders whatever they are.Who out there in the military RESPECTS this cowardly weasel chickenboy? Why?
He foments VIOLENCE and HATE every minute of every day.No surprise there.That is precisely what he was charged to do and expected to do by his adoring worshippers which is the only... moreHe foments VIOLENCE and HATE every minute of every day.No surprise there.That is precisely what he was charged to do and expected to do by his adoring worshippers which is the only reason they elected to be the dipstick.Tear everything down. Destroy everything. Attack everything. Insult everything. Blow up everything. Flout authority convention laws justice fairness.Screw everyone all the time excluding his a**kissing adoring worshippers. Play to them the audience that appreciates his vile venal evil. He plays only to them and only for them. They know. less
Their only goal is to service the dipstick madness and that madness DEMANDS that anyone who disagrees with him be eliminated extincted done away with.These infected diseased servic... moreTheir only goal is to service the dipstick madness and that madness DEMANDS that anyone who disagrees with him be eliminated extincted done away with.These infected diseased servicing homo saps are blinded by love for the dipstick and also besotted with him. He owns them and they will do whatever he wants them to do.Infiltrate peaceful protests and create riots posing as "the enemy".Repeatedly this is what they are doing to service their master. He is much delighted with them and they wag their tails and keep doing it."We have met the enemy and they is us". Long ago in a comic strip POGO. Walt Kelly called it decades ago.Who will win? I don't know for sure.HATE and FEAR and EVIL is much stronger than love and joy and good. If it it weren't it would have died out centuries ago. But here it is and always was and always will be.The mindless hordes and throngs and mobs await instructions from their MASTER. The dipstick. Spawn of the devil. Somewhere some day THEY WILL ALL PAY. Where and when I cannot say.What is str... less
How can you NOT favor those who are kind caring HONEST HONORABLE FAIR JUST? How can you not DISFAVOR the opposite which is embodied in a dipstick and his ilk and colored feathered ... moreHow can you NOT favor those who are kind caring HONEST HONORABLE FAIR JUST? How can you not DISFAVOR the opposite which is embodied in a dipstick and his ilk and colored feathered comparnions?It's hard not to favor EXCELLENCE and INTELLIGENCE and CONSIDERATION and JUSTICE.What kind of NINCOMPOOP would one have to be to attack those qualities? What kind of INICOMPOOP stupid dumb idiot would favorite the opposites?