These days, everybody has a camera, and they're recording your government in action - especially the police - and the police don't like it.. When videographers show up to film at city hall, they're told the bureaucrats are "uncomfortable", and cannot be recorded. When the cops arrive on scene, they're quick to tell the cameramen where they CAN record, and where they CANNOT, hence my question.
Do you HAVE the Constitutional right to record ANYTHING your eyes can LEGALLY see? If not, why not? I say YES. If you can legally BE where you are, you can legally record it. Lemme ask it another way.. Do you, Joe Citizen, HAVE an expectation of privacy when you're in public? If so, why? No, I'm not talking about rest rooms.
I didn't link any particular website, because YouTube is RIFE with these type of videos. Search for 1st Amendment Auditors.
At a Town Hall meeting Trump was talking about the debt-ceiling and he said - “I say to the Republicans out there – congressmen, senators – if th... moreAt a Town Hall meeting Trump was talking about the debt-ceiling and he said - “I say to the Republicans out there – congressmen, senators – if they don’t give you massive cuts, you’re going to have to do a default," And the MAGA crowd cheered. But they probably aren't cheering anymore because Biden was able to reach a deal and there will be no government shutdown. Originally Kevin McCarthy wanted a debt-ceiling bill that would have gutted much of what Biden accomplished in his first two years. It was a wholly unreasonable proposal, aimed at appeasing the extremes of McCarthy's own party. But the final deal was nothing close to what MAGA lawmakers wanted.In the House 149 Republicans voted in favor of the deal - that is 68% of the chambers GOP members so I think that is a sign that Trump and the MAGA movement is over. Cheers! less
Normally, all I have to cover is the $45 co-pay, and the rest is covered by my PPO health insurance. When I was billed $250 of the PPO portion, I immediately contacte... more
Normally, all I have to cover is the $45 co-pay, and the rest is covered by my PPO health insurance. When I was billed $250 of the PPO portion, I immediately contacted the insurance company, they stated that it should have been a covered expense, yet they had nothing to do with it because the billing office at the medical provider’s end charged me, not the insurance company. However, instead of leaving it at that, my insurance company informed me that they would contact the billing office to work it out. They asked me to wait approximately two weeks for everything to be ironed out, also stating that they were almost 100% sure that it would be resolved in my favor, that it was what is known as a “coding error”. They said I could most likely count on all of the $250 eventually being paid by the insurance.
Instead of being a complaint, this post gives kudos to not only my insurance company, but also the people of that billing department of the medical provider. Approxima... less
On CSPAN this AM, I stumbled on a discussion about a short film called "How To Rig An Election". Who could resist a title like that? It's a short animated film by actor Tom Hanks a... moreOn CSPAN this AM, I stumbled on a discussion about a short film called "How To Rig An Election". Who could resist a title like that? It's a short animated film by actor Tom Hanks and activist Jeffery Robinson, the executive director of The Who We Are Project.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBvodoftTjAThe film was interesting, but the uplifting part came from the discussion by Mr. Hanks and Mr. Robinson. Their film is to illuminate the words in the preamble to the US Constitution, "In order to form a more perfect union..." which means that we should never stop trying to accomplish this!https://www.c-span.org/video/?528365-1/actor-tom-hanks-film-1876-election less
I think the 2024 presidential debates will be the rudest debates in US history and there will be more insults hurled than talking about policy. I think if Trump debates DeSantis - ... moreI think the 2024 presidential debates will be the rudest debates in US history and there will be more insults hurled than talking about policy. I think if Trump debates DeSantis - Trump will try to insult DeSantis by saying - were are your white GO Go boots Ron. Cheers!
On June 5th we will be moving to our new place in Parksville. I was thinking of changing my profile name to Parksville but it sounds a little punkie so I am thinking of Mr. 69 beca... moreOn June 5th we will be moving to our new place in Parksville. I was thinking of changing my profile name to Parksville but it sounds a little punkie so I am thinking of Mr. 69 because Parksville is in district. 69. I asked a buddy what he thought about Mr. 69 for my new profile name and he just laughed. Cheers!
Hello:AI isn't simply an advanced computer. Nahhh.. It's not even close.. What makes AI different is, it PROGRAMS itself with no human input. Siri works bec... moreHello:AI isn't simply an advanced computer. Nahhh.. It's not even close.. What makes AI different is, it PROGRAMS itself with no human input. Siri works because it recognizes words, and all by itself, learns new words every day. As AI advances it'll recognize pictures. Today, we can build AI drones that don't need human input to fly, and don't need human input to launch its missiles.Can you see where I'm going with this? Of course, I could be nutso fruitso, or a harbinger of a dark future. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/01/technology/ai-google-chatbot-engineer-quits-hinton.htmlexcon less
For someone who has a Startle Reaction and who also tends to Overthink - - why do vehicles need a loud "horn announcement" simply to tell the owner that the vehicle is ... moreFor someone who has a Startle Reaction and who also tends to Overthink - - why do vehicles need a loud "horn announcement" simply to tell the owner that the vehicle is locked?I drive carefully, and walk defensively, in parking lots -- countless times I hear horns beeping and immediately think "Whoa! I'm going to hit someone!" Or, "Am I walking into the path of someone's driving?"
And, lo - - someone simply locked their vehicle.
New research from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln suggests yes -- that we're making ourselves sick over politics.
Nearly 40% of Americans surveyed for the study said politics is... moreNew research from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln suggests yes -- that we're making ourselves sick over politics.
Nearly 40% of Americans surveyed for the study said politics is stressing them out, and one in five are losing sleep. These responses and others show many in the United States believe their mental and physical health has been harmed in some way by exposure to politics.
Surely this scuttles his campaign? Even if he manages to weasel his way out of being convicted himself for Jan 6, calling the Oath Keepers "good people" is undeniably offering comf... moreSurely this scuttles his campaign? Even if he manages to weasel his way out of being convicted himself for Jan 6, calling the Oath Keepers "good people" is undeniably offering comfort - so he's constitutionally ineligible to hold office! Or am I misreading Section III of the Fourteenth Amendment?
Here is a scam that beats anything you've ever heard connected to the name "Trump."https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/05/27/trump-supporters-scammed-by-novelty-items-trum... moreHere is a scam that beats anything you've ever heard connected to the name "Trump."https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/05/27/trump-supporters-scammed-by-novelty-items-trump-bucks-advertised-as-legal-tender/?sh=2bbddf6f3a8aFraudulent companies are selling "Trump Bucks" that they claim will make the purchasers rich beyond belief. These dummies have tried to deposit their Trump Bucks in legitimate banks and, of course, have found that they are worthless. Are folks so ignorant that they don't know that the only legal tender in the United States is printed by the U.S. Mint? less
You will probably guess but I will tell you anyway - it is Donald Trump.Federal prosecutors have evidence Donald Trump Donald showed classified documents to people. The d... moreYou will probably guess but I will tell you anyway - it is Donald Trump.Federal prosecutors have evidence Donald Trump Donald showed classified documents to people. The development could raise the stakes for Trump as it exposes him to serious action under the Espionage Act, of wilfully communicating national security materials rather than simply retaining them. If charge Trump could face the death penalty. Cheers!
I told the dude that he might have got a stroke from eating Ritz crackers and peanut butter and he was like Oh yeah! Like, how would you like to be exterminated fr. Chrissakes! I t... moreI told the dude that he might have got a stroke from eating Ritz crackers and peanut butter and he was like Oh yeah! Like, how would you like to be exterminated fr. Chrissakes! I tell ya man its not the pot so much as a kid which makes you psycho but the purely insane booze talking pain of neglect or not BUD.