Those who don't or can't or won't imagine are rather dull and colorless and limited. They get along swimmingly with one another. No flights of fantasy they care to share. Just dogg... moreThose who don't or can't or won't imagine are rather dull and colorless and limited. They get along swimmingly with one another. No flights of fantasy they care to share. Just dogged typical standard sameness day after day after day after day after day.
Eve stand on your head? Your perspective changes drastically. Blood rushes to your head. Can "standing on your head" ever be harmful? Are there some heads that cannot stand being stood on?
I enjoy a HUGE amount of music styles, and I have many "favorites," but I do have one song I call the "Best Song I've Ever Heard" (and I know I've said it a lot on the site here)Ly... moreI enjoy a HUGE amount of music styles, and I have many "favorites," but I do have one song I call the "Best Song I've Ever Heard" (and I know I've said it a lot on the site here)Lyrics, music, performance, instrumental accompaniment -- this one is up there all by itself for me:
"Ode To Billie Joe" Bobbie Gentry
Parents pull them out and send them to PRIVATE SCHOOLS over which the maniac has no jurisdiction. Or has that changed and now the maniac jurisdicts over everything all the time?
He thinks his poll numbers will shoot up SKY HIGH immediately by doing that.Is he right?Is THAT what it will take to do that? Invade American cities and teargas them rubber bullet ... moreHe thinks his poll numbers will shoot up SKY HIGH immediately by doing that.Is he right?Is THAT what it will take to do that? Invade American cities and teargas them rubber bullet them baton beat them? Impresses you bigly? Think it will impress "THEM"?
Not that they are TERRIFIED of catching the virus WHICH IS CURRENTLY MASSIVELY SURGING AGAIN?Not that at all?Not worried about what will become of their children?Not that at all?It... moreNot that they are TERRIFIED of catching the virus WHICH IS CURRENTLY MASSIVELY SURGING AGAIN?Not that at all?Not worried about what will become of their children?Not that at all?It all comes down to greed and being lazy then? The virus is no problemo. It's that other stuff that keeps them home? I see. How brilliant a conclusion. Well all the concluders we know are brilliant with IQ's of at least 10 and as high as 65! Yes 140 is genius and 100 is AVERAGE but they at 65 know it all. Even the tens think they know it all too.Low IQ needs a place to live and breathe too. Republican party to the rescue. less
That would be hundreds of millions of enemies of the state then.He has his work cut out for him. Finding and punishing all of his who refuse to kiss his corpulent a**. There are mi... moreThat would be hundreds of millions of enemies of the state then.He has his work cut out for him. Finding and punishing all of his who refuse to kiss his corpulent a**. There are millions and millions and millions of us. He will find and punish each of us. His mission in life. Whatta guy. And they said he was a COWARD!
It's the weak softies who get it and the hard toughies don't.Pumpkin doesn't like heroes. Pumpkin doesn't like weak softies. He crushes them with his heel.So what will he do with t... moreIt's the weak softies who get it and the hard toughies don't.Pumpkin doesn't like heroes. Pumpkin doesn't like weak softies. He crushes them with his heel.So what will he do with this guy? Fire him?
You needed the best and the BRIGHTEST and what you chose was the not so hot and the most dimmest. I mean is there a lesser watt than 25? 10 watt? 5? -3?
Well they are the not-so-brite lights. The dim ones. 25 watts of power. Whatdya expect from that?I believe the World Health Organization is the group that calls it that.
Do you also and equally not doubt it too? After all why would he send in mystery meat thugs paramilitarily weaponized to tear gas rubber bullet and baton beat IF THERE WERE NO VIOL... moreDo you also and equally not doubt it too? After all why would he send in mystery meat thugs paramilitarily weaponized to tear gas rubber bullet and baton beat IF THERE WERE NO VIOLENCE?He is seeding the land so he can reap the rewards.He is setting the fires PURPOSELY so he can take credit for putting them out.It is what he always does because it is the only way he can win. Rig the outcome. But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know am I?
15,785,644 virus cases640,016 deathsJust looked it up on Monday July 27 at 5:44 am pacific coast time. Frozen. A moment in time. A milestone until the next one and the next one and... more15,785,644 virus cases640,016 deathsJust looked it up on Monday July 27 at 5:44 am pacific coast time. Frozen. A moment in time. A milestone until the next one and the next one and the next one.Good luck to all and to all a good life.
Mrs. Elijah Cummings who husband died last year was interviewed and spoke about her husband and John Lewis sometimes being mistaken for one another and neither of them minded at al... moreMrs. Elijah Cummings who husband died last year was interviewed and spoke about her husband and John Lewis sometimes being mistaken for one another and neither of them minded at all. They just said they were borthers from another monther. It's humorous and sweet and touching and well have YOU been there? Not necessarily mistaken for someone so close in views and feelings and the way you expressed yourselves that it felt like you were related by birth? I can't think of a higher compliment anyone can ever give anyone than that. Can you? less
You're in luck if you like this new and improved version of law and order.Throngs of them will be sent to every city including yours and be on every street corner watching you and ... moreYou're in luck if you like this new and improved version of law and order.Throngs of them will be sent to every city including yours and be on every street corner watching you and at any time teargassing rubber bulleting or baton beating you. I expect that will inhibit your tendency to break the law. It's meant to be a deeterrent ALLEGEDLY but between thee and me I think they hope for riots so they can go all out showing this stuff. I mean if no one does anything they will have nothing to do but collect money for modeling thugswear. less
We KNOW pumpkin is a liar a cheater and selfish reprobate who takes care of himself first last and always.He 'ran" failing businesses and declared bankruptcy six times? His obscene... moreWe KNOW pumpkin is a liar a cheater and selfish reprobate who takes care of himself first last and always.He 'ran" failing businesses and declared bankruptcy six times? His obscenely wealthy old man kept bailing him out of his disastrous financial catatrophes.Yet there yar. Folks think he would do a better job. Wishful thinking NOT BASED ON TRACK RECORD OR EVIDENCE OF PROOF OR FACT but on lies.Quaint habit of pumpkin peeps. Believing in him despite his losing repeatedly constantly endlessly eternally foreverly. A LOSER but they love the guy so they will die with him. Figurative for sure and some of them literally too. I expect. Don't you? less
If you get the virus you cannot sue anyone for any reason at any time WITHIN A FIVE YEAR PERIOD>So when your governor or mayor or boss orders you to not wear a mask and you get ... moreIf you get the virus you cannot sue anyone for any reason at any time WITHIN A FIVE YEAR PERIOD>So when your governor or mayor or boss orders you to not wear a mask and you get very ill you cannot sue the son of a bit** because the GOP Senate has his a** and his back and his front. Good ta know who they are watching out for and who they are excited to sacrifice/throw under the bus. But you already know that. Business as usual. Monkey business. Funny business.Re-elect the bas**rds is what you intend to do? Are you nuts? less
So you get a phone from your best friend needing money wired IMMEDIATELY. What do you do? How do you verify it is just a deepfakevoiceclone? They are allegedly getting better and b... moreSo you get a phone from your best friend needing money wired IMMEDIATELY. What do you do? How do you verify it is just a deepfakevoiceclone? They are allegedly getting better and better at doing it. The fraud brigade.Vdeo can be deepfaked too.So expect a pumpkin ad attacking Joe Bidenwith Joe's Voice saying terrible things and Joe's body doing terrible things.A deepfake election is in progress right now. Getting better and better and better at faking us out. Now what?