No one thinks it will be HONORABLE or FAIR since that son of an itch moscow mitch TOLD US IN ADVANCE HE WAS COLLUDING CONSPIRING WITH WHITE HOUSE LAWYERS AND THERE WOULD BE NO DAYL... moreNo one thinks it will be HONORABLE or FAIR since that son of an itch moscow mitch TOLD US IN ADVANCE HE WAS COLLUDING CONSPIRING WITH WHITE HOUSE LAWYERS AND THERE WOULD BE NO DAYLIGHT BETWEEN THEM.When was the last time you played cards where someone told you I AM GOING TO CHEAT? This cardsharp is so arrogant he thinks he can tell us he will cheat and no one can do a dam* thing about it! Is he right? Is that true? Is that okey dokey with you? Why?
That son of an itch the toady sycophant lemming suckup coverup king wants you to stay in the dark and not witness the humiliation to which he is subjecting you. He is screwing you ... moreThat son of an itch the toady sycophant lemming suckup coverup king wants you to stay in the dark and not witness the humiliation to which he is subjecting you. He is screwing you and me out of having a chance to see/hear what is going on to protect the ALREADY IMPEACHED FOREVER IN THE HOUSE that culthead dumb don. Some tradeoff. Selling out your country and the Constitution for a fake reality show narcissist! Anything goes when you start from stupid dumb and go down an escalator. So folks. Watch and celebrate or watch it and weep.This I say unto to you. To thine own self be true. If you cannot do that then you cannot be true to anyone. less
While billygoat was engaging in some form of sex with a CONSENTING ADULT dumb don was selling out your country for his own personal gain. Is everyone as stupid dumb as culthead dumb don?
Tell the SENATE they MAY NOT bring in exculpatory evidence/witnesses and see if reverse psychology will work on them as it always works on teens. Tell them no and they will do it. ... moreTell the SENATE they MAY NOT bring in exculpatory evidence/witnesses and see if reverse psychology will work on them as it always works on teens. Tell them no and they will do it. Tell them yes and they won't do it. Perverse is always irrational and irrational always loses.
The supporters the emboldeners the protectors the embracers the deniers the connivers are all AS GUILTY AS THE PERP.Without THEM there would be no HIM.
What Capitalist or Fascists wants to SHARE anything with anyone at anytime for any reason? Thus Socialists are their bogeypersons whom they do not understand at all. FASCISTS/CAPIT... moreWhat Capitalist or Fascists wants to SHARE anything with anyone at anytime for any reason? Thus Socialists are their bogeypersons whom they do not understand at all. FASCISTS/CAPITALISTS want what they have and they want what you have to and they resent your having anything and they do not want to help anyone anywhere at all. Polar opposites. Is that what hate is all about? Anything opposite of YOU is to be hated reviled destroyed?
Is culthead dumb don harmed by it or helped?Those who have the insurance obviously are helped because the Republicans want to kill it entirely leaving them uninsured. They've been ... moreIs culthead dumb don harmed by it or helped?Those who have the insurance obviously are helped because the Republicans want to kill it entirely leaving them uninsured. They've been trying for years to do it. Haven't come up with a replacement plan and never will. They aren't made of the "right stuff" apparently. No talent for anything but destroying.We will be celebrating its silver anniversary and golden anniversary and the Republicans still will have not created anything to replace it. Inept impotent.
The Dem Senators who ARE running for that job will have to be in D.C. for the trial and off the campaign trail. Duty calls. So in effect the culthead dumb don is helping out Joe Bi... moreThe Dem Senators who ARE running for that job will have to be in D.C. for the trial and off the campaign trail. Duty calls. So in effect the culthead dumb don is helping out Joe Biden by his nefarious deeds and doings. I betcha when someone tells him that he will flip out again and tirade rant rage rave about it blaming everyone everywhere. Good things do happen to he who waits..him and her too.
The internet would be shut downThe gubment (dumb don you mean?) would show up at the protest march and take away all the gunsThis bullsh** crap is believed by mashed potato brain w... moreThe internet would be shut downThe gubment (dumb don you mean?) would show up at the protest march and take away all the gunsThis bullsh** crap is believed by mashed potato brain weaponized gun people and they get all hysterical and rant and rave and rage and pass along the LYING bullsh** crap as if it were true. They are totally wrong but they believe it. Tin foil hats proliferate among the conspiracy crackpots. Like a bunch of brainless ants scurriying here and there everywhere trapped under glass going nowhere but panicking everyone with the stupid dumb lying gibberish balderdash blather. DAILY! Sheesh. How do you get rid of them? They are not interested in truth. Only in cockamamie tinfoil conspiracy theories. Militia groups armed showed up for crying out loud! They all get off on playing cops and robbers. Little kids spreading lies knowing not what they speak of.Except they're old and weaponized and angry and frightenend. Geez who couldn't love a thing like that? Bring it on! less
Because IF the documents and witnesses could exonerate culthead dumb don the son of an itch would send limousines to bring the DOZENS of witnesses to the trial and he would simulta... moreBecause IF the documents and witnesses could exonerate culthead dumb don the son of an itch would send limousines to bring the DOZENS of witnesses to the trial and he would simultaneously similarly effect a massive presentation of a bazillion documents.But the fact that he CHOOSES to forego the only means of proving culthead dumb don is innocent means that the culthead dumb don is GUILTY. The moscowman knows it. We know it. I doubt that dumb don is swift enough to know it.An admission AHEAD OF THE TRIAL that culthead dumb don is guilty as charged. Moving forward there will be a horse's a** in charge of the Senate. Transparent. Obvious. Sure thing. No brainer. GUILTY AS CHARGED. Sheesh less
Dogmatic rigid "true believer"? "Bernie's personality is not warm and fuzzy. He can get angry. He has an edge because he is so committed. He can laugh at himself at times."Doesn't ... moreDogmatic rigid "true believer"? "Bernie's personality is not warm and fuzzy. He can get angry. He has an edge because he is so committed. He can laugh at himself at times."Doesn't sound like a guy I'd want to have a meal with or spend any time with. He is not a people person. I'm a people. Aren't you a people too?He has always come across to me as a very angry agitated aggravated dour sourpuss. Some folks are drawn to that. I'm withdraw from it. Different strokes.
So he could be elevated to sainthood of course. I think he loves titles of any kind and how many presidents have been elevated to sainthood? So what does he have to do to get that ... moreSo he could be elevated to sainthood of course. I think he loves titles of any kind and how many presidents have been elevated to sainthood? So what does he have to do to get that saint thing on his resume? Bribe folks? Strong arm them? Extort? Threaten? Intimidate? Cajole? All of the above?
Matters not whom the him be. It is true for liars that people believe wholeheartedly even though they KNOW the he or she in question is lying. A puzzlement.
Ideally convict and kick out of officeMinimally convict and let the doubly IMPEACHED homo sap stay tlll the November electionRidikkalusly exonerate and pat him on the popo and give... moreIdeally convict and kick out of officeMinimally convict and let the doubly IMPEACHED homo sap stay tlll the November electionRidikkalusly exonerate and pat him on the popo and give him a medal for bravery
GRIFTERA person who operates a side show at a circus (freaks inside) especially a gambling attracionA SWINDLER DISHONEST GAMBLER OR THE LIKEOf course being as how culthead dumb don... moreGRIFTERA person who operates a side show at a circus (freaks inside) especially a gambling attracionA SWINDLER DISHONEST GAMBLER OR THE LIKEOf course being as how culthead dumb don is the BIGGEST GRIFTER OF ALL it makes sense for him to surround himself with others of his ilk. Who is the target?Look in the mirror m'dear. We the people of course. You didn't know? Sure. Right. You betcha.Ever see the movie THE GRIFTERS? It did not end well.
"get your mops and buckets ready for the next Hurricane Sandy".That's what it mean when a WORM TURNS.Former New Yorker now has nothing but mean cruel snide snarky sarcastic to say ... more"get your mops and buckets ready for the next Hurricane Sandy".That's what it mean when a WORM TURNS.Former New Yorker now has nothing but mean cruel snide snarky sarcastic to say about his place of birth! Imagine that?This is what he will do to YOU one day. Guaranteed NO BRAINER. Don't say I didn't warn you when he turns on YOU and attacks insults mocks YOU.
Ever wonder why Rex Tillerson called dumb don an " moron"? Here's why according to a new book written about the extremely stable genius.Culthead dumb don and all the general... moreEver wonder why Rex Tillerson called dumb don an " moron"? Here's why according to a new book written about the extremely stable genius.Culthead dumb don and all the generals were assembled in one room. The purpose of the meeting was to EDUCATE culthead dumb don about what was going on militarily so he could understand it. The meeting did not go well. You do not try to educate a know-it-all about anything. So of course culthead dumb down exploded and called the assembled generals "a bunch of dopes and morons". This happens all the time. He gets unhinged and rages at whomever is around and lashes out and uses very vulgar language. A delight to work for of course.I don't know about choo but having an UNHINGED HAIR TRIGGER TEMPER RAGING prez is not something that comforts me. Doth it comfort thee? less
FASCISMA governmental system led by a dictator having complete power forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism regimenting all industry and commerce AND EMPHASIZING AN AG... moreFASCISMA governmental system led by a dictator having complete power forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism regimenting all industry and commerce AND EMPHASIZING AN AGGRESSIVE NATIONALISM AND OFTEN RACISMFASCISTA person who is dictatorial or HAS EXTREMELY RIGHT-WING VIEWSFits culthead dumb don and the cabal et al like a glove. If the shoe fits and it surely do ya gotta own it and wear it with pride.l Not try to deny what is patently OBVIOUS! All culthead dumb don supporters are FASCISTS since that is what he is. They don't know? C'mon! No one is THAT DUMB right? less
Culthead dumb don, the IMPEACHED FOR LIFE so-called prez, is the HEADLINE SPEAKER! Yep.Will he tell Greta to take anger management classes when he addresses the Davos wealthy bigsh... moreCulthead dumb don, the IMPEACHED FOR LIFE so-called prez, is the HEADLINE SPEAKER! Yep.Will he tell Greta to take anger management classes when he addresses the Davos wealthy bigshot movers and shakers? Will he spend all his time telling us how great he art and how bad his anti don ENEMIES are? You bet your a** he will.Why would anyone anywhere give any "legitimacy" to an IMPEACHED FOR LIFE anyone let alone culthead dumb don? I don't get it. Are they all really that stupid dumb? Prolly. Being obscenely wealthy does not guarantee intelligence. Obviously.And BEST OF ALL "trump gets 5000 Swiss army security protection as climate protesters march to Davos".Swiss army knifeSwiss army protectionQuid pro quo don'tcha no know noh?All of this for an IMPEACHED FOR LIFE homo SAP? Seriously?Well it's gonna be good. The obese old man versus the 17-year-old TIME PERSON OF THE YEAR. He will have a big fat grudge that SHE not he was given that honor.Watch the event. Listen to his words. Listen to hers. He was doing what at age ... less
It seems the sean of hannity has taken it upon himself to instruct republicans about how they should react.nice to know he has their backs being as how he is such a bright light in... moreIt seems the sean of hannity has taken it upon himself to instruct republicans about how they should react.nice to know he has their backs being as how he is such a bright light in the firmament.
I know you're laughing hysterically aren't you? The question is absurd. They are all culthead dumb don adoring worshippers so obviously anything their second coming savior done did... moreI know you're laughing hysterically aren't you? The question is absurd. They are all culthead dumb don adoring worshippers so obviously anything their second coming savior done did is A OK with them right?Undoubtedly these are rally goers who cheer and shout and stomp for culthead dumb don no matter how many times they hear the sameoldsameoldsameold. Birds of that feather gather together for fun and games.But this gather together resulted in one arrest and no violence. Why? Because all of them were on the same page. No protesters showed up this time. They owned that time and place in Virginia.So North Carolina..Charlottesville..will go down as being another black mark in American history. Virginia? I dunno what it is about THAT STATE that called these folks to it. I wonder how many Virginians are disgusted and angry that their state was chosen for that kind of protest?Must be a VERY RED STATE like North Carolina. Wonder if we will ever see the day when similar birds of a feather gather together in Hawaii or Cali... less
I do not know why the stupid dumbs proliferate and propagate and promulgate hate.This stupid dumb Sanders supporter wrote an article accusing Biden of corruption.Here's my question... moreI do not know why the stupid dumbs proliferate and propagate and promulgate hate.This stupid dumb Sanders supporter wrote an article accusing Biden of corruption.Here's my question. Why do the stupid dumbs ATTACK the opposition and think that is helpful? Why don't they rather state why they support whom they support without dragging in anyone else at all?They are all stupid dumb hacks and jacka**es because what it does is nothing good for the candidate they support. This is what all the culthead dumb don supporters do. Attack insult lie about the culthead dumb don competition. ALL OF THEM ALL OF THE TIME. Why would the supporter of any DEM go down into the mud with the culthead dumb don supporters and do the same things they do? Because they are stupid dumb too I guess. Why else? less
Mike Bloomberg says his life would be different "if I had been black". He pledges $70 billion to bolster economic opportunity for black America. He says further "Americans of my ge... moreMike Bloomberg says his life would be different "if I had been black". He pledges $70 billion to bolster economic opportunity for black America. He says further "Americans of my generation would have ended up with far more wealth if they had been white".I do not know how to react to this. I think it is insulting to the African American community but I am not African American so I do not speak from experience.If you are beautiful or handsome your life will be different than if you are plain average ordinary. That is a fact.Being tall is an asset to a man. Being friendly kind outgoing draws people to you. Being sarcastic insulting cruel keeps them away.I'd appreciate your feedback. Is the guy sincere or just doing the typical political pandering? I have no idea. less
The reason why is that marijuana use can change how statins and blood thinners work. The same liver enzymes that break down statins/blood thinners also break down marijuana compoun... moreThe reason why is that marijuana use can change how statins and blood thinners work. The same liver enzymes that break down statins/blood thinners also break down marijuana compounds.So if you choose to smoke or ingest it let your doctor/pharmacist know because it may require adjusting the drug dosage to accommodate it.
It will consist of two articlesArticle 1 Free exercise of the CHRISTIAN religion. All others will be bannedArticle 2 The right to keep and arm bears shall not be infrin... moreIt will consist of two articlesArticle 1 Free exercise of the CHRISTIAN religion. All others will be bannedArticle 2 The right to keep and arm bears shall not be infringed upon or on or over or under or sidewaysThat's it folks! The entire thing. Anyone can memorize it.Oh. And as far as two terms being the limit of a president? Hahahahahaha. Culthead dumb don will make himself president for life and the presidency will be a legacy that trump passes to his kinfolk forever more. Always a trump in the Whitehouse. Who could ask for anything more?.Streamlined. Get rid of all the unnecessary obstacles. You read it here first. less