HOLD YOUR HORSES, HILLARY! Where's you get that info? Did you pull it out of your fat, corrupt A$$?
What's that? Bernie has a 72% Rating? Must be a mistake?One more thing before th... moreHOLD YOUR HORSES, HILLARY! Where's you get that info? Did you pull it out of your fat, corrupt A$$?
What's that? Bernie has a 72% Rating? Must be a mistake?One more thing before that door smacks you on that gargantuan flabby butt as you leave, Hillary...Interesting, right? In Early 2016, Hillary had this to say: In response to all of Hillary's blathering and hog squealing, Bernie was asked about what he thought of her saying "no one liked him." We're tired of you, Hillary. Really tired... F*CK OFF!!! less
A status of moscow mitch that son of an itch should be erected in a cornfield in Kentucky with barrels of rotten tomatoes thee for the throwing. Pity the Kentuckians forever more. ... moreA status of moscow mitch that son of an itch should be erected in a cornfield in Kentucky with barrels of rotten tomatoes thee for the throwing. Pity the Kentuckians forever more. The son of an itch has dishonored that state. Is Kentucky Bourbon good enough to erase the stigma of good old boy mitch? I dunno. How about The Kentucky Derby? Does that compensate for what the son of an itch has done to the reputation of Kentucky? Besides bourbon/booze and horses what else is Kentucky known for?
If ya got 'em dumb don why not show 'em and PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE?Because you are a liar. You have blocked Dems from having access to the documents because they nail your corpulent ... moreIf ya got 'em dumb don why not show 'em and PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE?Because you are a liar. You have blocked Dems from having access to the documents because they nail your corpulent a** to the wall. If you had anything that would prove your innocence we'd have seen it long ago. How stupid do you think we are? As stupid as your supporters who believe everything you say? How stupid do you think Chief Justice Roberts is? How stupid do you think the American people are? As stupid dumb as you for thinking you convince them of more lies? Get wise. OH. Right. You already are wise according to you aren't you? Not working too well. That shoe does not fit you. less
How do they KNOW that ABUSE OF POWER doesn't fit under HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS? Because they say so? They are all third-rate nickel and dimers because the top highclass lawyer... moreHow do they KNOW that ABUSE OF POWER doesn't fit under HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS? Because they say so? They are all third-rate nickel and dimers because the top highclass lawyers would have no part of defending this pervert. Everyone says so. That I can tell.They have neither the knowledge nor intellect to determine that. Yet there they are assert things to which they are not entitled. Bombastic baloney is still baloney!
So at 7:20 am pacific coast time no attempt to dismiss. How long will that last and what will culthead dumb do from DAVOS? Besides going bonkers berserk bigtime?
FROm DAVOS Switzerland he called Nadler and Schiff SLEAZEBAGS.Now no other president would be caught dead talking like that. This vulgarian knows only this kind of conversation. Re... moreFROm DAVOS Switzerland he called Nadler and Schiff SLEAZEBAGS.Now no other president would be caught dead talking like that. This vulgarian knows only this kind of conversation. Regular Typical. Ordinary. Mug. Thug. Lug. Uneducated. Unenlightened. Unkind. Unaware. Culthead dumb don is no articulate dude. He is crude rude and gawdawful. Degrading lowlife.
Because culthead dumb don sez he doesn't pray to GOD or lean on HIM at all. He SAYS he has read the Bible but we know that is another lie. He has the attention span of a maggot and... moreBecause culthead dumb don sez he doesn't pray to GOD or lean on HIM at all. He SAYS he has read the Bible but we know that is another lie. He has the attention span of a maggot and hates to read. The BIBLE is very long and detailed. He'd get bored the first minute. WE KNOW WHAT HE IS.He attends church for the photo ops and what he thinks about while sitting there is probably X RATED. He is after all a dirty old man.So much for God gifting him to y'all. Why would GOD send such a disreputable despicable vulgar emissary from HIM? Logically impossible. less
The son of an itch said IN ADVANCE he was colluding with the WH lawyers and there would be NO DAYLIGHT between them.Yesterday he took the oath that he would be IMPARTIAL.HE LIED UN... moreThe son of an itch said IN ADVANCE he was colluding with the WH lawyers and there would be NO DAYLIGHT between them.Yesterday he took the oath that he would be IMPARTIAL.HE LIED UNDER OATH. That son of an itch LIED UNDER OATH IN THE SENATEHow is that OK?
Two separate and distinctly different issues. The WH ambulance chasers told the tale the way culhead dumb don demanded it be told. When did you ever know culthead dumb don to be tr... moreTwo separate and distinctly different issues. The WH ambulance chasers told the tale the way culhead dumb don demanded it be told. When did you ever know culthead dumb don to be truthful? So to please him they lied through their teeth in their presentation. Separately the two sides became uncivil and Justice Roberts called them out on it.
How do juries know if documents are telling the truth? How do you cross-examine a document? Anyone?Do you find documents INNOCENT or GUILTY? A trial without witnesses based on docu... moreHow do juries know if documents are telling the truth? How do you cross-examine a document? Anyone?Do you find documents INNOCENT or GUILTY? A trial without witnesses based on documents is what exactly?
WHAT IF the documents are all lies? Do you still believe them as written and accept them as GOSPEL and you know you can take them to the bank and they won't bounce? How?
These same White House lawyers appear before SCOTUS to argue a pro culthead dumb don case ALREADY HAVING SHOWN THEMSELVES TO BE LIARS. Do you think Chief Justice John Roberts won't... moreThese same White House lawyers appear before SCOTUS to argue a pro culthead dumb don case ALREADY HAVING SHOWN THEMSELVES TO BE LIARS. Do you think Chief Justice John Roberts won't remember it? Seriously?They dishonest hacks have no conception of what the he** they are doing as they lying on behalf of their client in front of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Talk about stupid dumb can them come any dumber than that? Geez they can't trust culthead dumb don to testify because he always lies.Well they are lying and it's showing so how can they be truted for anything at any time for anyone?Sure they may be playing to one guy...the guilty guy..the IMPEACHED IN THE HOUSE FOREVER guy and he will be thrilled as he** at the lies. But he is not the only one that is listening. less
Pettifogging"to bicker or quibble over trifles or unimportant mattersDishonest or unethical in unimportant mattersShifty petty unethicalTo practice chicanery of any sortScumBottom ... morePettifogging"to bicker or quibble over trifles or unimportant mattersDishonest or unethical in unimportant mattersShifty petty unethicalTo practice chicanery of any sortScumBottom of the barrelWhat crawls out from under rocks having lived in slimeThe "best" people
Mine: O+ blood type, know how to ride a bicycle, have two children, right handed, one leg is shorter than the other by a few millimeters, did not marry my high school sweetheart ev... moreMine: O+ blood type, know how to ride a bicycle, have two children, right handed, one leg is shorter than the other by a few millimeters, did not marry my high school sweetheart even though we both thought at the time that it would happen, have seen shooting stars, birth date is not on a cusp, have never eaten caviar, do not bite my fingernails (any longer), have been on television at least once in my lifetime, sock-sock-shoe-shoe, do not live within ten miles of my birthplace.~
Former friends apparently. Mason Toney may have slain his pro-dumb don boss William Knight on a Florida turnpike during a political argument.How often will that happen futurely? I ... moreFormer friends apparently. Mason Toney may have slain his pro-dumb don boss William Knight on a Florida turnpike during a political argument.How often will that happen futurely? I would have bet the pro trump would more like murder the anti but this was opposite. Are anti dons MORE VIOLENT than prodons?
He singlehandedly castrated all male members of the Republican Party and despined all of them too.He has co-opted the powers that reside in the Judiciary and Legislative branch so ... moreHe singlehandedly castrated all male members of the Republican Party and despined all of them too.He has co-opted the powers that reside in the Judiciary and Legislative branch so he is a one-legged stoolHe ignores all rules regs precedent protocol and middle fingers THE CONSTITUTION as he ignores it completelyHe lies 24/7 and his cheery adoring worshippers believe he has NEVER TOLD A LIEHe throws people under the bus all the time and newbies keep arriving to service all his needs/wantsHe supports hostile foreign nations as he defies defiles demonizes American citizens/diplomats/intelligence agentsHe colludes conspires with anyone everyone to benefit himself at all times in all ways for alwaysHe jeopardizes the nation by his very existence and we know at any time he can push the button and BLOW US UPHe is a raging uncontrollable wackadoodle crackpot and behind closed doors he is a monster vulgarian less