At the RNC donor retreat in New Orleans Trump said - that North Korea's Kim Jong Un had ability to make his advisers cower and he wants his staff to act like that. He als... moreAt the RNC donor retreat in New Orleans Trump said - that North Korea's Kim Jong Un had ability to make his advisers cower and he wants his staff to act like that. He also said that America should put Chinese's flags on American fighters and bomb the sh*t out of Russia. He said it in a joking way but I think deep down he would like it because he likes to see people coward before him and he likes causing conflict. Joking or not that bit about the jets will not be good for US and China's relationship. Cheers! less
More than 380,000,000 tons of plastics is produced annually worldwide; more than one million tons a day. If a 120 car train could load up 10,000 tons of plastic it would require mo... moreMore than 380,000,000 tons of plastics is produced annually worldwide; more than one million tons a day. If a 120 car train could load up 10,000 tons of plastic it would require more than 100 trains to transport all that plastic products just for daily consumption!Holy cow! What can ya do?
Truth Social has got off to a rocky start – with lots of technical problems and potential legal issues. Maybe the reason for that might be that Trump hired De... moreTruth Social has got off to a rocky start – with lots of technical problems and potential legal issues. Maybe the reason for that might be that Trump hired Devin Nunes to be in charge and he has no experience at that sort of thing. Almost everyone who tried to sign up wasn't able to but it has been reported that one Catholic priest managed to join so maybe you need help from God to get on the site. Truth Social is only available on an apple app which is a business mistake because it should be on other apps like Android. I also think it is funny that shortly before the sites launch Trumps wife made a special arrangement to share exclusive communications with a competitor social media app Parler. Cheers! less
I think it is one thing if you or I say it but when a US Senator say's it - it can be a game changer (a hostile invasion of a Country could turn into a World war. Plus it is not a ... moreI think it is one thing if you or I say it but when a US Senator say's it - it can be a game changer (a hostile invasion of a Country could turn into a World war. Plus it is not a democratic solution to the problem. Cheers and happy weekend!
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis admonished a group of high school students for wearing face masks at an indoor news conference Wednesday, saying it was time to stop what he called COVID ... moreFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis admonished a group of high school students for wearing face masks at an indoor news conference Wednesday, saying it was time to stop what he called COVID theatre. The school is located in an area where the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends indoor masking due to high COVID-19 risk. Seems like the anti mask people say it is their right not to wear a mask but they have little tolerance for the people who wear masks. I added a link to more info about it but suggest you watch the video about it because it shows how sh**y he got with the students. Cheers and happy weekend! less
After Trump failed to overturn the election results Roger Stone was furious with him. One of the things he said was Trump’s son-in-law was going to get a beating.... moreAfter Trump failed to overturn the election results Roger Stone was furious with him. One of the things he said was Trump’s son-in-law was going to get a beating. He needs to have a beating and needs to be told this time we’re just beating you next time we’re killing you. I don't think Trump will say anything to Stone but he will probably be mad that he can no longer count on donations from Stone. I included a link to more of what Stone said. Cheers and happy weekend! less
When did the option to buy one complete, cut-into-parts, fresh, uncooked chicken disappear in grocery stores?I now only see packages of only thighs, only wings, only legs, only bre... moreWhen did the option to buy one complete, cut-into-parts, fresh, uncooked chicken disappear in grocery stores?I now only see packages of only thighs, only wings, only legs, only breasts, etc. I have a recipe I like that is best with a variety of parts. Oh, well.
This poll was inspired by this question: Yes, I... moreThis poll was inspired by this question: Yes, I know I skipped choice “I” because I made a duplicate choice so I had to edit it out. I just can’t change letters after people started answering this.Choose One:A. I’m a liberal and/or a Democrat from the US and I approve of Joe Biden’s job performance.B. I’m a liberal and/or a Democrat from the US and I disapprove of Joe Biden’s job performance.C. I’m a liberal and/or a Democrat from the US and neither approve nor disapprove of Joe Biden’s job performance.D. I’m a conservative and/or a Republican from the US and I approve of Joe Biden’s job performance.E. I’m a conservative and/or a Republican from the US and I disapprove of Joe Biden’s job performance.F. I’m a conservative and/or a Republican from the US and I... less
Anchor Stephanie Ruhle said, “I want to stay on gas for another moment. You’re absolutely right, the president does not set the price of gas, but he can influence it. A... moreAnchor Stephanie Ruhle said, “I want to stay on gas for another moment. You’re absolutely right, the president does not set the price of gas, but he can influence it. And while releasing some strategic reserves matters, given how much has been released, it is really just a drop in the bucket. Are there things, and I realize this is controversial, it has huge environmental impacts, could the president possibly consider authorizing the Keystone Pipeline? Or working something out with Iran?”
Buttigieg said, “Look, the president has said that all options are on the table. But we also need to make sure that we are not galloping after permanent solutions to immediate short term problems, where more strategic and tactical actions in the short term that can make a difference, like what you have with the strategic reserve, which exists partly in order to respond to situations like this.”....How do they not understand/care about the inflation caused by their actions? less
I just watched a news clip of a Ukrainian woman in Kherson taunt some Russians in their tank. She said do you know were you are? You are in Kherson half the woman here are wit... moreI just watched a news clip of a Ukrainian woman in Kherson taunt some Russians in their tank. She said do you know were you are? You are in Kherson half the woman here are witches and by tomorrow you won't be able to get your little thingy up. I think that is a double taunt - a remark about their little packages and a witch scare. Cheers!
Trump said his wall would be big.,beautiful and it would be Rolls-Royce of barriers that would be impenetrable. But records show that smugglers got past it over 3000 X and the... moreTrump said his wall would be big.,beautiful and it would be Rolls-Royce of barriers that would be impenetrable. But records show that smugglers got past it over 3000 X and they did it with common tools that you can buy at a hardware store. I was just thinking about how Trump was showing off his wall one day and he said to a general - there are sensors at the top of it isn't that right and the general said - um that was supposed to be a secrete. Cheers!
God ate a huge meal and ripped a giant fart. It was so big, it condensed into itself and started to fuse and the sun was created. Then he took a dump. It was so big it became the e... moreGod ate a huge meal and ripped a giant fart. It was so big, it condensed into itself and started to fuse and the sun was created. Then he took a dump. It was so big it became the earth. A small turd became the moon. After that he took a leak and filled the oceans, accounting for the salt and other minerals. Do you think this is feasible?
Last week Trump said that the $2 worth of sanctions that Biden placed on Russia will have no effect. It has only been a week and the Russian economy is already failing. So I t... moreLast week Trump said that the $2 worth of sanctions that Biden placed on Russia will have no effect. It has only been a week and the Russian economy is already failing. So I think Trump was way wrong about that. Cheers!
Who are some historical figures and/or modern-day famous people whose names you mispronounce or find difficult to pronounce? They may be real or fictional.
I wonder if the “defund” crowd will take up those banners?Not half measures, not lip service, no baby steps. Complete and immediate defunding, starting by withholding t... moreI wonder if the “defund” crowd will take up those banners?Not half measures, not lip service, no baby steps. Complete and immediate defunding, starting by withholding the millions of rubles paid for all Russian exports.
My new crack head neighbour came over yesterday and angrily accused my dog of crapping in his yard. I knew it couldn't be true because my dog stays within 20 feet of me when ... moreMy new crack head neighbour came over yesterday and angrily accused my dog of crapping in his yard. I knew it couldn't be true because my dog stays within 20 feet of me when he is outside but I decided to humor the guy. So I informed the guy that I was a hunter and a expert at identifying animal scat (I am). Then I went over to his house and walked around the scat a couple of times while I stroked my chin (like I was giving it great thought). Then I said nope that's not from my dog and the guy said how do you know that. And I said because there are no kernels of corn in it. The guy said OK and he waved at me today so he must now know it wasn't my dog. Cheers! less
As far as I know, Ukraine has at least 1 fighter jet remaining.Look up "Highway of Death" or "Slaughter Alley" from the First Gulf War.The only logical conclusion to a 40-mile mili... moreAs far as I know, Ukraine has at least 1 fighter jet remaining.Look up "Highway of Death" or "Slaughter Alley" from the First Gulf War.The only logical conclusion to a 40-mile military convoy to be literally crawling through enemy territory, is to give the enemy plenty of time to prepare for it.It's no secret the west is sending thousands of anti-tank missiles. Or that the Ukrainian forces have been very successful with what they had.So, the only conclusion I can reach is that Putin is purposefully sacrificing that column.Perhaps it is commanded by officers he wants to get rid of.Perhaps he will use it as an excuse to escalate to "theater nukes". less
I was in a boat nearby when a distress call came over the radio, so we turned and headed toward the location of the caller. By the time we arrived at the site there were other boat... moreI was in a boat nearby when a distress call came over the radio, so we turned and headed toward the location of the caller. By the time we arrived at the site there were other boats there who had already taken on the occupants of the boat that was now disappearing into the murky depths of the sea. "What an eerie sensation!" I felt as the boat disappeared slowly out of sight into the darkness of unknown waters deep below. CEO Albert Bourla, thinks that the edible biological chip that has been FDA approved ... more CEO Albert Bourla, thinks that the edible biological chip that has been FDA approved to ensure compliance is fascinating, and needs to be invested in.Won't the gov, big pharma, your health insurance, and doctors be so excited to ensure your compliance?(Added) Pfizer CEO said, "Maybe I will use an example. I think it is fascinating what is happening in this field right now. The FDA approved the first electronic pill, if I can call it that, it's basically a biological chip that is in the tablet and once you take the tablet it sends a signal that you took the tablet. Imagine the implications of that compliance. The insurance companies can know that the medicines that patients should take they do take them. It is fascinating what happens in this field." less
The most arrogent thing I ever heard Donald Trump say was when he was ranting about low flow toilets. He said with the low flow toilets you have to flush 5-6-7 or 8 times. The... moreThe most arrogent thing I ever heard Donald Trump say was when he was ranting about low flow toilets. He said with the low flow toilets you have to flush 5-6-7 or 8 times. Then he paused and said - not me - you have to flush that many times. It was like he was saying he has perfect little turds that flush easily. Cheers!