their spiel and a fitting. They said to set aside about 25 to 40 minutes. That makes it seem like some kind of scam, in my opinion. Why can't they at least give me the basic price ... moretheir spiel and a fitting. They said to set aside about 25 to 40 minutes. That makes it seem like some kind of scam, in my opinion. Why can't they at least give me the basic price ahead of time, even a general idea, so that I can decide if I want to devote that much time to it? If you've had experience with that company, would you please give me some feedback? Thank you. ~
Why do I ask? Why does anyone ask any question? To get an answer to an unknown of course. That is how ignorance is replaced by knowledge and how NOT knowing becomes knowing. Any ot... moreWhy do I ask? Why does anyone ask any question? To get an answer to an unknown of course. That is how ignorance is replaced by knowledge and how NOT knowing becomes knowing. Any other questions?
So you put down someone viciously constantly 24/7 while he lives and then when he dies you are enraptured by his wonderfulness and all the virtues you pretend to think he had. Ever... moreSo you put down someone viciously constantly 24/7 while he lives and then when he dies you are enraptured by his wonderfulness and all the virtues you pretend to think he had. Everyone knows you are a big fake. Why not simply say "condolences to the family" and let it go at that? What would YOU say if you were expected to speak about someone who died whom you maligned despised while he was alive? Why?
He kvetches and moans and groans and bit**es about other things sweeping him off the stage like so much detritus. Things like devastating earthquakes or floods or hurricanes or fir... moreHe kvetches and moans and groans and bit**es about other things sweeping him off the stage like so much detritus. Things like devastating earthquakes or floods or hurricanes or fires. Or the beheading dismemberment of a US green card resident who worked for 20 years for a US Newspaper. He is out of the spotlight and he shrinks from being ignored. Gets smaller and tinier and panics for fear he will disappear altogether! Whatta guy. He paid his "respects" to the passing of George H.W. Bush. That won't last. Soon he will be enraged that his every word isn't being photo opped and audioed for play and replay. He does not endure being ignored for long. He will come up with a distraction so that all focus will return once again to him. How dire will it be to take away from eulogies for a former president who has passed on? Guess. less
You hire a guy that is a failure on all fronts and you are STUCK WITH HIM for 4 years? Why set up such a losing situation for we the people? Why not a TRYOUT year and then a pass o... moreYou hire a guy that is a failure on all fronts and you are STUCK WITH HIM for 4 years? Why set up such a losing situation for we the people? Why not a TRYOUT year and then a pass or fail? The fail kicks out the failure and we choose again. That saves us 3 years of sameoldsameoldsame. A one-year tryout is very generous. In some jobs you are being evaluated/tested for 3 months or 6 month before insurance coverage begins or eligibility for vacation or holiday pay kicks in. You have to PROVE you can do the job. Why do we give a prez FOUR YEARS to show us how very inept and incompetent he is? FOUR YEARS in which he tears down all that we hold dear? Anyone have a clue? less
Well George Bush asked both his dad and Bill Clinton work on some joint projects. They got to know each other very well. They traveled together A LOT! The elder Bush would invite B... moreWell George Bush asked both his dad and Bill Clinton work on some joint projects. They got to know each other very well. They traveled together A LOT! The elder Bush would invite Bill to his home in Maine. At some point a very deep and abiding respect and friendship and dare I say LOVE grew out of that. Their politics were never the same of course but they set that aside and focused on what they had in common. A desire to help. A desire to do good. A desire to serve the people of the world. See what happens when you can share a common desire? D'ya think any trumpicans and progressive liberal Democrats could ever achieve that harmony, respect, focus? I don't either. More's the pity. SIGH. less
Besides servicing serving himself what did he do that served the public honorably honestly? Anyone? Anything? Anywhere? Anytime? C'mon folks. All you trumpicans out there MUS... moreBesides servicing serving himself what did he do that served the public honorably honestly? Anyone? Anything? Anywhere? Anytime? C'mon folks. All you trumpicans out there MUST have a list of all his great good public deeds for humanity. Don'tcha?
A broken record that keeps repeating repeating repeating repeating. Always the same refrain. Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton. I assume it is purporsefu... moreA broken record that keeps repeating repeating repeating repeating. Always the same refrain. Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton. I assume it is purporseful but to what end? Never answering a question but constantly responding makes sense to whom and why? A non sequitur response is not a rebuttal but a pathetic example of the inability to FOCUS on the NOW.
He is a REACTIONARY. What is shockingly apparent is that he has brought out from the shadows so many who are just like him! Yesterday calls to them. They do not like today and as f... moreHe is a REACTIONARY. What is shockingly apparent is that he has brought out from the shadows so many who are just like him! Yesterday calls to them. They do not like today and as for the future that would require imagination creativity inventiveness which they lack. Yesterday they know and understand. Today is fraught with peril it frightens them bigly. They cling to the him who tells them he will fix things. As for tomorrow they only live for this day. Today. Every day. SIGH. A mind is a terrible thing to waste or so we are told. less
SYNETHESIAPerceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.
Why? Because it is in that where justice prevails and is inescapable. We all have lessons to learn to attain perfection so we don't have to keep being reborn which is a PUNIS... more Why? Because it is in that where justice prevails and is inescapable. We all have lessons to learn to attain perfection so we don't have to keep being reborn which is a PUNISHMENT. You attain perfection when you have learned all there is to learn and are not punished further. You reap in this life what you sowed in past lives. Isn't it comforting to think that the evildoers and the vicious among us will get back what they gave out? So the beheader dismemberer gets the privilege and pleasure of being beheaded dismembered futurely. The cheat gets cheated on. The betrayer will be betrayed. The liar will be lied to 24/7. The selfish self-centered greedy will be denied what he/she needs to survive by the selfish self-centered, greedy. Think upon that for a moment. All the evil that the john of don has done in this lifetime will be served back to him lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. Unless he learns his lessons and how to be a "good" human being he is destined to live multiple lives foreverafter. So... less
If their keepers are racist bigots vile people well the kids become little them. Animals only know if they are fed and taken care of. They don't know if their keepers are good peop... moreIf their keepers are racist bigots vile people well the kids become little them. Animals only know if they are fed and taken care of. They don't know if their keepers are good people or lousy bums. So animals will love unconditionally if they are treated decently. Poor children. Poor animals. Keepers rule. Keepers control the dialogue and the scenario and the outcome. Some of the kep (kids and pets) are damaged forever because of having the bad luck to be victims of their keepers.All the cage kennel tent city kids had the bad luck to have parents who thought bringing them to America would give them better lives. How wrong they were. How sad they don't get do-overs. less
Think the kids won't notice that? They will think kids get punished for lying but a lying grownup is president so lying is acceptable as long as you are an adult. What other messag... moreThink the kids won't notice that? They will think kids get punished for lying but a lying grownup is president so lying is acceptable as long as you are an adult. What other message could that duplicity send than that? The kids get grounded or have some privilege taken away for lying. Their parents keep saying how wonderful the john of don is and how special and how much good he has done for the country. Meanwhile newspapers, TV shows, radio shows focus on his lies and misdeeds and possible CRIMINAL if not TREASONOUS actions. Confusing as he** ain't it? less
The john of don's lawyers tell us not to believe Michael Cohen because he is a liar. The john of don says the same thing. These lawyers are the ones who dare not let their cl... moreThe john of don's lawyers tell us not to believe Michael Cohen because he is a liar. The john of don says the same thing. These lawyers are the ones who dare not let their client the john of don testify in person to Mueller because they KNOW the john of don is compulsive LIAR and will further harm himself. Ridiculous. Absurd. Illogical. Crazy-a**. Not that the lawyers say such crap but that trumpicans believe it and promote it and promulgate it. Now what would cause that obvious absurdity?Are the lies of a john of don superior to, better than, impressiver than those of others? Does a president get a pass because he is the president? A liar is a liar is a liar. Whether it is the john of don or someone else. Crazy -a** world when one liar is elevated and worshipped no matter what. Crazy-a** people too? I dunno. Something very strange has occurred in the brains of lotsa folks. less
I know the vast majority do wear helmets nowadays, but there are still a few who don't. Last month I had to help a crashed cyclist who had fallen off at 20mph and landed on his hea... moreI know the vast majority do wear helmets nowadays, but there are still a few who don't. Last month I had to help a crashed cyclist who had fallen off at 20mph and landed on his head. He wasn't wearing one. I don't know how badly injured he was but it looked pretty bad and he was probably concussed.
Did you know that he flew 58 missions in a US Navy torpedo bomber in the Pacific theater during WWII? On one mission, his plane was in flames from being hit by anti-aircraft fire, ... moreDid you know that he flew 58 missions in a US Navy torpedo bomber in the Pacific theater during WWII? On one mission, his plane was in flames from being hit by anti-aircraft fire, but he still managed to drop the bombs over the target, and he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service. Like Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and George W. Bush, he served in the military before launching his political career.
A nifty game where the person who is murdered has no tie to the killer or the person who orders the hit.So Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince can take turns taking out the enemies of... moreA nifty game where the person who is murdered has no tie to the killer or the person who orders the hit.So Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince can take turns taking out the enemies of the john of don per his list and he will ever so gladly engage in reciprocity and order the hits of their enemies. I expect they will have to pay a royalty to the storyline idea orginator but so what? They are all OBSCENELY RICH so money's no object. Of course their governments will pay for it in a line item cleverly disguised as something else. Any suggestions? What would YOU name such an account to not cause any suspicion? less