After years and years of thinking Dakoda Motor Co. (a favorite band of mine!) was no longer a band, I just now found out that they're still together!! And they have been a band all... moreAfter years and years of thinking Dakoda Motor Co. (a favorite band of mine!) was no longer a band, I just now found out that they're still together!! And they have been a band all along!Yeah, I feel like an idiot but, at the moment, I'm a pretty happy idiot!
I love their sound! And lead vocalist Davia Vallesillo ROCKS!:)Here's the Dakoda Motor that made me an immediate fan -- "Trip To Pain"And an ultra-cool music video, too.I hope you can give a listen and watch.:)EDIT: The video seems to be 'un-postable'!!!! Expletives are racing in my mind!!!EDIT #2: Hey, in June 2017 I posted another answerMug question about this song -- here's a link to the answerMug question -- I've gone to it three times just now and the music video is playing every time I've clicked on it.Anyway, I hope you can watch and listen. #3: And this link seems not to be a direct 'click-on' link, I guess. Oh, well. EDIT #5: But now the link below clicks direc... less
What are some assumptions that might be derived about economics in your country as a result of those studies? *The student may or may not live in your residence during... more What are some assumptions that might be derived about economics in your country as a result of those studies? *The student may or may not live in your residence during the 12-month study, as the outcome is not dependent upon living arrangements. ~
If I have at least two spare, I don't; otherwise I would. But I must say I wear tights only at very, very formal occasions, particularly when I am in Western dress.
Which means the beheading dismemberment orderer has a heart. He couldda ordered them to start dismembering with the head intact. Here a limb there a limb everywhere a limb limb. If... moreWhich means the beheading dismemberment orderer has a heart. He couldda ordered them to start dismembering with the head intact. Here a limb there a limb everywhere a limb limb. If ya got a head still attached to the torso you feel it right? Well the bighearted orderer said to behead FIRST then dismember then dissolve in acid whatever was left. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. Everyone says so. We'll see what happens. In a certain period of time. I will never lie to you.
On Jan. 20, 1993, I entered the Oval Office for the first time as president. As is the tradition, waiting for me was a note from my predecessor, George Herbert Walker Bush. It... moreOn Jan. 20, 1993, I entered the Oval Office for the first time as president. As is the tradition, waiting for me was a note from my predecessor, George Herbert Walker Bush. It read:
Dear Bill,
When I walked into this office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel that, too.
I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described.
There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I’m not a very good one to give advice, but just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course.
You will be our president when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well.
Your success now is our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.
Good Luck — George
No words of mine or others can better reveal the heart of who he was than those he wrote himself. He was an honorable, gracious, and decent man who believed in the United S... less
I often send out requests to people asking them to provide a quote or let me interview them for an article. Oftentimes, I don't know the person at all; I've just read something the... moreI often send out requests to people asking them to provide a quote or let me interview them for an article. Oftentimes, I don't know the person at all; I've just read something they've written or learned about a project they've worked on and would like to either include a direct quote or talk to them. I'm kind of all over the map on whether I get any kind of response at all, let alone whether the other party agrees. I haven't found any kind of technique that increases buy-in. With my latest one, I needed to talk to doctors, so I wrote to several whom I know personally. Only one bothered to write back and decline. The rest didn't even do that much. It doesn't bother me so much when I don't know the person, but these were people I knew in real life that I've worked with before, so I found the lack of response rather bothersome. Is that normal for this kind of letter, even if you know the person you're talking to? I'm basically offering them free PR, so it's hard for me to understand why they wouldn't rep... less
Three days after the murder she was charged with manslaughter. Grand Jury sez it looks like MURDER. If guilty she will spend the rest of her life in prison. Now it's Texas. D'ya re... moreThree days after the murder she was charged with manslaughter. Grand Jury sez it looks like MURDER. If guilty she will spend the rest of her life in prison. Now it's Texas. D'ya really think Texas would convict a white anything man or woman for murdering a black anyone man or woman? Maybe this is just a buncha hooey window dressing crap to put lipstick on that pig. If she walks then we know it was all for nothing. If she gets to spend the rest of her miserable worthless life in prison maybe even Texas knows shameful and racist when they see it. As the great you know whom sez constantly. "We'll see what happens". Everyone says so. We are looking at that. In a period of time I will let you know. Everyone sez so. SIGH. :( less
Whaddya say? What could it hurt? Why not give it a try? Give the wannabes INTELLIGENCE PSYCHOLOGICAL EMOTIONAL SPIRITUAL PHYSICAL tests FIRST before we even consider hiring them to... moreWhaddya say? What could it hurt? Why not give it a try? Give the wannabes INTELLIGENCE PSYCHOLOGICAL EMOTIONAL SPIRITUAL PHYSICAL tests FIRST before we even consider hiring them to be candidates? INVESTIGATE THEIR PASTS. RESEARCH THE TRACKS THEY'VE LEFT. INVESTIGATE THEIR ASSOCIATIONS AFFILIATIONS LAWSUITS . For a change?
their spiel and a fitting. They said to set aside about 25 to 40 minutes. That makes it seem like some kind of scam, in my opinion. Why can't they at least give me the basic price ... moretheir spiel and a fitting. They said to set aside about 25 to 40 minutes. That makes it seem like some kind of scam, in my opinion. Why can't they at least give me the basic price ahead of time, even a general idea, so that I can decide if I want to devote that much time to it? If you've had experience with that company, would you please give me some feedback? Thank you. ~
Why do I ask? Why does anyone ask any question? To get an answer to an unknown of course. That is how ignorance is replaced by knowledge and how NOT knowing becomes knowing. Any ot... moreWhy do I ask? Why does anyone ask any question? To get an answer to an unknown of course. That is how ignorance is replaced by knowledge and how NOT knowing becomes knowing. Any other questions?