Instead of silencing down and lying low he ramped it up and attacked the guy who is heading the investigation in him. Giving that investigation guy far more ammunition than he had ... moreInstead of silencing down and lying low he ramped it up and attacked the guy who is heading the investigation in him. Giving that investigation guy far more ammunition than he had before. The mouth plus the endless insulting tweets that have accelerated frantically desperately injudiciously has seriously hurt the john of don. He done it to hisself all by hisself on his own all alone. Do he know it? What do YOU think?
It's insulting to have a template set up by strangers into which people are sorted by size weight smarts bank balance appearance personality whatever. At least I think so. What do ... moreIt's insulting to have a template set up by strangers into which people are sorted by size weight smarts bank balance appearance personality whatever. At least I think so. What do YOU think and why?
I took one a couple of days ago. It said it would guess my age if I answered some questions. I answered all the questions! Well the test tells me I'm 38! Funny. I was born in 1937 ... moreI took one a couple of days ago. It said it would guess my age if I answered some questions. I answered all the questions! Well the test tells me I'm 38! Funny. I was born in 1937 which SHOULD mean that I am 81! So much for tests. Sheesh! :)
An Answermug pal just reminded me of the baby aspirin BAD ADVICE. We were told to take a low-dose aspirin (81 mg baby aspirin) every day for heart health. NOW WE ARE TOLD it ... moreAn Answermug pal just reminded me of the baby aspirin BAD ADVICE. We were told to take a low-dose aspirin (81 mg baby aspirin) every day for heart health. NOW WE ARE TOLD it will damage a healthy heart and is only advised for those who have already had heart attacks! NOW THEY TELL US! So how many healthy hearts were damaged by the taking? How many people died because they smoked because they figured if doctors did it then it must be safe? What else are we doing ON SOMEONE'S advice that is killing us or crippling us or harming us or damaging us? Going your own way without listening to anyone can be very dangerous. So too can listening to and following the advice of EXPERTS. So whaddya do? Flip a coin? Pick a straw? Throw darts? Sheesh. :( less
Don't know if you've ever heard of THE MISSION INN located in downtown Riverside, California but it is quite famous among some and attracts hundreds of thousands of people to River... moreDon't know if you've ever heard of THE MISSION INN located in downtown Riverside, California but it is quite famous among some and attracts hundreds of thousands of people to Riverside each year. The owners decorate it with animated figures on every story and there are a zillion lights that take your breath away at night. Anything like that in your town?
Hyde-Smith is NOT euphonious. HYDE SMYTHE is. It also sounds oh-so upper class. Anyway the name surely classes up the dame and what harm would that be? She doesn't loo... moreHyde-Smith is NOT euphonious. HYDE SMYTHE is. It also sounds oh-so upper class. Anyway the name surely classes up the dame and what harm would that be? She doesn't look classy or talk classy do she? But to make a Smith a SMYTHE? Well you see my point right? A SMYTHE is way more than a Smith will ever be. Royalty? The Countess Hyde Smythe? Duchess Hyde-Smithe. Her Ladyship Hyde-Smythe. Baroness Hyde-Smythe. Princess Hyde-Smythe. Senator Hyde-Smythe? Her Earlness? Lord and Lady. Duke and Duchess. Baron and Baroness. Prince and Princess Earl and ? Dame Hyde-Smythe? If we could just teach to speak with a British accent her "apparent" intelligence level would skyrocket. Anything a Brit says sounds way smart. I don't know why. It just does! Could any Brits out there share with us what the female consort of an Earl is? Earlship? Earless? Earlon? No that sounds very similar to Orlon! Very declasse! Oy Vey! :( less
Why is one a REVIEWER and the other a CRITIC? Art reviewer or CRITIC? Theater/movie/TV REVIEWER or CRITIC? Reviewer seems inherently fairer/openminded to me than CRITIC since CRITI... moreWhy is one a REVIEWER and the other a CRITIC? Art reviewer or CRITIC? Theater/movie/TV REVIEWER or CRITIC? Reviewer seems inherently fairer/openminded to me than CRITIC since CRITIC has a definitely negative connotation. Would YOU rather be a reviewer or a critic? Pay is the same. A reviewer or critic of what? Art, food, fashion, music, acting?
Many of his real estate ventures and adventures are or were under scrutiny. That is among the crimes of which he and his cohorts are suspected of having committed. At least what GM... moreMany of his real estate ventures and adventures are or were under scrutiny. That is among the crimes of which he and his cohorts are suspected of having committed. At least what GM is doing ain't illegal.
They(the john of don and the daughter john of don) want to make as much money as they can so they manufacture their products where LABOR IS CHEAPER outside America. Make America Gr... moreThey(the john of don and the daughter john of don) want to make as much money as they can so they manufacture their products where LABOR IS CHEAPER outside America. Make America Great Again my a**! The phony baloney line that people bought. Poor people. What a shyster scammer con artist! The john and his clan use every ruse to MAKE MORE MONEY. So does any business. So that's the business decision GM made. Lay off 14,000 plus employees. Close 5 factories. I read that decision will save the company something like 6 BILLION dollars by 2020. Now d'ya really think the john of don wouldn't do the exact same thing to save billions of bucks? He sells out our country daily because of big money from the Saudis and Russians past present and futurely. So why does he begrudge a company doing what is "best" for it? He is a hypocrite. Two-faced. A Janus. Sheesh. less
Seems to me if you are rigidly limited to what is PROPER in one area you are obligated to always be and do what is RIGIDLY PROPER in all areas of life and in all things. Which mean... moreSeems to me if you are rigidly limited to what is PROPER in one area you are obligated to always be and do what is RIGIDLY PROPER in all areas of life and in all things. Which means don't cheat on your taxes , don't go faster than the posted speed limit. If you get more change back that you should give it back. Don't cheat on tests. Don't plagiarize the work of others. Don't take credit for something you don't deserve. Don't take cuts, wait your turn. And so on. Consistency. Dependability. Purity of thought and action. less
~ from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"~ what Hitchcock allows us to see, what he does not allow us to see, WHEN he allows us to see -- and Tippi Hedren as 'Melanie Daniels' -- and t... more~ from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"~ what Hitchcock allows us to see, what he does not allow us to see, WHEN he allows us to see -- and Tippi Hedren as 'Melanie Daniels' -- and through it all, the singing of the children -- all perfect for me
:)EDIT: Oh, this scene from the movie starts with an excerpt from the movie's opening credits; this is not the first scene of the movie
All from a man to whom PROGESSIVE is a dirty word and REACTIONARY is da bomb! He loves yesterday and what usta be. I wonder if he even knows how to use a computer or are his talent... moreAll from a man to whom PROGESSIVE is a dirty word and REACTIONARY is da bomb! He loves yesterday and what usta be. I wonder if he even knows how to use a computer or are his talents limited to tweeting? You are what you tweet. You are what you promulgate. You are what you deliver. You are what you are. SIGH. :(
Now I see absolutely no purpose for it. Why would we care about the inner workings of the planet? What possible purpose can there be for exploring Mars? I't just a waste of money.
He like it real bigly. He is angry at GM for the plan to layoff over 14,000 auto workers when the john of don PRoMISED to bring back auto jobs. You know the john would like control... moreHe like it real bigly. He is angry at GM for the plan to layoff over 14,000 auto workers when the john of don PRoMISED to bring back auto jobs. You know the john would like control over all big business and lit tle business too. I mean if y'all support him and like him and approve of his policies what's there to lose? He will make all your decisions for you. It will make him very happy. Surelyyou don't mind turning over your right to run your business on your own all alone do ya? Wanna make him happy don'tcha? Of course you don't. So? Tell him! less