Where is it written that among other things a president has to put country first, tell the truth, honor the rule of law and do what's best for the people? We gullible fools think t... moreWhere is it written that among other things a president has to put country first, tell the truth, honor the rule of law and do what's best for the people? We gullible fools think that is what should be but who sez so? Power is what rules. Those who are greedy enough to grab it and run with it deserve it. Right? So they pillage and rape and destroy and get richer and richer and richer? That is the way of the world. All the despot dictators are richer than Midas! Go for the gold. Take what you can. "The world is a banquet and most poor bas**rds are starving to death". Well that comes from Auntie Mame probably not verbatim but you get the drift. She is/was/will always be a great old dame who knew how to live life! It has absolutely nothing to do with what preceded it. I just felt like tossing it in the mix. :) less
It's some kind of legal disclaimer and I think pertains to people who are divorcing but I'm not sure. Anyway I"M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BAGGAGE BUT MY OWN. I'm not responsible for... moreIt's some kind of legal disclaimer and I think pertains to people who are divorcing but I'm not sure. Anyway I"M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BAGGAGE BUT MY OWN. I'm not responsible for what you carry around with you. YOU ARE. It's funny odd weird that some or maybe many folks keep blaming others for their own lack and weakness and warts. It makes them feel oh-so-good but it's oh so silly. Man up! Woman up! Take responsibility for what you bring to the table. If your baggage is getting heavier as you get older start dropping some of it off. Don't pick up new baggage unless you drop away some of the old and it's way way BETTER to drop off more than you take on. I'm just sayin'! less
Doing the same thing repeatedly KNOWING you will get the same results that don't work can't work will never work pretending any of it matters!. Now THAT'S wackadoodle crazy. Wastin... moreDoing the same thing repeatedly KNOWING you will get the same results that don't work can't work will never work pretending any of it matters!. Now THAT'S wackadoodle crazy. Wasting time on sameoldsameold. A robotic production line of talking heads repeating repeating repeating repeating. Time goes by. NOTHING CHANGES. Time goes by time goes by. NOTHING CHANGES. So instead of investing our time or spending it we dishonor it and demean it and treat it as if it is of little consequence. WHY?
Do head-in-sand humans live longer or shorter in such an environment? I expect breathing oxygen is easier on the nose and lungs but I never tried breathing sand. Any of y'all... moreDo head-in-sand humans live longer or shorter in such an environment? I expect breathing oxygen is easier on the nose and lungs but I never tried breathing sand. Any of y'all out there who do it regularly? Is sand pleasant or un to breathe in? It's fun to run on and play on but breathe in?
I know some wonderful Democrats, but it seems many want to attack anyone who doesn't agree with them, regardless of subject matter...Calm down folks... it's just a game.
Trump attacks Adam Schiff as ‘little Adam Schitt’ in tweet
By Mark Moore
November 18, 2018 | 2:18pm | Updated
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Donald Trump, Adam SchiffGetty Images
The “Schitt” hit the fan.
President Trump blasted Rep. Adam Schiff for questioning why acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker wasn’t confirmed by the Senate — misspelling the Democrat’s last name as “Schitt.”
see also
Schiff: Democrats will challenge Trump's 'unconstitutional' AG pick
“So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!” Trump wrote on his Twitter account on Sunday.
Schiff, who’s likely to become the House Intelligence Committee chairman, took to Twitter to fire back at Trump.
“Wow, Mr. President, that’s a go... less
Do all questions show up under "QUESTIONS" regardless of Category or Group? There seems to be so many categories and groups! Wouldn't having all member simply ask or post comments ... moreDo all questions show up under "QUESTIONS" regardless of Category or Group? There seems to be so many categories and groups! Wouldn't having all member simply ask or post comments under one single category make for easier access to all posts?. Perhaps I'm too "new" here; but, there hardly seems to be member participation. Just a thought.
Speaking at an event organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin on Friday, Merkel declared, "In this day nation-states must today - should today, I say - be ready t... moreSpeaking at an event organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin on Friday, Merkel declared, "In this day nation-states must today - should today, I say - be ready to give up sovereignty."Could this be Germany's call for their 4th reich?
Would anyone spend any time at all trying to convince an INFANT of its place in the universe and the ramifications of his/her obligation/duty therefrom? Anyone out there that rambu... moreWould anyone spend any time at all trying to convince an INFANT of its place in the universe and the ramifications of his/her obligation/duty therefrom? Anyone out there that rambunctious arrogant and hopeful?
Suppose over the years of your employment with the company you have been paid about $500,000 and directly due to your effectiveness the company profited about $1,200, 0... moreSuppose over the years of your employment with the company you have been paid about $500,000 and directly due to your effectiveness the company profited about $1,200, 000 -how would you feel about that?I think I would feel kinda proud of myself.
What did she think LOCK HER UP meant? She has been sold to us as the "smart" one among the john of don progeny. If true well then that explains everything doesn't it? If the "smart... moreWhat did she think LOCK HER UP meant? She has been sold to us as the "smart" one among the john of don progeny. If true well then that explains everything doesn't it? If the "smart" one doesn't have a clue what hope is there that any of them do?
But when the OLD DAWG thinks he knows all the trick there and no one can teach him anything because he knows everything? Well he**'s bells it's true folks! Yep.
The poor old guy is skeered for his life despite the fact that other presidents much BRAVER than him visited troops in foreign countries. What's HIS problem? Why is he so much scar... moreThe poor old guy is skeered for his life despite the fact that other presidents much BRAVER than him visited troops in foreign countries. What's HIS problem? Why is he so much scareder than they were? Less of a man more of a wascally wabbit? I dunno. An Ike he ain't.
Of course Comey is and was a Republican when Republican existed. Loretta Lynch is a Dem. They will also bring back the multiple BENGHAZI investigations AND the MULTIPLE Hillary ema... moreOf course Comey is and was a Republican when Republican existed. Loretta Lynch is a Dem. They will also bring back the multiple BENGHAZI investigations AND the MULTIPLE Hillary email investigations and probably add to the 60 plus ATTEMPTS to kill the AHCA which is now the lifeline of every REPUBLIDCAN pol who promised to honor pre-existing condition s. What bullsh** they tried to sell but we the people are way smarter than them and always were.. The desperation is palpable and very embarrassing for them. Or should be. But they bull on. They move forward. Nothing will deter them from their gloriously inglorious LAST HURRAH for the team! The Nunes and the Dowdy Gowdy and the other last-breath-gasping trumpicans who were booted out mean to get back at and revenge themselves on those who replaced them. Wrong target of course. The revenge they seek ought to be against those who rejected them, denied them, couldn't stand the thought of having them back doing the same old thing. We'll see what happens. Any time n... less
An old white rich powerful racist man tells an African American journalist who asks a simple question "that is a racist question". That's not the worst part. His peeps agree with t... moreAn old white rich powerful racist man tells an African American journalist who asks a simple question "that is a racist question". That's not the worst part. His peeps agree with the big he. SIGH. Do you too? Why?
Not my words. Words of the fine cleric who spoke at the wedding of Harry & Meghan. He was quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Some of you agree and some of you are offended that I s... moreNot my words. Words of the fine cleric who spoke at the wedding of Harry & Meghan. He was quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Some of you agree and some of you are offended that I should even bring up such a RACIST thing. Right? C'mon now. Y'all know whom you are. I won't bite.
Is it possible for the people to have TWO enemies? The media AND the john of don? Or it is impossible to have more than one :"enemy of the people" at one time. Anyone families peop... moreIs it possible for the people to have TWO enemies? The media AND the john of don? Or it is impossible to have more than one :"enemy of the people" at one time. Anyone families people enemies and what the rules regs requirements are to be one? Is it published anywhere so we can educates ourselves to recognize whom or what is a people enemy and whom or what is not? If you label something or someone "an enemy of the people" Ya otta know what the requirements are to make them that, right? You don't just pull it out of your a** one day because you feel like it. Right? less
You find them at local outlet malls where merchandise that isn't purchased goes to die a slow death. In bars and clubs and circuits where no one has ever heard of them before or sa... moreYou find them at local outlet malls where merchandise that isn't purchased goes to die a slow death. In bars and clubs and circuits where no one has ever heard of them before or says "Geez I thought he/she was dead". Poor john. The more he lusts after their support the more they back away.
Prolifers have murdered doctors, blown up clinics where LEGAL abortions occurred. Remember THOU SHALT NOT KILL? That includes you too selective prolifer. Ever give any thought to THAT?
The BEHEADEE instead of the BEHEADER? The child rather than the pedophile? The black-and-blue wife rather than the hubby who beat abused black-and-blued her?
DECORUMDignified propriety of behavior speech dress. Orderliness, regularity.DECOROUSAn observance or requirement of POLITE societyThe antonym is UNDIGNIFIED
A 5-minute photo op at a Miami "food bank" he might well do. He loves cameras and photo ops. But spending all day serving food to others rather than pigging out himself? Neve... moreA 5-minute photo op at a Miami "food bank" he might well do. He loves cameras and photo ops. But spending all day serving food to others rather than pigging out himself? Never gonna happen. He called the troops from the comfort of his Mar A Lago mansion and talked about himself and was very much a partisan political hack. On Thanksgiving! To the troops! The classless boor keeps getting more and more boorish. No one loves him enough to tell him that. No one dares. Not even his kids. SIGH. The only guy who is so obtuse he wants press to cover his bloopers and lies and egregious attacks. Whatta guy. SIGH. less
Yep. They stand at the massive BORDER WALL and throw a lotta bits to see what sticks and if it sticks they ship it out via internet and tweets and twitter and whatever because it m... moreYep. They stand at the massive BORDER WALL and throw a lotta bits to see what sticks and if it sticks they ship it out via internet and tweets and twitter and whatever because it multiplies and spreads like a communicable disease. Ya see they got a whole big pot of spaghetti(aka conspiracy theories) they keep cooking and testing by tossing. Whatever falls to the ground gets scooped up to toss again another day because ya never know when a particular conspiracy theory will be a big hit so ya gotta keep it around and keep trying it repeatedly by tossing it repeatedly. Now that y'all know are ya gonna rush down to the massive BORDER WALL and start tossing YOUR favorite conspiracy theories? Whatcha got ta lose? You can't win if you don't play. Whaddya say? less