They recall the disease, racism, and oppression brought by European settlers. Why is there not a bigger movement to rename the holiday as we've seen with Columbus Day?
Does knowing do more damage than it's worth on occasion? Who ordered the assassination of JFK? Who cares? Unless we can get back at that person why would it matter to anyon after 55 years?
Millions upon millions of people of color are AMERICAN CITIZENS! They have babies. Babies grow up and vote. Keeping out "the other" will not make y'all safe from being swallowed up... moreMillions upon millions of people of color are AMERICAN CITIZENS! They have babies. Babies grow up and vote. Keeping out "the other" will not make y'all safe from being swallowed up and integrated with people of color. Some of them have been here LONGER THAN YOU. Get over it. Is stupid dumb an incurable disease? If you are born that way are you doomed to stay that way? :(
WHAT IF John F. Kennedy had not been assassinated? What if he served 8 years as prez? WHAT IF his brother Bobby had not been assassinated? WHAT IF Bobby served as prez for 8 years.... moreWHAT IF John F. Kennedy had not been assassinated? What if he served 8 years as prez? WHAT IF his brother Bobby had not been assassinated? WHAT IF Bobby served as prez for 8 years. WHAT IF Martin Luther King, Jr. had not been assassinated? WHAT IF he had continued on with his marches and preaching? Would we ever have had a john of don as prez or would we have advanced and grown and evolved above and beyond whom we are now and gotten unstuck from the old ways old prejudices old hates? WHAT IF? :(
The lines at the end of "A Tale of Two Cities" are equally magnificent and possibly even more memorable."It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done. It is a far,... moreThe lines at the end of "A Tale of Two Cities" are equally magnificent and possibly even more memorable."It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known". To understand the meaning of those words you would have had to have read th book or seen the movie. Did you?The middle of "A Tale of Two Cities" is quite equal to the beginning and end. Then of course there is "Call me Ismael". Words that are so memorable are priceless in a story about a man with a wooden leg and a whale. less
According to john of don supporters among those things they listed when asked what his best qualities are. One said other politicians would have apologized for the disgusting Acces... moreAccording to john of don supporters among those things they listed when asked what his best qualities are. One said other politicians would have apologized for the disgusting Access Hollywood tape. He shrugged it off and said it was just "lockerroom talk". They ADMIRE that? So you see why they adore him so? He doesn't give a dam* or a sh ** about anyone but him and he is beloved for that bigly and foreverly! His supporters agree. There is no he like he be and never will be.
The idea that anyone would hold any meeting with anyone without his knowledge/permission is absurd. Either or. Either he is IN CHARGE and DECIDES or he isn't and knows nothing abou... moreThe idea that anyone would hold any meeting with anyone without his knowledge/permission is absurd. Either or. Either he is IN CHARGE and DECIDES or he isn't and knows nothing about anything. Plausible deniability to protect him from charges of wrongdoing. Now seriously can you actually picture a person who says only he can fix it, he knows more than his generals and he is very smart..a stable gonna let anyone else call the shots? EITHER/OR. Either he is the brains behind EVERYTHING and decides everyth ing or he is kept out of the loop and is truthfully ignorant about anything others do. Which is more likely to be true? C'mon! Ya got a 50/50 chance of guessing wrong BUT ya got an equally 50/50 chance of guessing right! less
Enjoying lotsa sex with his mistress in Argentina! His wife divorced him of course. Don't know if he his secret she are still enjoy lotsa sex together or separately. If they got ma... moreEnjoying lotsa sex with his mistress in Argentina! His wife divorced him of course. Don't know if he his secret she are still enjoy lotsa sex together or separately. If they got married. If they moved on. BUT next week the john of don is going to some G2 or G60 or G pick-your-number summit meeting in of all places ARGENTINA! GUESS WHO he is gonna have a special SIDE assignation with? GUESS? Vlad the Putin. Probably closed door. Wonder if Melania is jealous of THAT relationship?. Platonic or romantic? And the Russian Press put out a release that sez the assignation will be long and the discussion will be about substantive issues. The American Press is always stiffed when Vlad the Putin is the john of don's assignation goal target mate partner SO . When Russia is the assignation partner we only know about it via the Russian Press who brags a whole lot don'tcha know? So we'll see what happens. Or we won't. SHEESH. less
It's about the 1968 election and how/why Richard Nixon became prez. It involves a high-powered dame named Anna Chennault, a foreign government and the apparent effort to prevent an... moreIt's about the 1968 election and how/why Richard Nixon became prez. It involves a high-powered dame named Anna Chennault, a foreign government and the apparent effort to prevent any peace occurring to end the Viet Nam war because that would have sabotaged the Nixon chance to be president. He was very desperate. It was his last chance at the prize and he was willing to do ANYTHING to "win" it including what appears to have been committing treason by colluding with a foreign government to insure that peace would not occur. Nixon was "elected" president by a very narrow margin. He squeaked through by a means that was indicative of his criminal nature and his desperation to "win" despite the costs. What did you make of it and did you ever hear about it before? less
When your standards are lowered you attract the worst and the dullest and the least capable and the least honorable (dishonorable). For those who adamantly refuse to compromise and... moreWhen your standards are lowered you attract the worst and the dullest and the least capable and the least honorable (dishonorable). For those who adamantly refuse to compromise and rigidly hold to their standards, why did they cave this time? Why did they lower their standards to nothing at all or minus nothing?
Drones might crash and "die" but they sure as he** don't bleed to death or cause loved ones grief . Drone up the borders. Millions if that's what it takes. No-brainer fer cry... moreDrones might crash and "die" but they sure as he** don't bleed to death or cause loved ones grief . Drone up the borders. Millions if that's what it takes. No-brainer fer cryin' out loud! NO BRAIN ER!
We live in a world of technological miracles. Drones operated of humans 6000 miles away do our killing in Afghanistan. Why do we need human beings weaponized at our borders to kill... moreWe live in a world of technological miracles. Drones operated of humans 6000 miles away do our killing in Afghanistan. Why do we need human beings weaponized at our borders to kill the hordes of murderous terrorist rapist invaders? Why not an electronic that triggers triggers to shoot whatever it is that goes over that border along with the million drones? Birds included. What is wrong with these thinkers in D.C.? Why not use electronic electric and mechanical whatevers to do all the taking out of intruders? Have a million drones up and down the border. Flying very low 24/7? Elecgtrified barbed wire OF COURSE. Also landmines planted to blow them up just in case a dron or bullet misses its mark. less
Why shouldn't Americans be walled out of other countries? What unique specialness or greatnes makes THEM worthy of citizenship in an elsewhere country? How do those countries know ... moreWhy shouldn't Americans be walled out of other countries? What unique specialness or greatnes makes THEM worthy of citizenship in an elsewhere country? How do those countries know that a massive INVASION of Americans doesn't consist of rapists and murderers and terrorists? How comfy it is when the immigrant shoe is on YOUR foot? How do YOU like being vilified and rejected for simply being a you who wants to live a in country that will treat them well? How do you like being judged and graded before you even tested or interviewed or a chance? Turnabout is fair play. If you support the wall and despise immigrants you don't know what will you do if/when YOU are the despised ones, an immigrant, who is judged without being given a chance? Never gonna happen? Cocky attitude. You don't KNOW what tomorrow will bring. When you dig your grave be prepared to lie in it. I dunno if that applies but I just felt like saying it! :) less
Folks laughed and laughed at him for TWICE calling the town of PARADISE which had been almost completely wiped out in the fires "Pleasure". The second time he was corrected and sai... moreFolks laughed and laughed at him for TWICE calling the town of PARADISE which had been almost completely wiped out in the fires "Pleasure". The second time he was corrected and said "Paradise" but the damage was done. The imprint was in marble. Too late to say he didn't say what he said. BUT you loving supporters out there can save his a** from the fires of eternal derision by renaming your city PLEASURE! Invite him to the grand ribbon-cutting ceremony. Of course he will take all the credit for the name and for true credit is due him him for Pleasure isn't it? In fact how's about a contest to see how many cities in how many red states will change their names to PLEASURE? There is no law that says one name per state per city. Maybe one of you red states will change your state name to Pleasure. Florida fits best because that PLEASUREdome Mar A Lago is there. And like North and South Dakota or North and South Carolina why not have a North and South Pleasure too? Any law agin it? C'mon y'all get ab... less
It's easier to agree on something concrete that we can all see. It's 3-dimensional. Takes up space. Occupies emptiness with its presence. But love, hope, faith, belief, truth, hono... moreIt's easier to agree on something concrete that we can all see. It's 3-dimensional. Takes up space. Occupies emptiness with its presence. But love, hope, faith, belief, truth, honor, justice? No way Jose. We all conceive of and perceive of and comprehend them as they "make sense" to us and suit our conveniences and prejudices. A 3-legged stool is a 3-legged stool whether I view it or you view it. But my truth and yours? SIGH.
Chicken or egg? Which came first? Why does a chicken cross the road? Who's on first? Earth-shattering questions that keep being asked because no one ever answers them.
Any cancer can metastasize and that is not good. Better that it is localized and excised. Once it spreads to other organs and takes over the body...well...let us just say tha... moreAny cancer can metastasize and that is not good. Better that it is localized and excised. Once it spreads to other organs and takes over the body...well...let us just say that is not good. So we have a stage 4 metastasized john of don "leader". Is he fatal? Are our days numbered and doom certain? Is the end near? Do you hear the dirge off stage getting louder? What do you hear m'dear?
In swashbuckler movies sometimes the beautiful woman would be kidnapped by (FITB). In silent movie days the Sheik would kidnap the beautiful woman and carry her away on horseback t... moreIn swashbuckler movies sometimes the beautiful woman would be kidnapped by (FITB). In silent movie days the Sheik would kidnap the beautiful woman and carry her away on horseback to his tent and she would fight him but then become his willing slave.Very Handsome and VIRILE men can sometimes have their way with beautiful women if they know the secret to it. Which I shall NEVER divulge. Anyway say you could choose a specific person to kidnap you? Do you have a preference or two or are you an equal opportunity kidnappee and anyone would do? Anyone who wouldn't do under any circumstances? less
I hope to immigrate to Norway someday. I need to know what it'll take to do so. Norway is a fairy tale country I hope to raise a family in sometime. I hope I get help in this.
The record for being the most criminally corrupt administration in the history of the nation will certainly be won hands down by the john of don. What kind of prize award trophy sh... moreThe record for being the most criminally corrupt administration in the history of the nation will certainly be won hands down by the john of don. What kind of prize award trophy should be given to him for having achieved that great distinction? Why not have a contest for those who are creative and let them design a suitable something to commemorate a once-in-a-lifetime "HIGH"? Fair is fair. Right?
I s'pose some folks can be obsessed with weeds. A weed fetish? Any weed collectors? Any SAVE THE WEEDS environmental organizations. What do you feed weeds to nourish them and... moreI s'pose some folks can be obsessed with weeds. A weed fetish? Any weed collectors? Any SAVE THE WEEDS environmental organizations. What do you feed weeds to nourish them and help them thrive survive stay alive? Can some people be weeds, so to speak? So some need to be weeds due to pre-existing conditions? Would you help a weed in need and do a good deed for humankind?
The US was NOT universally adored admired respected. BUT now we are universally abhored reviled and rejected. That's a bigly amount of stuff to have accomplished in a relativ... moreThe US was NOT universally adored admired respected. BUT now we are universally abhored reviled and rejected. That's a bigly amount of stuff to have accomplished in a relatively short time but the john of don is a bigly guy with bigly aspirations and a bigly team of enablers and facilitators so that's how come he done it so fast! A complete 180! Are you aghast or impressed beyond your wildest supposings?
He threatens once again to shut down the government if he doesn't get financing for his wall. Why won't the trumpican majority do his bidding? Why doesn't he attack each of them fo... moreHe threatens once again to shut down the government if he doesn't get financing for his wall. Why won't the trumpican majority do his bidding? Why doesn't he attack each of them for ignoring him and playing him and humiliating him and defying him? He can't sell them on it to save his soul. That's just a saying by the way. He has no soul. So the buck stops with him on this one. He points fingers at others for what is clearly a LACK in his ability to see. He is woefully lacking and he blames others for it. Close but no cigar? less
The 90% are trumpicans of course. Everyone says so. Everyone knows so. We'll see what happens. I will never lie to you. Trust me. We are looking into that. Any day now.
How long d'ya think GOD will put up with it? Providing GOD is still on the job and hasn't given up and moved on to another elsewhere because HE is so disgusted with the human being... moreHow long d'ya think GOD will put up with it? Providing GOD is still on the job and hasn't given up and moved on to another elsewhere because HE is so disgusted with the human beings who support evil HE washed HIS hands of us awhile ago?
The current Congress and Senate are impotent inept toady sycophants scared of their own shadows. Who among them would DARE to disobey the wackadoodle john of don who is after... moreThe current Congress and Senate are impotent inept toady sycophants scared of their own shadows. Who among them would DARE to disobey the wackadoodle john of don who is after all in charge? He has a narrowing window of opportunity to destroy the world. It will be his legacy. Because if we survive until January 3, 2019 when the House gets back to doing its job of check-and-balance his days will be numbered and he knows it. He will not go gently into that dark night. He will leave behind whatever he can destroy to get back at us for our daring to go against his will. His will be done? I dunno. less