The current Congress and Senate are impotent inept toady sycophants scared of their own shadows. Who among them would DARE to disobey the wackadoodle john of don who is after... moreThe current Congress and Senate are impotent inept toady sycophants scared of their own shadows. Who among them would DARE to disobey the wackadoodle john of don who is after all in charge? He has a narrowing window of opportunity to destroy the world. It will be his legacy. Because if we survive until January 3, 2019 when the House gets back to doing its job of check-and-balance his days will be numbered and he knows it. He will not go gently into that dark night. He will leave behind whatever he can destroy to get back at us for our daring to go against his will. His will be done? I dunno. less
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With a majority of seats in the House of Representatives next year, Democrats can initiate impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has admitted his campaign colluded with the Russian government to get elected, failed in his duty as Commander in Chief to defend our democracy, takes money from foreign governments daily, actively obstructs justice, and thinks he is above the law.
We the people must impeach this president. Sign on now. less
He will do his best to off us before January 3, 2019. He is also aka a stage 4 cancer that has metastasized. No one survives that right? Unless a miracle worker performs a miracle.... moreHe will do his best to off us before January 3, 2019. He is also aka a stage 4 cancer that has metastasized. No one survives that right? Unless a miracle worker performs a miracle. Anyone have any they don't need? SIGH.
Dave Wasserman, the Cook Political Report's House analyst, says the most under-covered aspect of 2018 is that "a blue wave is obscuring a red exodus." Republican House members are ... moreDave Wasserman, the Cook Political Report's House analyst, says the most under-covered aspect of 2018 is that "a blue wave is obscuring a red exodus." Republican House members are retiring at a startling clip — a trend that senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway told me earlier this year was worrying her more than any other trend affecting the midterms.
What's happening: There are 43 Republican seats now without an incumbent on the ballot. That's more than one out of every six Republicans in the House — a record in at least a century, Wasserman says.
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Why this matters: Just in the past eight months, the number of vulnerable Republican seats has almost doubled, according to Wasserman. Democrats need to win 23 seats to claim control of the House. Today, the Cook Political Report rates 37 Republican-held seats as toss-ups or worse. At the beginning of the year, it was only 20.
The big picture: Wasserman says the most important sign that 2018 will be a "wave" year — with D... less
Mine are: "...she's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead," "I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too." &... moreMine are: "...she's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead," "I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too." and, as the Wicked Witch of the West is dying: "What a world! What a World!"
He is sucking up to the POWER she will wield in the House. He will play oh so nice and y'all better get in line and do the same otherwise the john of don hammer will take thee out.... moreHe is sucking up to the POWER she will wield in the House. He will play oh so nice and y'all better get in line and do the same otherwise the john of don hammer will take thee out. You know he eats his own when he gets hungry enough and right now he is STARVING. I warned you. Play nice or be afraid. :)
She may not be universally well-liked among the dems and yes she is long in the tooth but she got things done and was a very strong majority leader. No one wnts the job so with the... moreShe may not be universally well-liked among the dems and yes she is long in the tooth but she got things done and was a very strong majority leader. No one wnts the job so with their tails between their legs the 20 Dem sighed the letter are apparently capitulating. Bad move not to know they didn't have the votes. Pelosi ALWAYS knows the count that she can count on before she puts her neck on the line. Paul Ryan wasn't suitable for the job and you see what happened. But to his credit he did not want or seek the job. It was forced on him so whose fault is that? less
From high to low or low to high Half-a**, jacka**, dumba**, smarta**? What is the rank of worst to best or best to worst or in-between the best and worst? Oh and then th... moreFrom high to low or low to high Half-a**, jacka**, dumba**, smarta**? What is the rank of worst to best or best to worst or in-between the best and worst? Oh and then there is always fata** but of course that is very un pc because you cannot fat shame... not even an a**! SIGH.
Subpoenas to James Comey and Loretta Lynch. Comey says he will be happy to appear in a PUBLIC setting but will NOT appear behind closed doors with these salivating sycophants (Nune... moreSubpoenas to James Comey and Loretta Lynch. Comey says he will be happy to appear in a PUBLIC setting but will NOT appear behind closed doors with these salivating sycophants (Nunes of course and Gowdy and all the other tiny itty bitty little men). With their last bit of energy they want to take everyone down they can because after January 3 they will all be made impotent and the feckless folks will have to sit in the corner and wait to be called upon and get permission. Let's see to what extent they make fools of themselves between now and then. More Benghazi investigations? More Hillary email investigations? How about the assassination of JFK and Robert Kennedy and MLK Jr? Can they blame that on the Dems and subpoena them? Didja know the Dem Party assassinated Abe Lincoln? Every DEM alive now was involved. Didja know that every mass massacre slaughter butchering in which guns were the weapon of choice it was Dems who planned and plotted all of them and were actually the shooters? What else? Well anything... less
Roberts will survive long after the john of don is relegated to a footnote with an asterisk after his "presidency". Roberts has a lifetime appointment. The john of don is a short-t... moreRoberts will survive long after the john of don is relegated to a footnote with an asterisk after his "presidency". Roberts has a lifetime appointment. The john of don is a short-termer. Oh dear me. How sad is that for the big he? He can't do something he wants to do bigly. Put down the Chief Justice. Ain't gonna happen john of don. You are just putting yourself down but you do it better than anyone and so well why not just carry on?
He phones he tweets he attacks he insults but always at a distance where he is protected and safe. He is such a wimpy weak willy he can't even fire people face-to-face. He is a wea... moreHe phones he tweets he attacks he insults but always at a distance where he is protected and safe. He is such a wimpy weak willy he can't even fire people face-to-face. He is a weak man with a loud bark who is all suit. Keep it up john of don. You get weaker with each rant and rave and rampage and insult and attack. You get smaller too. Keep doing it and you will be so tiny you will disappear into the land of microbes where you will have to do battle face to face with other microbes your size to survive. Good luck with that. less
We'll put a screen around the john for john the don. He will shower behind an opaque something. We won't see him naked. He will dress/un behind a huge screen. After all he is the p... moreWe'll put a screen around the john for john the don. He will shower behind an opaque something. We won't see him naked. He will dress/un behind a huge screen. After all he is the prez and his private parts are for him to see and us to try not to think about too much.. Otherwise we will be on his back night and day, day and night from the dark of night to the light day every day every night until forever ends or he leaves whichever comes first until he goes away. Whaddaya say? A-OK?
Nothing new. Nothing different. Nothing true. Sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold. The King of hyperbole holds court at Mar a Lago and people actually ask question s to hear him rep... moreNothing new. Nothing different. Nothing true. Sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold. The King of hyperbole holds court at Mar a Lago and people actually ask question s to hear him repeat repeat repeat repeat. Is there something else going on here? On the positive side if he is in front of cameras talking he can't elsewhere engaging in sabotage or collude conspire with those who dismember journalists. Maybe that's how to defang him.
Is Tiffany allowed to wear blue? She is the invidible daughter you never see or hear him talk about. Is the a chip off that old block or more her mother's daughter than... moreIs Tiffany allowed to wear blue? She is the invidible daughter you never see or hear him talk about. Is the a chip off that old block or more her mother's daughter than he daddy's? He is so full of Ivanka worship when does he have any time for Tiff?
The john of don LOVES red. His face is red. Not from embarrassment. From having a very delicate tender sensitive skin and getting sunburned. He doesn't tan. He glows and glistens a... moreThe john of don LOVES red. His face is red. Not from embarrassment. From having a very delicate tender sensitive skin and getting sunburned. He doesn't tan. He glows and glistens and radiates and shimmers. His ties are red. His head is red. What else? He throws RED MEAT to his peeps at his rallies and they gulp it up and swallow it whole without chewing! He probably loves the red stripes in the flag b est of all. The white stripes are great too but he HATES the blue background of the stars thereon. He and blue are not friends. Never were friends. Never will be friends. Though he did vote blue for decades and contribute to blue and was even pals of some until he changed. Now he hates blue bigly.  ... less
Getting more than you expected is sometimes good and sometimes not so hot. If ya cain't take the heat why are you in the kitchen? Go out and roll in the snow. Take a sn... moreGetting more than you expected is sometimes good and sometimes not so hot. If ya cain't take the heat why are you in the kitchen? Go out and roll in the snow. Take a snow bath and an ice shower. That will keep you alert if is doesn't kill ya first.
Did the dam spring a leak in November 2016 and have all the millions of succeeding leaks caused the dam to burst? Are we all already dead and just don't know it yet? The 6th Sense ... moreDid the dam spring a leak in November 2016 and have all the millions of succeeding leaks caused the dam to burst? Are we all already dead and just don't know it yet? The 6th Sense redux? Shucks. Dam*! :(
What you get is what we got. The john of don.The smackdown should have occurred at the swearing in as prez January 2017. Once prez he had broken the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE in the Consti... moreWhat you get is what we got. The john of don.The smackdown should have occurred at the swearing in as prez January 2017. Once prez he had broken the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE in the Constitution and was guilty of illegality and criminality. Everyone knew it. No one DID anything about it. They just moved the friggin' line. He crossed it again and they moved it again and he crossed it again. They keep moving it and he keeps crossing it. The gargantuan monster and the timid spineless line drawers keep playing games. Are you tired of it or could you keep watching it play out forever after to infinity and beyond?He has stated he stands with a country that the CIA said tortured beheaded dismembered a US resident with green card who had worked for The Washington Post for many years. Why? Because he LOVES money and the Saudis are disgustingly rich. It is now OPEN SEASON on journalists worldwide. Pay us enough the USA will stand with you! Quid pro quo although our quid varies according to the nature of your monstrous... less
Rationalization, justification, excusing, defending, explaining, supporting, advocating for your choices. Is the distance between Right and Wrong very small, very tall, very huge, ... moreRationalization, justification, excusing, defending, explaining, supporting, advocating for your choices. Is the distance between Right and Wrong very small, very tall, very huge, impossible to assess?