Any worker bees that service the KING bee or is the only bee royalty always a QUEEN? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. Do all the worker bees sexually service the QUEEN? Why... moreAny worker bees that service the KING bee or is the only bee royalty always a QUEEN? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. Do all the worker bees sexually service the QUEEN? Why can't a hive be like a harem and have a very ho-to-trot KING bee who could have sex with all the female worker bees and male worker bees if he is you know AC DC and swings both ways?
I currently subscribe to TIME magazine, the SMITHSONIAN, SIERRA CLUB and THE NATURE CONSERVANCY. I get bombarded with pitches from other magazines with enticing offers and usually ... moreI currently subscribe to TIME magazine, the SMITHSONIAN, SIERRA CLUB and THE NATURE CONSERVANCY. I get bombarded with pitches from other magazines with enticing offers and usually return address labels already included in the envelope. So far I even 15 Christmas cards...5 each from 3 different magazines. Now Ron Howard has a new series on National Geographic channel about MARS . He included having astrophysicists as part of the show for their input and then the story is told. I haven't seen it yet but am recording the series. It's on Monday nights at 9pm pacific coast time.Here's what I got in the mail yesterday. A sales pitch from National Geographic with the "gifts" of a US Wall Map and a tote bag and 13 issue of the magazine. They say the full up price is $143.76. I will get a "welcome back" discount of $128.76. My "welcome back" rate will be $15! Now could you RESIST that deal? Of course I'm gonna subscribe. less
You didn't cheat on tests.There were roadside stands with fruit and bags and a scale. And a box in which you could put the money. No one was there. You could take the fruit and not... moreYou didn't cheat on tests.There were roadside stands with fruit and bags and a scale. And a box in which you could put the money. No one was there. You could take the fruit and not pay a thing but we didn't and wouldn't because that would be DISHONORABLE. Honor is MIA in D.C. today. It has been eliminated and if anyone tries to do/say anything honorable he or she will be fired immediately! It's a no-brainer. Sigh.
Prior to his inauguration the john of don told Sean Hannity he would " balance the budget very quickly...I think over a 5-year period. And I don't know, maybe I could even su... morePrior to his inauguration the john of don told Sean Hannity he would " balance the budget very quickly...I think over a 5-year period. And I don't know, maybe I could even surprise you"In March 2016 the john of don told Bob Woodward he could "get rid of the debt fairly quickly...I would say over a period of 8 years" The john of don also said during the second presidential debate that he would bring back energy companies which would make so much money they could pay off the national debtWhat has he actually DONE? Well the tax cuts for the obscenely wealthy ADDED over a TRILLION DOLLARS to our debt. The deficit is caused primarily by the lack of revenue(incoming) we would have had if it were not for the massive tax CUT for the obscenely wealthy.He has said the middle class will get a 10% reduction in their taxes. Don't hold your breath middle-class folks. He is toying with the idea of another tax cut for the obscenely wealthybecause he is obscenely wealthy and anything he does of a financial natu... less
Apparently daughter IVANKA did the exact same thing in 2017! Used her private email to send information about political things to her staff and others. It's all fixed now. All of t... moreApparently daughter IVANKA did the exact same thing in 2017! Used her private email to send information about political things to her staff and others. It's all fixed now. All of those emails have been transferred to the government site so they will be preserved as is the law. Either she thought she was special and daddy wouldn't mind or she is ignorant and had no clue what the chants of LOCK HER UP pertained to and how daddy dearest wants to send Hillary to prison for using her private email for government business STILL TODAY AND KEEPS HARPING ON IT! I guess Ivanka tunes him out and never listens to a word he says. Does she even attend those rallies? It's a strange world. Weird. Odd. Bizarre. Wackadoodle. One person does something and gets vilified crucified. Another person does the exact same thing and no one gives a rat's a**. Some folks slide through life and some crawl and struggle and fight. That's life folks!. SIGH. less
A man believed to be the shooter responsible for wounding a Chicago police officer and at least two other people in an “active shooter” attack M... moreVideo by Reuters
A man believed to be the shooter responsible for wounding a Chicago police officer and at least two other people in an “active shooter” attack Monday afternoon at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center on the South Side was dead at the hospital, sources said.
The officer was critically injured in the shooting about 3:20 p.m. at the hospital at 2525 S. Michigan Ave. in the Bronzeville neighborhood, a police spokesman said. He was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center.
“He is in critical condition but receiving excellent care,” police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. “Please send your prayers.”
In a tweet, Guglielmi said there were “reports of multiple victims” in the attack. At last four people were believed shot, according to an official.
“At least one possible offender is shot,” Guglielmi said in another tweet.
The gunman was dead at Mercy Hospital, sources said.
After the attack, an emergency medical services Plan III w... less
What was the cost of the political stunt engineered by the john of don to make people s keered of shadow so they vote trumpican. They not fall for it. They ignore it. Trumpican BIG... moreWhat was the cost of the political stunt engineered by the john of don to make people s keered of shadow so they vote trumpican. They not fall for it. They ignore it. Trumpican BIG. Troops come h ome in time for Thanksgiving. Play solider play with soldiers and move them around lo suit him. Big show no go. Empty suit strikes out again. Poor troops. Pawn in the checkers game of john don. Not smart enoough to play chess and lose at checkers? Bad sign. Mental decline. Gamble not pay off! Uh oh. less
McRaven said that the john of don's attitude toward the media constitutes "perhaps the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime". When John Brennan's Security Clearance was revo... moreMcRaven said that the john of don's attitude toward the media constitutes "perhaps the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime". When John Brennan's Security Clearance was revoked McRaven said he wanted his revoked too as did others to stand in solidarity with him. So a big hate rises in the predictable john of don and he rises to the occasion by his usual doubling down, hitting back, showing how presidential he be. Dat be da man what can and am..The john of don said McRaven is a Hillary Backer. WHAT? If true what the he** does that have to do with ANYTHING? The john of don is so obsessed with his sweet Old self that he cannot abide not being kissed upside one side and downside the other side.First he demeans the GOLD MEDAL FAMILYNext he demeans McCainNow he demeans McRavenThe john of don has a BIGLY problem with military heroes. Perhaps because he doesn't have what it takes to shine their shoes let alone earn their respect? less
I wonder if the anti-education prez ever donated diddly to any university to provide scholarships for the financially disadvantaged? If so anyone know how much? He brags about Whar... moreI wonder if the anti-education prez ever donated diddly to any university to provide scholarships for the financially disadvantaged? If so anyone know how much? He brags about Wharton so maybe he did that quietly? Without fanfare or publicity or attention? I know. Never gonna happen.
That he is such a well-known LIAR his peeps are always trying to clean up his messes which is a full-time job. Does it fill you with pride to know that is the essence and being of ... moreThat he is such a well-known LIAR his peeps are always trying to clean up his messes which is a full-time job. Does it fill you with pride to know that is the essence and being of YOUR prez? No humiliation or embarrassment about that for you at all? Why? Because he is so dam* charming and disarming? Not the least bit alarming?
How many turncoat traitors are there out there involved in working AGAINST the United States of America? Were they always turncoat traitors planted in the military to undermine sab... moreHow many turncoat traitors are there out there involved in working AGAINST the United States of America? Were they always turncoat traitors planted in the military to undermine sabotage damage what they could? Are they that good at deception? Are there thousands of them..millions of them? Are we doomed?