I was talking to a friend the other day who was dealing with an issue outside their control, but instead of recognizing that, they internalized it as if it was their fault, surmise... moreI was talking to a friend the other day who was dealing with an issue outside their control, but instead of recognizing that, they internalized it as if it was their fault, surmised they couldn't do anything right, and essentially determined that everything in their life was wrong because of it. I faced the exact same situation earlier this year and didn't have the same response. My response was more along the lines of, "Yup, this sucks. How can I minimize the damage?" That was more or less it. It wasn't a big deal to me and I moved on with life.The differences in our views/ emotional responses to problems and conflicts are seen in virtually every situation we face. Many would associate the difference with resilience, which supposedly can be changed, but I don't think I've ever met someone who has sincerely been able to change their outlook. Do you know someone who has? How did they manage to change their mindset? less
According to some Religious Rights it is GOD who put the john of don in as prez. Now the john of don is a white racist, white nationalist, authoritarian despot dictator who despise... moreAccording to some Religious Rights it is GOD who put the john of don in as prez. Now the john of don is a white racist, white nationalist, authoritarian despot dictator who despises women, people of color, especially women who are African American. So how does GOD love a man who despises some of HIS creation? Someone is lying bigly. Either GOD only created whites and is a Fascist racist OR GOD created all of us and loves ALL OF US equally. OK y'all. Which is it? Since y'all speak for GOD all the time can you make up your mind and tell me what is behind CREATION? You can't have it both ways. It is EITHER/OR. less
If that is true then their God is clearly a white supremacist white nationalist authoritarian despot dictator too. Or liker thereof.So how many people of color believe that too? If... moreIf that is true then their God is clearly a white supremacist white nationalist authoritarian despot dictator too. Or liker thereof.So how many people of color believe that too? If so how in the he** do they square believing in a GOD who despises them? That makes no sense. I gotta ask.
Some folks says it's none of your dam* business what I feed my kids, how I raise them or treat them. True. It's none of my dam* business. But it should be YOURS and often isn't bec... moreSome folks says it's none of your dam* business what I feed my kids, how I raise them or treat them. True. It's none of my dam* business. But it should be YOURS and often isn't because the parents are themselves obese and see nothing wrong with their kids being just like them. Again. None of my dam* business. Granted. Over and out.
The john of don has done that for many months and is ramping it up. I guess he wants everyone to know what he thinks. That it all stinks . I wonder if he knows that the stench he s... moreThe john of don has done that for many months and is ramping it up. I guess he wants everyone to know what he thinks. That it all stinks . I wonder if he knows that the stench he smells is coming from him. I wonder if knows HE IS THE STINKER? D'ya think?
Do you insult him? Do you label the investigation a WITCH HUNT repeatedly in caps in tweets, in person? Day after day after day the insults you fling get more and more vicious and ... moreDo you insult him? Do you label the investigation a WITCH HUNT repeatedly in caps in tweets, in person? Day after day after day the insults you fling get more and more vicious and numerous and less intelligible. Is this the way a normal reasonable intelligent person would prepare? Would you?
Apparently going over the answers to Mueller's questions with his lawyers for a few days is causing the john of don to fall apart. He is hitting back via tweets that make less and ... moreApparently going over the answers to Mueller's questions with his lawyers for a few days is causing the john of don to fall apart. He is hitting back via tweets that make less and less sense than they ever did which is to say they were always GIBBERISH. SIGH.
Schedule appointments, pickups, deliveries. Make sure the folks involved are meeting those requirements, being at the appointments in timely fashion, pick up orders and deliv... moreSchedule appointments, pickups, deliveries. Make sure the folks involved are meeting those requirements, being at the appointments in timely fashion, pick up orders and deliver things? It makes sense that what they do in the home translates to a paying job on the outside. Doesn't it? Does it?
Folks still talk about Hitler many many decades after the rotten. No moratorium on rotten. It is a legacy that pols leave behind for eternity. Never get off the hook. Never engende... moreFolks still talk about Hitler many many decades after the rotten. No moratorium on rotten. It is a legacy that pols leave behind for eternity. Never get off the hook. Never engender kind thougthts. Who among you adore the American NAZI folks? Why?
Truthfully honestly and specifically why. It would only apply to those whom you admired. Not at all about those whom you didn't. Whatcha think? Do you regularly tell the peop... moreTruthfully honestly and specifically why. It would only apply to those whom you admired. Not at all about those whom you didn't. Whatcha think? Do you regularly tell the people in your life how much you appreciate and them and how grateful you are that they are in your lives? Do people you too? Shouldn't we spend time doing that rather than attacking insulting those we dislike?
Every FEARMONGER is a LIAR. Lies are what FEARMONGERS rely on to draw folks into their delusional world. Make people be VERY afraid and then convince them YOU are the only only who... moreEvery FEARMONGER is a LIAR. Lies are what FEARMONGERS rely on to draw folks into their delusional world. Make people be VERY afraid and then convince them YOU are the only only who can protect them and you will own them body and soul futurely foreverly. That is what all fearmongers know. Do you know that too? Are you afraid? Of what/whom/why?
Want to feel validated. Are in dire need of approvalSeek an identity Cult members are followers not leadersSeek meaningSchizotypal thinking...odd behaviors and belief in conspiraci... moreWant to feel validated. Are in dire need of approvalSeek an identity Cult members are followers not leadersSeek meaningSchizotypal thinking...odd behaviors and belief in conspiracies, aliens, supernaturalHighly suggestible. Cults brainwash membersBlame others for things going wrong and never take responsibilityAlways angryLow self-worthCults promote an illusion of comfortProvide absolute answersOften take in those who experienced and rejected religionMaintain an US vs THEM mentalityCult leaders are masters of mind controlCult members have no idea they're in a cultBelonging to a cult can have a dangerous and lasting effect less
Deep state dark state believers believe these evildoers are out to getcha! Band together to fight it. Never any proof of it but some things don't require proof. All these require i... moreDeep state dark state believers believe these evildoers are out to getcha! Band together to fight it. Never any proof of it but some things don't require proof. All these require is the word of someone they believe without question. How can folks accept anything without questioning it just because someone tells them it's true? Is that what you want your children to do? Why would you?
Rather than rejecting lying fearmongers some folks eagerly and joyfully embrace them. Why do people so love being made afraid of "the other"? What they seek to believe is never upl... moreRather than rejecting lying fearmongers some folks eagerly and joyfully embrace them. Why do people so love being made afraid of "the other"? What they seek to believe is never uplifting or h opeful or helpful. It is always about destruction and conspiracy and evildoing in "the other". They take the word of liars over lack of evidence, proof or truth. Why is that so seductive and commanding and enticing? Living a life based on fear cannot possibly be anything but furtive and scary.
Is it the leader who seduces entices willing "subjects" or the "ideals" set forth by him/her/them? How does one of those kinds of folks KNOW people will believe them and foll... moreIs it the leader who seduces entices willing "subjects" or the "ideals" set forth by him/her/them? How does one of those kinds of folks KNOW people will believe them and follow them unquestioningly? What are the signs the willing give out or off that encourages the "charismatic" opportunists to pounce strike?
automatically makes me think back to my my three tours of duty in the US Marine Corps and all the men and women from the various units in which I served. Among them, there we... moreautomatically makes me think back to my my three tours of duty in the US Marine Corps and all the men and women from the various units in which I served. Among them, there were hundreds, maybe thousands of surnames, and now, decades later, almost every surname I hear either matches or is similar to someone I knew then.*News articles/reports, sports broadcasts, awards shows, reading literature, etc.Ok, your turn. Can you meet or beat that for a weird fact you've discovered about yourself?(Recruiting poster from 1979.)~ less