For you true believers in don have you EVER disagreed with anything he has ever said or ever done? Might you do so at some time futurely or is that an impossibility to evil to contemplate?
Can you list in order of importance all the enemies of the john of don? Of course his supporters would certainly share them with him as well. He sez he has the most LOYAL supporter... moreCan you list in order of importance all the enemies of the john of don? Of course his supporters would certainly share them with him as well. He sez he has the most LOYAL supporters. That's because they hate what he hates. There are many enemies and I'm not sure how they should be prioritized since I am an outsider and not a trumpican. What/who is number one on the list? Media, Democrats, Hilary, Barack,everyone who crosses him, immigrants, globalists? Hundreds of them probably. Possibly thousands. Any of you conversant enough with the john of don's ates that you could start the list? A hit list? A wish list? less
That's his lifeblood! He LOVES it. Seeing his peeps out there wearing his MAGA hats and MAGA shirts and MAGA underwear (for all I know) and carrying the MAGA posters. Cheerin... moreThat's his lifeblood! He LOVES it. Seeing his peeps out there wearing his MAGA hats and MAGA shirts and MAGA underwear (for all I know) and carrying the MAGA posters. Cheering his every word. Chanting on cue. He has all those gorgeous red states who'd love to see him be there. He won't visit blue states. That's what brings him down. Blue is not his color He is a red through and through and loves all of you reds! So whaddya say are ya up for it? Cheer up the old man? Make him feel great again after his string of defeats? Don't ask what your country can do for you. These days it won't do diddly for you it will do alotta crap TO YOU! Just look deep inside and see what you can do for your john of don! He needs you. These are trying times folks. His future is uncertain. Give him your love in bigly fashion. Wouldja couldja shouldja? Why not? What else is more important to you? less
Some folks lie in wait ready to pounce on anything everything something to use as a hammer to destroy "the other". If it is tragedy-based so what? If it can be used to shore up you... moreSome folks lie in wait ready to pounce on anything everything something to use as a hammer to destroy "the other". If it is tragedy-based so what? If it can be used to shore up your side and crush the other side what the he** why not? Everything is fair in love and war and politics. Politics is not the place for humane or just or fair or kind. Only wimps and losers live there. Right? A perfect example is you know who(m). Depending upon which "side" you're on he is either a saint whose every breath and word and action is treasured and priceless or a monstrous imitation of a human being without feeling. You know which side you're on. SIGH. Wonder what the next tragedy will be that will juice up the john of don to do more battle? Is he keeping track of the body count? Isn't that what determines who wins? less
His reaction the California tragedy is to blame its forestry management, emphasize how costly it is and threatens to withhold federal funds. Is that not politicizing a tragedy? Whe... moreHis reaction the California tragedy is to blame its forestry management, emphasize how costly it is and threatens to withhold federal funds. Is that not politicizing a tragedy? Where is the humanity in any of that? This is our prez folks. Ain't he great? Don'tcha love him pieces? :(
He costs so much to maintain. He is a pain and a drain and stain on our country. But his trumpican supporters think he is worth it. Anything he wants they will give him... moreHe costs so much to maintain. He is a pain and a drain and stain on our country. But his trumpican supporters think he is worth it. Anything he wants they will give him. Just to keep him happy. They don't care what it takes or if it breaks us financially spiritually emotionally intellectually he wants it he gets it. I guess he is like a very seductive and beautiful and sexy mistress or very handsome and virile gigolo. People are besotted by him and with him. Go figger! :(
After 9/11 did that act get replaced revised repealed? What is does or was limit the power of the federal government from using federal military personnel to enforce domestic matte... moreAfter 9/11 did that act get replaced revised repealed? What is does or was limit the power of the federal government from using federal military personnel to enforce domestic matters. Which is exactly what the john of don is doing. It ain't his money folks. It ain't coming out of HIS pocket. So we tie up thousands of military personnel at the border WAITING for a "massive invasion" of very bad people according to the don. Day after day they wait. Meanwhile the john is furious at causiing election losses and has withdrawn gone inside hunkered down and is yelling at everyone inside the White House. His failure. His doing. All the blame rests on his shoulders. He blew it bigly. Carry on don. What other tricks d'ya have up your sleeve? less
Per the Washington Post by the end of this year it may cost in excess of $220 MILLION DOLLARS. The price of fear m'dear. The john of don is not afraid of the "invasion" at al... morePer the Washington Post by the end of this year it may cost in excess of $220 MILLION DOLLARS. The price of fear m'dear. The john of don is not afraid of the "invasion" at all. He wanted YOU to be terrified so y'all would vote trumpican. You didn't fall for it. He is furious. Have you noticed he dropped that manufactured phony fake hot potato after the election and said diddly about it? Any idea why? Shouldn't he still be hawking fear daily? What happened to all the photos on FAUX NEWS following the "massive hordes of bad people" daily? The desperation shown by the john of don was not due to fear of "them" but due to fear of knowing what losing the House would mean and so by any means he kept lying and lying and lying. It works a lot for him for sure. This time he whiffed and struck out! What other tricks will he use futurely to terrify you? "We'll see what happens". less
The deal calls for investment in anti-recidivism programs and lower mandatory minimum sentences for drug and other offenses. It is being put forth by a coalition of moderate Democr... moreThe deal calls for investment in anti-recidivism programs and lower mandatory minimum sentences for drug and other offenses. It is being put forth by a coalition of moderate Democrats and Republicans in Congress.Granted, there are real reasons to dislike the guy, but for the group of you that constantly harps on and insists on beating into the ground the ridiculous, baseless theme of Trump as some kind of Hitler reincarnate, and believes that all of us who disagree with you are so-called "Trumpicans" - and you all know who you are, here's a chance to elevate your intellect and show your ability to actually think and engage in intelligent, rational discussion for a change. less
Once a liar, always a liar, the old saying goes. Turns out there’s some scientific truth to that - lying begets more lying. - moreOnce a liar, always a liar, the old saying goes. Turns out there’s some scientific truth to that - lying begets more lying. - The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Oct. 30, 2018. (Meg Kelly/ Glenn Kessler and Salvador Rizzo The Washington Post)On Sept. 7, President Trump woke up in Billings, Mont., flew to Fargo, N.D., visited Sioux Falls, S.D., and eventually returned to Washington. He spoke to reporters on Air Force One, held a pair of fundraisers and was interviewed by three local reporters.In that single day, he publicly made 125 false or misleading statements — in a period of time that totaled only about 120 minutes. It was a new single-day high.The day before, the president made 74 false or misleading claims, many at a campaign rally in Montana. An anonymous op-ed article by a senior administration official had just been published in the New York Tim... less
Any past, current or future military who still think the john of don is quite a guy and respects them at all still out there? What does it take to get you to understand how little ... moreAny past, current or future military who still think the john of don is quite a guy and respects them at all still out there? What does it take to get you to understand how little he cares about you or for anyone other than himself? He dodged the draft. That should tell you all you need to know about your Hohohohohohoho commander in chief! He refused to participate in any military services while in Paris on VETERAN'S DAY. He refused to lay a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Anyway whatever. less
To restore a reporter's credentials. To restore the right of the press to ask questions. To uphold The Constitutional Right to a free press. This morning. More may join in fighting... moreTo restore a reporter's credentials. To restore the right of the press to ask questions. To uphold The Constitutional Right to a free press. This morning. More may join in fighting this unconstitutional attempt at silencing people who displease the president by merely asking him questions. A joint smack down of a thoroughly overbearing underwhelming mediocre frightened and weak isolated dleusional old man who thinks he can silence everyone who challenges him.
The goal of the john of don is to be the only one left standing. To brook no interference from anyone. To run every department. Make every decision. Get rid of any obstacle b... moreThe goal of the john of don is to be the only one left standing. To brook no interference from anyone. To run every department. Make every decision. Get rid of any obstacle by any means possible. Why would anyone be surprised that the john of don sez hiring Whit is legit? He makes every decision for every department every minute of every day. You do know that don'tcha?
He did not see fit to visit the graves of 2000 Americans when he was in Paris. He buried himself inside a building doing whatever he does when he isn't visible. Watch TV hour after... moreHe did not see fit to visit the graves of 2000 Americans when he was in Paris. He buried himself inside a building doing whatever he does when he isn't visible. Watch TV hour after hour certainlyHe did NOT do as all presidents do and lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldierHe did not go to Arlington and participate in any ceremonies to honor those whose graves are thereHe draft dodged due to his "bone spurs" decades agoBut he LOVES the military. He LOVES veterans. He will do anything for them. Except show up to honor them. SIGH. Words count. Actions count more. Talk is cheap. He is known for being a cheapskate and stiffing people. So he did. less
There'll be he** to pay and who will be his target? Never him. Not him. Minus him. Everyone else. Anyone else. As long as the name you name ain't his he will buy it and apply it. R... moreThere'll be he** to pay and who will be his target? Never him. Not him. Minus him. Everyone else. Anyone else. As long as the name you name ain't his he will buy it and apply it. Rely on it! SIGH. :(
Being married to the john of don has finally eaten away her brain. Now she is just like the rest of the trumpicans. Poor woman. She took a lot and stood a lot and the only way she ... moreBeing married to the john of don has finally eaten away her brain. Now she is just like the rest of the trumpicans. Poor woman. She took a lot and stood a lot and the only way she could cope was to become one of the motley crew (apologies to the band). She didn't escape soon enough. She is now one of THEM! Alas poor Barron. Will he go too or is he already lost?
How will he take us out? One by one we will just disappear never more to be heard from? Or will he just get all of us together and have us stand against his ENORMOUS wall (yo... moreHow will he take us out? One by one we will just disappear never more to be heard from? Or will he just get all of us together and have us stand against his ENORMOUS wall (you know the one he promised Mexico would pay for) to face a firing squad and rat-a-tat-tat we'll all be gone? Quite a spectacle it would be. Maybe the john of don can put it on PAY TV and get richer off it. We know trumpican rally attenders/chanters (LOCK HER UP) would pay to watch our demise and cheer as one by one our bodies dropped dead to the ground in pools of blood. The john of don may have that money-making idea free of charge. A gift from me to the big he. SIGH. Joking am I? "We'll see what happens"! less
So the john of don divided the country and conquered the presidency? What are his spoils of war? Did he get what he came for? Is the "leader" SUPPOSED TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER HIS OWN... moreSo the john of don divided the country and conquered the presidency? What are his spoils of war? Did he get what he came for? Is the "leader" SUPPOSED TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER HIS OWN COUNTRY? Isn't that a ** backwards?
How does that even make sense? If it elected him why is it the thing that is making him sink lower and lower and become weak and ineffective and so isolated? Maybe because division... moreHow does that even make sense? If it elected him why is it the thing that is making him sink lower and lower and become weak and ineffective and so isolated? Maybe because division/polarization which sounded great on paper(though one wonders what kind of mind would think that about dividing/polarizing) isn't working? Could it be that simple?
Whaddya gotta do to get it? Is congress even working on it? Did da big guy tell you WHEN you'd see it? Now a year ago the obscenely wealthy got their MASSIVE HUMONGOUS tax cu... moreWhaddya gotta do to get it? Is congress even working on it? Did da big guy tell you WHEN you'd see it? Now a year ago the obscenely wealthy got their MASSIVE HUMONGOUS tax cuts. They were supposed to pay for themselves. So how come our debt has increased over 1 trillion bucks because of those tax cuts? How come in order to pay for those tax cuts that were gonna pay for themselves the McConnell sez he will be strutting as he is gutting Medicaid Medicare and Social Security? They can't keep their stories straight can they? To give them a little wiggle room maybe they are all simultanously being afflicted with SENILITTY. I mean if they are all sick in the head they can't be blamed for not remembering what they said or reversing what they said or not apologizing for all the lying. Right? Anyway everything is the fault of the Dems. less