He is sure FICKLE ain't he? Pounding on you daily minutely secondly about the MASSIVE INVASION heading for us to murder us and since the election NOTHING? Can da big concentrate on... moreHe is sure FICKLE ain't he? Pounding on you daily minutely secondly about the MASSIVE INVASION heading for us to murder us and since the election NOTHING? Can da big concentrate on anything? What's his big bi t** now?
So I guess the Dems are really brilliant and figgered out a way to make those voting machines OVERHEAT and BREAK DOWN. Who is hand-counting those ballots pray tell? It had dam* wel... moreSo I guess the Dems are really brilliant and figgered out a way to make those voting machines OVERHEAT and BREAK DOWN. Who is hand-counting those ballots pray tell? It had dam* well better be Dems alone who do the hand-count and no trumpicans otherswise what would have been the purpose of getting those machines to overheat and break down on cue? Right? Those clever Dems. What will they think of next ? God only knows.
This is a companion question to one that was posted by another member. Original question:"What would you do if you were out and came across a friend's significant other who ap... moreThis is a companion question to one that was posted by another member. Original question:"What would you do if you were out and came across a friend's significant other who appeared to be out with someone other than your friend?"https://answermug.com/forums/topic/69430/what-would-you-do-if-you-were-out-and-came-across-a-friend-s-sig~
We the people are the EMPLOYERS of all pols INCLUDING THE PREZ. We elect what we think will work and when it turns out to be DRECK we are stuck with them well beyond the time we kn... moreWe the people are the EMPLOYERS of all pols INCLUDING THE PREZ. We elect what we think will work and when it turns out to be DRECK we are stuck with them well beyond the time we know they can't do the job, aren't smart enough, are dishonest and are serving themselves not us. We get screwed every time! I don't aboutchu but I don't like that system. Seems to me we ought to be able to find a way to dump their a**es the moment we know they are useless to us and only useful to themselves and their johns. Massive fraud exists among them and we are helpless to do anything about it "LEGALLY" immediately. What a revoltin' development! What a screwy looey plot line! :( less
Would you mind giving up your independent thinking to conform to the norm so we could all live our lives in peace rather than constant conflict? What price individuality? What pric... moreWould you mind giving up your independent thinking to conform to the norm so we could all live our lives in peace rather than constant conflict? What price individuality? What price independence? Is it worth dying for in war?
Do the "good" folks only ever consume Angel Food Cake and the naughty folks only ever consume Devil's Food Cake? Are we known by what we eat? Is that a tell?
According to the dictionary a hotdog can also be a person who does very unusual and intricate maneuvers in some sport. So a hotdog can be compliment or a putdown. Sigh. Why are so ... moreAccording to the dictionary a hotdog can also be a person who does very unusual and intricate maneuvers in some sport. So a hotdog can be compliment or a putdown. Sigh. Why are so many things like that? A word means different things to different folks and how do we know which meaning the user is intending? We don't. Confusing as he** ain't it? :(
Why waste so much time returning things? There are tons of folks who are always returning things and getting their money back or exchanging things. A merry-go-round of wasted effor... moreWhy waste so much time returning things? There are tons of folks who are always returning things and getting their money back or exchanging things. A merry-go-round of wasted effort. A way of life. What motivate them to keep doing it?
I hate the interface of Windows from 8 on. Classic Shell creates an old school start menu. However, I'm afraid it may actually have a virus now. I've used it on all my computers fo... moreI hate the interface of Windows from 8 on. Classic Shell creates an old school start menu. However, I'm afraid it may actually have a virus now. I've used it on all my computers for years, but had some kind of malware on my last couple systems- a DNS changer. It took me forever to eradicate it on the last two systems and I don't remember how I did it. I even went so far as to get rid of my router and most antivirus, malware, and process killers do not ever find anything wrong. At most, RKill is finding the processes it's starting and shutting them off, but I cannot find where the stupid bug is actually hiding. I fear it's actually in Classic Shell and has been the whole time. It's the only program besides Office that I have installed on all infected computers. Do any of you know alternatives to it or have you had similar issues with Classic Shell? less
We can make our own decisions to change name, gender, or gender identification. Transgender people can have their genders changed on their birth certificates. Why shouldn't changes... moreWe can make our own decisions to change name, gender, or gender identification. Transgender people can have their genders changed on their birth certificates. Why shouldn't changes of age/birth date be allowed? If sex doesn't objectively exist, why does age? If feelings determine sex, why don't feelings determine age? If we are to regard sex as assigned at birth, why don't we regard age as assigned at birth?
The entire world revolves around the don and how he is doing. He is the center of the universe and of course being the center he is the most important thing in it. Without a center... moreThe entire world revolves around the don and how he is doing. He is the center of the universe and of course being the center he is the most important thing in it. Without a center to a wheel with spokes the spokes collapse. Did you folks know y'all are spokes in the wheel of don and without him there is no wheel much less a world?
The don cannot abide true Republicans. He seeks them out to crush them. So how will he do McSally in? Do you support him in whatever he does? Do you despise true Republicans too? A... moreThe don cannot abide true Republicans. He seeks them out to crush them. So how will he do McSally in? Do you support him in whatever he does? Do you despise true Republicans too? Are they all dead to you and the only folks you have any use for at all are trumpicans if you are a don defender admirer supported adorer?
Many blessings be with all those living in these fire zones.Good health and good cheer be with all.I wish a good recovery for all concerned.Much love and blessings for all...