She faces a runoff for the Senate Seat against Democrat Mike Espy, an African American, on November 27.Between the years 1877 and 1950 Mississippi was the state that had more publi... moreShe faces a runoff for the Senate Seat against Democrat Mike Espy, an African American, on November 27.Between the years 1877 and 1950 Mississippi was the state that had more public lynchings than any other state.She says she was paying a compliment to a supporter of hers named Colin Hutchin, a cattle rancher. A compliment? Is she a racist? I dunno but she talks like one and that's good enough. She is tone deaf. She is southern. She is mindless. Her sense of humor is oddly skewed. When questioned multiple times about WHY she would say such a thing she refused to say anything except that she stood by her statement. She was asked if she ever watched a public hanging and again said she stood by her statement which never addressed that question. Whether or not she ever watched a public hanging.Her statement was that she was complimenting her admiring supporter and "just jokingly" said that. Who jokes about public hangings? In a state well-known for its PUBLIC LYNCHINGS wherein whites of yore joyful... less
Certainly that is only one of the zillion reasons why the don has a hate on for California and Californians. We boast of having Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Adam ... moreCertainly that is only one of the zillion reasons why the don has a hate on for California and Californians. We boast of having Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff among others. The women so terrify the don he has to distance himself from them any way he can. So he will never ever capture California. Never ever.
Sinema's trumpican opponent McSally REJECTED any consideration of fraud or conspiracy being floated by all the losers and in defeat she showed dignity and class and grace and promu... moreSinema's trumpican opponent McSally REJECTED any consideration of fraud or conspiracy being floated by all the losers and in defeat she showed dignity and class and grace and promulgated having faith in our system of government. She showed true character. A great example for other trumpicans. Too bad she sticks out like a sore thumb among fellow trumpicans for her singularity and unique ability to reach across the aisle figuratively speaking. Too bad they won't follow her example. Too bad. :(
Just like the don (aka SOB devil dog) he sucked up to Russia bigly and was a well-known pinko friend. Two peas in pod. We kicked out Dana. Is the don next?
How much does don spend on all his ego rallies? How much does don spend traveling hither and yon with an ENTOURAGE that must housed and fed and entertained? How much does this guy ... moreHow much does don spend on all his ego rallies? How much does don spend traveling hither and yon with an ENTOURAGE that must housed and fed and entertained? How much does this guy cost us for spending on himself and his family and his friends? No possibility of getting any good ROI. We are screwed. More to come while he steers the ship of state. Ain't he great?
He is delusional. That's all there is to it. He ascribes his massive loss and humongous humiliation as being due to fraud. He thinks anything he doesn't win is rigged against him a... moreHe is delusional. That's all there is to it. He ascribes his massive loss and humongous humiliation as being due to fraud. He thinks anything he doesn't win is rigged against him and anything he does is due to him. He doesn't understand they go hand-in-hand. Losing equals REPUDIATION REJECTION. Winning means the opposite. He would never admit anything would be rigged FOR him because his brain is not equipped to think logically. Very dull mentally to self-delude as he does but it is all he is capable of doing. "He can't handle the truth". If he actually understood how much he is despised he would fall apart. He never will. less
Lusting after doesn't count. Being good and true friends does. Lusting means you are motivated by self-interest. That doesn't work when a woman needs a friend. A friend does and wa... moreLusting after doesn't count. Being good and true friends does. Lusting means you are motivated by self-interest. That doesn't work when a woman needs a friend. A friend does and wants what is best for "the other" and self-interest isn't even a consideration. In case y'all didn't know that. Now you do.
Refuses to lay a wreath at the tomb of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER as almost all presidents have done traditionally done on Veteran's Day. Refused to pay his respects to the 2000 Americans... moreRefuses to lay a wreath at the tomb of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER as almost all presidents have done traditionally done on Veteran's Day. Refused to pay his respects to the 2000 Americans buried in Paris because of the weather. He does not like those who are captured in wars. No heroes to he who has refused to be among those who put their lives on the line to serve their country which he avoided by using the excuse of bone spurs.. You still support a man like this? What's wrong with you?
We can't make up our friggin' minds if we want to sustain life or destroy it so we do both! Stupid dumb does not begin to cover it. Focus on one thing. Either we seriously work to ... moreWe can't make up our friggin' minds if we want to sustain life or destroy it so we do both! Stupid dumb does not begin to cover it. Focus on one thing. Either we seriously work to kill one another or we seriously work to keep one another alive. Otherwise we have split-personalities split-goals and spend our time counterproductively giving and taking and making and breaking and doing and undoing! Sheesh. Talk about being indecisive and wishy wasy! :(
Which movie is/was the funniest comedy you ever saw and which was the very saddest heart-wrenching tragedy you ever saw? I remember seeing a movie many decades ago titled "Rabbi Ja... moreWhich movie is/was the funniest comedy you ever saw and which was the very saddest heart-wrenching tragedy you ever saw? I remember seeing a movie many decades ago titled "Rabbi Jacob". I believe it had subtitles. I remember laughing so hard and so long I got a stomach ache. Did anyone ever see it? I remember nothing about the story line. Just that it was a treasure of a movie and a sleeper since we had no idea what to expect from it. That was back in the day when double features were what you got and we had gone to see the other movie which I don't remember at all! :) less
I think it would be a successful enterprise to start a mouse ranch for the manufacture of natural food for cats. I think it would be better for them than feeding them products made... moreI think it would be a successful enterprise to start a mouse ranch for the manufacture of natural food for cats. I think it would be better for them than feeding them products made from chicken, turkey, fish or beef.
I stop anytime I hear this music -- and I just simply listen. And breathe.The concluding song, "the CROSS of changes" off Enigma's "Enigma 2: the CROSS of changes"
Scolded. Threatened that no more federal funds would be provided. Such a caring person. Kicking people when they're down is something at which he excels. He has no equal. SIGH.
I was reminded today of something pretty strange I did ..... Twas a long hot summer, I had a company about 20 miles away donate their time and resources by driving up here wit... moreI was reminded today of something pretty strange I did ..... Twas a long hot summer, I had a company about 20 miles away donate their time and resources by driving up here with several milk tankers full of water... It was probably not that environmentally friendly really... and they didn't really get much thanks for it as the parish council didn't want any publicity regarding it... but it was the pond I cared about and I was worried about the fish dying.. When I think back I still don't know how I managed to persuade the owner of the company to do that.. they had to flush their tankers out so they could carry the water.. I can be persuasive when I try :P less
frivolous, baseless, illegally-obtained restraining orders against me! In fact, we went on several romantic dates together, she wanted me very badly, and she could barel... morefrivolous, baseless, illegally-obtained restraining orders against me! In fact, we went on several romantic dates together, she wanted me very badly, and she could barely wait to have her salacious way with me. How saucy!~