A coupla years ago plus the john of don said Melanian would hold a news conference about her legal status when she arrived and why she had the credentials to work. So far nothing. ... moreA coupla years ago plus the john of don said Melanian would hold a news conference about her legal status when she arrived and why she had the credentials to work. So far nothing. Is soon longer than 2 years?A few years ago the john of don PROMISED us all a wall y'all. First Mexico would pay for it. Then we the people would pay for it but charge Mexico back in other ways. So far Congress has NOT approved a budget for it. So we are still in "a certain period of time" I guess.About a month ago the john of don told we the people that Congress was working on a bill (they were not in D.C. at the time. They were at home politicking) to provide a 10% tax cut to middle class folks. Made it sound like it would be ready for a vote "soon". Congress didn't know a thing about it, isn't working on it now and it's doubtful that they have any plans to do so considering the !.3 TRILLION additional debt the john of don saddled us with sending us into a tailspin debt-wise where future interest will balloon in size and ... less
Why isn't Channel 4 NBC everywhere or Channel 2 CBS? I understand that cable channels are often local so it would be impossible to complete coordinate ALL of them. But the ma... moreWhy isn't Channel 4 NBC everywhere or Channel 2 CBS? I understand that cable channels are often local so it would be impossible to complete coordinate ALL of them. But the major networks and major cable channels? Couldn't there be some attempt to coordinate among them, similarize those that can be to minimize confusion when you travel to a different city or different state? Anyone else wonder why too?
Ever guilty party denies and lies and cover up its own wrongdoing. Every one. Anyone who is shocked about that must be another world citizen because in this world that's the name o... moreEver guilty party denies and lies and cover up its own wrongdoing. Every one. Anyone who is shocked about that must be another world citizen because in this world that's the name of the game and everyone plays it. What effect "revelation" has on the fate of FB and its principals I do not know. I am not fan so it affects me not. Does it affect you enough to leave?
Where is the danger in becoming MORE knowledgeable about the world, how things work, what others think? Isn't wanting one's children to EXCEL and become the very best they can be w... moreWhere is the danger in becoming MORE knowledgeable about the world, how things work, what others think? Isn't wanting one's children to EXCEL and become the very best they can be what parents do or OUGHT to do? Isn't education a key to facilitating that? I don't get it. Do you ?
We have a son and daughter-in-law who are members of Jehovah's witnesses and our relationship with them is very loving and close and always has been and (according to what was show... moreWe have a son and daughter-in-law who are members of Jehovah's witnesses and our relationship with them is very loving and close and always has been and (according to what was shown last night if true) they would have shunned us long ago. What's going on? What are the rules governing family members with whom the Jehovah's Witnesses engage who are not themselves Jehovah's Witnesses? All we know is that we are NOT allowed to send presents for any occasion or cards to celebrate any occasion. So we don't. Beyond that we know nothing. So why the need for an expose which is what this seems to me to be. It is very confusing and scary. Jim saved the recording and he thinks he might want to show it to them when they visit us which will be in a few months. I'm against it. Maybe the fact that we have seen it would cause them to distance themselves from us. I don't want to gamble. Any help out there to shed some light on this? Thanks. less
I've just found an old friend who has returned to Answermug after a long break and I'd like to message him and talk about the old times, but there's no message feature in his profi... moreI've just found an old friend who has returned to Answermug after a long break and I'd like to message him and talk about the old times, but there's no message feature in his profile. How do I message him?
If the murderously out-of-control wackadoodle CROWN PRINCE isn't charged tried found guilty and sentenced to death it's just a buncha bullsh**. Sacrificial Saudi lambs to quiet cri... moreIf the murderously out-of-control wackadoodle CROWN PRINCE isn't charged tried found guilty and sentenced to death it's just a buncha bullsh**. Sacrificial Saudi lambs to quiet critics of the john of don for his unfailing belief support defense of ALL dictators despots murdering SOB's. Figgers! :)
Mitchell McConnell BLOCKED a bipartisan bill to safeguard the Mueller probe.Jeff Flake sez he will block all judicial nominees until a Mueller protection bill gets a voteIf a... moreMitchell McConnell BLOCKED a bipartisan bill to safeguard the Mueller probe.Jeff Flake sez he will block all judicial nominees until a Mueller protection bill gets a voteIf appearances count the McC is older and much homelier and the Flake is younger and kinda cute. I'll go with the cute one. Very un PC of me. So what?
Nancy Reagan got rid of Don Regan behind the scenes because she believed he was harming her husband. Harming her husband had zero to do with the Melania move. So what's up doc? Ano... moreNancy Reagan got rid of Don Regan behind the scenes because she believed he was harming her husband. Harming her husband had zero to do with the Melania move. So what's up doc? Another precedent set? The prez spouse runs the house and including the one that's White? Really? And who voted for her for anything?