I have just begun John Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (also known as Fanny Hill) published in the 18th century, and am enjoying it immensely.
Rain is expected in a few days up north. Why not show everyone what a great awesome wondrous john of don he is with a great heart and find shelter for these folks AT HIS OWN EXPENS... moreRain is expected in a few days up north. Why not show everyone what a great awesome wondrous john of don he is with a great heart and find shelter for these folks AT HIS OWN EXPENSE ON HIS OWN DIME? Wooden that be loverly?
Are they unable to afford a dictionary so when they are in doubt about what a curse word is/is not they can look it up? Now if you call someone a bit** you are saying that person i... moreAre they unable to afford a dictionary so when they are in doubt about what a curse word is/is not they can look it up? Now if you call someone a bit** you are saying that person is malicious/unpleasant/selfish. None of those are curse words. If you say something was a bit** to accomplish you are saying it was very tough/difficult/hard to do. None of those are curse words. Some folks even use it to mean "memorably good" as in "that party he threw was a bit**". Or "your dress is bit**in!" It can also mean to bungle, screw up as in "he bit**ed the job completely". Wherever did anyone think the word is on a par with real CURSE words? less
Whatcha think? One of the San Francisco LIBERAL dames y'all love to hate he LIKES A LOT! Whatcha gonna do folks? Like her too since all ya ever do is mimic your prez and bobble yea... moreWhatcha think? One of the San Francisco LIBERAL dames y'all love to hate he LIKES A LOT! Whatcha gonna do folks? Like her too since all ya ever do is mimic your prez and bobble yead when he gives a thumbs up? If so good for you!
Do you agree with the john of d that financial considerations trump any other considerations including murder-ordering dismemberment-ordering monstrous thugs? Ya dp? Gonna run for prez too?
LIAR uses fewer letters to be sure. It is very economical letterwise but it is way too lowbrow for those fancy dancy highbrow pols who are nothing if not highbrow LIARS so they abs... moreLIAR uses fewer letters to be sure. It is very economical letterwise but it is way too lowbrow for those fancy dancy highbrow pols who are nothing if not highbrow LIARS so they absolutely have earned and deserve the consideration of being called "Fan of untrue" "Fan of anti-true" or "Foe of true". See how better that is?
That is what all pols do all the time. The john of don does it expertly. He lies so much so often about the press that his base will never believe anything reporters will say. That... moreThat is what all pols do all the time. The john of don does it expertly. He lies so much so often about the press that his base will never believe anything reporters will say. That is the purpose of the brainwashing in which johnny donny envelopes himself, immerses himself. To convince his adoring worshippers that all things said about him unless they are based on shameless a**kissing, are lies. They will of course believe every word that drips from his lips. He's got 'em right exactly where he wants 'em and he's gonna keep 'em there by doubling up or doubling down. SIGH. less
Reporters are not allowed to ask follow-up questionsReporters are not allowed to ask questions of which the johnny donny disapprovesWho wouldn't be up with that, down with that, sw... moreReporters are not allowed to ask follow-up questionsReporters are not allowed to ask questions of which the johnny donny disapprovesWho wouldn't be up with that, down with that, swell as he** with that? Sheesh. You want he should be reasonable and logical and fair and sensible? Fer cryin ' out loud he is the john of don and has never been any of those things. You want he should now that he is a very old man? Quitchure kidding bucko!. He will never ever ever ever be more than he is. He'll get BIGGER weight-wise but he will never be more or better or different. Get it? less
"You gotta take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important... I was with the President of Finland... he called it a forest nation and they spent a lot of... more"You gotta take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important... I was with the President of Finland... he called it a forest nation and they spent a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things and they don't have any problem." - Donald TrumpI know it's a huge list, but this has to be near the top of the dumbest things he's ever said, right?
The john of don flip flops mostly flops on the side of the joker hoaxer believers. They are his base and so he dare not flout their beliefs. He equivocates and mostly talks about s... moreThe john of don flip flops mostly flops on the side of the joker hoaxer believers. They are his base and so he dare not flout their beliefs. He equivocates and mostly talks about scientists who have an agenda (he never tells us precisely what it is). Sez "there is something there" after he sees the devastation in northern California but when asked if his views on climate change have changed he says "NO" which means he supports the jokesters who are hoaxer-believing anti-science folksy folks. What is he supposed to do? Alienate all of them by saying "yep climate change is real and humans caused a lot of damage"? Are you nuts? He's never gonna do THAT! Sheesh! That would be his demise. He can personally murder folks and admit to it and they'll love the he** outta him but if he dares ever admit to climate change being real he's toast. He's done. He's over. He's yesterday's news. He knows that. He do know what he can and cannot say. He do. I tell you da true 'bout dat. less
Christmas is just around the corner. That 10% will come in real hand hand handy dandy. He keeps all his promises. Every one. D'ya love the wall he promised you? Thick and long and ... moreChristmas is just around the corner. That 10% will come in real hand hand handy dandy. He keeps all his promises. Every one. D'ya love the wall he promised you? Thick and long and broad and tall it stands for thousands of miles across our southern border! And of course Mexico paid for that wall as the don promised! What other things he promised are you enjoying? Didja hear the Melania press conference he promised she would do about how she came here legally and worked legally? Did you admire the proof she showed at her conference? Do you love the trumpican health insurance plan which he promised would be cheaper and better than anything the Dems could come up with? How about the wonderful job being done on INFRASTRUCTURE. He knows the dangers and promised he'd attend to that. He got Kim to roll over and rumors that Kim is ignoring him completely and has 16 new nuclear sites (secretly stashed away) is intended to harm the reputation of the don. And of course he promised Jared would fix the middle-east and as prom... less
We gotta keep those terrorist rapists murdering monsters from entering our country. OUR LIVES ARE AT STAKE. It will take hundreds of thousand of weaponized soldiers standing there ... moreWe gotta keep those terrorist rapists murdering monsters from entering our country. OUR LIVES ARE AT STAKE. It will take hundreds of thousand of weaponized soldiers standing there to make them drop dead. What's wrong with the john of don? Doesn't he realize the GRAVE DANGER the massive horde invasion is? He talked big and long and incessantly about it daily BEFORE THE ELECTION and all his Fox News toadies echoed his terror and all the trumpican spokespeople relentlessly hammered in the DANGER. Now what the he** is going on? Total Silence on all fronts. Meanwhile the threat gets worse and the john of don is off somewhere doing something ELSE? Our blood will be on his hands unless he immediately drops everything and gets all armed military at our southern border. What is he waiting for? less
Criminally charged. Inept incompetent lavish spenders whose inability to do the job is only matched by the amount of our money they spend on themselves! Losers th... moreCriminally charged. Inept incompetent lavish spenders whose inability to do the job is only matched by the amount of our money they spend on themselves! Losers the lot of them. Maybe only losers are available to work for the john of don . Winners don't have to dirty themselves or shred their reputations by working for the guy. Is that the why of the abominable track record of this so-called prez?