Could the Lame-Duck House pass a bill (tax cut or immigration bill) and send it to the Senate but McConnell wait until after Jan 3 to vote on it when the new Senate members are sworn in?
The constitution states that the choice to go to war is not the president's decision, but should be delegated to congress. Following remarks of the founding father's........Alexand... moreThe constitution states that the choice to go to war is not the president's decision, but should be delegated to congress. Following remarks of the founding father's........Alexander Hamilton: "The President is to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States. . . . It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General and Admiral of the Confederacy; while that of the British king extends to the declaring of war and the raising and regulating of fleets and armies, -- all of which by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature." (The Federalist, 69, 1788.) ". . . .'The Congress shall have the power to declare war'; the plain meaning of which is, that it is the peculiar and exclusive duty of Congress, when the nation is at peace, to change that state into a state of war. . . ." Thomas Jefferson: "... less
Mysteriously, this "Stu Bee" person happens along and slowly starts to horn in on my territory. The ruse is that he's supposedly an ally, but little by little, I'm beg... more Mysteriously, this "Stu Bee" person happens along and slowly starts to horn in on my territory. The ruse is that he's supposedly an ally, but little by little, I'm beginning to recognize the signs of the coup that's about to take place here. Do you conspirators think I have seen the strange vehicles parked outside of my residence and my workplace at odd hours of the day? Were the phone calls from unknown numbers wherein no one says anything but just hangs up part of this subterfuge? The footsteps following me late at night on dark streets, I turn around and no one is there. People I don't even know suddenly striking up conversations with me asking subtle yet probing questions. Notes left in places I'm sure to find them, filled with undecipherable scribble and foreign characters. The beeps and dings on my electronic devices that you've obviously bugged. The helicopters circling high overhead, most likely loaded to the gills with monitoring equipment, right?&n... less
I know it's not important but this song irritates me to no end -- if a female singer wanted to be exactly like Adele in every way, she could do no better than this song and singer.... moreI know it's not important but this song irritates me to no end -- if a female singer wanted to be exactly like Adele in every way, she could do no better than this song and singer.Give me Adele instead.:)
*This excludes lessons learned at home and from various family members, close friends, etc. It only focuses on education in a formal schooling environment, thank you.~
The Kashoggi torture beheading dismemberment ORDERED by the zealous Crown Prince in the Saudi embassy in Turkey. The dumb-sh** john of don keeps repeating repeatedly how they are n... moreThe Kashoggi torture beheading dismemberment ORDERED by the zealous Crown Prince in the Saudi embassy in Turkey. The dumb-sh** john of don keeps repeating repeatedly how they are not to blame. He is so good at sucking up to despot dictator murderers. Sheesh. Whatta guy. :(
Attacking people in embassies or as they are walking or getting them into an embassy and then beheading them and dismembering them. These folks are getting bolder and bolder. What's next?
The wackadoodle dame said she was "joking". Sure. What southerner ever jokes about hanging unless he/she is a white political lamebrain dame or fella? It ain't funny PEOPLE! Sheesh.
But ya still luv the guy who disses you no matter what. Okay. It's your call. Only you know what it takes to disrespect you and if you he hasn't then that's real good for him. SIGH. :(
Try attacking the he for being an attacker who attacks all targets he dislikes 24/7. Try being the attacker objector. The attacker objector gets attacked for pointing out the exten... moreTry attacking the he for being an attacker who attacks all targets he dislikes 24/7. Try being the attacker objector. The attacker objector gets attacked for pointing out the extent to which the attacker insulter raving ranter attacks. They will always attack the pointer outer. They will never attack the attacker. How does that make any sense at all? Or does it?
Anything Whitaker does will be a big surprise since the john of don didn't know doesn't know won't know what he is gonna do. Completely innocent. As a lamb. The john of don said "i... moreAnything Whitaker does will be a big surprise since the john of don didn't know doesn't know won't know what he is gonna do. Completely innocent. As a lamb. The john of don said "it's up to him" about Whitaker. So far Whitaker has 3 lawsuits against him protesting his unsuitability illegality for the job. Are you counting? There will be more galore futurely probably.
Do they admire each other, love each other, support each other or do they stay at arm's length because they compete? I know. Who cares? Well I'm kinda curious to know what that dyn... moreDo they admire each other, love each other, support each other or do they stay at arm's length because they compete? I know. Who cares? Well I'm kinda curious to know what that dynamic is like and why?
She did it because she said she ADMIRED MICHELLE OBAMA.Well maybe Ivanka trump kushner ADMIRES HILLARY CLINTON so much that she plagiarized/copycatted the email scandal her daddy d... moreShe did it because she said she ADMIRED MICHELLE OBAMA.Well maybe Ivanka trump kushner ADMIRES HILLARY CLINTON so much that she plagiarized/copycatted the email scandal her daddy dearest eviscerated Hillary for having done because Ivanka so admires Hillary! What's daddy dearest gonna do about it? Ignore it of course.
NO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION WAS EVER SENT. NO PROOF WAS EVER FOUND THAT ANYTHING HILLARY SENT was of a classified nature. Yet the john of don kept encouraging the "LOCK HER UP" lemmi... moreNO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION WAS EVER SENT. NO PROOF WAS EVER FOUND THAT ANYTHING HILLARY SENT was of a classified nature. Yet the john of don kept encouraging the "LOCK HER UP" lemmings to keep chanting. So at his next rally is he gonna bring Up IVANKA's same transgression and rile the crowd up and make them shout LOCK HER UP? Are you kidding me? Seriously? No. That would mean the john of don is straight and he was born crooked as a pretzel. Oh well. That's life. Might is right even when it's dead wrong.
Why would you NOT believe the evidence/proof/your own eyes and instead believe the insulting lie of the thief? Is it a mental dysfunction that causes that kind of truth avoidance? ... moreWhy would you NOT believe the evidence/proof/your own eyes and instead believe the insulting lie of the thief? Is it a mental dysfunction that causes that kind of truth avoidance? Is a wish that someone is telling the truth so strong that the mind can be clouded and fooled by words that are untrue? Anyone have a clue?
Troops at the border for a political stunt is only just THE BEGINNING. Next he will order troops to surround the White House and hide therein so no one he dislikes will come ... moreTroops at the border for a political stunt is only just THE BEGINNING. Next he will order troops to surround the White House and hide therein so no one he dislikes will come in. Think I'm joking? What's the diff in moving soldiers as a craven VERY EXPENSIVE political stunt to win an election and moving soldiers to protect the president from facing the consequences of his multifarious criminal treasonous traitorous illegal self-serving decisions? Both are ILLEGAL. ILLEGAL is what the john of don delights in being and doing. less
Playing commander in chief and moving human "toy soldiers" around wantonly and promiscuously for partisan political gain. Using them in a very EXPENSIVE scare tactic stunt without ... morePlaying commander in chief and moving human "toy soldiers" around wantonly and promiscuously for partisan political gain. Using them in a very EXPENSIVE scare tactic stunt without care or concern for them. It would be shocking but we are used to this from the john of don. I wonder if his "toy soldiers" appreciate their treatment at his hands? I wonder if the "toy soldiers" still adore support defend admire the "commander in chief" though he disrespects them and badmouths them at his convenience...especially the heroes among them? I wonder. SIGH. less
When the demise occurs and the john of don is no longer on the scene she can easily say she stayed to help her country. Think she will? Think she and her hubby are plotting and pla... moreWhen the demise occurs and the john of don is no longer on the scene she can easily say she stayed to help her country. Think she will? Think she and her hubby are plotting and planning the afterward and have been doing so all along? She may not be the brightest light but she may have read the handwriting on the wall long ago and in consultation with her husband agreed to keep doing/saying what she is doing/saying for appearance sake and he keep doing/saying what he is doing/saying to make points with the "other side". That is one theory being posited by some folks. Clever couple? less