Why should it matter WHO WAS PRESIDENT WHEN THE HEROIC DEED WAS DONE? If it were a Democrat does that make the hero a bum? Well the john thinks so. Do you too? Are heroes det... moreWhy should it matter WHO WAS PRESIDENT WHEN THE HEROIC DEED WAS DONE? If it were a Democrat does that make the hero a bum? Well the john thinks so. Do you too? Are heroes determined by the political partisanship of a president? Since when?
Why are climate change deniers so adamantly opposed to belief in it? I don't get it. Can any of you explain the why without insulting me for asking the question?
Reasons given of those who disagree with the great and glorious he and wonder why he keeps lying are:He is delusionalHe is lyingHe is a political dingbatHe is cornered
This America of today under the "leadership" of a man who despises them and calls them rapists and murderers and terrorists is unbelievably sad. This is the BEST place to which to ... moreThis America of today under the "leadership" of a man who despises them and calls them rapists and murderers and terrorists is unbelievably sad. This is the BEST place to which to flee even in its miserable treatment of them? Being greeted by weaponized soldiers who are probably instructed to shoot them if they cross the border? That America? Something is very wrong if that is true.
Is there anyone ever there at home inside? Is he a robotic automaton that just goes through the motions of being human? Is anyone else appalled at his lack of paying attention? Anyone?
He be da DEALER and goodness me he be da WINNER! Imagine dat? Stacked the deck? Dealt from the bottom? Had aces up his sleeve? Did it because he could. DUH! A most amazing fe... moreHe be da DEALER and goodness me he be da WINNER! Imagine dat? Stacked the deck? Dealt from the bottom? Had aces up his sleeve? Did it because he could. DUH! A most amazing feat be dat. So will others use him as a template for winning? FIRST become the one who sets the rules. THEN run for whatever seat you choose making sure you do not resign from the seat of power. THEN when you "win" you can resign. Neat little package. How many copycats will use precisely that roadmap futurely to "guarantee" they win and how many of you admire the CHUTZPAH? less
How CAN you know if you don't know? Supposing isn't KNOWING. Opining isn't KNOWING. Nothing takes the place of KNOWING. How can it? We don't know about it.
Our CIA sez the Saudi Crown Prince ordered the murder dismemberment of Khashoggi. The john of don will not do anything about it. He sez the Saudis are so good for our economy... moreOur CIA sez the Saudi Crown Prince ordered the murder dismemberment of Khashoggi. The john of don will not do anything about it. He sez the Saudis are so good for our economy. They are so wonderful and extraordinary and special and precious and to be treasured not vilified. Are you on board with the john or do you take exception to this particularly evil and egregious position? Why?
Why must we comply with rules and regs of "decorum" others set up for us. Who made them boss? We differ on many things in many way. We don't agree. We agree. Which it is at the mom... moreWhy must we comply with rules and regs of "decorum" others set up for us. Who made them boss? We differ on many things in many way. We don't agree. We agree. Which it is at the moment. What's the problem? You own a sugar company. I am a foe of sugar and I say so 24/7. To what lengths will you go to discredit me? That's how life works these days. When anyone says anything they don't like they go after them. Lie about them. Try their very best to undermine them. That is what the john of don does all the time to the journalists and to the Justice Department. He DEMANDS agreement and being sucked up to and when he doesn't get it he attacks. All his subordinates underlings and especially his toady sycophants do likewise. Is that a way to run a country? Does that ring your chimes and float your boat? I don't get it. Everyone has right to an opinion. Now dissidents in countries where despots dictators FASCISTS rule will be murdered and even dismembered. It is simply the way the world works and you either support it or ... less
The HARUMPH and GLARE and STARE as if one is a relic from the past. As if there is some stigma or lack in a person who is still tied to "the old ways". They make me nervous as he**.
Rarely do I see others like me writing checks at the checkout counter. They put a card in the machine, enter their pin numbers and whatever other data is required and that's how bu... moreRarely do I see others like me writing checks at the checkout counter. They put a card in the machine, enter their pin numbers and whatever other data is required and that's how business is done mostly today. Then of course there are massive billions of people who buy all their stuff online because you can get it cheaper. I am a hands-on purchaser. I want to see what I'm gonna buy FIRST. Are you an antiquated old-timer like me? Are you hands on too? I wonder how many of us remain and how soon before we become extinct? Remember the days of libraries and bookstores? We could spend hours their perusing so many options before we would buy or check out books? Those were the days. SIGH. less
Hello: Shortly before the mid terms, I made some predictions about what both Trump and Mueller would do after the elections. I said whoever moved first would win. Trump waste... moreHello: Shortly before the mid terms, I made some predictions about what both Trump and Mueller would do after the elections. I said whoever moved first would win. Trump wasted NO time firing Sessions and installing his lackey at temp AG. That put a FRIEND in charge of Mueller.. Boy, oh boy.. It LOOKED like Trump beat Mueller to the punch, and the investigation was DOOMED. But, Mueller is so much smarter than Trump. Turns out, before the election, he filed 50 or so SEALED indictments in court that CANNOT be undone by Whitaker.. Looks like the investigation IS over..excon less
Isn't it odd that people suddenly think that Trump is somehow less legitimate because some voters who supported him are "under-educated," implying that they're stupid dumba$$es, wh... moreIsn't it odd that people suddenly think that Trump is somehow less legitimate because some voters who supported him are "under-educated," implying that they're stupid dumba$$es, when these folks are a portion of the electorate that help decide every presidential election, and they helped deliver the White House to Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Barack Obama?