Why all the fury and furor over installing the newest john of don judge Brett Kavanaugh? The john of don ignores the fact of his judges and points fingers at the judges other presi... moreWhy all the fury and furor over installing the newest john of don judge Brett Kavanaugh? The john of don ignores the fact of his judges and points fingers at the judges other presidents selected. Here is how IT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK. A president appoints a judge to become a justice . The Senate does its advise and consent. Regardless of which president of which party appointed a JUSTICE they are all supposed to be INDEPENDENT OF POLITICS. The john of don is so dumb he thinks we are as dumb as he is. We are not. He will never wisen up so we will always have the upper hand intellectually. Poor fella. He is so outclassed on every level. He only reigns now temporarily because the pols he has to work with are scared sh**less of him. Not the House after January 3, 2019. But now the House shivers and shakes and quakes and the Senate is so afraid of him they dare not speak up to disagree. The only ones who do are leaving so they have nothing to lose. It is a sham and a shame that grown men are so afraid of a tyrant they w... less
All the things that will end up at SCOTUS involving the john of don and he picks a fight with the CHIEF JUSTICE? Is he stupid dumb or what? Don't answer that. It is a r... moreAll the things that will end up at SCOTUS involving the john of don and he picks a fight with the CHIEF JUSTICE? Is he stupid dumb or what? Don't answer that. It is a rhetorical question.
I think it would be like trying to ignore the elephant in the room. The more you ignore the less success you have at doing so. I wonder how many theoretical people an Anthony would... moreI think it would be like trying to ignore the elephant in the room. The more you ignore the less success you have at doing so. I wonder how many theoretical people an Anthony would dispatch to a cornfield. We never found out what happened to the folks who ended up there. Rod Serling left that part to our imaginations. For the Twilight Zone cognoscenti. What do YOU imagine awaited them there?
Some folks never smile. No sense of humor about themselves or others. Believe they have been sent by God to correct us and keep us in line. Take those duties very seriously and are... moreSome folks never smile. No sense of humor about themselves or others. Believe they have been sent by God to correct us and keep us in line. Take those duties very seriously and are always on the job 24/7. I guess God talked to them and told them that was what they should do with their lives and so being very desirous of pleasing God they mingle with us and live among us. Always taking you to task for this and that and the thing too. Repeatedly. Endlessly. Seriously. Rigidly. You cannot escape their scrutiny. Do you mind or kind like the attention? Being under a microscope 24/7 sends you to heaven perchance? SIGH. That's life folks! Take the bad with the good. They are the weeds in your garden of life and inescapable. less
Hey, everyone -- I enjoy and am thankful for the entire answerMug community. To me, everyone adds a special something to the atmosphere. Yes, of course, in my so-called real life I... moreHey, everyone -- I enjoy and am thankful for the entire answerMug community. To me, everyone adds a special something to the atmosphere. Yes, of course, in my so-called real life I have dear friends and family to whom I'm thankful but I enjoy spending time here, too.I'm thankful to all of you -- I think I'm somehow "bettered" by all of us.:)
You say you want to do it? Do it. We let it be. The Saudis did a Qatar blockade. We joined. The Saudis are murdering Yemenis. We are not interfering . The Saudis dismembered a US r... moreYou say you want to do it? Do it. We let it be. The Saudis did a Qatar blockade. We joined. The Saudis are murdering Yemenis. We are not interfering . The Saudis dismembered a US resident who worked for a US newspaper. Said they didn't do. We stand by them. We supported Putin when he said he didn't meddle in our election and when he invaded Ukraine we said it's his right to take back what used to belong to Russia. We buy whatever the despot dictators sell. We are so easy aren't we? We also buy a pedophile like Roy Moose who said he isn't. We bought the Rob Porter denial of beating his wives even when we saw the photos of eyes that were black and blue. Just deny it and we buy it! less
Because he sez sez he it takes too much energy. Of course that's the point of exercise. Getting energized by exercise! Sometimes he misses the point entirely! :(
The john of don sez Ivanka's personal email transgressions were nothing like Hillary and that it is FAKE NEWS. Here's the freebie titleTHE FAKE NEWS BLUESA gift from me to thee. Yo... moreThe john of don sez Ivanka's personal email transgressions were nothing like Hillary and that it is FAKE NEWS. Here's the freebie titleTHE FAKE NEWS BLUESA gift from me to thee. You'r welcome!
The john of don is an EXCEPTIONAL liar yet he bought the Putin LIE that Russia did not meddle in our election and he bought the Saudi LIE that they had nothing to do with the Khash... moreThe john of don is an EXCEPTIONAL liar yet he bought the Putin LIE that Russia did not meddle in our election and he bought the Saudi LIE that they had nothing to do with the Khashoggi dismemberment and he bought the lies of Rob Porter that he didn't beat his wives and he bought the lies of Roy Moore that he wasn't a pedophile and he bought the lies of Brett Kavanaugh and the lies of anyone who sucks up to him bigly oftenly. He is borne liar buyer. Go figger! :(
It almost always takes much longer to respond, and sometimes it doesn't respond at all and a message about the server appears. Have any of you also experienced this? Perhaps JA can... moreIt almost always takes much longer to respond, and sometimes it doesn't respond at all and a message about the server appears. Have any of you also experienced this? Perhaps JA can best address it.
The nondons will hunt you down and tear you apart. Well he** nothing's perfect. No one promised you a rose garden absent thorns. Think of how exciting it will be..the switcheroo? H... moreThe nondons will hunt you down and tear you apart. Well he** nothing's perfect. No one promised you a rose garden absent thorns. Think of how exciting it will be..the switcheroo? Having all the prodons protect you while all the nondons despise you and think you are despicable too? Walk in someone else's shoes. Why not? What could it hurt? What's there to lose? Try it you might like it!
If you have enough it will buy you anything you want. The john isn't a complicated man. He is upfront about it. He is interested in the BOTTOM LINE and what accrues to him. Make it... moreIf you have enough it will buy you anything you want. The john isn't a complicated man. He is upfront about it. He is interested in the BOTTOM LINE and what accrues to him. Make it worth his while and you can have anything you want. See how easy it is to get along in the world of the john of don? Money talks and walks and greases the way to happiness. Oh and of course it doesn't hurt to compliment him 24/7. Why not? What could it hurt? It makes him so happy and it costs you nothing. You don't have to MEAN IT! Just say it! :) less