The pro dons would wear the MAGA logo on body or arm or head or feet or butt. They mostly already do. But you would need to target label identify brand all the non-dons. The swasti... moreThe pro dons would wear the MAGA logo on body or arm or head or feet or butt. They mostly already do. But you would need to target label identify brand all the non-dons. The swastika has already been used by Nazis but I expect they'd love it to be reborn again as American! Or is there another brand design you'd use to brand them on the forehead? Some place you couldn't cover up. Oh. How about on both cheeks (face not butt)? That way at quick glance you'd know who was foe and do with them what you would because anything would be okay. It would all be legal so you would never be in jeopardy eliminating nondons. No rules would apply. Free reign and autonomy! Oh frabjous joy! Wouldn't it be loverly?They would need to be BRANDED because just as you cannot always know who is a Jew by appearance alone and who isn't (thus the reason for branding them) you can't tell at a glance who is a nondon unless wearing MAGA becomes mandatory for the prodons. But maybe there would be an underground black market knock-off site makin... less
What would be the cheapest quickest way to dispose of them? How large a group of assistants would you require to aid and abet you in your duty? How much would it cost to get rid of... moreWhat would be the cheapest quickest way to dispose of them? How large a group of assistants would you require to aid and abet you in your duty? How much would it cost to get rid of all the bad guys so the prez would never again have to tweet about anyone who didn't agree with and support him? I'm sure you would win his undying appreciation for having rid the world of all those thorns in his side. Good luck to y'all. May the best plan win!
What would you like to have Hillary charged with having done and Comey too? So while we're on this roll whom else would you dearly love to see the john of don go after and prosecut... moreWhat would you like to have Hillary charged with having done and Comey too? So while we're on this roll whom else would you dearly love to see the john of don go after and prosecute? For what and why? How many prosecutions would you execute totally? Would you take them sequentially or simultaneously? One atta time or all of them all at once? How many would "all" of them be? Dozens hundreds thousands? Yes you can have time to think about it. Take as much time as you wish since you don't want to exclude or forget any one whom you believe is a criminal. Justice after all is your only motive. less
His obsession with Hillary Clinton and Jim Comey and the dozens of hundreds of thousands of others he wants so DESPERATELY to get back at for perceived slights is remarkable. He is... moreHis obsession with Hillary Clinton and Jim Comey and the dozens of hundreds of thousands of others he wants so DESPERATELY to get back at for perceived slights is remarkable. He is so simple minded. He be da prez. He be invincible. He be unstoppable. He be winner. He be he be he b e he he be. Nutjob wackadoodle be he. Gives us the heebie jeebie do he. Wackadoodle! Sheesh! :(
At the VERY LEAST he should have the CAJONES to listen to the dam* tape. He sided with the Saudis and supports the butcher known as the Crown Prince. He does that for future moneta... moreAt the VERY LEAST he should have the CAJONES to listen to the dam* tape. He sided with the Saudis and supports the butcher known as the Crown Prince. He does that for future monetary gain for himself. He should at least BE FORCED to listen to the gruesome sounds of a man being tortured and then once beheaded no sound at all from him but probably plenty of happy noises from the butcher dismembering savages who are high-fiving one another VERBALLY! Chicken man. Scairy cat. Too delicate to listen to what he supports sanctions approved of and defends nd INSURES will keep happening because the world sees he approved of it. Sheesh! :( less
When there is no bottom you keep falling. A TV cable show host was quoted as saying that. There is no bottom to the john of don. He is endlessly foreverly constantly incessan... moreWhen there is no bottom you keep falling. A TV cable show host was quoted as saying that. There is no bottom to the john of don. He is endlessly foreverly constantly incessantly outdoing himself. He has no end.
Won't that barbed wire have to be removed to build the john of don's magnificent WALL that he PROMISED Y'all? So the barbed wire was just to give something to the troops to do and ... moreWon't that barbed wire have to be removed to build the john of don's magnificent WALL that he PROMISED Y'all? So the barbed wire was just to give something to the troops to do and when it's removed it will give whomever does it something to do. Could the border patrol have done that? How difficult is it to put up barbed wire? Does it take mlitary training to do it? Inquiring minds wanna know. Where will the john of don put his toy soldiers next? Anyone know?
The john of don is apparently a reader of minds and thoughts. He is always telling us what we think. "Everyone says so". He sez that a lot. "Everyone thinks so". He KNOWS all you k... moreThe john of don is apparently a reader of minds and thoughts. He is always telling us what we think. "Everyone says so". He sez that a lot. "Everyone thinks so". He KNOWS all you know. SIGH. He said the troops are so proud to be at the border and not to worry about them at Thanksgiving. What does he care? He is going off to the lavish palace Mar A Lago and will pig out on foods and enjoy the luxury of pompous splendor while the troops are away from their families. He cares so much for the military doesn't he? Warms your heart. Right? less
Do you support the butchers of the world? The torturers beheaders dismemberment ers? Your john of don "president" does and said so out loud to the world. A policy he will undoubted... moreDo you support the butchers of the world? The torturers beheaders dismemberment ers? Your john of don "president" does and said so out loud to the world. A policy he will undoubtedly keep repeating. If you support this john of don then you are a butcher lover too. It happens. Different strokes. If you support butchers you are probably safe from being butchered beheaded broken apart bit by bit dismembered. Then they dissolve you in acid and you disappear. No bits left to bury.If you can't beat 'em join 'em! Congrats to all of you survivors out there for keeping your heads and other body parts. SIGH. less
Has Switzerland ever been involved in any wars? Aren't the Swiss removed aloof apart from the rest of us? They make great chocolate and watches. Beautiful ski resorts. Wondrous and... moreHas Switzerland ever been involved in any wars? Aren't the Swiss removed aloof apart from the rest of us? They make great chocolate and watches. Beautiful ski resorts. Wondrous and peaceful. I wonder why other countries haven't just marched in to conquer it? No oil? Curious.
Can they ever get back what they put aside" temporarily" or is it gone forever and they have become what they "temporarily" were forever more? A bargain with the Devil?
That we have fallen so low so fast is surprising. That no one is doing anything to prevent the sale is disappointing. Are there no heroes out there? The guy in charge looks t... moreThat we have fallen so low so fast is surprising. That no one is doing anything to prevent the sale is disappointing. Are there no heroes out there? The guy in charge looks the other way when the paycheck payout haul is big enough. The Saudi Crown Prince, a butcher, now can rest assured he will not be stopped from doing whatever he wishes to "clean house". Get rid of dissidents. It starts with journalists. Who is next? Clerics teachers scientists you or your loved ones? SIGH.
He warned us against a president who would appoint a compliant dope to be an OBSEQUIOUS INSTRUMENT OF THE PRESIDENT'S PLEASURE. That is precisely what Matthew Whi... moreHe warned us against a president who would appoint a compliant dope to be an OBSEQUIOUS INSTRUMENT OF THE PRESIDENT'S PLEASURE. That is precisely what Matthew Whitaker is. An obsequious instrument of the president's pleasure. He is installed as Acting AG to protect the president and to let the president do whatever he wants whenever he wants however he wants as often as he wants. In other words an official toady sycophant who has no interest in protecting the country against a wackadoodle president and is only interested in being a bobble head yes man 24/7. Obsequious instrument of the president's pleasure. Alexander Hamilton had a way with words. Presidents have tried it before and failed. When George W. Bush wanted to appoint Harriet Miers to a job for which she was totally and completely incompetent that obsequious instrument of the president's pleasure came up again. How insightful for Hamilton to know so long ago that there would be a need for it futurely so long ago. So. Now w... less
The guy in charge here has given his blessing to the world's despot dictator torturer murdering beheading dismemberment SOB's with his refusal to condemn or admit that the Saudi Cr... moreThe guy in charge here has given his blessing to the world's despot dictator torturer murdering beheading dismemberment SOB's with his refusal to condemn or admit that the Saudi Crown prince gave the go-ahead for the Khashoggi atrocity. They know that the guy is charge here will defend them and deny and just keep lying to protect their right to slaughter all dissidents and not have to pay a price They could not have better "friend" in the guy in charge here. So we just watch while people are hacked and slayed and butchered. I guess. less
If I sleep on a hard mattress, my back kills me, but I know others who have similar back problems and prefer a hard mattress. And, I know people without ailments that prefer either... moreIf I sleep on a hard mattress, my back kills me, but I know others who have similar back problems and prefer a hard mattress. And, I know people without ailments that prefer either one. It doesn't seem to be tied to health conditions or weight.
This morning the wife and I became Grandparents for the 2nd time. 4 years ago it was looking like we would never become Grandparents but now we have a 3 year old G... moreThis morning the wife and I became Grandparents for the 2nd time. 4 years ago it was looking like we would never become Grandparents but now we have a 3 year old Granddaughter and a brand new Grandson. Cheers!