Not so much okay as controlling. I think it's best to take people as they are and not try to change them. Or you can just leave them alone. Avoid them completely. I mean some... moreNot so much okay as controlling. I think it's best to take people as they are and not try to change them. Or you can just leave them alone. Avoid them completely. I mean sometimes you wish they weren't what they are or whom they are but they also wish that very same thing about you too. So we are what we are and whom we are and either we accept that or we can be hermits or worst case we can find someone exactly like us and live without growing or stretching the rest of our lives. If people don't "obey" us or do what we require to like them better maybe we just aren't people persons. I dunno.Who really likes someone who is dissatisfied with the way you are and keeps trying to change you? Doesn't that become boring and tiresome and tedious very quickly and make you lose interest? So he/she says/does some things you'd rather they didn't do too. Do you have a list of dealbreakers? Is it extensive? Is everything you don't like a dealbreaker? SIGH. less
You walk different roads/paths until you find the one that is most pleasing. You try on different clothes until you find the ones that fit. What makes sense to you may not be what ... moreYou walk different roads/paths until you find the one that is most pleasing. You try on different clothes until you find the ones that fit. What makes sense to you may not be what makes sense to me. That is called variety and it's a good thing. What's not good is when we go to war to make "the other" conform to what we believe and like and wish and prefer and want. Why do people do that when it is always doomed to fail?
Allegedly in bed with 32 other expected indictees? I know the john of don is a "frisky" or so we're told but 32 others in bed? If truly true and not falsely false that I would like... moreAllegedly in bed with 32 other expected indictees? I know the john of don is a "frisky" or so we're told but 32 others in bed? If truly true and not falsely false that I would like to see. Normally I am NOT a voyeur but I would make an exception for the john of don in such a bedly intimacy! Wouldn't thee?
Did the powerless impotent man really believe he had complete control over all business decisions of all corporations? Why would he deceive himself like that or did he know better ... moreDid the powerless impotent man really believe he had complete control over all business decisions of all corporations? Why would he deceive himself like that or did he know better and just told the lies he needed to tell to make folks BELIEVE IN HIM? Those believers are still jobless and jobless they will always be futurely UNLESS they learn a new trade and forget the false promises. Unless and until.
She sez He sez. She says he hasn't accounted for the money that was apparently collected on her behalf. She sez she never authorized him to a file a defamation of character lawsuit... moreShe sez He sez. She says he hasn't accounted for the money that was apparently collected on her behalf. She sez she never authorized him to a file a defamation of character lawsuit against the john of don. She says she never authorized him to speak for her. He says the opposite. Whom do YOU believe? Always the guy because women all lie (about being raped and sexually assaulted right?) . Pick a number any number. SIGH.
Narcissus was so in love with his image reflected in a pool that he wasted away from unfulfilled desire whereupon he was turned into the flower. Image desiring yourself that much?N... moreNarcissus was so in love with his image reflected in a pool that he wasted away from unfulfilled desire whereupon he was turned into the flower. Image desiring yourself that much?NARCISSISMInordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love, vanity. Erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes being a normal condition at the INFANTILE LEVEL OF PERSONALITY FORMATION.The john of don to a T. Baby blimp. Stopped growing at the infant level. Yep. we got a baby in the White House leading us. Isn't that sweet and swell and great and awesome and admirable? less
Or is it spontaneous combustion when everything go BOOM and suddenly there is a movement and groupies and someone at the lead? Do they hatch simultaneously or sequentially? Does a ... moreOr is it spontaneous combustion when everything go BOOM and suddenly there is a movement and groupies and someone at the lead? Do they hatch simultaneously or sequentially? Does a "leader" wanna be declare himself to be and then convince the starving-for-a-leader masses to follow him? Or do they create him because they are direcitonless and have no means by which to navigate through life unless someone tells them how? T'is a puzzlement it t'is.
Any time the advantage is in his court, Graham has to act the big BOSS. Like anyone cares what this gutless wonder is going to do or say next.Now he is flaunting the fact tha... moreAny time the advantage is in his court, Graham has to act the big BOSS. Like anyone cares what this gutless wonder is going to do or say next.Now he is flaunting the fact that he is rebelling against Trump by voting no to what Trump wants regarding Saudi Arabia.SURE. NOW he stands up to him, when he has full knowledge that Trump is despised by a big chunk of people that matter in Congress. Now Graham is changing his FAIR WEATHER FRIEND tune.He and Trump were probably birthed by the same Jakal. Two of a kind. less
I think far too many adults take 1st Corinthians too seriously and follow it to a T. Which is why so many of them are sour and suspicious and sanctimonious and supercilious. Age do... moreI think far too many adults take 1st Corinthians too seriously and follow it to a T. Which is why so many of them are sour and suspicious and sanctimonious and supercilious. Age does that to some folks. Not to you though. Right?